Another absolutely fantastic unbirth story by threk on Aryion, although it’s more about anal-vore here. The story follows Jane and Daisy. Both have been taking part in different nutrition experiments and both had quite the different effects on them. Due to the compression pills Jane had taken, she actually shrunk down and now appeared like a young girl, although looking closely, one could see her features weren’t that of a child. Daisy, on the other hand, had taken something that helped her absorb as much of her food as possible, causing her to grow quite a bit. Visiting a water park together, the two get into quite a severe accident, which results in a very unusual and difficult situation for them both, which was actually only possible due to their size differences. Luckily, due to the pills Daisy had taken, and the resulting effects, Jane was actually able to survive her new confinement and after being forced to stay there for some time due to not wanting to reveal what had happened, both begin to realize that this arrangement could actually be quite enjoyable for them both… Notes / summary for me (SPOILERS!) Fantastic long-term unbirth and awesome description on how Jane and Daisy live their new life. Also really hot with the explanation on how the two gained their abbilities. The element of Jane growing back to her actual size, within Daisy is also fantastic. ...