With transformation, I mean all kinds of magic or not purely scientific methods of altering one’s body. Body Modification would count into this, but I consider that more of doing surgery, etc.. So be that through magic, some kind of possession or merging, or whatever. So Absorption is basically a sub-category of this tag here.
Smooth Plastic by Nate Walis
Smooth Plastic by Nate Walis (Archive Link) This fantastic doll transformation story by Nate Walis follows the actor and model Eliza Aukerman getting contacted by a Japanese doll company about one of their best-selling models. A mermaid doll called Princess Iyesha had actually been based partially off of her, and the most recent project of the company was to create a live-action park where all those extremely famous dolls would come to live. But what the company had in mind wasn’t just a normal costume, but for the models to truly become those dolls with a perfect resemblance. From the plastic-like skin, to the doll-joins, and in the case of Eliza, even the colourful mermaid tail. The story details Eliza’s transformation and surgeries to become this perfect living version of Iyesha as she goes from a normal human being and transforms into a living plastic lifeform, perfectly bringing the Princess doll to life. ...