A character getting encased or wearing something basically forever. Now be that by some kind of magic, or some high-tech encasement process, or just getting locked into something, that can never be taken off, without basically killing the wearer.
Last Cage by Mikel
Last Cage by Mikel (Archive Link) Another wonderful and quite long chastity story by Mikel. This work follows Abby and her obsession of being locked inside a cage or other bondage. It all started with her getting locked into a cage by her brother during her childhood, and had grown quite an interest in the feeling she got during that experience. Connecting her toys to a live-streaming website, she quickly assembles a setup where she is tortured for hours or even days on end. But this all is still not enough for her and after coming across a company that makes quite sophisticated bondage cages, she plans to realize her life-long dreams… ...