The sci-fi concept of billions of incredibly small little robots one can program to create or modify basically anything. By their swarm nature, one can easily have them form into some sort of material or change / transform something else. From a fetish perspective, these bots can be used to either further adjust existing fetish gear, or transform a character, be that willingly or not.
Works by MBirdCZ
Some of my favourite works by MBirdCZ on DeviantArt. Works by MBirdCZ Awakening DeviantArt Working… Please Wait… DeviantArt Suddenly you feel as if thousands of tiny needles penetrated your skin in places where the nurse outfit touches it and in the next moment your whole body starts to tingle… ...
Karen – The Pleasure Suit by MonsterP63
Karen – The Pleasure Suit by MonsterP63 Original on Archived Version MonsterP63 has been inspired to write this work by a scenario by RubberMatt. It follows Karen trying on some special kind of Pleasure Suit, from which she is warned by her Boss, Mr. Thompson, that she might not want to take it off any more. The suit is extremely high-tech, with nanites and everything. She was playing with the lump of strange material, deep black, as shiny as liquid tar, in her hand. ...
Karen – Nanojeans by MonsterP63
Karen – Nanojeans by MonsterP63 Original on Archived Version Karen’s obsession with tight clothes doesn’t end, and this time she goes further than ever by playing around with nano-machines. Things just get a bit out of hand. Cool little short-story by MonsterP63 with some futuristic elements. ...
Fetish Contracts by D3_M
This is an old story from the author D3_M, that I managed to find in an archive of A story about some very special fetish costumes, which is told from different perspectives. Fetish Contracts Late night shopping had turned up fruitless. There were no good costume shops in the metropolis. Sure there were costume shops with Fantastic Four, Spiderman, Robin Hood, Superman, Batman, the list of American and European costumes were endless. ...