This is specifically about any kind of belly-inflation done with liquid. Be that large enemas or inflating balloons. So works where the belly gets inflated due to unbrith or pregnancy aren’t about this.
Liquid Inflation
Pumped Full by Pintopachinko
Pumped Full by Pintopachinko (Archive Link) This short belly-inflation story follows Kayla and her investigation in an abandoned factory. Trying to get as many photos as possible, she quickly finds herself in some trouble, when she’s grabbed by some ominous machine and partially stripped. Hoses and tubes begin descending on her, and when the first begins pressing into her vagina and stretching her painfully, she really begins to panic. But the machines won’t stop and bit by bit, Kayla gets pumped full of some weird hot gel, which begins to really hurt. ...
A Fulfilling Experience by BetterBelly
A Fulfilling Experience by BetterBelly This absolutely fantastic unbirth slime story by BetterBelly follows the female main character and her obsession with pregnancy and huge pregnant bellies. After seeing a heavily pregnant woman at the beach, she finally decides to purchase a «Pregnancy Simulator Kit». Going through the entire process of pumping the provided gel inside herself, by the time, she has finished the second can, she realizes there had to be something wrong, as her belly began to move around. Reading the instructions again, she finds that one, under no circumstances, should use the gel from cans with consecutive serial numbers… She quickly finds herself in quite the interesting situation, when the gel inside her womb starts to become alive, and conscious… ...