The idea of wearing some kind of fetish clothing, or more general, just anything you don’t want someone else to see, by hiding it under some other clothing. Just imagine, wearing a catsuit and then covering it up with a long coat. This can go to some extreme lengths, which for me makes it better and better.
Karen – Revealed by MonsterP63
Karen – Revealed by MonsterP63 Original on Archived Version Another awesome little latex exhibitionism story by MonsterP63 from 2006. The story follows Karen hiding her kinky latex outfit under some street clothes and going to a local store. But when her long skirt gets caught on something near the door, it completely rips open, revealing her black latex encased legs. But instead of getting weird or disgusted looks, the kids of the family right near her think she’s actually Catwoman. With the people around the store taking up that idea, she goes with it as well and walks around the store in complete latex, with ballet heels and, to everyone around her unknown, giant toys inside her… Karen was slowly getting out of her car, apparently in pain or something similar as she didn’t appear to move freely. To a casual observer, it was simply someone with some back problems. Someone paying attention would notice what seem to be high heels under her long black skirt, reaching the ground. ...