My favourite works by Tsukune_Lime on Pixiv.

Works by Tsukune_Lime

一緒に遊ぼうよ~ (Let’s play together~)

Face request

“Come on, I just wanna see you with this expression…”


Kigurumi Endurance Stream
Nothing much to see here~

甘雨 (Ganyu)

I’ve seen a lot of Ganyu in tweets recently.

発電中 (Generating electricity)

Indirect kiss challenge

Breath play challenge:
Both holding hands with their breathing tube connected. First who reach their limit and wanna give up can do so by releasing their hand and pull it back.

儀式 (Ritual)

Ritual to erase individuality
Initiation rite, discarding one’s individuality.

売り子ちゃん (Sales Girl)

Welcome our new model to help you see what our product looks like on a person. If you have a chance to stop by our shop don’t forget to greet her. ^-^ (even though she can’t talk to you…)

フィギュア発送中 (Figures being shipped)

A Kigurumi figure being prepared for shipping.

中身 (Contents)

Told you. There is no “person” inside.
Accidentally deleted the original ones >_<

防電スーツ (anti-electric suit)

For the safety of Rhodes’s Island’s properties, we have prepared an electric proof suit for Liskarm. (And for safe cuddles)

着ぐるみと夜のデート (Night date with costumes)

“It looks like we’re actually going on a date…”

お嬢様とメイドドール達 (Princess and maid dolls)

ちょっと涼しい空気を… (Some cool air…)

こういうが好き~ (I like this~)

練習絵 (Practice drawing)

タイツ vsラバー (Tights vs Rubber)

Is your senior a tights person? , are you a rubber fan?

2000フォロワー記念絵 (2000 followers commemorative picture)

着ぐるみ双子姉妹 (Kigurumi twin sisters)

使用済みドール (Used Doll)

Satori : third eye

The world reveals itself before her third eye.

イチカちゃんと正義実現委員会の活動体験 (Ichika-chan and Justice Realization Committee activity experience)
