Some of my favourite works by phetishskin on DeviantArt.

Works by Phetishskin

The Wet Room feat Aqua and Orca

The Wet Room feat Aqua & Ocea



After doing several complex pieces I felt a desire to paint something simpler that depicted not only a literal, physical connection of breathplay but also the deep emotional connection that is at the core of latex bdsm.

The Faces I Desire

Now who wouldn’t want a collection like this to play with?

(And whodathunk painting an image containing 23 individual masks would have taken so long…? 😅)

Inspiration came during a morning meditation and was a great opportunity to think of what I’d love to play with if given an unlimited budget and the space to house such a collection.

Anointed by the Mother Goddess

I don’t quite know what this means (the image came to me, fully formed while meditating) - so feel free to project your imagination into this scene, these characters and enjoy…


This one built up from a very simple sketch that I struggled with for at least a week, trying to find an ’edge’ for the piece - when I realised what the ominous mask might look like, that was the key that unlocked the rest of the painting. Thankfully a calm weekend this weekend meant the actual painting happened swiftly.

The Entourage

I’m not sure whether I’ll ever be able to attend an actual fetish event at a nightclub but that doesn’t stop my brain from conjuring images of one…



What do you think - are these the right fit for you?

(Don’t ask me why it’s called this - I just needed a filename when I finished the sketch)

Lots of fun transparent latex to paint here!


I started this one with the idea of the central pose & viewpoint…and things just went from there…

So, I had the desire to paint something soft, cuddly, voluminous and very, very pink…

Machina Dream

The backstory for this image is a long and convoluted one (my Patreons know the details). But it was real fun painting this piece, which is a little more scifi than normal. Big fan of Sorayama’s sexy robot paintings from the 80s,so I’m sure that factored in somewhere…
