Short image series about a rather extreme corset by LapinDeFer on DeviantArt.

Reverse-Prayer is another element that just adds quite a bit of touch to a bondage setup, or even better, a corset. These kinds of Venus corsets make for some wonderful scenarios. This entire thing also starts to go into the Extreme Flexibility section.

Venus Corset by LapinDeFer

Image captions are from the original on DeviantArt.

The Beginning

This is a reworking of an old unfinished series I did long time ago. It is based on a series of drawings, which John Willie did, which was then finished by Stanton.
The uncensored pic is on Art of Darkness

The Plunge

Second installment of this series.
The title works better with the explicit version, which can be found at AOD.
There is much more to come (I mean we have not even seen the corset yet)…


The story continues - and it is far from over.
This time there’s only one version

The Wrapping

Now it’s getting serious…

The Features

And so the work continues.
I mean, we can’t have a featureless mummified face now, can we?

The dressing

The elegance of the red dress belies what lies below…
…and the leash is a necessary tool to keep the main character on the straight and narrow

The Pick-Up

Last picture for this time. We say farewell with a wave from the maid’s hand.
Doing a seven picture series have me appreciate even more the work going into the major series some of you are producing. I’m officially impressed.
