Tina by Elisabete
Part 1
She grew in a very small rural city, but was no fool. Tina was a brilliant student and as soon she finished high school, her parents applied to every university that she had a slim chance of acceptance. Her efforts paid off when she was accepted to one of the best Dentistry colleges in the country. Soon she sadly realized that together with her education comes a huge debt. Her parents could never afford that education. Tina was determined and told her father to not worry about the money. She was sure to find a job so she could pay for college.
The first two years went according to all her plans. She found a job as waitress in a pub near the college and put her money to good use paying for her education. As her courses progressed she needed to pay for more books and money quickly started to be an issue. Then she found William.
Indeed, William found her, out of plain luck. He went to the pub where Tina worked just to drink a little. He had no reason to celebrate, in fact he was frustrated, as his assistant just resigned. That was no surprise as he had four office assistants in the last six months. The all refused to work when he asks them to try his contraptions.
Despite all her efforts Tina couldn’t hide her sad face. Her rent was late. She don’t know where to find more money. Her frowned face did not help with tips either as customers expect a smiling cheerful waitress. Thinking of that made her spiral deep into her troubles. A single teardrop ran from her eye.
“Hey girl, a buck for your thoughts.” William said, while he placed a dollar bill on the counter.
“Usually I wouldn’t say anything, but I need the money.” Said Tina, reaching for the bill.
“Wait girl! To get the money, you first need to tell me what is on your mind. That’s the rule!”
“I’m a week late on my rent, I’m worried where the money will come from — I’m broke”
“What happened?” asked William, being nosy.
“The dentistry college is expensive and I had to buy books and my money has gone way faster than I could imagine”
William raised his eyebrows. He needs an assistant that is a little more reluctant to quit the job in his dental office.
“Girl, maybe we can help each other. How much do you need a month to pay for college, rent, and your living expenses?”
Tina reached her pocket, took her small notepad and wrote down a number. She tore off the page and gave it to him.
She saw a smile on his face. Despite the number she wrote being a large amount, at least compared with her needs, it wasn’t much far from what he paid for the previous assistants.
“You’re in luck. I need an assistant in my office.”
“Your office?”
“Yes, I’m a dentist”
A pretty smile washed away her sadness.
“Really? When do I start?”
The address seems correct but it was not an office building but rather a house in a place kind far from downtown. Anyway, exactly at 1PM she rang the doorbell. William opened the door and invited her inside.
“I’m glad you’re on time. How are you Tina?”
“I’m great! A bit nervous but happy”
“Understandable. First things first, you’ll need a uniform. I left a box in the ladies’ room for you. Hope it fits. I bought the size you told me”
Tina thanked him and headed to the small restroom. She found the box and examined its contents. She found a white, short sleeved dress, white pantyhose, and a pair of pumps. Also at the bottom was white coat, the only thing that matched her expectations about a dentist assistant’s uniform.
She used the opportunity to fix her curled, shoulder length blonde hair and apply a nice eyeliner. After folding her t-shirt and jeans she put on the nylons and the dress. The dress was pretty snug revealing her body shape. The pumps were somewhat challenging to her. Neither the fact that she used to wear mostly trainers and that the heels are 10cm high helped. While wearing them Tina stood about 170cm tall.
Tina tried to look herself on the small mirror, but she couldn’t see much. Her waist, or lack of, made her regret eating so much microwavable food. “Anyway!” Now she’ll be able to afford to eat better. She grabbed the coat, put her own clothes inside the cardboard box, and opened the door.
“Not bad, not bad at all!” Exclaimed William. “Let’s get to work. You will sterilize, organize my tools, materials, and keep the office neat between the patients. Okay? I’ll also ask you to stay out of office when I’m doing the procedures, since I prefer to work alone.”
“I’ll do my best!”
And that she did easily. In fact, the biggest challenge was wearing those high heeled shoes. William have not many patients, but they all looked somewhat wealthy. Either because their clothes and jewelry or the luxury cars they parked in driveway.
Friday afternoon, before closing the office, William approached Tiny and gave her a small envelope.
“Your first pay check… and a small bonus you deserve.”
Tina became speechless. That was not only enough to pay her back rent but she could even pay an entire month in advance if she wants. She thanked William and kissed his cheek.
“Until next week Tina, have a nice weekend!”
“Have a nice weekend too Dr. William!”
“Bill, you can call me Bill!”
Next Monday Tina arrived on time, dressed her uniform and started to check William’s tools when he interrupted.
“Dear, I need to talk to you.”
“Why, Did I do something wrong?”
“No no, far from it! But I need to be clearer about what I most of my patients want and what I most need from you. I’ll understand if you don’t agree. After all four other women gave up before you.”
She looked very surprised but still tried to keep a straight face.
He continued: “I offer a service that most dentists in town, if not all, would not do. Several of my clients pay me to wire their mouths shut, either for losing weight or other reasons. That is time consuming to do and even being very effective, the result is very ugly. To be sure the patients do not want to smile at all.”
“Do… do you want to wire my mouth shut too?” Tina asked, a little scared, but still holding her poker face.
“No, isn’t that. I invented a new kind of device. It’s like an orthodontic brace. It has same effect my customers want, but looking way nicer than wires crossing your teeth up and down. I just need you to agree to be the first to try it, so I can test the device and improve it if needed.”
She was somewhat relieved. “A device like a brace couldn’t be so bad”, she thought. And she will have enough money to pay her college debt, maybe even sooner than she ever could imagine.
“Of course!” Tina said while she walked past William and sat on the patient’s chair.
“Wow you’ve initiative! Are you really sure… I mean, don’t want to know more about it before?” William was surprised by Tina’s reaction, his thoughts were of making arguments to convince her. Now those were unnecessary.
“You think it’s safe. Isn’t it?” Asked Tina, more to give him an answer than desire to know. After all a dentist would never do something that may harm one’s mouth was her logic. Also, she was ready to feel some pain or discomfort for the sake of that job.
“I can’t assure it will be 100% safe since I never tested it yet. Of course I put a lot of thought about the design and couldn’t find anything that may pose a big danger.”
Tina just opened her mouth wide.
“Okay okay, seems you don’t want to lose time Tina, I’ll first make an x-ray of your teeth.” Said William as he took the x-ray machine and produced the image.
Having check her x-ray, William started to work on Tina’s mouth. At first, he didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, just set regular brackets. But instead of installing them on the out surface of her teeth, they faced the inside. Tina knew that such arrangement was not so uncommon and so stayed relaxed. After finishing that part William allowed Tina to rest for a few minutes.
“Looks like you just applied regular braces on the inside of my teeth Bill. I thought my teeth were straight enough.” Tina talked with a big lisp, most because of the anesthesia, but of course the braces did not help.
“Yes, they are, I did not put any tension on the braces. The idea is just to keep your teeth where they are and if my device somehow affects them in a way it shouldn’t, we can quickly fix it.” William explained. “Let’s resume? Open your mouth.”
He resume the work. William attached some metal on her back teeth, both upper and lower. He had to drill a small trench on the top surfaces of the lower back teeth, so the tiny mechanism can pass from the inside to the outside of her arcade. These trenches were coated with resin to avoid cavities and to protect her teeth. On the inside, he attached a small telescoping tube, resembling an antenna of a portable radio, between her lower and upper back teeth, both on left and right. This small tube was installed in a way that allowed free telescopic movement allowing Tina to open and close her mouth. But he needed to check it:
“Open and close your mouth few times Tina”
She did as he asked, and had no problems to do that:
“Feels weird Bill, I can feel something moving near my back teeth but I can open and close yes.” She said, still with a lisp.
“Very good, just more one part and we are finished.”
Tina opened her mouth again and he started to work on the last part on outside of lower back teeth. There he added a small hex screw, that connected to a tiny lever that went through the small trench sculpted on her teeth. On the inside it connected to the telescopic piston assembly. The mechanism was simple enough. When the screw was tightened, it also tightens the tube inside her arcade, making any movement of the piston impossible. Once the screw was loose, so was the telescopic assembly and free movement was once again possible.
Now that the device was completely installed, William finished the work by polishing her teeth. He also covered the small trenches on her molars but making sure there was space for the lever move freely.
“We are done for now Tina. I want all the anesthesia fade away before test the device and to know if is hurting more than expected. Maybe you should go home and rest for today.”
“Thank you, Bill. It’s almost time to close the office anyway.” The words were hard to understand, thanks for her numb mouth and all that metal installed on it.
She changed to her street clothes and headed home. When she arrived, the anesthesia effect was already completely gone. The mouth was sore but far less than she imagined at first. She went to her restroom, and started to look in details her mouth using the mirror. She noticed the small telescopic tubes and opened and closed her jaw a few times. To Tina, they looked and moved like tiny versions of a bike’s front shocks.
“So that must be his device, and some way that small screw on the outside part must do some kind of adjustment” she thought. Then her hunger reminded her that she needed to make some dinner. After a nice bowl of soup, as she did not want to try her lucky chewing some harder stuff, her life continued as usual.
The next morning at college she tried to not speak as much to avoid any attention to her new device. A few closer friends asked if she had got braces, but a simple yes was enough to for them. In the afternoon, she was back to William’s office, wearing the snug white dress, the white tights and her 10cm pumps.
“You always look stunning in this dress, Tina” Complimented William “Hope you had no troubles in your mouth since yesterday”
“No troubles at all Bill. I Just noticed that lateral jaw movement is kind of limited but otherwise is pretty fine” Her words were spoken with a smaller lisp than before as no numbness remained.
“Wonderful Tina. Are you read to test the functionality of it?”
William opened a drawer a picked a small screwdriver.
“Open your mouth wide please. Keep it that way.”
While Tina hold her mouth open, Bill used the screwdriver to tighten the small screws on both sides of her device. Just about a couple of full turns did the trick.
“Nice Tina, now try to close.” Ordered William. Tina tried but she couldn’t as the small tubes could not freely slide one inside another anymore. She grunted and her eyes opened wide as she was not expecting that to happen.
“Can’t close it Tina?”
She shook her head. William smiled as it worked flawless.
“Try to bite with more force Tina, don’t be afraid, this thing is supposed to hold more than a normal jaw strength”
Tina bit as hard as she could, and soon she felt a sharp pressure in her back molars, as she was biting something very hard. She bit even harder. Her eyes squinted but the only thing she could do was make that pressure became painful.
“Mmm mmm” the girl grunted, shaking her head.
“Excellent, looks flawless so far. Let me release it”
He loosened the screws and immediately could close her mouth.
“Ouch! I’m glad you released it, that thing really won’t budge.”
“Perfect! Now please close your teeth but open your lips.”
She made a wide smile as instructed. He used his index finger to spread her lips to the side and through the gap he made, inserted his screwdriver and once more locked her mouth. The procedure was repeated on the other side.
“Nice, now try to open it.”
She promptly tried but could not do any slight movement. Her teeth are closed as before. Tina didn’t wait for William ask. She immediately tried to open it with all her might. That only made her feel like her molars are being pulled. With that sharp pain she gave up. Once again, she shook her head.
Excusing himself, William held her chin and tried for himself to test device’s grip by trying to pry open her mouth with his fingers.
“Stwppp!” Tina tried to shout, failing since she can’t open her mouth.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Answered William while he used the screwdriver to release her mouth again.
“It felt like my teeth were being pulled out when you applied force. That hurts!” she complained.
“I’m sorry, I don’t wish to hurt you, I just wanted to feel if it was holding your jaw really closed.”
“I can assure you, that thing really works. It’s a little scary indeed. Wonder why anyone would need this…”
“As I said, some people want to lose weight, other have they own reasons.”
“Wonder what reasons.”
“I’ll tell you Tina. Control. Some people love to be controlled by their partners and this will be a great improvement over using wire to shut one’s mouth close. It can be used in public, as normal gags can’t”
“Yes, as ball gags, didn’t you watch Pulp Fiction?”
“Oh my… It’s kinky stuff so? Do you do that Bill? Are you into such things?” She asked, with a trembling in her voice.
“Oh dear, I really don’t want to scare you with these things, but I’ll be honest… yes, I’m into some fetishes as are most of my customers. I don’t expect you to be into those things too, but also I hope you don’t mind it.”
Tina froze for few seconds; her mind was racing about all this. Her uniform, this device, the fact that she just clean and organized the tools but don’t stay with him while he does the procedures, now makes sense, she isn’t working for a regular dentist. “Had I known this before… Now it’s better to play along” she thought.
“I’m surprised as I didn’t know those things before hand, but as long there is nothing illegal I will do work for you.”
“I’m glad you will Tina. Now about your device, we need two things. First I want to let you wear for a couple of months to see how well it does in long term, and second we need a name for it. I was thinking of Teeth Locker.”
“Two months? Will I have my teeth locked all the time?” She asked, visibly upset.
Despite being his true wish to keep her locked, William said:
“No, of course not, you’ll be free. The idea is to test how it works for long term patients. To see if there are any unforeseen problems or such. The locking function is tested and proved to me after what you said today.”
“Sure Bill, wearing it unlocked is just a minor nuisance, not unlike regular braces I think.”
“Great, so let’s go back to work, we have a patient arriving soon.”
Part 2
Life went well for the next two months. Tina could almost forget about the Teeth Locker she wore if wasn’t for the extra care she needed when brushing her teeth. She also got more used to wearing her pumps. She even bought and extra pair to have an option. She also stopped wearing her trainers to college. It was easier to just wear heels, since is something less to carry in her backpack.
Monday seemed to be a normal day. Tina arrived at William’s office. She changed into her dress, tights, and put the white coat.
William said to her, “Looks you didn’t have any issues with your Teeth Locker. Did you?”
“It is very good. I feel nothing strange and don’t notice anything wrong either.”
“Perfect. I think is time to book our first customer so. Call this number, you’ll talk to Mr. Phil, he is Ms.Elisabete’s husband who showed interest in this when I told him about it. Tell him the Teeth Locker is ready and he can book a consultation for his wife.”
Tina did as she was told. Mr. Phil seemed very excited over the phone insisting he wanted his wife there immediately. William agreed and within half hour she arrived. Tina, hearing a car parking in the driveway, peeked through the window. She saw a woman wearing a shiny and skin tight long sleeved green dress that was knee length. Her legs were wearing what appeared to be black wet-look stockings. The weirdest thing to Tina’s eyes were the boots. It looked like she is walking on her tip toes as a ballerina en pointe, but with a high heel. Then the doorbell rings.
Tina opened the door: “Welcome, you must be Ms. Elisabete.”
“Yes dear, I am. My husband said I should came here immediately. So I did.”
“Good. Doctor William is waiting, follow me.”
Elisabete followed Tina to the office and laid on the chair. But this time William didn’t ask Tina to leave the room and close the door as usual. He asked her to stay and watch. She sat on a chair in the corner of the room watching. William used some leather cuffs to bind Elisabete’s arms, wrists, thighs, and ankles firmly to the chair. Tina’s eyes opened wide but she didn’t say a word.
William worked for the rest of afternoon in Elisabete’s mouth. During several steps in the procedure he invited Tina to look closer. When finished it really looked just like the one installed on her teeth two months before. Elisabete was released from the chair and then looked at a mirror:
“What is this you installed in my mouth?” She said with a big lisp.
“Don’t worry, it will be explained once your husband arrives. Just rest for now.” William answered. “Tina, please clean the office while we wait.” he added.
It was near the time to close the office when Mr. Phil arrived. Tina opened the door and invited him inside. William greeted him.
“Good afternoon Mr. Phil!”
“Good afternoon Doctor. Is Elisabete ready?”
“Sure. She is waiting for you on that couch”
Tina lead the two men into the other room where Elisabete is waiting, playing with her cellphone. Noticing her husband is in the room, she stood up on her ballet heels greeting him.
“Good evening my dear!”
“Good evening my love! Are you alright?” Phil answered while he took her hand and give it a soft kiss.
“Yes I am. My mouth is still a little numb, but I am starting to feel that my teeth are sore. But I’m fine.”
“Wonderful my loved one.”
“Let me show you both how it works.” William said. “Tina will help us. Please sit on the couch and open your mouth Tina.”
She did as he asked. The couple stood on either side near William while he explained all parts of the device to them.
“As you can see she has normal braces on the inside of her teeth. The purpose of it is guarantee that her teeth will stay straight. Tina here don’t have any trouble with it. This is just insurance. Elisabete has some teeth a little crooked on her lower jaw that will be fixed in some months by the brace. The device you are interested in is that two metal rods you can see in rear of Tina’s mouth. That is what you paid for.”
“I see Doctor. But how does it work?” Asked Phil
“It works with this screwdriver. See? You just tighten this screw here and the other one there. Done.” “Try to close your mouth Tina” William commanded. She did as he asked but of course with no result. Elisabete opened her eyes wide while Phil grinned. He also excused himself and tried to close Tina’s mouths with his hands.
“This is impressive! What if I need her to shut up?” Phil asked.
“No problem at all. You just loosen the screw, she will close her mouth…” as William said, Tina closed her mouth, he continued the demonstration: “… now you tighten the screws again and done. She can’t open her mouth at all. Right Tina?”
Tina smiled and shook her head. Phil was a bit skeptical about this and then told his wife close her mouth. William, noticing that, reached for his pocked and took out brand-new screwdriver sealed in a plastic bag. He gave it to Phil. Phil didn’t wait to put it to use. He immediately tightened his wife’s Teeth Locker screws.
“So, my love, try to open your mouth.” Phil stated somewhat skeptical. Elisabete did as commanded and to her surprise she could not open her mouth.
“Mmmm mmm” She groaned and shook her head signaling her failure.
“Doctor, you really did very well, thank you. And before I forget, here is your check. Also, a small tip to Tina for her being so nice to us” Phil handed the payment to William and gave Tina a $50 bill. She smiled but did not try to say thanks, instead nodded her head. Phil took her wife out and they drove away, each one in their cars. After few minutes looking through the window, William felt Tina poking his shoulder.
“Oh, dear sorry I forgot.” he said, and promptly opened her locks, allowing her to talk:
“Thank you, Bill. Looks they really like it. He even forgot to unlock her too!”
“Ah Tina, I have sure he did not forget. I wonder how many days he’ll leave her like that”
“Days?! Oh my God, poor woman”
“Don’t worry, she’s fine. Phil has been a friend for a few years. I know he really takes good care of his wife.”
“I hope so.” Said Tina while starting to close the windows and preparing to end her workday.
The next months were good to Tina. She had no financial problems and even managed to save to buy a used car. She was doing fine in College and now her graduation is just one year away. At Williams’ office, she got used to the work quite well. Besides doing what she already did, she started to help him installing Teeth Lockers in several customers. Every time she did the same demonstration as she did to Elisabete and Phil months before.
Then, unfortunately, bad news arrived. A call from her mother brought her to tears as she learned that her father was very ill and needed expensive treatment. William noticed she was crying when she ended the call, and asked if she wanted to talk about it.
“My dad Bill, my dad is ill and we can’t afford pay for his procedure” Said Tina near sobbing. She continued: “Bill, I don’t know if I should… but I’ll ask, can you help my dad? I’ll do anything, anything to pay you back.”
That phrase echoed for a while in William’s head. That is a chance of having the assistant he always dreamed.
“Don’t cry Tina, don’t cry. How much money do you need?”
“My mother said even if she sells the house she can’t pay for half of the treatment”
“That seems a lot of money. I have some savings. Can you tell me which hospital he’s in?”
“Sure, my mom messaged me the details. I’ll send it to you”
“Fine. I’ll help dear. Now drink a glass of water, even better, have the rest of this day off okay?”
“Thank you Bill” Tina said. She give a nice big hug to William then headed home. William called the hospital at once and talked to the doctor that was treating Tina’s father. It was a fortunate coincidence that doctor was an old acquaintance of William. In a few minutes on phone it was all arranged. Tina’s dad would be scheduled for surgery next week followed by a treatment with good chances of surviving. William arranged to pay for it. It turned out the cost involved wern’t high as he first imagined.
The next morning the news reached Tina via her mother. She was in bliss to know her boss managed to pay for it all. Arriving at office she could not hide her joy. She asked several times what can she do to show her gratitude, but William decided to wait for the surgery first.
Some weeks had passed and the things couldn’t be better for Tina’s father. The surgery was a complete success. He was responding very well to the medicine. Doctors said his recovery is certain. With that news, Tina insisted to William, “Bill, I’m so happy for my father’s recovery… thanks to you. What can I do to reward such generosity?”
“Well Tina, I thought a lot about if I would ask you this or not.” He hesitated, “I almost deciding to not ask…”
“Ask Bill! You can ask me anything.” She interrupted.
“… but you insisted so much Tina, I will. But please, don’t regret it. This isn’t easy.”
“As I said, I’ll do anything. I owe you my fathers life!”
“You may have noticed the women that enter here every week. You’ve seen they come in wearing strange outfits. Sometimes restrained in some ways, guided by leashes, blindfolded, and so on. You know why they do that?”
“Are they kinky?”
“Yes Tina, but isn’t just that. The point is control. Control is they keyword here. There is someone controlling their lives. They restrain them from doing certain things or enforcing other things.”
“So, you want to control me?”
“Yes. That is what I want.”
Tina gulped. She was not prepared to hear that, but in some way she knew that William would ask for it.
A shiver descend trough her spine when she said, “Okay Bill, you have control over me.”
“Wonderful Tina. So, this is our agreement now. Because your dad lives, I control you. This is your last chance.”
“Deal Bill. After all it’s only fair and I trust you.”
“Great, come here and smile to me.” Tina did as he asked and Bill locked her mouth shut.
“Now your mouth will stay like this. You can drive here in the mornings before your class and I will unlock it for you, otherwise your mouth stays closed.
Tina gulped and opened her eyes wide. She was sure he will keep her mouth locked during work time, but did not expect he would send her like that home.
William also took several measurements of her body and made note of them on his computer. With that done he asked her to resume her work.
He did ask her one odd question, “Have you ever done ballet classes? Do you know how to dance en pointe?”
Tina nodded.
Part 3
For the next two weeks things were about the same for Tina. She wakes up, drinks her coffee with milk, drives to William’s office to get her mouth released and then goes to college. Before she goes back to the office again, she always eats lunch in a nice restaurant. Then she works as usual and goes home. She makes a very light soup to serve as her dinner that she sips through her closed teeth.
The first weekend with her mouth locked shut she stayed in her home, eating soups and watching TV. She wasn’t happy about this but remembering her father is well always made her feel better.
It was a Friday when things changed. When she arrived, William said her, “Instead of changing into your uniform, go to the waiting room. Sit on the couch.” He brought a plastic box with a few things inside. He then picked a shiny white garment and give it to Tina.
“This is a latex catsuit. You’ll wear one always now. While here, you will wear this white one. At your home or college you can wear any color of your choice.”
She noticed that in the box there were several plastic envelopes. Each one contains a catsuit like the white one but in various colors. William then pointed the restroom. Tina stood up and went into the small room. With quite a bit of effort she changed into her white catsuit. It was made to measure and included attached feet and gloves. It was so skintight that it looks like was painted on her. It had a three-way zipper running from her crotch are to the back of her neck. She had a little trouble closing it causing her to wriggle. She then put her heels back on and walked back to the waiting room.
William seemed very satisfied with her look. Tina spun on her feet and smiled to him trying not to show that in fact she was very ashamed to wear such revealing outfit.
“Great Tina! You look almost perfect. We just need to work on your waist. Here, I’ll help you.” Then William picked a beige under bust corset and helped Tina to adjust it on her waist. Then William grasped the laces and started to pull them as hard as he could. Tina felt her waist being crushed by the corset. She was almost breathless. Her lower ribs ached. She could not resist and groaned in pain. William stopped pulling and tied the laces in a knot.
“Wonderful! Now you have a waist. Look in the mirror!”
Tina did as told and walked to the side of room where a full-length mirror decorates the wall. She was astonished how small her waist was. For sure it was about 8 cm… No! maybe 10 cm smaller than before. She was delighted to see herself with that shape despite the pain and her short breath.
“Good Tina. I’ll lace you every day tightly like this. You will keep your waist laced as often as you can or at least wear one of the girdles I had put in your box. Your goal is to have a wasp like waist.”
She nodded, but her heart was racing. “This won’t be easy” she thought. William’s voice brought her back from her thoughts. “I still need you to work Tina. Put your uniform on and let’s get things done.”
Heading to the restroom again, she put her dress and white coat on over the latex catsuit. That afternoon seemed to drag on so slowly. Her job, usually easy for her, became difficult while tightly laced.
At end of day, William called her one more time. Showing the same plastic box where he had picked her catsuit and corset, he explained, “This box has all articles you need from now on. Here you’ll find a handful of catsuits in several colors. I demand you wear one at all times. Except for your shower of course. You’ll also find a few girdles and two corsets like this you’re wearing. One black and one gray.”
She looked inside the box as he was explaining.
“These, dear Tina, are two of most beautiful things ever…” He said removing a shoe box from inside the plastic container “…a pair of ballet heels. You said that you had ballet classes. I think this weekend will be enough time to you get used to them. Starting next Monday they will be part of your uniform.” Her eyes opened wide. She had seen some patients wearing that kind of heel. Tina didn’t know how they could walk in such extreme footwear.
They said goodbye after he finished explaining about the boots. He got her two pairs. One white and another black which were both ankle length. She also got few gel pads to protect her toes. She drove home with her mind far away thinking about the rabbit hole she got herself into. “How can a man that looks so gentle and is so polite like William ask me to wear such kinky things?” she thought. Arriving home, a small apartment on ground floor, she put the box on a table, kicked off her heels and let her body fall on her sofa — just to feel her corset digging her ribs. She had an urge to remove it, stood up and unlaced the garment, which immediately released the great pressure it was holding. To her surprise this suddenly change provoked a sharp pain in her lower ribs that took a few seconds to fade away.
She was frustrated. In her mind she expected a great relief, but instead now that the corset and the pain were gone, she just felt okay. Then Tina decided to fix some dinner as she was starting to feel hungry. “At least I don’t have many pots to clean now”, she thought as a kettle on her hotplate boiled water to prepare a cup of instant soup. That made her ask silently to herself “Tina, how can you see the bright side of this?”
She drank her soup, went to her bathroom, and turned on the water. While her bathtub filled with lukewarm water she reached for the zipper on her catsuit and opened it. Climbing out of the suit was much easier than climbing in. Tina made a little face as she became a little disgusted to realize that her body was covered in a thin layer of her own sweat. “I definitively need a long bath”, she thought as she sat in her tub for a long and relaxing bath.
Maybe she fell asleep or was just very relaxed because the bath seemed to take an eternity. When she returned to the living room still with her hair in a towel and wearing her fluffy bathrobe an hour and a half had passed.
Tina was already thinking about going to sleep when she remembered what William said. He demanded that I “wear that suits all time.” “Should I wear it now?” He’ll never know anyway…” That doubt stayed in her mind for few minutes. She decided it’s better to not cheat on him. After all she gave her word.
She looked through the box and decided to wear the light pink suit. While she opened the plastic envelope she was glad that she decided to not cheat her own word. Feeling like a hero with a high sense of duty, she was ready to make a sacrifice for what she thought was right. Unfortunately, that altruistic feeling ended as soon she started to pull the catsuit up her legs. “Dammit! This is hard… Think Tina, think… Talcum! Rubber gloves are coated with talcum! Tina you’re a genius!” She then quickly ran to her bathroom and found her bottle of talc. She shook some on her legs then smoothed it. She tried again. This time the catsuit slipped on easily and she could get herself dressed.
After resting for a few minutes sitting in her couch wearing the skintight latex catsuit, Tina went to her bedroom to look herself in her largest mirror. She felt conflicted. It seemed sexy wearing such a revealing garment but also a weirdo. She also noticed her waist is back to its normal size leaving her almost without no curves. That made her remember the corset and girdles William provided in that box.
Looking through the items, Tina found that she has four compression girdles. They were waist cinchers. Made from strong stretchy spandex. Hook closures at front. Nude in color matching her skin tone. She removed one from its package. With great effort closed it around her waist. Back at her room Tina examined herself in mirror. Although not as small when she was tightly laced her waist had improved a lot.
She went to her kitchen and grabbed a drink, sat on her couch, and turned on the TV. The clock read 10:30PM when her cellphone sounded a message alert. She picked up the phone and to her surprise was a message from William. The message read, “Good evening Tina. Just to remember to wear your catsuit and to cinch your waist. Bill”
Instead of replying the message she just took a selfie with her phone insuring at least part of the girdle was visible in the shot.
A few seconds after sending that to William she got a reply, “You’re perfect! Good night.”
A smile appeared on her face as she read that. The TV show ended, her bottle emptied, Tina went to sleep. She did not wear any kind of night gown as just the catsuit and girdle seemed enough.
It was a long night for Tina. That tight catsuit and the compression of her girdle made it hard to sleep. Eventually her exhaustion produced deep sleep only to be awakened at 8:00AM by her alarm.
A mild pain in her teeth make her very aware of her restraining device when she tried to yawn. “Maybe one day I’ll get used to this Teeth Locker and stop hurting myself…” She made some breakfast. Nothing more than a cup of coffee and two bananas blended with milk so she could sip it through her locked jaw.
Back on her sofa Tina was wondering what to do that weekend. She saw her picture hang on the wall. She was dressed in a tutu with her mother and father in front of the stage where she had just danced. Good memories of her family. Then she remembered her that Monday she is supposed to wear those ballet boots to work. She sat up thinking, “Maybe I should try them now.”
The gel pads looked like the ones she wore for her ballet classes, but the boots were a completely new thing. Unlike toe shoes which are so flexible, it was a little strange as her feet slid inside the toe box and stayed pointed downwards. She laced the boots firmly then carefully stood up. To her surprise she was standing in her toes! Wobbly standing. After about a minute she sat back on her sofa.
Her toes were a little sore and she felt a mild pain in her ankles. Nothing bad compared with her ballet classes. She decided to try again. She stood up and then tried a few steps. It was hard to balance that way and she sat again on the sofa.
Beside the front door was an umbrella. It was only a few meters from the sofa. Once again Tina stood up, holding the walls, went to the front door, and reached for the umbrella. Using the umbrella as a cane, she walked to her bedroom and looked at herself in the mirror.
“These boots are the best example of mixed feelings…”, she thought “…They feel and look at same time sexy and weird.” Then the pain on her toes became stronger and she sat on her bed. Frustrated, she laid down, got her cellphone from the nightstand, and entertained herself with some games. After a while she needed to drink something and instinctively tried to stand up just to fall back on her bed. Tina did not give up. She took that umbrella and managed to walk to her kitchen. That drink of ice cold water was a small victory. She even did a quick toilet break before going back to her sofa to watch a movie on TV.
That small progress lifted her spirits. In the worst case, she could use her umbrella at office too. She decided to keep the boots on her feet for that day, just in case. During the afternoon she used her time to review her studies. She had just finished and noticed that was dark outside. Tina made another bowl of soup and finally removed the boots. It felt somewhat strange to step with her bare feet again. After a shower she dressed in a red catsuit, put another girdle and went to sleep.
On Sunday, she awoke feeling that she had a better sleep, but still not completely refreshed. She thought was a good idea to practice walking in her ballet boots a bit more. So she laced into them again. Happy that after some attempts she could walk for a couple of minutes without the help of the umbrella, even if a little bit wobbly. Rewarding herself with a shot of whisky. Suddenly, she realized that the next day she had to attend her classes wearing the catsuit and girdle. After the initial shock, she calmed down and determined that the best thing she could do now was to try on some clothes over the catsuit. She ruled out short dresses as she didn’t feel that it was a good idea to go to college showing her legs in latex.
Her few long dresses were too formal to wear in regular classes so she settled with jeans and long-sleeved blouse. With luck nobody would notice her hands. With the clothes decided Tina prepared her backpack adding her white ballet boots and corset to her uniform. She took her bath and wore one of the white catsuits together with a girdle. She also thought that was a good idea to wash her worn catsuits by hand and hang them inside out to dry.
Monday morning after her breakfast she dressed her jeans and blouse. In an effort to not raise any suspicions, she wore the same 10cm pumps she has to worn for months. In few minutes, she was in William’s office.
“Good morning Tina! I see you followed my instructions carefully. This makes me happy”, Greeted William just before using the screwdriver to release Tina’s mouth.
“Good morning, Bill. Thank you! Yes, It took some effort to wear this rubber. Isn’t comfortable, specially the girdle. I only have trouble sleeping.”
“Great, we will talk later. Now it’s better you go before you are late for class.”
That morning at college she did her best to stay calm. Her efforts were in vain as she was nervous… afraid of being caught wearing that catsuit. Only a few asked about her gloves, but even stuttering to answer, no one insisted in asking more about it. It seemed that “I enjoy wearing them” was a good excuse even though it sounded very strange.
After her class, Tina stopped by a restaurant and ate a proper meal. It felt very good, especially after a weekend of dining only on soup. She then drove back to William’s office to begin work.
“Good afternoon, Tina! How are you? Had any problems?” Greeted William.
“Good afternoon Bill, I’m fine… no, no problems at all.”
Just as had become her routine for many weeks, Tina went to the restroom and cleaned her teeth and her braces very well and presented herself for William to lock her mouth shut. William said, “Remove the jeans, blouse and girdle, so I can lace you tight.” When he did there was the feeling of mild pain in her ribs along with the shortened breath. Tina went pick her dress and white coat. William interrupted her, “You’ll not dress in those while here anymore. You can keep them if you want but your uniform is now this.” Showing her another dress. White, long sleeved, high neck, with the hem about to her knees. It looked way smaller than her her size. It has a back zipper. All shiny latex. Indeed, he had for her two extra dresses like that one to ensure she will always have one available. He presented to her a new white coat. It was made of 2mm thick rubber. It looked very sturdy and it was cut to a thin waist making impossible to her close its front buttons without wearing a corset.
She took the dress and carefully put it on. As soon as it was in place she looked stunning. Surprisingly it hid her corset. Before she picked the white coat William reminded her to put on the ballet boots. She did like at home lacing carefully. He held her hands to help her stand up. Tina was uptight, this wasn’t practice anymore and she didn’t want to look silly falling in front William. Of course her legs were a bit shaky because her tension and she stood wobbly in her tip toes.
Tina took as a deep breath as possible being cinched so tight, looked in William’s eyes, and nodded. He released her hands… she walked! Knees slightly bent and a little wobbly, but she walked. She made it to the other side of the waiting room. She looked at herself in the mirror in near disbelief of how she was looked. He smiled to her and praised the feat she achieved. She spun while looking herself at the mirror and walked back near her boss. He handed her the rubber white coat and helped her put it on. Her toes started to ache a little so she sat on couch.
“What happened? Did your feet begin to hurt?” William asked. Tina just nodded.
“Okay Tina, I already expected that in the beginning you couldn’t stay in your toes for very long. You can still use any stool here to sit while you do your work. If you can’t stand up too long, or feel too much pain, you can stay seated for the rest of day if need be… but the boots will stay on. Do you understand?” After this explanation, Tina nodded again. Then they began to work.
That day the first patient was Carly. She didn’t have any devices in her mouth, but her husband John seemed to enjoy bringing her here to take care of her teeth while bound in the chair. As soon Tina opened the door she noticed that John’s jaw dropped. His wife scanned Tina from head to toes, raising her eyebrows when she noticed the ballet heels. Tina felt as if her face turning red as a ripe tomato, in reality she just blushed a little. The couple entered in office. He was wearing a blazer and jeans while she was in a short-sleeved top, mini skirt and 15cm pumps. What really caught Tina’s eyes was her very small waist! For sure achieved by means of a tight corset and her legs covered in what looked like compression tights.
Soon Carly was strapped to the chair and William was working on her teeth. Tina’s head was in clouds, “I could walk by this couple in any place and will never guess they could be into such kinky things… who knows who many people I have seen that also secretly have such fetishes?” She was awakened from her daydream by William’s voice.
“Tina, we are almost done here, put the tools in the autoclave”
She promptly obeyed taking all the tools and began the sterilization procedure. William released the several cuffs that hold Carly’s body tightly to the dental chair. Tina was done just in time to go with the couple to the door. John and Carly didn’t leave before complimenting Tina’s attire, which made her blush one more time.
Part 4
The week went like that. By Friday Tina was more used to walking on her tip toes and being crushed by the corset. Although she couldn’t open her mouth over the weekend, she felt relieved to be able to wear her regular shoes and the girdles instead of the corset. This became her routine for the next months until she finally graduated college.
William was proud of her achievement. Her parents were too! They traveled many hours to be able to attend the ceremony. Her boss was gracious to let her wear just a girdle that day. William also gave her a well-deserved vacation. Tina chose to spend it with her family in their home town.
Meanwhile, William rented the house across the street. It wasn’t big, but would be more than enough. He ensured that it was tastefully decorated and furnished. Tina was still having a wonderful time with her family. A few times she considered to stay with them, nonetheless she was committed to honor her word. After all, she could not forget William’s help.
The month-long vacation was nearing an end when Tina bought her tickets and called William.
“Hello Bill! I booked a flight that will arrive in city Friday about 6:00 PM.” “Do you want to pick me up at the airport?”
“Of course! I’ll be happy to wait for you at the arrivals! Please send me a message with the airline and flight number.”
The message was sent and she spend her last day with her parents. Friday just after lunch they brought her to the airport. The flight went without any problems and soon Tina arrived. As promised, William was there waiting for her.
“I have a surprise for you.” William said. Tina asked about it, but instead they just had some small talk until they arrived at his office. Once the car was parked, William took Tina’s luggage and started to walk towards the street. Tina did not understand it but followed him to the opposite sidewalk. He then stopped and gave Tina a key.
“Go ahead, open the door.” He said.
She walked to the front door, unlocked it, and opened carefully.
“Well?” Step inside!”
He followed Tina in and set her luggage in the living room.
“I rented this house for you. Don’t worry about the lease. I’ll pay for it as I prefer that you live nearby. There are some clothes for you in your bedroom. I have scheduled a truck to move your things tomorrow.”
Tina was in bliss! Although that was a small and simple house it was still bigger than the tiny apartment she had lived. Much to her delight she loved the decor and furnishings.
“Come on girl, you must be wanting a rest after your travel. I’ll allow you some time to take a good bath and refresh yourself. You are invited to my house about for some pizza. Eight o’clock?”
“Yes Bill, for sure! I’ll be there.”
William left and went to his place. Tina took her luggage to the bedroom. Over her bed she found a small package with a note that said “wear me.” Tina left it on the bed, opened her luggage, picked a towel, then headed to the bathroom. There she found a nice soaking type bathtub which she started to fill with lukewarm water.
After a very relaxing bath Tina wrapped herself in her towel. She took her hair dryer from the luggage. Then spent time drying and brushing her hair. Once satisfied how it looked she sat on her bed and opened the package. Inside she found a catsuit that was similar in size and shape of all her others, but this one is made of transparent latex. She also found a red latex dress, short-sleeved, with a square neck, and hem below her knees. Underneath there was a pair of black leather knee high ballet boots.
She put on the catsuit and looked on a mirror she found installed on one of the wardrobe’s doors. Ironically, even being covered from neck down she seemed naked. Regardless of no mention about it she decided that would be nice to wear a corset. There was none in her luggage. She looked in her wardrobe but it was empty. It seemed that a corset wasn’t an option. She took a girdle from her luggage and put it on then the red dress. Seated on edge of the bed she carefully laced the ballet boots. Tina enjoyed them being knee high, as it gave her legs more support than the ankle high boots she had worn before.
Tina took some time to break her new heels. She explored her new home. There was a updated kitchen, a lovely living room, her bedroom which was a master suite, and another smaller bedroom. Behind the house there was an nice garden. The house also has a basement and a small attic.
It was half past seven so Tina crossed the street and rang William’s doorbell. He opened the door and invited her in.
“Tina, my dear, you look stunning tonight!”
“Thank you, Bill”
“So… what you think about your new house?”
“It’s lovely! I can’t believe I’ll live in a such wonderful home!”
“Ah dear, you will.”
The doorbell chimed. The pizza was delivered and William brought it to the dinner table. They had a nice dinner. Tina told stories about her vacation. William told Tina that the besides the house she has a raise in salary since she successfully graduated. After the pizza he asked her to clean her mouth thoroughly and proceed to lock it shut.
The next morning they went to her old apartment as they had agreed before. A moving crew was waiting. After her mouth was unlocked, she instructed them what are her things and what belonged to the house. While the crew did all the heavy lifting she called her landlord. He lived in the same building on top floor and was unhappy to lose a good tenant. Later that afternoon her belongings were in her new home. Tina spent that evening and Sunday tidying the house.
Monday, work started at 9 am. Now that Tina is a graduated dentist too, William let her do regular dental procedures in the patients. She did cleaning, x-rays, and filling cavities. She had a nice week. Besides having to be tight laced all day, wear a rubber catsuit, step in ballet heels, and having her mouth locked most of time… Tina had the life of her dreams. She was a dentist living in a nice house.
On Friday, William unlocked Tina’s mouth and had her sit for a chat.
“Tina, you are becoming a wonderful partner here in my dental office. I want you to know besides your compensation for being my assistant, your work as a dentist will be fully paid to you. This is not a fixed amount. You receive what we bill the patient less taxes, materials, and a small percentage for office maintenance.” Do you feel that is fair to you?”
“Sure Bill. It sounds really nice.”
“So here… your check for this week.”
Her eyes opened wide and she smiled.
“Thank you, Bill!”
“Don’t need to thank me, you deserve it. Anyway, since you gave me the right to control you, I want to introduce a new rule. Beginning now you’ll only wear ballet heels as your footwear. Not only here but everywhere. Your old shoes will be locked in a chest on my attic, okay?”
“It’s okay. I’ll do it.” Tina answered with a trembling voice.
“Good. I also need to take a mold of your ears, I’m planning another device soon.”
William then took a perfect impression of her ear canal and outer ear with some alginate. Then they went across the street to her place. He seized all her regular heels and placed them in the large bag he brought. Leaving her with only her three pairs of ballet heels.
“Don’t worry Tina, I bought more ballet heels for you, they’ll arrive next week. Before I forget… smile for me. Let me lock your mouth shut before I go.”
The weekend went well for Tina even went to the movies Sunday. She wore jeans that were long length boot cut legs enough to hide most of her boots. Paired with a long sleeve turtle neck blouse to conceal the top of her catsuit.
Tuesday William asked Tina to sit on the patient’s chair. He showed Tina a small box containing what looked like two in-ear hearing aids. He put them in her ears. With a felt tipped pen made some markings in her ear. Next, he removed the devices and proceed to pierce her ear on the markings. One in the tragus and the other in her conch. Immediately after piercing the in-ear device was inserted and he passed a barbell through both piercings. That barbel also passed through a hole in the device. The barbell was screwed shut with a little ball. William repeated this process in her other ear and after he finished Tina was completely deaf.
Tina would complain if her mouth wasn’t locked. Soon, William pushed a small button in each of Tina’s earphones and suddenly she started to hear again.
“Can you hear me?” Asked William. Tina nodded. “Good! Those devices in your ears still don’t have a name, but they work like a mix of hearing aid and Bluetooth earphones. May I have your phone for a moment?”
Tina took her cellphone from her coat pocket and handed it to William. He installed an app and paired her ear devices with the phone. He also paired them the same with his own phone. After finishing he returned the phone back to her.
He explained, “With this app you can control the volume you hear. It also has a graphic equalizer so you can adjust the sound as you wish. You can also mute all sounds. Also, you can enable the Bluetooth function to hear music and answer calls with this device. It can be very handy.”
While Tina tried the controls the app suddenly locked itself. She became deaf again. William laughed and commanded his phone to allow Tina control again.
“This is a parental lock feature. My phone is configured as the master one and I can override your settings at any time.” When William said that Tina raised her eyebrows, worried. “As it is still a prototype. I ask you to take note of any problems so we can report back to my friend that designed it. It’s supposed to be completely waterproof. We also need to test the battery life, it’s expected to last at least one month before needing a recharge.”
She spent almost an hour messing with the equalizer, but no matter how she adjusted it her hearing always sounded artificial. It felt like hearing a recording instead of live sounds. She wrote an e-mail to William reporting this issue but he answered back very quickly. That was expected, since the devices have their own tiny microphones, to pick up the ambient sound, then feed it to Tina’s eardrums. The sounds will be heard as perceived by the device’s mic, not a human ear, thus feeling artificial. She was unhappy with this but there wasn’t much she could do. At least the music quality was astonishing.
Took about three weeks for Tina start to hear a faint beep in her head during work. She reached her phone and opened the ear device’s app. The beep was a low battery alarm. Tina went to William and showed him her phone screen. He took what looked like a cellphone charger from a drawer. Instead of ending in a USB plug, the noticeably long cable splits in two. On end of each cable there is a plastic circle the size of a nickel. He gave it to Tina. She didn’t have much trouble figuring how it worked. Each end of the cable when positioned near her ear snapped to her device with a built in magnet. The charger used induction to provide power to her in-ear device and in about four hours it was completely charged. Tina heard a chime to know it was ready then disconnected all the cables and stored it back in the same drawer.
William knew that Tina couldn’t live only on soups. Most days he allowed her to have the mouth unlocked for lunch and also have a nice conversation. But some of his customers wanted to keep mouths locked for several days at time. Proper nourishment in that instance became an issue. He already had an idea of how solve this problem. So, he gave Tina the card of a Tattoo and Piercing Parlor, with instructions to her search for Vanessa on Saturday at 2 PM.
Tina did as told. Right on time she was at the parlor looking for Vanessa. Turned out that Vanessa was one of the owners of the place and was already waiting for Tina.
“Tina, William told me to do a septum piercing on your nose.” “ Are you okay with that?”
“Sure, I hope it doesn’t hurt much!”
“Don’t worry about it. Let me start…” having said that, Vanessa took a needle a pushed it through Tina’s septum. Quickly Vanessa removed the needle, replaced it with a small ring, and closed it with help of a small threaded ball.
“Looks, it matches your tragus barbell nicely!” Vanessa complimented. She also told Tina that she didn’t need to pay anything since William already has taken care of it. They said goodbye, but not before Vanessa give Tina a card with care instructions.
Monday, at the office, William explained to Tina about the problem he was trying to solve. She understood it. She agreed that have the mouth locked shut for extended time that eating properly would become an issue which is a hard predicament to endure.
William then brought a flexible plastic tube. About 60cm long and 5mm in diameter for most of its length. Near one end, for about the last 10cm the diameter increased to about 8mm. After removing her septum ring he then started to insert the smaller end into Tina’s left nostril. When the tip of tube reached Tina’s throat she coughed. William stopped pushing the tube and gave Tina a glass of water.
“Drink it. I’ll push the tube while you swallow. Just keep swallowing, okay?”
He continued as she swallowed and soon the tube was all inside Tina’s body. Using a large syringe with a tip designed to fit the end of Tina’s tube, William injected some air, while he used and stethoscope to hear her stomach. The sound confirmed the correct placement of the tube. He then held it near Tina’s upper lip with a piece of surgical tape.
In an instant William brought another tube out but much shorter. It was about 10cm in length and the diameter like the other one had its wider part. William pushed it into Tina’s right nostril. Then about 1cm from the end of each tube he installed a rather thick rubber O-ring and fixed it in place. Next, almost at the tip of each tube he made a small hole on its wall. William then threaded Tina’s septum ring through one of that holes he just made, next he pushed the tube in the final position which forced the O-ring past the nostril opening. Then he passed the ring through the septum piercing. With his steady hands he then threaded the ring through the other tube hole. He pushed the second tube in position forcing that O-ring past the nostril opening then closed the septum ring. The end result was one needed to look really closely to notice the tubes starting a few millimeters inside her nostril’s end. Thanks to her piercing they are also very securely in place.
Tina felt a strange sensation in her nose. It didn’t hurt but was uncomfortable. She also could breathe very well despite not feeling air rushing through her nose.
“Let me explain Tina. In your left nostril I installed a naso-gastric tube, ng for short. This means this is a tube that goes from your nostril to your stomach. If you open your mouth wide and look on mirror maybe you can see it in your throat.”
Tina did exactly that. Indeed, she saw the tube. Yellowish as natural rubber is, behind her uvula. William picked up a large syringe with a small rubber tube in place of the needle. The tube outer diameter was the exact size of the inner diameter of the tube installed in her nose. He then continued to explain.
“With this syringe is possible to inject any liquid direct in your stomach. Let me show you.” Then he dipped the syringe’s rubber end on a glass of water and pulled the piston to the maximum. It filled up with 100 ml of water. Then while Tina watched with full attention in the mirror, William inserted the end of the syringe on her left nostril tube. He paused showing her it was properly placed. When he slowly pushed the piston Tina could feel her stomach filling but otherwise had no taste or any other feeling at all.
“Of course, instead of water we can use any liquid diet formula. Do you understand it Tina?”
“Yes Bill, but I have some questions. First, wasn’t easier to just drink that liquid diet formula, even with the mouth closed?
“Why you don’t try?” “I have a bottle here I prepared for you to use.” He then took a small plastic cup and poured a little of the formula, then gave it to Tina. She drank it and instantly frowned.
“Water please! It’s disgusting!”
William, giving her a glass of water, saying, “So, this is one reason you can’t drink the formula. The other is hygiene. If you don’t use your mouth to drink liquid foods, a good mouthwash twice a day would be enough to keep it clean. It would be some time before you need to unlock the Teeth Locker and really clean with a brush.”
“I understand. My next question is why there is a second tube on my right nostril?”
“Good question. I thought a lot before deciding to include it. Because of the ng tube, your left nostril is unavailable for breathing. The function of the right tube is only to assure that you always have a free air path to your throat. If you had a running nose, all the mucus will stay around the tube and will not block your airway. Of course, if you caught the flu or things became real messy, it will be better to temporally remove the tubes until you get well. That is also the advice I’ll give to our clients. There also a collateral effect of this set up, since the air will always bypass your nose, you’ll sense no smells at all.”
That made Tina unhappy, so she asked, “How much time I’ll wear it Bill?”
“At least six months. Have be sure it’s safe as I planned. At the sixth month I plan to remove it, look for any problems, and maybe reinstall if needed for more trials.”
She became relieved. Six months isn’t much time. After all she has worn the Teeth Locker for about a year and half.
“My last question Bill.” “Will I be able to eat normal food, or only the liquid formula?”
“If your mouth is unlocked, yes. You’ll be able to eat anything. No problems with that. But.. maybe the food will taste different with your sense of smell impaired.” “Now. For the test be valid you will stay on the liquid formula at least 30 days in a row. I also need you to be assured… It is really enough for healthy nourishment.”
That night Tina went to sleep with her mind counting all her changes. Having the Teeth Locker device installed on her mouth… Wearing latex catsuits all day and night that seem to have become almost a second skin… Having her waist cinched with either a tight laced with a corset or in a compression girdle… Wearing only ballet heels… Her hearing controlled with those ear devices… NOW a tube to feed her directly into stomach and no sense of smell. She became terrified realizing all that was done to her, but now it was too late. Besides she gave her word and was able to endure it all without any major problems. Until now at least there has been just several small nuisances with a little discomfort. Nevertheless, she felt sure that William will always take care of her, even though he was being very firm with his control.
Part 5
Tina was glad that William left her mouth unlocked for the weekend. She took the opportunity to go to some fancy restaurants. She also had no nasty surprises for a couple of weeks. Then William announced that he needs to test her endurance on the liquid diet. He locked her mouth shut. He planned to keep her locked for four weeks. Tina quickly got used to have a syringe fitted to her nostril a handful times each day. She was surprised that the formula sated her. In fact she didn’t feel hungry at all during the period. Of course, she really missed the ability to open her mouth.
William had taken her blood samples both before and after that period she was locked. He found no problems. She also didn’t lose or gain weight, as William planned. To celebrate the success of his experiment William brought Tina to a fancy restaurant. He discreetly unlocked her mouth and let her enjoy a delicious dinner. She enjoyed it tremendously, regardless of her nostril tubes blocking her smell sense. Only then she realized how much she missed a nice meal.
To Tina, the experiment was also a success as she didn’t have any major problems. She did not miss eating that much because she didn’t feel hunger and being unable to smell helped her not have cravings. What bothered her the most was to be silent. She had to invent several excuses to not answer her parent’s calls. Her replies were only by messages.
After the six months of wearing the tubes William removed them as he planned. He did a quick inspection and reinstalled them. That disappointed Tina. Even more so after William explained he was so happy with the results that he didn’t plan to remove the tubes again. Tina had work to do now. William asked her to call everyone that he had installed a Teeth Locker to offer the new device.
The first call was to Elisabete. Her husband Phil was confident in William’s work. Elisabete was the first customer of the Teeth Locker. Now she was back to have another bizarre device installed.
Elisabete arrived at the office wearing a beautiful deep blue latex dress. The tight dress went to her knees, long sleeves, and a round neck showing just a little cleavage. It was possible to notice that she was tight laced in a corset under it. The dress tight enough to almost hobble her steps which were already slow and cautious because of her ballet heels. She also wore black latex on her legs. Tina inferred to be stockings because the tight dress showed the contour of their tops.
Her procedure was done quickly with one difference from Tina’s device. Elisabete got only the ng tube which was anchored with a piercing on side of her nostril. Phil told William he didn’t like the look of a septum ring and he preferred his wife with her sense of smell intact. She was the exception as the rest of the customers would get the full device, like Tina.
While William installed the tube on Elisabete, Phil tried to be nice and make small talk with Tina.
“Do you also enjoy having those devices controlling you?”
Tina just nodded once, not smiling.
“Is your mouth locked too?”
She smiled and nodded again.
“William requires this for you to work here?”
Another smile and another nod.
“I imagine you wouldn’t wear those things if you worked at some other place, would you?”
Again, she nodded.
“Any trouble with being around your friends?”
She shrugged.
“You haven’t any friends? Just a few maybe?”
Tina shook her head, without any smile.
“In that case… I invite you out to our place this Saturday. I’m planning a nice lunch. Maybe an afternoon in the pool. Call us Saturday morning.”
He handed Tina a small paper with a phone number. She smiled and nodded again to him. William was almost done. Phil watched with attention. Listening carefully to instructions of how use the syringe and tube. In a few moments he and Elisabete were on their way.
It was Saturday. Now 11 AM and Tina was still uncertain whether or not to accept Phil’s invitation. She almost didn’t know the couple! She never talked to them. They had only met a handful of times in the office. Besides that, William didn’t release her mouth, so she was unable to speak. After some pondering, Tina decided that she had nothing to lose. Maybe gain a new friends. She texted the number.
“Tina here. I would love to be with you this afternoon.”
“Hello Tina — Phil. Tell me your address. I’ll send a taxi for you.”
“I live across the street from William’s office, ”
“Okay. Wait outside in few minutes.”
She was already wearing a gray catsuit, one of her compression girdles, and black ballet boots. Without time to change, she remembered the old white dress she used as uniform before change to the rubber one. That old dress was made before Tina started to wear corsets and girdles. Its lack of waist displeased her. She got a wide black belt and put over the dress. Now her shape was made obvious. While admiring herself in the mirror, she heard a beep. She grabbed her purse and went out to the taxi. “I hope Elisabete can lend me a swimsuit…” she thought.
Luckily for Tina, the taxi driver already had instructions so she didn’t need to say a thing. After a 20 minute ride she arrived in a nice neighborhood. The cab stopped in front of a very beautiful medium sized house. The driver said, “The ride was already paid for. You’re good to go. Have a nice day”
Elisabete opened the door almost immediately after Tina rang the doorbell. She was wearing a red catsuit covering her from head to toe. She wore over it a black overbust corset and a knee-length tight rubber skirt. Elisabete tottered on her ballet boots. They smiled to each other and Elisabete made a gesture inviting Tina to enter the house. Elisabete showed Tina to the living room, then to a very comfortable fancy couch. They sat near each other with both remaining silent just smiling at each other.
The silence was very awkward to Tina. Of course both know each other had their mouths locked. Still it was weird to just stay seated there in silence. Tina took out her phone and opened the notes app and typed, “Hello Elisabete sorry my mouth is locked shut. Is an honor to be here in your home.”
Then Tina gave her phone to Elisabete. She read it, smiled, and wrote under Tina’s text, “Hello Tina I also have my mouth locked. I’m glad you’re here. Phil is in the backyard preparing the barbecue. He will be in soon.”
Before Tina could type an answer, Phil arrived.
“Hello Tina, it’s nice you’re here.”
She smiled and nodded
She nodded again.
“So excuse me. Will you smile for me?”
Phil took his screwdriver and unlocked Tina’s mouth. Then he unlocked Elisabete’s mouth as well.
“Thank you, Mr. Phil.” Said Tina.
“You can call me Phil. Ladies, excuse me, but I’m back to the barbecue.”
“Honey, I think we could go to backyard too.” Said Elisabete. The trio went to the backyard. There was a nice open space, a pool, and a terrace where Phil was cooking the barbecue.
“Tina, Phil told me you have few friends. Is that true?” Asked Elisabete.
“To be honest… nowadays none. I had some friends at college but I lost all contact after the graduation.”
“That’s sad. If I had known this before, you would have been invited to our home earlier.” Said Phil, trying to be friendly.
“I’m happy to be here. I could confess to being shy and almost recluse, but that would be incorrect.” Answered Tina, giggling a little.
“I always thought you only wore rubber and ballet heels to work Tina. But looks you like to wear it in your free time too.” Said Elisabete.
Tina replied, “To be honest with you, I would prefer that. William told me to wear the rubber catsuit and the ballet heels all time.” Tina then put her hands on her waist: “He also told me to wear those compression girdles or corsets all time.”
“Elisabete is also wearing tight corsets Tina. I lace her tightly everyday. She also wears rubber all time, but I don’t need to ask her this, do I honey?” Phil said that and winked at his wife.
“True. I do love the feeling of latex on my skin. Do you like it Tina?”
“It feels good, I like it.” Tina wanted to complete with “just not all time…”, but she thought that would be rude to her hosts.
“I really thought you did. It would be a surprise to me that you’d agreed to all this if you really don’t like.” Elisabete commented.
“To be honest with you, I never imagined doing such things. William was very nice to me. I felt indebted to him so I agreed to have this Teeth Locker installed. He is such a nice person helping my family so I couldn’t refuse to wear those things. They aren’t good to wear all the time… but it’s not a huge burden.” Tina explained.
“None of this was your wish?” Elisabete asked.
That answer was followed by a brief uncomfortable silence that seemed longer than just a couple of seconds.
Phil then broke it with, “But do you regret any of this Tina? Do you ever want to be out of these things?”
“I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but I would prefer to dress normal clothes. I mean, William was so nice to us — me and my family. I gave him my word! even if I have no desire to wear these things, I’ll do it for as long William says,” Tina explained to Phil. Then she asked, “Working with William I have seen several couples like yourselves, wearing latex and other unusual attire. May I ask, how does this work for you?”
Elisabete explained it to Tina.
“It’s a fetish, Tina. I always enjoyed dressing sexy in tight dresses and high heels. The skintight latex and ballet heels make me feel super sexy. I also enjoy pleasing my husband so I enjoy being controlled by him.”
Phil continued explaining.
“I enjoy having a sexy looking woman with me. Especially if she wears very uncomfortable things to be sexy. Like the corsets and high heels. I also enjoy that she is restricted in some ways, like with her Teeth Locker or in some bondage. But I also like to take care of her and be sure that she is having fun too.”
“I always imagined that this could be a fetish thing, but had never been sure.” Tina said.
Phil had finished cooking the steaks then served them with mashed potatoes and a salad. They ate at a wooden table that was installed on the terrace. After the ladies had eaten some of the steaks, Phil asked, “Ladies, do you like the taste of your meat?”
“Yes dear, it’s perfect!” Elisabete complimented.
“I can’t smell it, but the texture and taste are terrific!” Tina said.
“William installed both tubes on you…” Phil noticed.
“Yes. He explained this way I get more air… But now I think the main idea is to deprive me from smells”
“Sure, that is the main reason, Tina. Several masters enjoy depriving their owned ones of sensory perception along with restricting their movement. I didn’t want to restrict Elisabete from enjoying aromas. Then again, for instance, she is not able to wear flat shoes anymore.” Phil explained.
“I’m glad Phil thinks like that and I’m sorry for you Tina.” Elisabete said.
“It’s okay. At first, I really thought William was just testing on me… then after the test period he said that I’ll wear them indefinitely. Now I understand he just enjoys me being restricted. Anyway, I’m really happy to be enjoying this lunch with you two today.” Tina said and drank some orange juice.
Phil then asked her, “Some time ago William offered to install some in-ear devices on Elisabete, but I refused… did you get them too?”
Tina nodded and with her hand pulled her hair back so Phil could see her ear. She then turned her head to Elisabete so she can also see the small devices.
“It’s very discreet.” Phil said. “How do they work? Can you explain them to us?”
“Yes. They were made from molds of my ears, so the fit is perfect. They’re held in place by a piercings making them irremovable by me” Tina explained.
“But what do they do to your hearing?” Elisabete asked.
“They block all sounds. They also have microphones, so when turned on they feed ambient sound directly to my eardrums. They also can play music from my phone with Bluetooth.”
“So now your hearing is normal?” Elisabete inquired.
“Yes and no. I can hear very well even though the sound isn’t natural. What I hear is received by the small microphones. The sound seems kind of artificial. The funny thing is that when I watch a movie on my phone I hear via Bluetooth so the sound is perfect. If I watch on my TV I hear the sound received through the microphones… then it’s not so good.”
Elisabete raised her eyebrows with that explanation. Phil was also somewhat surprised.
“Oh… That is fascinating, but… I’m sorry for your…” Phil was cut off by Tina.
“Don’t need to be sorry. It’s… awful… but I can live with it.” Tina answered, visibly sad, and with watery eyes.
Phil regretted his comment. After a brief but awkward silence they resumed talking about other subjects not related to William’s instructions. After finishing lunch Elisabete got some ice cream from the freezer. Following desert Tina felt way better. She went inside with Elisabete help load the dishwasher. Then the girls went to the backyard again, where Phil was cleaning the ashes from the barbecue.
Phil put three glasses with ice cubes on the table and poured whisky. They drank and chatted for some time. Phil then removed the boots from both ladies so they can sit on the edge of the pool with their legs in the water. They had fun chatting. Sharing about when they go out. How people look at them in tiny waists and ballet heels. Imagining what people think about — with what they could see of the outfits.
Soon the sun was setting. Tina exited the pool area, dressed her boots again, and begun to say goodbye to her new friends. Phil reminded her that she is supposed to have the mouth locked shut. She agreed, but before Phil had a chance to lock her mouth, Elisabete asked if Tina could stay overnight.
“Wait Phil… Maybe Tina can sleep here tonight. Can you, Tina?”
“Great idea my love! We would love you here with us Tina.” Added Phil.
“I’m so glad. But I didn’t prepare for a sleepover.” Pondered Tina.
Phil then said, “I understand! Have you to sleep in a catsuit right? Just keep wearing it until tomorrow.”
Tina thought for a moment. Skipping her shower might be a nuisance. At least she’ll have her mouth free and will not be alone.
“You’re right. I’ll accept and stay.”
The trio chatted for some time. Having not planned a dinner Elisabete asked Phil to order a pizza.
They ate and watched a movie on TV. Tina was in bliss! She felt very wonderful to be with such good company.
Was already late night, and Phil went to his room for a while, the girls stayed on living room chit chatting. Soon, he was back.
“Ladies, I put Elisabete’s bed in the guest room so you two could keep chatting till later if you want. I’m tired and need some sleep.”
Elisabete and Tina when to the guest room. Phil went to the master bedroom. Tina found only one bed in the guest room.
“Where are your bed?” she asked Elisabete
“Right here.” She said, smiling and pointing to a big wood box near the guest’s bed. She then opened the box, revealing that inside there was a foam lining which was cutout in the shape of a person laying with arms and feet straight to the body.
“Wait!” “You sleep in this box?”
“Yes. Every night. But forget about it. Let me help you… sit on the bed. I’ll take off your boots.”
Elisabete helped Tina with her boots. Tina removed her dress, folded it, and put on the nightstand near the boots. She really wanted to take off the catsuit and compression girdle. That would be cheating on William, so she removed this thought from her head. Then Elisabete got a pair of boots and a hood from inside her box. The boots looked like ankle ballet boots without the heels.
Elisabete explained, “See… they have no heels. On both the sole and upper there are metal bones like a corset. Once laced to your foot they remain straight with my legs… even without heels.” “Can you help me put them on?”
Tina nodded and helped her friend to change from the regular boots to the heel-less ones. Elisabete also removed her skirt. She then asked Tina to help with the black rubber hood she got with the boots. It was similar the red hood that was built into her red catsuit. Instead of having an open face like that one, it was almost completely closed. Had only a hole for her mouth and two smaller ones for her nostrils. Tina helped Elisabete put it on over the red one. Once in place blinding Elisabete with no eye openings.
She thanked Tina and started to grope for her box. After finding it, she laid down, fitting perfectly inside the foam cut out. Tina was on the bed next to the box and they chatted for a while. Then, Elisabete groped for a gas mask that was attached with a Velcro strap on box’s lid. Placing it on her head and asking to Tina check it for her. That gas mask had a hose that was connected to a vent on the box’s lid which allowed Elisabete to breathe while inside the sealed box. She explained to Tina that the box lid had a timer that was programmed to open at 7 AM. Once closed she could not open it before that time. Tina said good night and wished her nice dreams, closed the box, and lay down on the bed trying to sleep.
It was not easy for Tina to sleep that night. Still wearing that rubber catsuit for so long and with her thoughts on her friend sleeping inside a box. She felt glad to be able to sleep in a bed like any other woman she knows. Her mind finally drifted away to sleep. At exactly 7 o’clock the next morning she was awakened by the alarm clock on Elisabete’s box. Besides sounding an alarm it also released the lid’s latch.
Elisabete opened her box from inside and removed her gas mask. The lens was completely fogged after breathing inside of it all night long. That didn’t matter to her, of course, since under it she wore a hood with no eye openings.
Tina was sat on the bed watching and said, “Good morning dear!” “Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, I did.” “How about you?
“Sure!” “May I help you?”
“Please, Tina.”
Tina helped her with the hood and then the boots, which were replaced by the regular ballet boots with heels. Both then went to the kitchen and started to make some coffee and heat the pizza leftovers when Phil came in.
“Good morning ladies!” He greeted. They replied their good mornings and in no time they were eating breakfast.
The day was not much different than the last except that before the evening ended Tina went home. Once again with her mouth locked shut.
The next month went without changes to Tina. She did visit Elisabete’s house a couple of times. She was happy to have made a friend.
On a particularly slow Wednesday at the office, William asked Tina, “When was your last eye exam?”
Tina showed him her hand with the five fingers extended.
“Five years?”
Tina nodded.
“Let’s go to a friend and have them checked.”
Part 6
William drove Tina to a large building near downtown. They took the elevator where William unlocked Tina’s mouth and soon arrived at an ophthalmologist’s office. William opened the door and entered the waiting room where a secretary was seated behind a desk. She wore a very well-tailored shiny yellow skirt suit. She had a blonde hair and wore yellow lipstick that matched her uniform. She wore contact lenses in the same yellow color.
“Doctor Stuart, please?” Asked William.
“Of course. Just a moment,” the secretary answered.
She picked up the phone and after a brief conversation directed William and Tina to a door. There, Dr. Stuart was inside.
He greeted William, “Good afternoon my friend! What brings you to my office?”
“This is Tina, my assistant. She hasn’t had an eye exam for five years,” said William.
“So… take a seat in that chair Tina. Let’s check your eyes.”
Tina did as Dr. Stuart said and sat in the chair. Dr. Stuart looked into her eyes with help of a little flashlight. He also noticed she has the in-ear devices.
“William! Did you install the prototype audio controller on her?”
“Sure, I did,” answered William with a grin on his face.
“I imagine you’d like to know I’m finishing an updated version of the device… will be called AV controller. To be honest, I just need a test subject.”
Dr. Stuart offer made William smile.
“Of course! Tina loves to try new things.”
Tina wasn’t so enthusiastic about it, but did her best to keep a poker face. Dr. Stuart moved the phoropter in front of her head and started to ask her to read letters projected on the opposite wall.
“Looks like you’re a little nearsighted.” “Did you know that?”
“Yes, I did. But I never bothered to wear glasses.” Answered Tina.
“That only makes your sight worsen, you should wear them… Anyway, I need to make a mold of your eyes now. Please don’t be afraid, it’s completely safe.”
Stuart then inserted over each of Tina’s eyes with what looked like a small plastic cup. They were filled with some pink paste. Tina was almost in panic! It took a huge effort on her part to stay quiet with something like that bothering her eyes. After a couple of minutes, he removed it from her eyes and the paste was solid. Stuart then explained what he did.
“I have a perfect impression of your eyes so I can produce custom contact lenses that’ll have a perfect fit.”
“I’ll have to wear contact lenses? Like your secretary?” Asked Tina.
Stuart then explained, “Yes, but I don’t know if they’ll be in color. You can’t tell by looking in her eyes, but the lenses I make aren’t soft like regular contacts. Here I make hard lenses from a gas permeable plastic, so your cornea can still breath under the lenses. Being hard is easier to shape the lens to fix almost every vision defect. Today I’ll give you a regular soft pair of contacts. This is just for you to get used to handling them. Do you want to choose a color?”
Tina shrugged. Then William said, “Blue. I bet blue eyes will look a lot better than her brown ones.”
Stuart opened a drawer and took a small box.
“Here. Minus 1.0 blue contacts. Open your eyes and look up Tina.”
She looked up and Stuart put the lenses on her eyes. After few minutes he repeated the sight test asking her to read small letters. She really outperformed the first test by a large margin.
William and Tina left after she learned how to handle the contacts. Tina was still a little afraid of inserting things in her eyes, but was glad for the improved eyesight.
The following Tuesday, William’s office doorbell rang. Tina wondered who it could be. There was nobody scheduled for that time. She opened the door and was greeted by Dr. Stuart.
“Good afternoon Tina! May I enter?”
She smiled and gestured for him to come inside. Then Tina knocked on William’s door. The two doctors chatted briefly in the waiting room.
“William, it’s good to see you again. I’ve brought Tina’s AV Device and wondered if now is an appropriate time to install it.”
“Sure is! Tina, go to the office and sit on the chair please.”
Her original devices were gently removed.
“It’s strange to hear clearly again,” Tina thought, but quickly adjusted to that.
Stuart then examined her ears.
“I’m glad. I had imagined after these months she may have had problems with wax, but it’s almost clean.”
Stuart than used a small syringe with a cleaning solution to wash Tina’s ears. Then he opened his suitcase and picked the new ear devices.
“William, I’m afraid this new model needs another piercing… on top of her ear, see?” Stuart said while showing the new device to William. It had a micro audio jack on the top part that is located on the back of the device, so the only way to use it is to pierce the ear of its user.
William then marked the location for the piercing on Tina’s ears. Then he used a thick needle to pierce it. The pain made Tina shout even with her mouth locked. Soon tears rolled her through her face. Stuart handed William a small metal grommet with a 3mm hole. With a conical tool, William stretched the newly pierced hole and forced the grommet in place. The flesh held the grommet firmly in place, and the procedure was repeated on the other ear.
Tina was in heavy pain, so Willian unlocked her mouth and gave her some painkillers. Tina thanked him and both doctors waited for about half hour. Tina’s pain was fading away with the painkillers and because she is getting used to it. Her tears stopped and she became calm William then resumed the work of inserting the new devices on Tina’s ear canal. Then he replaced the tragus piercing making impossible to remove the earpieces.
With the devices in, but turned off, Tina was completely deaf. Stuart then picked a small plastic case. He opened it, revealing a pair of hard contact lenses. They were much larger than regular ones — almost the size of Tina’s own eyes. The contacts were completely transparent and had an unusual feature. There is a thin short wire attached to each lens, a little offset from center. Stuart signaled to Tina open her eyes and he then removed her color soft lenses and replaced them with the big hard clear ones.
She felt like a big speck in her eye. They were still a nuisance despite the fact they didn’t hurt her eyes. The small wires were clear in color similar to a strong fishing line. She could feel the wire when she blinked which bothered her a little. Stuart than carefully took the small wires and plugged them into her earpieces through the hole just pierced. Tina’s ears were still aching. Stuart handling the holes made some sharp pain. Tina held up well. As soon the plugs were connected the ear devices turned on and Tina could hear again.
Tina exclaimed,“I can hear now.”
“Good.” Answered Stuart. “How are your eyes?”
“Feels like I have a little sand in them, but it’s slowly getting better”
“Great. Those lenses should not hurt your eyes. Being big and hard they may be uncomfortable at times. I’m sure you’ll get used to them. Anyway, please report anything that you feel is wrong.”
“Well, it feels weird when I blink…”
Stuart showed herself in a mirror.
“Look in the corner of your eyes. You’ll see thin clear wires. They to go over your ears and connect to your earpiece.”
“What are they for?” asked Tina.
“Soon you’ll see.”
Stuart then took both Tina’s and William’s phones and reconfigured the control apps. He showed them both that the old features were in the same place, but now they had two more controls. A button that when pressed, as Stuart demonstrated, activated Tina’s contacts. Between the two layers of the gas permeable material was a layer of liquid crystal. When a small electric charge energizes the liquid crystal it became dark. They made Tina’s eyes look like two black balls and also made her blind.
“I can’t see!” “What happened?” Complained Tina. At the same time, she instinctively tried to move her hands to her eyes, which of course she couldn’t because of the chair’s restraints.
“Stay calm Tina! The lenses darken to opaque. They are supposed to make you blind when this happens. Here, I’ll make they clear again,” Stuart said and touched the button on phone screen. In an instant, Tina’s eyes looked normal again.
“Thank you!” Tina said. Although she thought about complaining about another device to control her, she believed that was better to just keep this to herself.
“It can also be partially darkened besides being fully opaque,” Said Stuart resuming his demonstration. “Just use this slider. Let’s put it here in middle. 50% transparent lenses now.”
While Stuart adjusted the controls, Tina’s lenses made her eyes appear darker. This time not completely black but just somewhat darker. It was still possible to see her pupil and iris, although the white sclera looked gray.
Tina commented,“I still can see, but looking through them it seems like I’m wearing sunglasses!”
“That’s what is supposed to happen, Tina. You can use your phone to adjust as you wish. Ah! A nice new feature. The control app now accepts voice commands! Try saying something like Hey Siri, make me blind,” explained Stuart.
Tina did try it immediately saying, “Hey Siri, make me blind.”
“Ding! Ding! Making your eyes blind! Take care!” The synthetic voice of her phone announced. At the same time, her eyes became completely dark.
“It works! But how do I make my lenses transparent again?” Asked Tina.
“Say to your phone; let me see,” explained Stuart
“Hey Siri, let me see.”
“Ding! Ding! Let there be light!” her phone exclaimed. Her vision became clear again.
“Impressive Stuart! It’s much better than I expected!” William complimented.
“Thank you, William, I knew you would like it. By the way, those lenses don’t need to be removed often. My secretary wears her colored ones for weeks in a row. Her lenses, despite being made of the same material, don’t have the liquid crystal layer. So, to be on the safe side, I would like Tina to wear it at least for a week without removing and then come to my office for a re-check.”
“Anything more we should know?” William asked.
“Well… The earpieces are integral to the lenses. Thus, when they are disconnected the earpieces will not turn on. Also, all phones paired to them will be notified. So Tina… you better not try to fool William!” Stuart warned.
Tina assured him,“I would never try to fool William. I mean it’s hard to wear all these things but… I gave him my word and I’ll keep it.”
“You found a rare bird, William.”
“I know. I’m really proud of her.”
That reply by William hit hard on Tina feelings. She welled with pride and for a few moments she even forgot about the true reason behind it. During that time all the discomfort faded. She was truly very proud of enduring the skintight latex catsuit, the extremely tight-laced corset, walking on tip toes with ballet boots, and all devices installed on her. Which grew into joy… then at the very instant she realized that it had… the discomfort suddenly reappeared. She hated herself for enjoying her situation, even for so little time.
The lenses Tina was wearing didn’t hurt her eyes. They were a constant nuisance being so big and with the small wires attached. At least they corrected Tina’s nearsightedness. Being the latest addition to her collection of items she had to cope with they were bothering her more that day. Blinking didn’t help, but she couldn’t avoid doing that.
Later that day she left the office and walked to a grocery store. It was almost sunset and the sun near horizon was bothering her. The adjustment of her lenses did work well as sunglasses when set to only 30% transparency. A couple of minutes after she enters the store she noticed people looking directly at her eyes. She realized they must look a dark gray and then made them 100% transparent again. Of course, she still turned heads as usual, but people looked more to her feet and waist and avoided eye contact.
Back home she stored her groceries and made some liquid food mix. Tina injected on her left nostril tube as she had been doing for months whenever William didn’t unlock her mouth. Later, during her bath, she accounted for all the changes that were done to her.
“What have you become Tina?” She thought. “All you touch is rubber… the only way you walk is in your toes… you only open your mouth when allowed… your waist is kept painfully tight… you can’t even hear like a normal person anymore, if you’re allowed to hear… and… now… he can even make you blind. How Tina, how did you let this happen to you…”
Tears ran over her face as she thought about herself. She let her face sink into her bathtub for few seconds. Then she stayed inside the warm soapy water with only with her head outside. She tried to relax for about half hour. For some unknown reason her hand searched — almost by itself — for her crotch. In few minutes, she brought herself to an intense orgasm. Her first since beginning to work for William.
Tina felt guilty for feeling such pleasure while being in a degrading situation like this. On the other hand, for those minutes she completely forgot about what she was submitting to. She then stood up, dried her body, dressed again in a catsuit and corset, put ballet heels on her feet, went to her living room, and watched TV until bedtime.
The next day she woke up and got scared when opened her eyes. They were a mess. Full of rheum and sleepy dust. She quickly stood up and tip toed her way to the bathroom. Not because she didn’t want to make noise, but because her feet hurt when she tried to touch the floor with her bare heels. Tina then washed her eyes in the sink, tip-toed back to her bed, took her phone, and texted Dr. Stuart.
“Good morning. I woke up today with lots of goo in my eyes. Is that okay?”
In a few minutes, her phone notified her.
“It’s normal for the first couple of nights. Can you send me a close-up photo of your eyes?”
She did her best to get a decent selfie of her eyes. They were almost normal. Just redder than usually they were. In no time Dr. Stuart replied.
“They look good. If they hurt or have other problems let me know. I’ll try to visit you later in William’s office.”
Before noon Stuart was there and quickly examined Tina’s eyes. He found no problem. But he wanted to make sure her eye veins didn’t swell up. That could mean her eyes are not receiving enough oxygen. He took some close up pictures of both eyes and left.
William brought her to Stuart’s office a week after Tina got her lenses. Stuart examined her eyes in detail. Compared the red veins with the pictures he got a week before. Satisfied they didn’t grow, Stuart released her.
In the next weeks, Tina became a little more used to the lenses. They were still a nuisance like her artificial hearing and all other items. At least now she was allowed to remove the lenses when home. She only did it on some weekend nights, since removing them turned off her hearing.
William was not very happy with the constant redness of his assistant eyes. He also would prefer her to have blue eyes, not brown. Despite the fact he was having some fun making Tina blind whenever he wished.
About two months since the last appointment with Dr. Stuart, William told Tina she needed to visit her ophthalmologist. William gave the afternoon off and unlocked her mouth so Tina could go there by herself.
She took the opportunity to go to a nice restaurant for lunch. Stopping back home she changed into a jeans and blouse. Trying to make her catsuit and ballet boots less noticeable. Then she called a taxi and went to Dr. Stuart’s office. She took the elevator and soon was in the waiting room.
She said to the secretary, “Ah… Hello. I have an appointment with Dr. Stuart. My name is Tina.”
“Yes, let me check… I’m afraid you’re early. Your appointment is an hour from now, Tina. Sorry.” The secretary replied.
“So, may I wait here?”
“Sure! Take a seat.”
Tina looked at the couches but instead sat on a firm chair right in front of the reception desk.
“Nice to meet you.” “By the way, what’s your name?”
“My name is Judy. Nice to meet you too!”
Tina smiled and notice her eyes were yellow in color, matching her uniform and make-up. She then remembered that Stuart said his secretary wear big hard lenses too, so she asked her about them.
“Judy… your eyes, are you wearing contacts too?”
“Sure! I don’t know anyone with yellow eyes,” she said giggling.
“Silly me!” “I mean are those big hard contacts like mine?”
Judy then took a pen in hand. With the back of it lightly tapped her own eye showing to Tina it was indeed a hard contact. Tina got a little scared by that.
“Ouch no!” Tina said shuddering.
“Relax. It’s fine. This doesn’t hurt! You can even do it to yours, too.” Judy offered the pen to Tina but she refused. Instead, she asked, “How come your eyes don’t show red veins?”
“You mean in the white part?”
Tina nodded yes.
“My lenses are painted including the white. Underneath they are somewhat red.”
“Are they part of your uniform?” Tina asked.
“Yes. The bright yellow lipstick too. To be honest I found it weird in the beginning but it looks kinda futuristic. As if I’m in some science fiction movie. Your shiny outfit looks like that also.”
“Oh, did you notice…”
“From the first time you were here. But don’t worry, I’m used to Dr. Stuart’s special customers. To be honest I refer Dr. William to many of them.”
“Now I understand. Looks fetish people enjoy having places like this to go to instead of regular ones.”
Judy nodded in agreement.
“Sure! We enjoy having places that know our tastes.” She then winked at Tina. Tina smiled.
The sound of Dr. Stuart’s office door opening interrupted their conversation. A couple exited the office. Tina noticed that the woman’s eyes looked feline. An electric blue color with a pupil shaped like a slit. Although it seemed weird it wasn’t ugly. Actually very exotic.
Dr. Stuart immediately noticed Tina and invited her to the office. There he gave her a plastic box. She opened it and had a small fright. She saw what looked like two complete eyeballs. Of course, after better inspection she realized that were her new contact lenses.
“Do you like them?” Asked Dr. Stuart.
“They look beautiful, nice blue eyes. Will I wear these?”
“Yes. Do you want to change yourself or do you want me to do it?”
“I can do myself,” Tina said. In front of the mirror, she disconnected her transparent lenses from the earpieces. With help of a tiny plunger, conveniently stored with the lenses, she removed the transparent lenses from her eyes. Next, she inserted the painted lenses, connected the tiny wires to the earpieces, which activated the system.
“Well done Tina, you’ve mastered the handling of these lenses,” Dr. Stuart complimented. “How do they feel?”
“Exactly like the others,” Said Tina, while looking at herself in the mirror with piercing blue eyes. “But my vision is very blurred in the corners.” She complained.
“That is expected. As you know, the iris of your eye opens and closes the pupil according to the ambient light. The painted iris on the lens always stays the same size. I sized it for what it would look on a sunny day. It sure looks beautiful with more blue iris showing. When your own pupils open more than the clear lens, the light on the edges will pass through the painted area.”
“I can understand.” “But why didn’t the first contacts that I wore do that?”
“That were commercial contacts and they made the pupil big enough so it didn’t bother you. But I think for you, the excellent look is paramount.”
“Yes. I can live with that.”
“Of course you can still darken your vision the same way. Now your eyeballs will not turn black. Just the pupil and nobody will notice.”
“Thank you, Dr. Stuart.”
“Nice! We’re done. And here, you can bring your transparent lens with you and wear them if you want. Now you got options!”
“Thanks, see you another time Doctor.”
Tina then exited his office. When she passed in front of Judy, she stopped Tina.
“So what did you get there?” “I’m curious!”
“Look for yourself.” Said Tina, at the same time she looked into Judy’s eyes.
“Wow, they are gorgeous! I bet you are very happy! And you see? No more red veins!”
“True! I think I’ll wear those a lot now.” Tina smiled.
“So, welcome to the club! By the way, I need an appointment with you.”
“Sure!” Tina picked up her cell phone, opened her schedule, and found a date where she can exam Judy in the next week. Judy agreed and she said goodbye.
Tina returned home.
Part 7
Back in her home, Tina looked herself in the mirror. The blue eyes she now sees in her reflection seemed lifelike. At same time unreal. She could not find the reason. “Maybe they are too perfect to be true,” She thought, “Or maybe is just that thin transparent wire in the corner of my eye.”
Still in front of the mirror she tested the darkening function. This time she only could notice her vision becoming darker when she changed the settings on her phone, but didn’t notice any change in the appearance of her eyes. “At least I can let them darken without people thinking I’m possessed.”
The next day in office William immediately noticed the change and promptly complimented her.
“Your new eyes look stunning! I’m so glad you got them!”
“Thank you, Bill.”
They started another work day taking care of patients as usual. The demand for installing new Teeth Lockers had diminished. Those with them installed came back every few months to be sure they are in good condition. Most of the new installs are done in patients from other cities or even countries. Some travel far to get such an exquisite device in their submissive partners.
During that afternoon William got an update for the control app. He promptly installed it and noticed a nice new feature. He now can set a schedule to enable and disable features. He didn’t hesitate to programme her earpieces and lenses to shut down at midnight. Then set them to turn themselves on again at 6 AM.
“Well… now, you are just like Cinderella,” he said to Tina. Her mouth locked and she was unable to ask what that meant.
“By the way, we are out of coffee.” “Would you please go down the block to the grocery and buy some?” Asked William handing her some cash.
Tina just nodded as she took the money from his hands. She unbuttoned her latex white coat and hung it on a rack near the front door. Then as she was dressed in a tight-fitting short latex dress over her catsuit Tina just crossed the street to her house. She picked out the lightest overcoat she had. It was effective in covering her body although her hands and legs were fully exposed.
She looked at herself in the mirror. Despite not being happy with her outfit she went to the grocery store anyway. The dark coat made a contrast to her white catsuit. She was sure she would turn a lot of heads. Fortunately, there wasn’t anyone on the street at that moment.
Tina entered the grocery store and looked for the coffee aisle. Since the store is tiny that was an easy task. It had just two aisles, a handful of baskets containing fruits and vegetables, a counter that runs along the side wall, and the cash register near the door. Only one person worked in the small store. Probably the son of the owner — because of his young age. Tina quickly found her favorite brand, picked up a couple cans, and headed to the register.
She put the coffee cans on the counter in front of the young man and smiled. He scanned the boxes and she handed him the money. He put the cans in a bag and handed the bag her along with her change.
“Here is your change, pretty lady! Come back again!”
Tina smiled at him again and waved goodbye.
“You have a pretty smile! Bye bye!” he said cheerfully.
She would have thanked him if she could. Instead, she just left the store tottering in her tip toes. Noticing that the store was now empty he took a broom, went outside sweeping the sidewalk, as an excuse to watch Tina for a little more. He was mesmerized by her stride on the tip of her toes and the shiny material on her legs. After few minutes, Tina went inside William’s office and the boy resumed his work.
Later that evening when Tina was back in her home relaxing in her couch, she heard a chime. At first, she could not find the origin of the sound, then remembered her earbuds. She searched for her smartphone, but after few seconds she heard another chime. Her vision became darker. When she finally found the phone she looked at the screen. The clock showed 11:59 PM. Before she was able to unlock the device her vision went completely dark and all sounds stopped.
She was no stranger to that disorienting feeling, but was not ready for that.
Tina sat back on her couch thinking what she could do,“Okay… First let’s turn off that TV. Then is better to go to my bed, is late anyway.”
Reaching for the remote control was out of question as she had no idea of where it was. Maybe it somewhere near the couch. She didn’t think she could find it with her hands. Tina then walked holding on her furniture for guidance to the wall where her TV set was installed. Reaching the TV she realized that there is no way she could tell which button will turn it off. Wait! she couldn’t tell if the device was off anyway. So, she followed the wires to the outlet and pulled the plug from the wall. “This should do it.”
Next was a short walk to her bedroom. Once again she used the walls and furniture to guide herself. Once she found her bed she removed her ballet shoes and laid back on her mattress. Falling asleep wasn’t easy. The sudden adrenaline rush from the unexpected total lack of sound and vision kept her wide awake for some time. Eventually she dozed into her dreams.
Her sleep was interrupted by her alarm clock at 7 AM. She opened her eyes and her vision was clear. Feeling better having her senses back she fed herself a liquid breakfast through the feeding tube and dressed in her uniform for another workday.
When she arrived William said,“Good morning!” Then asked,”Did you sleep well, Tina?”
Tina nodded.
“I think now you know why you are my Cinderella, don’t you?”
She again nodded and smiled.
“I’m glad you like it. You better be careful of where you are near midnight.”
After those comments her day went as usual and so did the rest of her week. She adjusted her habits a little. Her late night relaxing was moved to her bed. Reading a book or watching something on TV. That way she had the least problems when her vision and hearing turn off.
The next week she had a visit from Judy. Of course, that was no surprise as Judy had an appointment. Tina didn’t expect that Dr. Stuart was accompanying her. Indeed, she didn’t expect that Dr. Stuart was guiding her!
Tina opened the door for the pair and Dr. Stuart guided Judy inside by her arm. The ophthalmologist’s secretary wore her yellow skirt suit, five-inch yellow pumps, and nude hose. Tina scanned her from bottom up and couldn’t ignore the very small wires that were attached to the corner of girl’s eyes.
Dr. Stuart picked his smartphone and with a few touches Judy had her hearing and sight back. She blinked few times as her eyes adjusted to the sudden light.
Judy looked a bit confused about her surroundings and asked, “Where am I?”
“Dr. William’s office dear,” Dr. Stuart stated.
Judy looked around again and her eyes stopped when she saw Tina’s face. “Good morning, Tina!” she greeted. Tina smiled back to her and lead them to the couch in the waiting room. Soon William joined them.
“Nice to see you both here” Greeted William, while he unlocked Tina’s mouth. “
“Thank you, Bill.”
“Don’t need to thank me, Tina. I would like you to work on Judy while I talk to Dr. Stuart.” “Can you do that?”
“Of course I will!”
Tina invited Judy to follow her. She showed Judy to the dentist chair and had her lie down. She tied Judy in the chair as the usual… at least for this fetish office.
“Why this, Tina?” asked Judy looking at the restraints.
“Is our standard procedure Judy. Relax.”
“Okay. Fetish thing, right?”
“Yes. By the way, what are we having done today?”
“I need… to have… a Teeth Locker installed…” Judy said, with some hesitation.
Tina smiled and proceeded with the installation. First, a good cleaning. Next, an x-ray to make sure Judy’s teeth are good for the device. Then, she began installing brackets in Judy’s mouth.
William and Stuart entered the room to see the progress.
“You’re doing great Tina, congratulations.” Praised William.
“This will surely be a hit.” Dr. Stuart pointed out.
Tina kept concentrating on her work and just nodded. Judy tried to comment something. The best guess for what she said was “I hope so.”
The procedure takes some time, but Tina finally finished working in Judy’s mouth. Now Judy had a brand-new Teeth Locker installed. Tina released her from the chair and then the quartet headed to the waiting room for some talk. Judy moved her jaw open and closed feeling the new appliance in her mouth.
Upon seeing the pair come in William said, “So Tina, let me inform you of the news. Next week we will travel to The Netherlands for the International Fetish Con. Dr. Stuart has reserved a booth there for us. We will showcase our products.”
Very surprised with William’s revelation, Tina could not even think of a reply. She just nodded and kept paying attention.
“You and Judy will be our models. Dr. Stuart and I will sell the devices. Here’s the deal. You girls will get 10% of the sales as payment for modeling.” This made Judy smile, and although she got a huge lisp she comments.
“Then we need to present these things as if they are convenient and comfortable as possible so we can sell more!”
“That is a clever idea.” Noticed Dr. Stuart. “I don’t think that’s a problem for Tina. But you Judy, have a little more than a week to get used to the Teeth Locker. We travel Friday of next week.”
After some chat, they locked both girl’s mouths and Dr. Stuart and Judy went on their way.
Part 8
Two years ago, Dr. Stuart called the newspaper to place an ad for the secretary opening in his office. A handful of girls showed up in his office the next day. One, in particular, drew the attention of Stuart. She was wearing a tight fitted skirt suit, 10 cm heels, and nude hose. Indeed, he could swear to see a bit of the top of the nude stockings near the hem of her skirt.
Dr. Stuart interviewed all the girls, but he already had made up his mind. He let the skirt suited girl interview last. He wanted to talk to her without being rushed.
“Good afternoon! What’s your name?”
“Judy White.”
He picked her resumé and read it. She had no experience being a secretary or working with medics, but he didn’t care. Her last job was salesgirl in a shopping mall.
“Why do you want to be my secretary?”
“I’m looking for a respectable job that I don’t need to work on Sundays.”
“I understand. Please don’t get me wrong, but I’m pleased by your choice of attire. May I ask why you chose it?”
“Well…” she said, blushing “… I wanted to look very professional and elegant.”
“Very good. To be honest, the uniform I’m planning is very much like this. I hope you don’t mind such an outfit every day. Do you know what the secretary’s duties are?”
“I imagine I’ll schedule your patients, answer the phone, and such things.”
“Yes… Plus keep the office tidy, other eventual tasks, also want you to showcase our products.”
“Not a problem.”
“Good. You will start tomorrow. Until your uniform is ready you may work dressed like now.” “Okay?”
“W… What? Did I get the job?”
“Yes, congratulations! See you tomorrow.”
Judy went home in a bliss. She arrived, opened her fridge, poured herself a drink, and sat on her couch. She kicked off her heels, picked up her phone, and called her mother to tell the news. She took off her suit carefully because she planned to wear it again the next day.
After a restful night of sleep, Judy woke up, ate a nice breakfast, then a showered and dressed for her first day of work. She really wanted to wear sensible flat shoes, but decided to go with the heels to keep the good impression she made.
“Good morning Miss White!” Dr. Stuart greeted her.
“Good morning! You can call me Judy, please.”
“Okay! You may call me Marcus. Please, come let me show you around.”
Dr. Stuart showed the office to her. It was a small space in a building on a good downtown street. It consisted of four rooms. One he used as a workshop and a place to store supplies. The next is his patient’s exam room. Those rooms are accessible through the waiting room, where Judy’s desk was placed. There was also a small restroom. After the tour, Dr. Stuart asked Judy to sit in the patient’s chair and did a complete exam on her eyes.
“Did you know you’re a little farsighted?”
“Yes. I have glasses, but I don’t like to wear them.”
“You’ll not need them soon.”
He then made molds of Judy’s eyes, a process that made her very anxious and a little afraid.
“Wow, that was weird.”
“Hope it didn’t scare you.”
“No…” she lied to him. “But why did you do that?”
“I make custom contact lenses. I do a lot of work for Hollywood.”
“So, I’ll have to wear contacts?” Judy asked, trying her best to not appear frightened.
He nodded. Then took the molds to the other room. There, besides a few lockers, he had a workbench with some drawers and some specialized tools. Judy observed closely as he prepared the molds and placed them in a case.
“Now we send these off to the company that will manufacture the lenses in the shape of your eyes.”
Soon a courier came to take the package to the lens factory. Later that morning a seamstress visited the office to take measurements of Judy. Then for the rest of the day, Judy organized dozens of eye molds in the drawers of the storage room.
The next day Dr. Stuart asked Judy to start a long task of transferring patient records from the paper to a computer archive. To Judy’s amusement, she recognized a few celebrities. If she had the time to research each name in the files she would’ve discovered several stunt doubles. There were other actors and actresses she didn’t know by their given name.
Later the day the doorbell rang. It was the courier. Judy signed the form to receive the small package. She handed it to Dr. Stuart. She was invited to watch his work. He sat at his workbench, set up some magnifying glasses on his head, and set out some painting supplies. Then he opened the package and showed Judy its contents. A pair of large, clear, glass looking, contact lenses. This made Judy a little puzzled, not to mention a bit afraid. She knows normal contact lenses. They are usually way smaller than these huge glass things. What she considered normal contacts are usually very soft, not rigid like that.
Dr. Stuart noticed Judy was a little puzzled. He then explained to her about the large scleral oxygen permeable contact lenses. That explanation made her a little more afraid. Imagine! Soon she will have to shove those huge glass things over her eyes. Dr. Stuart next fixed the lenses in a support and painted most of the outer part of the lens white. Then with a set of very small fine brushes, he painted a very detailed iris, yellow in color. Even though yellow, it was totally lifelike. Judy was mesmerized watching the artwork of Dr. Stuart.
“This may sound contradictory… but the perfection is having imperfections.” He explained. Then finished drawing a dark thin circle between the yellow iris and the white sclera. “This is why I hand paint them.” Happy with the work he put the lenses in a small oven and set a timer and temperature. “Now we just wait for the paint to dry and you can try the lenses.”
After about a couple of hours, he took the lenses out of the oven. Then proceeded to do some buffing on the painted surface. Happy with the results he thoroughly rinsed the lenses with saline solution. He asked Judy to sit in the patient chair. With steady hands from years of practice, he managed to slide the lenses under Judy’s eyelids quickly. She groaned a little. It felt like a huge speck in her eyes. Instinctively she closed her eyes tight and moved her hands to rub the eyelids, when Dr. Stuart stopped her.
“Don’t rub your eyes. Blink a few times. Do they hurt?”
“No… They don’t hurt… just feel very strange… disturbing.” She said while blotting her makeup from tears that ran over her face.
“That is normal for the first few times. I assure you, your eyes aren’t in any danger!”
After a couple of minutes, despite the itching feeling, Judy was able to keep her eyes open. Dr. Stuart asked her to read the letter chart across the room.
“Well done! A little better than 20/20, more than perfect vision Judy!”
“Thank you!” She said cheerfully, even though she wasn’t very happy because of the discomfort in her eyes.
It took some time to get used to the lenses. At least to get her eyes to stop watering. Then Judy went to the restroom fix her makeup when she saw herself first time with the yellow eyes. It really looked strange and at the same time natural. It looked like her eyes were really that color, even though she knew they were fake. She imagined that if he used a more natural color, like blue or hazel, it would be almost impossible to know she was wearing lenses. She fixed her makeup and return to her work, although doing it a little more slowly because of the constant blinking.
In the end of the afternoon, Dr. Stuart removed the lenses from her eyes and check to see if everything was alright. Judy sighed in relief. The next day he let her insert the lenses and he taught her about all care they required.
“Why yellow?” She dared to ask.
“Good question Judy, I was wondering when you would ask that!” Dr. Stuart then showed her some business cards, with a golden logo of the office. “I think is nice that we associate our image with gold. Don’t you think?”
“Sure… but even in my eyes!?”
“Why not? It will help to showcase our work here. If I did a more natural color people will hardly notice you are wearing our contacts.”
Judy was satisfied with that answer. The remainder of that week was a bit monotonous since they had no patient visits and Judy’s work was just digitize old archives.
The following Monday Judy arrived the office and noticed there was a new sign hung on the door. It was golden and next to a stylized eye read, “Dr. Stuart Ophthalmologist. Specialist in Contact Lenses.” When she entered the office she noticed some extra items decorating the waiting room. A lamp with golden trim and a picture of a woman painted in gold on the wall.
She greeted her boss and sat at her desk to do her work. Judy was in her skirt suit wearing a red blouse under the jacket. Later, as she was returning from the lunch break the doorbell rang. The seamstress who took her measurements before was accompanied by a young lady. The seamstress brought newly made uniforms and showed them to Judy. There were three sets of business suits that consisted of tight miniskirts and blazers tailored with a small waist. She also gave Judy a pair of rubbery waist cinchers.
Judy held up one of the cinchers and asked, “Why this?!”
“It will make the blazer fit better Miss White.”
“Please. Just try it,” answered the seamstress.
Judy took the uniform. She changed locked inside the restroom. She tried the blazer without the waist cincher and noticed she can barely close the buttons. Judy then decided to not upset the woman. With considerable effort, she closed all the hooks of the cincher under her blouse. Then she slipped the blazer back on. It closed easily. The proper slack… a perfect fit. Next, she put on the yellow miniskirt. That was pretty tight too! Looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t deny that the look was stunning. At the borderline of professional and sexy. Before leaving the restroom she adjusted her garter belt to raise the stockings a few centimeters.
“Magnifique! Stunning! Exquisite! Gorgeous!” Praised the seamstress when she saw Judy exiting the restroom.
Judy blushed. She thanked her for the compliments. The seamstress them gave her two pairs of color matching stiletto pumps with 12cm heels. Judy kicked her heels and climbed into the newer ones. They were higher and with a thinner heel, but they were made from a softer leather making a comfortable fit.
“Wow, they are high!”
“Superb! You look wonderful Miss White!” The seamstress complimented again. “Now I need to leave, but Rita here will help you with your make up!”
Before she left, Dr. Stuart appeared from his room and accompanied the seamstress to her car. Meanwhile, Rita the makeup artist gave Judy a box with a nice bow closing it. Judy thanked her and opened the box. Inside was yellow lipstick, yellow nail polish, black eyeliner, mascara, a set of eyeshadows in the yellow palette, and set in the black/gray palette. All the makeup from top quality brands Judy had only read about. They were too expensive for her budget.
Rita applied makeup on Judy and taught the secretary some nice tricks to always be looking good. Happy with her work, she said goodbye to Judy and left the office. Instead of resuming her work, Judy stayed in front of the mirror admiring herself. “It’s a bit of a strange look, but very, very beautiful,” she thought.
Her contemplation was interrupted by Dr. Stuart ringing the doorbell. She quickly opened the door.
“You look amazing, Judy!”
“Thank you!” she said, while spinning to show her outfit.
“You are very welcome! I’m really lucky to have a very competent and gorgeous secretary as you.”
“It’s a pleasure to work with you. Isn’t easy wearing all this, but I really enjoy the look too.”
In the next days, Judy got more used to wear her uniform and makeup. After some weeks she started to keep the contacts in her eyes even out of the office, because Dr. Stuart said it was safe for her to sleep wearing them.
Judy was a smart girl. She knew the reason that she was hired was her outfit. She knew that she looked very sexy in her uniform. She liked that. Indeed, Judy always enjoyed wearing outfits that made her look beautiful. She just didn’t imagine that someday she would work wearing such hot suit.
In a few weeks, Judy realized who were most of the customers. Cos-players, makeup artists, actresses, models, and few regular women. The very few men who showed up at the office were almost all actors. Of course the most famous ones didn’t come to the office, instead, Dr. Stuart flew to them to do the work more privately and for their convenience. Judy also noticed her exotic look really helped. Several times patients still undecided about getting some custom contacts were convinced by Judy.
For about a year she worked the same routine. Judy was happy with her job. It was not exciting, but she got a good paycheck, didn’t need to work on weekends, and sometimes with luck she even met some minor stars from TV and cinema.
Then one day, to her surprise, a woman came into the office wearing a long leather overcoat. Almost as if she was some character from a cyberpunk movie. The woman then removed the coat and hung it on the coat tree near the entrance door. Judy was astonished! Under the coat, the woman wore a catsuit made of rubber. She was covered in shiny skintight black latex from her neck to her high heels.
“I have an appointment with Dr. Stuart.” The woman said in a calm voice.
Judy tried to not show her amazement.
Behaving as casual as she could, Judy said,“You must be Ms. Silvia. Please. Take a seat, the doctor will see you soon.”
The woman nodded and sat on one of the cozy armchairs in the waiting room. In a couple of minutes, Dr. Stuart invited Silvia to his room where he performed an exam. Then he made molds of her eyeballs. Judy could hear her groans from her desk when that happened. Shortly Silvia exited the room while trying to clean her messed makeup. She dressed in her overcoat and left. Following her, Dr. Stuart gave Judy the molds. She stored them in a box together with a couple of other ones from previous patients.
He noticed that Judy was still looking surprised, and said, “Stunning outfit, no?”
“Very strange if I may say so…” “Was it made of rubber?”
“Yes. She has a fetish.”
“Oh gosh. She must sweat a lot inside it.”
“I guess so. Anyway, looks as if she will be a great customer. Ordered three pairs today! My friend William referred her to me. Seems there is a market for fetish people.”
The next day the lenses arrived by courier as usual. Dr. Stuart took them and went to his workbench. He worked on the lenses for the regular customers and then invited Judy to come look.
“Those are Silvia’s lenses,” he said while painting one completely black. Only a very small hole was left unpainted for her pupil.
“I can understand why she wants black ones. Matching that rubber outfit, right?”
“I guess so.” He said, putting that pair away and starting to paint another. They looked like a regular eye, blue with a hint of purple.
“Those are beautiful! I think she will not always go with a weird look,” commented Judy.
Next, he started to work in the last pair. Attempting to copy the previous one the best he could.
“These looks the same…” Noticed Judy. Dr. Stuart then started to paint the pupils of the lenses black.
“Here is the difference Judy.”
“Wait… she will not be able to see if you paint it like this!”
He nodded and kept working using a light to find spots where the lenses aren’t painted. When he was convinced that it was completely opaque, he set the oven to dry the paint and finally buffed them to a flawless finish.
“Please call Ms. Silvia. I know she is anxious for her lenses.”
Later that day, Silvia arrived accompanied by her husband. She wore a very tight purple rubber dress. Her legs and arms were covered in glossy black rubber, that Judy correctly guessed to be a catsuit wore underneath the dress. Dr. Stuart invited the couple to his room. He took some time explaining how to insert, remove, and care for the lenses. They left with the husband holding Silvia’s hand. She followed him looking very disoriented. After closing the door, Judy asked, “Was she wearing…”
“The blind lenses? Yes.” Interrupted Dr. Stuart.
“But why?!”
“Looks like a fetish. Some kind of game between them.”
Judy was shocked.
In the next months, she got used to such kind of customers. They started to become increasingly common in the office. Indeed, Dr. Stuart ordered her a new uniform. It looked like the previous one but made from shiny vinyl.
Dr. Stuart was very happy with those new customers. He started to meet with William more often to discuss new ideas. Earpieces to block sound, tubes to bypass taste and smell, and lenses with liquid crystal that could be controlled electronically. Judy witnessed those things being tested on William’s assistant and was glad that she didn’t have to get them herself.
Then, one day, Dr. Stuart invited Judy to lunch with him.
“I need to ask you something, Judy. You are free to refuse, but I really want you to at least think seriously about this offer.”
“Go ahead, I’m listening,” she said, a little worried of what he would ask her.
“One of our customers got our office a booth into the International Fetish Convention. It’s a huge event and thousands of people will attend. We have the potential to make a lot of money.”
“Looks promising!”
“Yes. But we will need models to showcase our products. William already said that Tina agreed, but she can’t stay on the booth all time. We need a second one.”
“Me?” Judy guessed.
She was shocked. The idea of wearing such things made she shiver.
Trembling her voice, she replied, “I… I can’t. I’m afraid I can’t.”
Dr. Stuart picked a napkin and wrote a number on it.
He gave it to her and said, “I said you are free to refuse Judy. I think finding a model will not be a problem. But… this is the amount we are willing to pay you for four days. Plus a share of the profits. I think you can do this job. I would prefer to give that money to a person I already know and trust.”
Judy looked the napkin. It was a large amount, she was now in doubt.
“Will it hurt?”
“A little. More like it will be uncomfortable.”
“After the convention, I’ll have that things removed?”
“Of course, if you wish.”
Part 9
It’s Friday afternoon. Tina was apprehensive because this will the last weekend before they travel to the International Fetish Con. Judy was even more worried. She was still sore from the piercings in her ears and her mouth was still in pain from the Teeth Locker. Tina was already used to wearing such things even though she didn’t enjoy them. That afternoon to her delight William unlocked her mouth.
Judy had no idea of how she will endure the next few days. She needed some help. She decided to use the archives on her computer to find Tina’s number then save it on her phone. “I hope she didn’t mind talking to me a little…” Judy thought.
That evening Judy stayed in her apartment with her phone in her hand unsure what to say when Tina answers the phone. After some thinking while having a few drinks Judy decided that she will send a text message. She thought for a few minutes then finally came with something. “Hello. This is Judy from Dr. Stuart’s office. You must remember me. You worked in my mouth a few days ago. I wish to talk to you a bit if possible.”
Took a while before Judy hit send. When she finally did it was few minutes after midnight. Judy was already sleepy, but she stayed awake for more than an hour waiting for some answer. Alas, she didn’t know that Tina’s vision and hearing are shut down for the night. Without an answer Judy eventually fell asleep.
Saturday morning Tina woke up and went to her kitchen to prepare some coffee. While her coffee maker was brewing she looked on her phone and saw Judy’s message. Worried about her patient Tina immediately phoned Judy.
The ringtone woke Judy. Still half asleep as she answered the phone, “Hello…”
“Hi, this is Tina. I’m returning your message. Are you okay? Is there a problem?”
“It’s all fine, no problem Tina. Sorry to worry you.”
“No problem. I’m glad you are fine. Anxious for our trip next week?”
“To be honest I’m a little afraid…”
“I see… Do you want to come here and talk about it? I can make some lunch for us.”
“Really? I would love to! When and where?”
“When is good for you? I live in the house just across from Dr. William’s office.”
“Perfect, I’ll be there at noon. Bye”
Tina thought she better hurry with lunch. She looked in her fridge and pantry, but she didn’t find any real food. “So much time on my liquid diet… I need to buy something nice for Judy.” Tina said to herself. She picked a dress with long sleeves to hide her black catsuit, dressed, then walked on tiptoes to the grocery store.
The clerk smiled when he saw Tina entering his store.
“Good morning miss, may I help you?” He asked.
Tina nodded.
“I need something nice for lunch.”
“We have some ready to serve food over here. They are very tasty. May I show you?”
She nodded again.
He showed Tina some of the options. She chose roast beef, mashed potatoes, and some salad. She also picked a nice bottle of wine. The clerk then put the items in bags and charged Tina’s credit card.
“Thank you, Miss.”
“You’re welcome!” Tina happily answered.
“Pardon me. I don’t mean to bother you, but… I’m mesmerized by your shoes. I’ve never seen anything like them.”
“Thank you! I’m glad you like them.” She then winks at him and left the store. This time he didn’t take the broom as an excuse to go out, he accompanied Tina to the door and stayed there and watched until she entered the house.
Tina now has about an hour before Judy arrives. She tidied the living room and kitchen. Fixed her makeup. She changed into a halter dress because she thought that her guest will not mind seeing her latex. At noon Tina heard a car parking and in a moment her doorbell rang. Tina opened the door and saw Judy wearing a colorful tunic, spandex leggings, and black pumps with a heel around 8 cm. She also noticed that Judy had a small septum ring. She chose not comment on that.
“Hello Judy! Please come in, have a seat” greeted Tina.
Judy thanked her and walked in. Tina showed her to the couch. Judy scanned Tina from head to toes. Amazed that she wore a rubber catsuit and knee-high ballet boots even when not with Dr. William.
“Nice house you have Tina. Feels very cozy!” Judy complimented with a huge lisp in her voice.
“Thanks. By the way, you look gorgeous Judy. How are you coping with your Teeth Locker?”
“Not very well. It doesn’t hurt anymore but is a huge annoyance.”
“May I take a quick look?”
Tina then sat beside Judy as she opened her mouth. Tina did a quick inspection and found nothing wrong.
“It looks like a perfect fit. I’m sorry that this thing really bothers you.” Judy pouted a little with that comment.
“Thanks.” “How long have you had yours?”
“Two and half years now.”
“Wow! So… Are you used to it now?”
Tina sighed.
“I don’t know if I’m used to it. Constantly reminds me that it’s there. I guess I really don’t mind anymore.”
“I don’t understand. I thought you enjoyed it…” Judy seemed confused now.
“I have a deal with Bill. He helped me a lot… I owe him more than you imagine.”
“But… This thing is… so… insane!”
“Maybe. There are worse things…”
Judy realized that what she said was rude. She then changed the subject.
“What are you wearing? Looks like rubber.”
“Yes. It’s latex. Here touch it!” Tina said, while offered her arm to Judy. After a second of hesitation Judy touched it. She rubbed a little and then groped it amazed by the feeling.
“It feels fantastic. I never imagined that.”
“Thanks. It’s cool, just not practical sometimes. Anyway, are you hungry? I’ll heat our lunch. Come with me to the kitchen.”
Both girls stood up and went to the kitchen. Tina put the roast beef in her toaster oven and the mashed potatoes into the microwave. She asked Judy to take the salad from the fridge then served it on a beautiful plastic saucer.
“What’s up with those boots?” Judy asked, a little mesmerized by the way Tina stood up on her toes.
“Ah, ballet heels.”
“So… Do you stand on your tip toes? Doesn’t it hurt?” asked Judy, furrowing her brow.
Tina thought for a second before answering, “Yes, if you stand for too long it hurts. It’s also hard to balance without concentration, but I’m sure I have some advantage from ballet classes taken when I was a teen.”
“How cute! You were a ballerina!”
That comment made Tina giggle.
“Yes, I can show you some pictures later.”
Soon the food was hot and Tina served the lunch. Judy really appreciated lunch even though she was not able to fully taste it because her tubes installed by Dr. Stuart after the Teeth Locker. For Tina it was a real delight to be able to chew real food after weeks on a liquid diet only. The wine was a terrific addition to the lunch. It wasn’t a top-shelf brand but that didn’t matter to them.
After finishing their meal, Tina put the dishes in the dishwasher. She brought their glasses with the wine bottle to the couch where they could be more comfortable to talk. Tina then showed Judy her picture frame where she was with her parents dressed in her ballet tutu.
They chatted for a while and Tina got the courage to ask Judy, “Why did you have the devices installed?”
Judy froze for a second. Her mind slowed a bit by the alcohol were processing the words… ‘Devices installed.’ She felt like an object for an instant. Like she was a thing that could have extra options added and removed.
She came back from her fleeting thoughts replying, “Because Dr. Stuart hired me to model those things at that Fetish Convention, that’s all.”
“You are fulfilling a contract.”
“Yes. I imagined that would be just four days of work. Little did I know it would involve an extra week of wearing these things. I should have charged for that too!”
“I imagine is very hard work for you then.”
“Tell me about it. I can’t wait to have these things removed.”
“I noticed you got a feeding tube too. I could see it in your throat when I checked your mouth. I didn’t imagine you need to have it for the convention.”
“I got that and a shorter one on my other nostril. Gosh, I just agreed with it because I already had so much! It would be a shame to give up and remove all the things having no payment. Sorry, but I found the tubes disgusting.”
Tina poured more wine into the glasses.
“I’m sorry Judy. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m very thankful for you taking me into your home and letting me vent.”
“You’re welcome, Judy. I’m happy to be able to help you some small way.”
Judy hugged Tina. All that wine had made her a little emotional. Tina hugged her back for a while. Then Judy released the hug and held Tina’s waist.
“What is this?”
“Ah. It’s my corset. Want to see it?”
“Err… Yes.”
To Judy’s surprise Tina opened the zipper of her dress and removed it. Of course, she wasn’t naked under it, but Judy felt awkward anyway.
“This is my corset. See, laces at back?” Tina commented while showing Judy the laces.
“Gosh, this looks tight…” Judy then touched the garment. “Wow, it’s stiff too.”
“Yes. It has metal bones inside. Holds me very stiff.”
“Impressive.” “You have to wear it too?”
“Yes, like the latex suit and the ballet heels.”
“My uniform includes a compression girdle. It’s tight but I can’t imagine this corset. Must be awful!”
Tina thought for a second and tossed out an invitation.
“Come! Follow me Judy.” She then led her friend into the bedroom. Tina opened the wardrobe, picked a catsuit, a corset, and handed them to Judy.
“You can try for yourself!”
“Thank you… But you don’t need to do this”, Judy hesitated.
“Nah, I insist dear!”
Tina gave her a talcum bottle, some instructions of how to put it on, and left Judy alone in her room. Judy feeling somewhat confused, thought was better to play along. She removed her tunic and leggings. Wearing only her bra, she sat on Tina’s bed, and tried to put the catsuit on her legs. She found the rubber didn’t slide very well. Then she applied some talcum the way Tina instructed. That made the job easier and soon Judy was wiggling to get her arms in. She found it very strange that the suit included gloves and feet. She also managed to close the zipper until the middle of her back. Judy then opened the door and found Tina already on her way to help her.
“I can’t close the zipper myself.”
“I’ll help you.”
Tina then raised the zipper to Judy’s neck. The suit was snug to her body but not as tight like it looked on Tina because Judy was slightly smaller.
“How does it feel?”
“Not bad actually. Somewhat awkward… but not as bad as I imagined to be honest with you.”
“I’m glad. Now come here.”
Judy followed Tina back to her room where Tina put one of her corsets around Judy’s waist. For some reason, Tina was enjoying helping her new friend try her clothes. After she hooked the busk closed, Tina began to lace.
“EASY! It hurts!” Complained Judy.
“Sorry. Let me just tighten… a little… more.” Urged Tina.
She then pulled the laces a little harder. After a small groan from Judy, she stopped and made a knot.
“Wow… This… is… tight…” Judy breathlessly said as she tried to catch her breath.
“Relax a little. It gets better with a little time.” Tina tried to comfort her. Judy felt a little naked. She put her Tunic on over the catsuit and slipped her heels back on.
“Wow Judy, that looks really good! The brown rubber makes a nice contrast.”
Judy looked at herself in the full-length mirror in Tina’s wardrobe. Indeed, she found herself beautiful in this outfit and imagined she could wear it without the corset and the gloved hands.
“I have to admit Tina. This rubber thing can really look good. But why does it have attached gloves?”
“I don’t know, that was William choice. I’m glad he didn’t ask me to wear hoods like some of the patients wear. Have you seen that?”
“Sure, I have seen it. Much too bizarre to my taste. I don’t understand why anyone would wear such a thing.”
“I agree, but the latex suit is okay to me. I have become so used to wearing it that I feel naked if not wearing something over.”
“Maybe it’s so skintight we feel exposed. I felt like that at first. Well, do you want me to undress out of it now?”
“Nah, wear it for a while. You can undress later. Feel it longer.”
The two went back to the couch where they chatted and finished off the wine bottle. Judy complained once again about her Teeth Lock, how awful it was, her hearing with those earbuds, and how painful it was to have her ear and nose pierced. Tina agreed with her complains and try to cheer Judy up remembering she is doing all this just for a while.
Time flew. They were chatting for hours. Judy was feeling really upset by the catsuit and the corset. She then looked her cellphone and noticed it was almost 8 PM.
“Tina, please, I have to get out of these things. I can’t stand them anymore.”
“Oh sure! Sorry dear. Please allow let me help.”
Tina brought Judy back to her room, undid the knot in the corset laces, and removed it. That made Judy’s ribs ache a bit.
“Ouch. It hurts.”
“Oops… Sorry. I should have unlaced it slower.”
“That thing is torture… I can’t understand how you can wear it.”
Tina just giggled while opening the catsuit zipper. Then she started to pull the rubber away from Judy’s neck. Her hands between the latex and Judy’s shoulder. Judy felt a little awkward. Interrupting, Judy said, “Thanks, I think I can do it myself.”
“Sure! If you need help just call me.” Tina quickly exited the room. Judy started to remove sweat soaked arms from the catsuit. Then she slid the suit down and freed her legs from the rubber. She was all wet. Not only from sweat. For some reason removing the skintight garment aroused her. She refrained those thoughts when she heard Tina’s voice from the other side of the door.
“You may want to take a shower. There are clean towels stacked behind the right door of my wardrobe. Feel free to use them.”
“Thank you, Tina!” Judy said from inside the room. Her first thought was to just dressing her own clothes and declining Tina’s shower offer. When she touched the rubber removing her feet to completely disrobe she got a little aroused again. Now horny, Judy pulled the catsuit up to her waist again. Walking to the other side of the room she picked up a clean towel. She opened the door to Judy’s bathroom and found a sparkling clean, roomy bathroom, including a bathtub.
Judy then hung the towel on the rack, climbed in the bathtub, and dressed again placing her arms in the catsuit. She closed the zipper to where she could manage herself. She then plugged the drain, turned on the faucet, and then sat inside. Alone lost in her feelings caressing her legs over the smooth rubber. Judy felt more and more aroused. The warm water was already covering her thighs when she opened the lower part of the zipper and pleasured herself. Soon she was lost in long and intense orgasm.
It was very intense. She sat still in the tub for a good couple of minutes just trying to recover her strength. Suddenly she comes back to her senses. Removed the catsuit while still sitting in the tub. Then cleaned her body with some soap and used the same soapy water to wash out the catsuit from her own sweat. She rinsed herself and the suit, drained the tub and left the suit hanging over the bathtub edge. Judy then dried herself and dressed in her own clothes again.
Judy opened the door and found Tina seated on her couch playing with her cell phone.
“Thanks for everything Tina, but I have to go home.”
Tina stood up, held Judy’s hands and said, “Thank you for being a such a good friend. Please feel free to visit or call me anytime!”
They finished their goodbye and Judy went to her car then drove away.
Part 10
Tina fixed herself dinner with the leftovers from lunch. After eating, she went to her room and found the catsuit she lent to Judy over the bathtub. Realizing that Judy took a shower with the suit made her smile. For some reason, Tina felt very good that she convincing her new friend to try on the rubber. That night she laid on her bed thinking about that. About how she didn’t mind wearing her devices and her rubber. Indeed, she had a boost in her self-esteem because she wore all that things without the annoyance Judy complained about. That turned into pride. Tina was proud of being better in enduring her predicament. Then that feeling grew in her mind into arousal and eventually she pleasured herself to sleep.
During her drive home, Judy could not forget the feeling she had that evening in Tina’s bathroom. That unique feeling was stuck in her mind like a cheesy pop song. Waiting for the light to turn green she noticed a small flashing red neon sign. Blinking on and off the words “Sex Shop.” She imagined that there is where they would sell latex costumes. Maybe not like the ones Tina had. But, who knows? A cat woman costume or something like that. Her mind came back to reality when the car behind her honked. She then noticed the lights had turned green for a little while.
Judy turned in and parked the car in front of the sex shop. She walked inside and glanced everywhere looking for some latex clothes. She didn’t find anything besides dildos, butt plugs, whips, handcuffs, and such things. Then walked towards the girl behind the counter in the back of the shop.
“Can I help you?” The clerk greeted.
“Do… do you have latex clothes?” Judy asked shyly.
“Yes, we have some, what you have in mind.”
“A catsuit would be nice.”
The clerk nodded and went to a shelf. There she picked out a few packages. The labels had drawings showcasing the model of the garment. Judy saw one that was like what Tina lent her, but without the built-in hands and feet. The second one had no arms at all. The third had cutouts for the breasts and crotch.
“How much is this one?” Judy asked, pointing to the first.
The clerk scanned the barcode on her terminal and showed the price to her. Judy tried to not look startled at the price.
“I… I think I don’t want to spend that much tonight. Do you have some latex that’s not so expensive?”
“Yes, I can show you.” She went to the shelves again and brought back more packages.
Judy looked at her options, asking about prices, and finally bought high waist hot-pants. Her selection was a little disappointing, but she thought that small latex hot pants are better than no latex at all. When she returned home Judy rushed to her bedroom, removed her leggings, tore the pants package, and checked them. “Wow, it looks so small!” she thought.
The pants were shipped with some talcum and Judy didn’t wait to put them. A lot of effort was needed, she pulled the pants and wiggled her body for a few minutes until they were in place. She then looked at the package and found a size chart. “Gosh, looks I’m a size medium, not small.” Judy said to herself, giggling.
She then put a pair of 12cm sandal toed heels on and pranced in front of a mirror admiring her legs. The tops of her thighs were compressed by the pants. She also noticed in the mirror that the rubber pants pressed into her butt crack, separating her butt cheeks. Judy found it made her feel sexy and she truly enjoyed the feeling. Like her new friend… she also pleasured herself that night.
Sunday was a relaxing day for Tina. She decided to eat at a shopping mall and watch some movies after. That night she ordered pizza from her favorite pizzeria celebrating a rare weekend that she had her Teeth Locker released. Judy, on another hand, stayed home. She looked online for information about latex and enjoying her newly discovered fetish.
Monday was just a regular workday for Tina, but once again she had to buy coffee in the grocery store. The clerk smiled from ear to ear when he saw her entering his store. She took a can of coffee and handed to him.
“Good morning ma’am!” “How are you today?”
Tina of course just smiled to him and signaled thumbs up. The clerk found that strange and still tried to engage in some small talk.
“How was your weekend?”
Again, Tina smiled, broadly and nodded.
“Did I say something wrong?” “Sorry lady.”
Tina was scared. She didn’t want him to have a bad impression of her. She shook her had several times and pointed to her mouth.
“Ah. You can’t speak. Sore throat?”
Unable to explain, she just smiled again and nodded.
“I’m sorry, miss. I hope you get better soon. By the way, my name is Paulo. Have a nice day!”
She smiled again, threw a kiss, then waved goodbye.
Monday was exciting for Judy. She decided to wear her new latex hot-pants under her uniform. Even Dr. Stuart noticed a more contented look on her face.
“I’m glad to see you are happier today Judy!” “Are you getting used to our products?”
Obviously, she wasn’t but Judy thought that a little lie wouldn’t hurt.
“It’s better, but still bothers me, Dr. Stuart.”
Even though she was having trouble hearing clearly with her earbuds, not being able to taste her lunch properly because of her nostril tubes, she still smiled when remembering she was wearing latex pants. Then Judy tried to concentrate on her job in an effort to make time pass faster. She wanted to go home as soon as possible to be able to enjoy herself again. Mostly, she wished that the Fetish Con would happen soon. She then could get rid of these things Dr. Stuart installed on her.
Finally it was Thursday! Their flight was scheduled for the middle of the afternoon. As soon Judy arrived the office, Dr. Stuart escorted her to his car and drove to Dr. William’s office.
William greeted Dr. Stuart with a firm handshake. Both girls smiled when they saw each other. They didn’t say a word, despite their Teeth Lockers being free. They all went inside.
“Please, take a seat!” Invited William.
“Here, I brought their uniforms.” Dr. Stuart said while handing a package to William. He immediately opened it. Inside where four latex catsuits, two blue and two yellow. William then handed the blue ones to Tina and the yellow ones to Judy.
Tina unfolded one of the suits. The dark blue latex was decorated with electric blue lines imitating traces on a circuit board. On the chest, there was a logo of “Nexus Human Augmentations.”
“That is a cool name!” Tina said.
Judy also unfolded one of her suits. It had the same pattern as Tina’s one but was golden traces over a deep yellow suit. The same logo was also printed on the chest. Judy was speechless.
“I’m glad you like them, girls. They are custom made to your sizes and we have two each, so you can have one drying while use another,” remarked Dr. Stuart.
“They are beautiful and I like them,” Tina said. Judy was just holding them in her hands. She had a smile on her face feeling the smooth texture and intoxicated with its smell.
“Before I forget. There are matching corsets which are also custom made,” Dr. Stuart said while handing each of the girls an underbust corset, heavily boned, and made of a thick strong rubber. The corsets had the same pattern of the catsuits.
Not paying much attention to the others Judy asked, “May I try it on now?”
That question was a surprise to everyone. Dr. Stuart was expecting that Judy would be reluctant to wear the suit. Even Tina didn’t imagine her friend would like to try it so soon.
“Of course, go ahead. The restroom is there.” Pointed William.
“I think there is a bottle of talcum in the cabinet under the sink,” Tina added.
Judy went to the restroom. There she stripped naked and managed to dress the catsuit. It was harder to put on than the one lent to her by Tina. It was made to fit her body very tightly. The zipper was still an issue to her. Judy fully contorted herself to be able to grab the tab and completely close it. She looked herself and admired the suit’s perfect fit and the smoothness of that second skin.
“She’s taking a while. I’ll check if she needs any help,” Tina said while standing up and heading to the restroom. She gently knocked on the door. “Are you alright? Do you need some help?”
Judy opened the door. “I’m fine. But was hard to reach the zipper.”
“Wow! You look gorgeous! Come on, let them see you!”
Judy climbed into her yellow high heeled shoes and walked to the waiting room. She then spun on her feet with her arms above her head pretending to be a ballerina doing a pirouette.
“So how do I look?” Judy asked.
Dr. Stuart’s jaw dropped. William was smiling. Tina didn’t know what to say.
“Very… Very good!” Dr. Stuart stammered.
“Stunning!” Was William’s comment.
“Thank you! I like it too, but I’m feeling a little naked.” Judy was beaming.
“You can wear your uniform over it now if you want.” Dr. Stuart said.
Judy went to the restroom and dressed her waist cincher, blouse, vinyl skirt, and jacket. Happy with her look, she went back to the waiting room.
Tina took her new catsuit and corset and went to the restroom to change. When Tina was done, she noticed Judy forgot her stockings, garter belt, bra and to her surprise… the rubber hot pants. Tina picked up Judy’s belongings folded them placing them in her purse. Then she went to the waiting room to show herself.
After some compliments, William re-laced Tina’s corset extra tight.
“Wow, this is very tight!”
“Yes Tina, this corset is smaller than the ones you were wearing.” William explained.
“I understand,” she answered.
I’m going to go home to pick something to wear over this.” “What do you think?” Asked Tina.
“Good idea. Here. I got these for you. To match this outfit.” William said while handing Tina a shoe box. Tina picked up the clothes she wore before, along with her other belongings, and the shoe box.
“Do you want to help me, Judy?”
“Sure!” Judy said. Both girls then crossed the street and entered Tina’s house. Tina then opened her purse and handed Judy the clothes had forgotten in the restroom.
“Those are yours, Judy.”
Shy because of Tina handling her lingerie, Judy took the clothes.
“I didn’t know you are so into latex.” Commented Tina when Judy took her pants back.
Judy blushed.
“I… I… I didn’t know either… It… It’s a new thing” Judy answered, stuttering.
Noticing her friend wasn’t comfortable to talk about it, Tina invited her to her bedroom.
“No problem, come on, I’ll pick a dress.”
Tina already knew which dress she wanted. It was as a knee-length navy blue one with short sleeves. She put it on in front of Judy.
Judy exclaimed, “Wow, what a killer dress! So sexy!”
“Thank you, Judy!”
Tina sat on her bed and unlaced the white boots she was wearing. Then she opened shoebox revealing a pair of dark blue ballet heeled shoes. They had two straps over the feet and another on the ankle. Examining them closely she knew they were expensive. They were well made from a strong high-grade leather. The heels were very strong despite being very thin. The toe box looked very rigid and it had a rubber patch where the shoe touches the ground. She put them on her feet. She placed and adjusted the gel padding she usually wears. The fit was perfect. She stood up and did a little walk around her room to get used to the shoes.
“The look very good! I still can’t believe how you can walk like that, Tina.” Judy commented.
“Sit on my bed.” Tina commanded.
Judy sat without arguing. Tina then removed Judy’s yellow pumps and put her own white ankle boots on her friend. Without the gel pads they were a little loose, even though Judy wears the same size as Tina. Instinctively, Judy tried to put her feet flat on the ground. That made the boot’s heels parallel to the floor.
“No, no. You put your toes on the ground, like this.” Tina corrected while positioning her friend’s feet with her hands.
“This is so weird Tina. It feels wrong!”
“Don’t complain! Now give me your hands and stand up!”
Judy obeyed. As soon she started to stand up straight the weight on her toes was overwhelming. She tried to resist but the lack of balance and the pain on her toes made her fall back on Tina’s bed.
“It’s impossible, Tina!” Judy complained. “How can you do this? It’s impossible!”
“Come on Judy! Three steps. Just do three steps okay?”
Tina tried again to help her friend. This time holding her with one arm while also holding Judy’s hand. That time Judy could stand for a few seconds but she fell again when she tried to step forward. With a lot of help from Tina on the third attempt, Judy painfully walked the three steps then sat on the bed again.
“Done! Please let me remove these things.” Judy complained while unlacing the boots. “Really! I can’t understand how you can walk in these things. They are painful and so hard to wear.”
“I don’t mind Judy. Maybe the ballet classes really did make a difference.”
Their chat was interrupted by the doorbell.
Tina opened the door and found Dr. Stuart and William, who said, “Come on girls, we have to go to airport and lunch.” “Don’t worry about the luggage. Just bring your purses and passport. We will take care of the rest.”
“Sure, just let me lock up the house.”
Tina checked all the windows and the back door making sure everything was locked.
Judy left the lingerie she didn’t need any more at Tina’s place.
The quartet then got a taxi to the airport.
Part 11
The four arrived at the airport a little past noon. They went to the panoramic restaurant where they could eat with a privileged view of the runway. The girls really enjoyed the meal while Dr. Stuart and William discussed some of the business details of their adventure.
They proceeded to the check-in, where Tina from a distance recognized a familiar couple. Phil, wearing leather shoes, a jeans trouser, and a polo shirt was accompanied by Elisabete, wearing a semi-transparent golden catsuit, a black latex knee-length halter dress, and black knee-high ballet boots. Her tight dress showed her obviously tight-laced waist.
“Elisabete! Phil!” Tina exclaimed when she approached her friends.
“Tina! Nice to see you!” Elisabete replied.
“Where are you traveling to?”
“We’re going to Prague to attend the International Fetish Convention.”
“So we are! Dr. William and Stuart will have a booth there, and Judy and I will be their models.”
“Amazing! We are going to check out new things.” Phil commented. “We fly on flight 5289.”
“Same as us!” William noticed.
The group checked-in the luggage and went through security. The girls had to be manually scanned because their devices tripped the metal detectors.
Soon they are on the plane. They managed to sit all in one row on the 737 girls on one side of the aisle and men on the other. During the flight, the guys talked about their booth and their ideas. Tina was admiring the view from her window while Judy was bombarding Elisabete with questions about her latex fetish.
“Do you wear latex ever day Elisabete?”
“Yes, I do. It’s part of the dress code that Phil asks of me, but I do love wearing it anyway.”
“Amazing! How did you discover you liked it?”
“Ah… well… I already liked spandex and other tight things… like nylons. But when I first wore latex I was elated! Couldn’t believe how smooth it was… the constant compressing…”
“The shine, the smell, the feelings…” Judy complete Elisabete’s phrase. Elisabete immediately understood that Judy was hooked on the rubber fetish.
Elisabete then asked, “How about you? What got you into this fetish?”
The word ‘fetish’ was very unexpected by Judy. That made her realize she was like the patients that visited her boss’ office. She now saw herself as one of those she used to call freaks in her mind. Her first reaction, of course, was denial.
“No… No! It isn’t a fetish. I just really like to wear it!”
Elisabete giggled.
“Tell me the truth: Did you feel some kind of pleasure when you wear it? Any kind of arousal?”
Judy blushed. Elisabete had caught her.
“Well… Yes. Tina lent me a catsuit last Saturday. I couldn’t help myself and bought hot pants for myself the same day.”
Elisabete grinned.
“It’s okay. I became horny wearing latex too, Judy.”
Now Judy was red like a ripe tomato. But still curious as a cat.
“Oh gosh… Well… Even after all these years it still makes you horny?”
“Of course. To be honest I find almost impossible to be aroused without wearing it.”
“It isn’t a problem?”
“Nah, it’s wonderful… silly! But tell me, when did you get the catsuit? Already used to it?”
“Got it this morning. Until now it feels wonderful!”
“Great! You’re really into the fetish.”
The captain announced that the plane was beginning the approach to the Václav Havel Airport in Prague. The plane landed at about 5 PM and they were off of the disembarking gate.
“Where did you get your room, Phil?” asked Dr. William, then continued, “We got rooms in the Merkur Hotel.”
“We got a suite at the Hilton.” “Aren’t they near each other?” Phil said.
“Yes, they are. Let’s share a taxi,” William suggested.
“To be honest, I rented a car. It’s a Tesla Model X and can hold the six of us. It will be my pleasure to give you and the girls a ride.”
“Sure, Phil! Thanks a lot!”
The group walked to the car rental kiosk and waited for the valet to bring the car. Phil drove the car to the Merkur and dropped his friends then drove to the Hilton.
Dr. Stuart and William checked themselves and the girls in. Tina and Judy shared a double room. The men each got private a one. After they unpacked their luggage, they knocked on the girls’ room.
William said, “We need to go to the Castle where they are setting up the convention. We have to make sure our booth is ready for the opening tomorrow. Don’t wait for us for dinner.” “Okay?”
The girls nodded and said goodbye. Tina laid on the comfortable bed for a while resting from the trip.
“Ah come on, let’s do something, Tina!” Judy prodded.
“You’re right.” “What you think of going to the hotel bar?”
“Good idea!”
They entered the elevator and pressed the button for the mezzanine floor. When the doors reopened they walked to the bar. The girls sat at a high table and ordered drinks. The pair drew looks from the few other customers.
“We are drawing some attention.” Judy noticed.
“Well… don’t two sexy girls alone draw attention?” Tina giggles. “Especially in latex!”
Judy also laughed and raised her glass, proposing a toast.
“Here is to latex ladies!”
“Here, here! Cheers!” Replied Tina, then suggested, “What you think if we call Elisabete?” “Maybe we can meet up with her!”
“Great! She is lovely!” Judy agreed.
Tina phoned Elisabete, who invited the girls to dine with her at the Hilton. Then they walked to the five-star hotel to meet with their friend. A few people glanced at them. Especially at Tina’s feet. Once at the Hilton, they headed to the restaurant where they meet Elisabete and Phil.
They ordered the dinner. Tina and Judy noticed there were a handful of people wearing rubber, a few of them in collars, and some in other fetish items.
“Did I tell you that we are getting a kitten?” Elisabete asked.
“How cute! What breed?” Tina asked.
Elisabete giggled.
“No, a fetish latex kitten.”
“What?!” Tina and Judy asked in unison.
“She is the daughter of a friend. Recently she got dumped by her boyfriend. She’s a little depressed. Her mother wants my help.” Elisabete explained.
“I still don’t get it Elisabete. You said the daughter of your friend will be your cat?” A confused Tina asked.
“Yes. She was very much into this pet fetish, but her last boyfriend didn’t want to go into that. A couple of months ago he ended things with her. Poor girl. She is so nice and sweet. I really hope fulfilling her desire cheers her up.”
“So she will dress like “Catwoman” in latex?” Judy’s curiosity intensifying.
“No, no. She will dress in latex but not like that. Like a kitten. You know on all fours… eat from a bowl. I hope to find her a good outfit and accessories tomorrow at the convention. But don’t worry, you’ll be able to meet her once she moves in.”
“Oh my…” Tina sighed.
Judy’s jaw was on the floor.
They finished dinner talking about more mundane things. Phil was really excited to see Prague and to visit the real castle that was rented to the Fetish Con. The dessert was delicious. They lingered after and kept chatting ordering a few drinks from time to time.
Suddenly, Tina heard the familiar chime.
Startled, she asked, “What time is it?”
“Almost midnight, why?” Phil answered.
“Oh no… I’ll be deaf and… blind.”
Tina explained quickly how exactly the devices shut her senses off.
“What do you mean?” Judy asked without any answer. Judy then held Tina’s arms.
Noticing someone is trying to communicate with her Tina said, “I can’t see or hear now. Please take me back to our hotel.”
Judy reached for Tina’s eyes.
Tina insisted, “No need to remove the lenses, I’m fine! Just take me back to the hotel.”
“Judy, I think it’s better to take her back to your room. She may become frightened if nothing happens,” Phil said before asking, “Do you want a ride?”
“Thanks, Phil. It’s just two blocks, walking will not be a problem,” insisted Judy, “I’ll take her now. Thanks a lot for the evening and have a great night. See you tomorrow.”
Judy grabbed Tina’s arm and helped her stand up. Tina understood she was being guided and tried to follow. Judy had to hold her friend tight a few times to prevent her falling because of steps and uneven pavement. Slowly and carefully they reached their hotel. Judy helped Tina to the bed so she could sit.
Tina understood she was back in her hotel room. Then removed her boots and her dress. She laid on the bed wearing just her catsuit and corset. Judy noticed that her friend was laying on the blanket. She rolled her over and removing the blanket. She covered Tina with a blanket. Then Judy decided that she should get some sleep too. She removed her yellow suit and wore the catsuit. She laid on her bed sighing… aroused of course.
The next morning Judy was awakened by a groan. She opened her eyes and saw Tina standing up removing her corset.
“Good morning Tina!” Judy said with a sleepy voice, still lisping because of her Teeth Locker.
“Good morning Judy. Thanks for bringing me back safely.”
“What happened yesterday?” Judy asked while sitting on the bed.
“Bill programmed my earbuds and lenses to shut off between midnight and six in morning.”
“Now I got it. Ouch… I need to remove this suit and shower, I’m feeling disgusted, it’s clammy. Feels all wet inside.” Judy complained.
“I’m undressing just to do that!” Tina said while she took a towel and the other catsuit before entering the bathroom.
Judy’s clammy feeling made her disturbed. She really wished to undress out of the catsuit. Her mind was confused. The same latex suit that made her so aroused now made her disgusted. Worse, she couldn’t undress now because Tina was taking a shower and she didn’t want to be naked when her friend exits the bathroom.
After almost a half hour Tina exited the steamy bathroom already wearing her clean catsuit.
“That was so refreshing! Come on Judy, your turn.”
“Thanks, Tina.”
Judy entered the bathroom and Tina followed.
“Let me help you, Judy,” Tina said, lowering her zipper almost to her coccyx. “Enter the shower and wash the outside of your suit. Then rinse and undress under the warm water. Turn the suit inside out, wash your body, then your suit, and hang it to dry.”
“Thanks for the tips Tina.”
She felt very relaxed by the warm water. Undressing out of the catsuit was a real relief. While Judy was taking that refreshing shower, William knocked on the room door. Tina opened it wearing the blue catsuit and holding her corset in one hand.
“Bill! Good morning!”
“Good morning, Tina! Looks you’re getting yourself dressed, do you want some help with the corset?”
William entered the room. He began to lace Tina.
“Where is Judy?”
“Taking a… hmmm,” Tina groaned by the mild pain she felt when the laces where pulled, “…shower.”
“Good. Tell her to dress the yellow catsuit. Today we go to the Castle and prepare for the opening of the Fetish Con.”
“I… hmmm… will tell her.”
“Good… Please lace her too. Tight. I don’t want Dr. Stuart to have to re-lace her later. Then meet us at the hotel restaurant for breakfast.”
“Sure… hmmm… I’ll do it… Ouch Bill, it’s very tight!”
“Don’t complain. I’ll go now, Dr. Stuart must be already there.”
Tina then sat on her bed and put her blue ballet heel shoes. A few minutes later Judy exit the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
“Hey, Bill was here. He told you to put your yellow catsuit, Judy. We have to go to the castle to prepare for the Con.”
“Okay… Do you mind if I change here in the room?” Judy asked. Tina just shook her head.
Judy put her towel down and started to cover her lower body with talcum. Tina didn’t stare at her friend but she could notice Judy was completely hairless from her neck down. Judy then dressed her yellow catsuit and soon she was done. Wearing the latex made Judy aroused again, but she tried to refrain that feeling. Tina then approached with the yellow corset in her hands.
“William said you must be tight laced today.”
“Okay go ahead.”
Tina put the corset on Judy’s waist and helped her to close the busk. Then she began to lace slowly, trying not to hurt her friend. Of course, there is that point where Judy started to feel some pain.
“I think it’s good enough! You can stop Tina.”
“I’m sorry dear, but William told me to lace you very tight. Otherwise, Dr. Stuart would have to re-lace you. I guess neither of us will like that.”
“What do you mean I’ll not like that?”
“I mean chances are that he will not bet gentle as I am trying to be.”
Judy sighed. “Okay… just… do it.”
Tina resumed the lacing. Judy tried her best not to complain but she couldn’t avoid the groans along with some “Ouchs” and “Eeeks”. But her suffering paid off. Tina managed to lace Judy about 12cm smaller and keeping the corset edges straight and parallel. She was not only happy with the results on Judy’s laces but, for some reason, she also enjoyed giving Judy some discomfort.
“Well, well. You look amazing Judy!” Tina complimented her friend. Judy looked herself in the mirror. She couldn’t believe how good her body looked in that tight catsuit and the crushing corset. Not only her waist looked tiny but her breasts also looked bigger. Seeing herself so sexy made her arousal jump to the skies!
“Oh my gosh!” Judy said, pausing to catch more air. “I can’t believe… how I look!”
Tina handed Judy her yellow pumps. She put them on their feet and become stunned by her own reflection in the mirror.
“Okay. It’s very tight…. I’m… breathless… but… looks so good!”
“Glad you like it, Judy. Now let’s go to the restaurant. The guys are waiting for us.”
Part 12
Drs. William and Stuart, Tina and Judy ate their breakfast in the hotel restaurant. The girls had very little because of their tight lacing. When finished they took a taxi to the Castle. It was about a forty minute ride.
They arrived and the Castle was a flurry of activity. People working in booths, models getting ready and people cleaning. Every passing moment the place looked more ready for the big opening.
There was a big space in the Castle reserved for vendors to exhibit their products. Of course, immediately inside the entrance were the big names in latex, leather, bondage, and other fetish paraphernalia. Smaller venues were staged behind those huge showrooms. In the last corridor, near the wall, were individual marketers and newcomers like Nexus Human Augmentations.
Their booth was pretty small about two meters by two meters. The back wall was an array of Video Monitors continually looping animations demonstrating their products. Lining both sides of the booth were skirted tables with glass boxes on display. The boxes contained samples of their devices mounted on transparent plastic heads. The small booth was decorated in white and silver. The indirect lighting gave a very futuristic ambiance to it. The floor and the side wall were white with the same circuit board pattern of the girls’ catsuits and also bear the same logo. A very professional look for a small startup.
The convention setting was vast. Several rooms in the Castle were used as small auditoriums where lectures, fetish education, and demonstrations were held. In the Castle main banquet hall there was a big stage with a catwalk. Each evening it hosted a fetish fashion show and a music concert.
Dr. William and Stuart wore white rubber lab coats over their black business suits. They showed the booth to the girls.
Dr. Stuart conducted a briefing with the girls.
“So girls, our work here is simple. Dr. William and I will pitch the products to the people that came to the booth. You will be our models. We’ll lock and unlock your mouths, deafen and blind you, and also feed you with the nostril tube. The doors will open at 2 PM. You’ll both stay here for the first two hours, then each one will get an alternating rest interval of half hour. About 6 PM the fashion show will start. We will close the both for about one hour, then we go back to the same rotation until the end of the Con. About 1 AM.” “Any questions?”
“Yes, we will have to stand all time?” Tina asked.
“Yes, but you can use the tables as a support if you need to relieve the weight on your toes. On your break interval, you can rest in the backstage,” Dr. William explained.
“You said we will be fed with the tubes. Will we eat real food too?” Judy asked.
“No, that would be a bad idea. The liquid food is enough nourishment. Eating regular food would be like eating twice as much food you need. You won’t feel hungry.” “Right Tina?”
“Yes. I don’t feel hungry when I feed myself with the tube,” Tina confirmed. “But another question, what if someone asks questions to us?”
“Just answer honestly. It’s no secret that these devices are uncomfortable or unpleasant to wear… but of course, feel free to highlight the effectiveness of them.” Dr. Stuart explained. He continued. “We are trying to book use of an auditorium for a live demo of our products, but that is yet to be confirmed. We will keep you informed about that. Now I suggest that you go to the backstage dressing room. Get some rest. Meet us here at 1:50 for the 2 O’clock opening.”
The girls went to the backstage dressing room area and they found a lounge for the models. They got comfortable on a couch and watched the models getting ready. Some wore latex catsuits similar to theirs. The brands they are working for printed on chest and back. Most were wearing latex hoods. Some even gas masks. They also saw pony girls. Women dressed in rubber suits that resemble cats, dogs, cows, and even pigs. Some wore chastity belts and even chastity sets that looks like high-security metal bikinis. There were topless models. Others with catsuits with holes in strategic places. None had their crotch bare. They found out later that was because of the Con rules.
The girls also saw people in cages being moved about on carts… like crates in a warehouse. That vision shocked them both. Those models made the patients they saw on daily basis look like a walk in the park. That was a really heavy fetish thing. Another world they didn’t even know existed. Tina and Judy enjoyed some of it, especially more fashion oriented, most things scared them, and some even disgusted the girls.
A girl in rubber dress and huge platform heels sat beside Judy and said, “Crazy things you know?”
The girls nodded.
“This is my first time at such a convention. To be honest, I’m a bit scared.”
“Why?” Judy asked.
“This is so crazy. I’m not into these kinky things. I’m a hostess in a nightclub! I’m used to seeing sexy small dresses, fishnets, ridiculous heels, even some collars and handcuffs… but this… I never imagined this existed.”
“Well, it’s fetish. As long they are happy, it’s fine.” Tina replied to her imagining that it was a sensible answer.
“I guess so. Well… I’m thirsty, I’ll try to find a place to drink.” “Do you want to go too?”
“Thanks, we are fine. See you.” Tina said. Judy also said goodbye and the girl left.
Opening time was approaching. There weren’t any models left resting there besides Judy and Tina. Then two bald girls approached them. They were about twenty-years-old and looked like twins. They wore black catsuits with crotch high boots who’s heels looked at least 16cm high. The boots laced down the front from toes to tops. Between their legs, there were two black rubber bulbs dangling from short rubber hoses. They also had transparent plastic bags strapped to their thighs that held a small quantity of a yellow liquid. The bags were attached to the girls’ crotches by a thin yellowish rubber tube.
One of the girls then asked Tina, “Are you busy?”
“No, we are just waiting.”
“Could you help us?”
“Oh gosh, thanks a lot. I’m Grace. She’s Hope.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Tina and this is Judy.”
“It’s a pleasure. Our partner got his car towed… now he is trying to retrieve it. We have to be ready for the opening but, we can’t do it alone.”
“Let us know what we can do,” said Judy
“Great. I’ll start to prepare Hope and you watch. Help me when I need it. Then I need you to do the same to me.” “okay?”
Judy and Tina nodded. Grace and Hope walked away. In an instant they returned with a suitcase. Grace opened it on the floor and picked out an open-faced latex hood and handed it to Hope. Immediately she put it over her head. Now she appeared as smooth rubber from her head to her thighs where the patent boots started.
The next step scared Tina an Judy. Grace picked up a yellowish rubber tubing. It was thicker than a finger and about 50 cm long. She put one end of that tube in Hope’s mouth and urged her to swallow while pushing the tube down her throat. Hope coughed a lot and tears ran down her face. Grace pulled the tube out and tried again. On the third attempt, Hope managed to swallow almost the entire tube.
Grace then explained, “You’ll push the tube gently into my mouth. I’ll point down signaling for you to push. If I start to cough but keep pointing down… don’t stop. Keep pushing. If I point up you pull it so we try again.” “Do you understand?”
Tina and Judy were shocked but nodded. The tube dangling from Hope’s mouth divided in two. One was big and threaded. A smaller one a few millimeters thick. Grace attached a big syringe on the small end and injected some air into it. She did it one more time so the total volume was about 200 milliliters.
“I guess you inflated a balloon in the end of the tube, right?” Tina said, because of her knowledge of some medical devices.
“Exactly! You need to inject twice with this syringe. Then check if I’m still breathing! If not deflate and remove the tube, please!”
“Of course! You don’t want that tube in your lungs, you want it in your stomach.” Tina said.
“Yes, you know about these things! I bet you’ll be very helpful to me!”
Grace then shoved two tubes about 15 cm long and one cm thick in Hopes nostrils. More tears ran from the girl’s eyes. The tubes had flanges on them so the last 5 cm could not be inserted into the nostrils and stayed out of the nose.
“Don’t mind the tears… she’s not in pain… just a body reflex.” Grace explained.
Then Grace took what looked like a gas mask from the suitcase. It had several straps to hold it on Hope’s head. Over the eyes were two small lenses made of dark glass — like dark sunglasses. Grace attached each of the tubes that dangled from Hope’s face to nozzles inside the mask. Then fitted it over hopes face adjusting the straps tight. The mask had two round holes on the front, the upper one had a perforated plastic cover. Tina imagined that it was for air. The lower one had a screwed plastic cap. Tina imagined correctly that it was for the Hope’s feed tube.
“You must be sure that I’m okay after each step.” “Alright?” “See?” “Hope, are you breathing okay?”
Hope nodded unable to talk.
Grace then tested the feed tube. She unscrewed its cap and poured some water into the tube with a small funnel. Hope made a thumbs up confirming she felt the water filling her stomach.
“Wow, this is a sinister mask!” Judy commented.
“It may look like it. Actually, it’s pretty comfortable. We have to wear it until Sunday, maybe Monday.” Grace explained.
“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe…” Tina commented.
“Ah, you can bet this isn’t our first rodeo in these things. To prove they work, we will be locked in cages at our booth at end of each day, unlocked the next day in front of the public, until the end of the convention” Grace again explained. Hope nodded.
Grace then picked up a thick patent leather collar. It fit from under Hope’s chin to her shoulders holding the entire base of her skull. It was made to her size and closed with buckles on the back. Grace finished fastening it and Hope couldn’t move her head anymore.
The next thing Grace picked was a rather large corset. The girls were surprised when Grace folded Hope’s arms behind her back. Hope’s hands were almost touching her neck. The corset fits over her entire torso encompassing her folded arms. There were two straps that went between the legs and were attached to the back of the corset by buckles. Grace laced the corset very tightly. When finished Hope look like an armless figure. Finally, she gave few good squeezes on both bulbs that dangled from Hope’s crotch. Hope moaned through the mask.
“You need to pull it very tight to close the back. Isn’t easy because this will pull my elbows together, but we are used to it.” Grace explained.
“If I was told about this I wouldn’t believe it,” Judy said in disbelief of what she was seeing.
Hope sat on the couch to rest a little knowing she was done.
“Now it’s my turn!” Grace exclaimed while picking the rubber hood and fitting over her own bald head.
“Are you sure?” Tina asked.
“Of course! I said is not our first time. We do this often. Don’t worry.”
Tina picked up the first tube and started the same procedure on Grace. She really looked uncomfortable, but at the same time seemed used to the procedure. After few minutes, with some help from Judy, Grace was dressed like her sister.
“What do we do with the suitcase?” Tina asked. Of course they couldn’t answer besides moan.
“Well… we’ll bring it with us. Go to the Nexus Human Augmentations booth to retrieve it.” Tina said while pointing to the logo on her chest. “Okay?” Grace and Hope moaned as they went on their way.
“What was that?!” Judy asked.
“I don’t know. But I’m so glad we aren’t in that things!” Tina nervously laughed.
“Agreed. Well, let’s go to our booth, it’s almost time.”
They walked through the corridors of the Castle and soon they were at the booth with time to spare.
The International Fetish Convention was opened. There was a speech by the organizers on the Main Stage. Soon people were rushing through the corridors everywhere. The same variety of outfits the girls saw backstage could be seen on the people that attended the event. In no time Dr. Stuart and William were making demos, pitching their products, and making sales. Of course, they would not install any of the things there in the convention. Instead, they sold vouchers at a discounted price.
The girls did a great job. Many customers were convinced of the effectiveness of the devices by how they bothered Tina and especially Judy.
Elisabete and Phil also visited the booth. They didn’t spend much time there because Dr. Stuart and William were busy with several potential customers.
At 6 PM they closed the booth. Dr. Stuart and William went to the food court get some food and watch the fashion show. It was about latex haute couture and the models wore very beautiful rubber outfits. A brave girl could wear most outfits to attend a regular wedding. Some of them were delusions of fashion. Judy and Tina went backstage to get some rest. Fortunately for them, the backstage was a great place to watch the fashion show. They even talked with the models. They even managed to take some selfies and exchange contacts with the most friendly ones.
They re-opened the booth at 7 PM as planned. The girls were back to work demonstrating their devices. A man wearing a heavy orange rubber suit similar in appearance to an Haz-Mat suit, complete with a full face gas mask, walked in front of the Nexus Human Augmentations booth. He was leading two armless girls in heavy rubber and leather outfits. Tina and Judy recognized them as Grace and Hope. When Grace recognized Tina and Judy, she stopped walking and jumped few times. The man noticed and went inside the booth.
“Hello.” “I think you have our suitcase.” “Is that correct?” The man asked. His voice slightly muffled by the mask.
“Yes sure, I’ll get it for you.” Tina said while opening the skirt under one of the tables retrieving the empty suitcase.
“Thanks.” “Do you mind telling me how happened to get my suitcase?” “The girls can’t talk, you know.”
“Sure. Those lovely ladies were backstage with us. They asked us to help them into their outfits. We didn’t know what to do with their suitcase, so I said they could get it here with us.”
“Wonderful. I really was wondering how they were able to get dressed. Thank you very much!” The guy thanked Tina and took a business card from a pocked in his rubber suit. He also took out a pen and wrote something on the back of the card. “Here. These are our private numbers. Just don’t disclose them to anybody. “
Tina looked at the card. It had the logo of Grace and Hope and then the name, “Mikail — Business Manager”.
“You’re welcome, Mikail. See you!” Tina said, waving goodbye to the bound girls as the left. Of course, they couldn’t reply.
It was close to midnight. William disabled the shutdown schedule of Tina’s eyes and ears for the next few days. They were exhausted from the day and was time to close the booth. Walking to the exit of the Castle they passed in front of a booth with a big sign announcing “Grace and Hope: The Bondage Queens”. At that moment, Mikail was locking them into a cage the size of a double bed and two meters high. The floor of the cage looked like a thin mattress and there were cameras all around the booth.
“Look, Grace and Hope. They are really locked in a cage.” Judy said.
Then they stopped to watch. Mikail put the girls inside and used a handful of padlocks to lock the door shut. After demonstrating how sturdy the cage is, he used a laptop to answer his website’s visitors.
Judy and Tina approached the cage and looked at the girls who went near the bars… maybe trying to be friendly. By that time the convention was almost empty, except for vendors, models, and other employees. Mikail exited the booth and waved to Tina and Judy walk near him. They did while he removed his gas mask. Under it was a 30-something man, with a thin beard and green eyes.
“Wow. What a day, I’m happy to be able to remove this.” He said.
“Sadly the girls can’t do the same.” Tina noticed.
“Don’t worry. They like it, believe me.” “I wish to thank you again for your help.”
“You are welcome.” “Just… please, make sure the girls are alright. Those things they are wearing are really intense.” Judy commented.
“I said, don’t worry!” “Sunday after the convention is over you can talk to them. Ask them to their faces how they feel.” Mikail said.
With the Castle almost empty, the lights were turned off, they waved goodbye, and took a taxi back to the hotel.
Part 13
The first thing that Tina did when they arrived at the hotel room was to take a shower. She then dressed the clean catsuit. Then laced her corset not quite so tight, sat on her bed, and used her cell phone to browse social media. Judy also took a shower. She was very relieved to remove her tight corset. Unlike her friend, Judy sat on her bed naked.
“Not wearing your latex tonight, Judy?” Tina asked.
“This morning I woke feeling so clammy. Better have a night without it.”
“Good thing you can choose.”
Judy was messaging her friends when Tina said, “Good night. I’ll shut off my hearing and vision so you can keep the lights on and not worry about noises.”
“Sweet dreams, Tina.”
Judy couldn’t sleep. That day was too exciting for her. Her mind raced thinking of all the sexy rubber outfits she saw. She fantasied about wearing all them. She tried to play with herself like she usually did, but she couldn’t. She wasn’t horny enough. Judy then gave up. She picked up her clean yellow catsuit and put it on. Now Judy felt much better. Was like her mind eased from all that obsessive thought. Very horny now, she could relax, release her tensions, and eventually slept.
Saturday morning at 9 AM, Tina awoke refreshed. She looked to her side and saw Judy sleeping wearing her yellow catsuit.
“Wow, she is really into that fetish!” Tina thought. Then she re-laced her corset as tight as she could and put on her blue ballet shoes. Remembering yesterday she smiled. “I don’t believe I could’ve stood up and walked so much in these babies!” she said to herself.
Judy awoke.
“Good morning Tina!”
“Good morning Judy. Looks someone missed their latex!”
“Was weird sleeping naked.” Judy lied.
“Anyway! Corset!” Tina said holding the garment.
Tina laced Judy slowly like the previous day. She really enjoyed the groans Judy made when she laced it tighter. The end result was that Judy’s waist was laced about two centimeters smaller the previous time.
About 11 AM William knocked on the girl’s door.
“Good morning girls. Look I overslept. Anyway, I brought breakfast.”
“Thanks, Bill!” Tina said.
William, after measuring the amount of liquid formula, took a syringe and used it to inject it into the girls’ nostril tubes.
“Good. Now let’s go, Dr. Stuart must be in the car already.”
They drove to the Castle. The guys let the girls go backstage while they went to lunch. On the way backstage, the girls noticed Grace and Hope were still locked in their cage. The guys were almost late for opening the booth. They hurried up and got everything ready before the Castle was open to the public.
“Girls, today will be a little different.” William said. “Looks like your friend Mikail managed to help us. He got one of the auditoriums reserved today for our use at 4 PM.
The girls nodded. They worked the booth like the day before. A few minutes before the presentation time they closed down the booth. When they arrived at the auditorium their was a couple presenting some realistic latex masks.
That presentation ended. As they left the stage the sound system announced that Nexus Human Augmentation will begin in few minutes. Maybe was the name, or perhaps curiosity, but the room was filled quickly.
William started the presentation with, “Ladies and Gentleman. For much time we had to keep our kinky play like this…”
He then showed a projected image of a person wearing a heavy leather hood, blindfold, and ball gag.
“Well, not anymore… Let me introduce Nexus Human Augmentation products!”
There was an applause.
William resumed, “First, the Teeth Locker!” 3D animations of the device were projected larger than life. “This device is professionally installed on the subject’s teeth… permanently. With a simple twist of a screw the jaw movement can be locked at any position. Now I invite our model Tina to come help demonstrate.”
Tina stepped in her ballet heels across the stage close to William. The people cheered her. He pointed to a chair and asked her to sit down. A cameraman approached zooming in close up to show a view inside Tina’s mouth that was shown to the audience on the jumbo screen.
With Tina’s mouth wide open, William showed to the audience what the Teeth Locker looked like. The more astute in the audience could’ve seen her feed tube in the back of her throat. Then William locked her mouth open and asked her to close. The people applauded as Tina demonstrated she couldn’t close her jaw.
“May I have an audience volunteer come up on the stage.” Few people raised hands and William picked a woman wearing a red long latex dress.
“What’s your name, pretty lady?” William asked.
“Ashley.” She replied, smiling.
“Beautiful name! Complimented William.” “So, Ashley here is our dear Judy.” There was applause for Judy. “She also has a Teeth Locker installed.”
“Ashley…Do you think you can operate it?”
“Ah…. I will give it a try!” Ashley responded smiling nervously.
“So here is a bit of hand sanitizer. Yes, rub that all over your hands. After all your fingers will touch Judy’s mouth.”
“Next here is the screwdriver. Go ahead… lock her mouth open!”
Judy opened her mouth and Ashley, with little effort locked it open.
“Nice! Go ahead… check it! Try to close her mouth!”
She did try. No movement and the audience could see it was genuinely locked. The only thing Ashley got were moans from Judy.
“Perfect! Perfect! As you can see it works! Now dear Ashley, unlock her mouth then lock it closed!”
Ashley smiled and did as he wanted. Locked closed she then tried to open Judy’s mouth without success.
“A round of applause for Ashley!” William exclaimed. The girl returned to her seat with cheers from the audience.
“Now, you may be thinking, ‘Well that’s good William.. but then I need to keep unlocking my submissive’s mouth for every meal? That could become annoying.’ Yes, it would, I agree! That’s why we developed the Comfort Tubing.” A 3D animation of the tubes installed in a cartoon-ish head was projected next. William continued his presentation.
“They are made of soft but sturdy rubber that doesn’t hurt the subject. The left tube is swallowed and stays inside the stomach. The right tube leads to the subject’s throat and ensures free airflow for the lungs.”
William then picked up a syringe and demonstrated feeding both Tina and Judy.
“A nice collateral effect is that the tubes bypass their noses and tongues. The ladies here can’t smell anything or taste the meal they just received.” “Isn’t that cool?”
The audience erupted in applause. William invited Dr. Stuart to the stage to demonstrate the other devices.
“Who here likes to use blindfolds or sound mufflers? Either on yourselves or on your submissive?” Almost everyone raised their hands. “Who would like to be able to use that anytime, anywhere?” Again most of the audience raised hands.
“You should know that both our models are wearing both blindfolds and earplugs that can be turned on or off with the touch of a button.” There was a heavy murmur from the audience. Dr. Stuart asked Judy to move her hair to the side so her ear was clearly visible.
The cameraman zoomed in for a close up of it.
“This device you are seeing is a very effective earplug. It prevents all sound from reaching her eardrums. For her be able to hear, it has a small microphone and a tiny speaker near her eardrum. But with those off, she will be completely deaf.”
Dr. Stuart then shows his phone app to the camera and turns off Judy’s ears.
“Now Judy is completely deaf!” William assisted by sneaking up behind Judy with an aerosol air horn. The audience giggled. Judy unaware and deafened smiled back. Then William blew the horn almost point blank at the back of her head. Judy didn’t bat an eye. The people applauded that.
Dr. Stuart then picked his phone again while explaining, “Now with a touch of a button she can hear again!”
William blew the air horn again. Judy jumped startled and shouted. The audience applauded again.
“Sorry, Judy. I think you deserve to go take a backstage rest now!” She walked away with her heart still racing. She was cheered by the people while she exited the auditorium. The audience made her feel like a pop star.
“Like Judy, Tina is wearing the same earplugs. Hers are connected to these special contact lenses.” More 3D animations were projected to the screen showing them. “The lenses have built-in liquid crystal filter. That filter allows control of the amount of light to her eyes. From none to all… with a touch of a button… she is blind.”
Dr. Stuart then picked an intensely bright LED flashlight and shined it over the audience. The reactions were obvious as people squinted their eyes immediately.
Then he shined that light directly into Tina’s eyes less than an arm’s length away saying, “You all noticed how this flashlight is powerful. You all avoided looking at it.” Tina remained unblinking with no reaction. “As you can clearly see, she can’t even tell that there is such powerful light shining upon her. But with a touch of a button… “ Tina immediately closed her eyes. Reacting by covering her face with her hands “… she can see again.”
Dr. Stuart turned off the flashlight and there was more applause. When the audience settled down, he invited people to ask questions.
“How long those can be worn?” A man asked.
“We recommend the contact lenses be removed for few hours every week. The other devices can be worn indefinitely. We strongly recommend at least annual checkups to ensure everything is fine with the subject and the devices.”
“Those lenses are available in prescription?” A lady asked.
“Yes, they are, any prescription. All custom made… meaning they can be painted any color or style.”
There were a few more redundant questions and Dr. Stuart ended the presentation thanking the audience.
When they resumed work at the booth a decent queue of people wishing to buy the products waited patiently.
It was about time for the fashion show. The queue was already gone and their pockets were full because of hundreds of devices sold. They closed the booth and went to the catwalk to admire the models. The girls again went backstage sit and relax in with the most privileged view of the show.
During the fashion show a couple approached William.
“We want to congratulate you for the great devices you invented.”
“Thank you, but I can’t take all the credit. Dr. Stuart deserves his share.” Then William did a double take asking, “Hey, wait! Aren’t you the one that was presenting those Perfect Masks?”
“Yes, I’m the mask guy,” He laughed handing William a business card. It read: “Dr. Oliver Smith — Dermatologist”
“Dr. Oliver, nice to meet you!”
“Please, just call me Oliver.”
“I am William, and this is Marcus”
After some small talk they discovered that they lived in nearby. Only about one hour away by car. The masked woman was Oliver’s wife, Felicity. William then asked, “So how do you make such perfect masks?” Followed by his sincere complimenting, “I almost can’t believe Felicity is wearing one!”
“What started me researching the most lifelike mask ever made was she was in a fire a few years ago. I did my best to graft her skin but she ended with a big scar on her cheeks and forehead.”
Oliver then showed William a picture of his wife without the mask that he keeps in his wallet. The left side of her face was nearly identical to the mask she wore, but the right side had the skin scarred. Typical of heavily burned skin.
“I’m sorry,” William said sadly.
“Don’t be.” Felicity answered. “It was an accident. I’m glad that I had no other problems.” “Besides that, I don’t have to worry about my face showing age anymore!” she giggled.
“It’s nice to see how well you’ve dealt with that, Felicity.” William praised. “But how does the mask work?”
“The base is latex rubber..no secret here. They are made from molds I make. Then I hand paint them. I apply hair if wanted. Like the one Felicity wears. The masks have no zippers or such you put them on over the head and pull.” Oliver explained.
“But how do they have such lifelike movements?”
“That is the best part! That is my secret. I managed to create an effective skin-safe adhesive that just happened to be a very effective antiperspirant.”
“So the mask is glued to her face?”
“Yes! Because the latex is so supple every movement of her face is shown by the rubber. Also it stays comfortable for a long time as she doesn’t sweat wearing it.”
“How long?” William asked.
“I don’t like to wear it more than few days in a row. I have tested it for two weeks without any problems. I guess I could wear for longer.” Felicity explained.
William then gave his business card to Oliver.
“Doctor, we have much to talk about…”
Part 14
The day was exhausting for the girls. They arrived back at the hotel about 2 AM. The talk in the auditorium gave a substantial boost to the visitors of the booth and they couldn’t take any breaks. This time Judy took a shower first. She exited the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
“Will you try to sleep naked again?” Tina asked.
“No, I’ll dress my catsuit!” Judy said.
Tina giggled.
“Admit it, you got a strong latex fetish.”
“Don’t you?”
“I wear mine because I promised Bill.”
Judy looked into Tina’s eyes and said.
“What happens in this room will stay in this room. I doubt you can stay one hour without your suit too.”
“Ok, I will prove you wrong!” Tina said, not amused. She then took her shower and returned to the room, naked, and found Judy wearing her yellow catsuit. Judy saw Tina and started a stopwatch on her phone.
“One hour naked… I doubt it!”
“Okay, good night.”
Tina laid on her bad and turned off her vision and hearing. Senses turned off, she imagined she would quickly fall asleep proving that Judy wrong.
To Judy’s delight, Tina could not find peace. Her skin itched, she felt uneasy and missed her latex second skin. In her silent and dark world, she was almost disgusted by her bare skin. She urged to dress in latex again. She tried to resist and not admit her defeat.
Tina thought it was too much already. She was craving to feel her skin covered in latex again.
Sure that she was naked for more than one hour.
“Maybe Judy will be already sleeping…” She thought getting her phone saying, “Siri, let me see.” With her vision back she restored her hearing and the sound of Judy’s laugh filled her ears. Tina ignored the mockery and start to dress her blue catsuit.
“Twenty minutes!”
“Impossible!” Tina argued.
“Look at the clock”.
Tina, now dressed, put her hands on her face, not believing what just happened.
“Okay, Judy.” “So?” “You were right. Good night!”
She went to her bed again. Very upset. Not with Judy, but with herself. She couldn’t believe she grew to not only get used to the rubber but also desire it. Worse, now dressed in latex, she felt not only better and relieved… but also sexy. Tina kept fighting that feeling until she fell asleep.
Sunday morning Tina woke up and then laced Judy in her corset. She was still upset and as a small payback, she pulled the laces roughly making her not only groan but squeak and complain.
“Hey, Tina! Ouch…. Take… it… easy!!”
That was slight arousing to Tina. This time she just enjoyed the feeling. It didn’t feel wrong, maybe because payback was supposed to feel good.
It seemed that the word about Nexus Human Augmentation spread overnight. They booked a lot of work and huge sales. Elisabete and Phil made a last visit to their booth. They said goodbye because their flight back was scheduled later that same afternoon.
That evening there was no fashion show, but a music concert. The band was all in latex dresses and catsuits. It was a success but nevertheless, the queue in their booth was still going on. They decided to keep the booth open during the concert. Dr. Stuart and William were very hungry but they kept working. Fortunately for the girls, the liquid food they are getting kept them well nourished. Of course, they were still exhausted.
About 11 PM the queue ended and they decided to close the booth. The guys rushed to a hot dog stand. The girls went backstage. They sat on the couch for a well-deserved rest. Judy released the laces of her corset. Tina removed her blue ballet shoes and put her feet on the couch massaging them a little.
“Gosh, your feet must be hurting so bad! Let me do a massage for you!” Judy offered her help.
“Thank you, Judy!”
Judy seemed to know what she was doing. The massage was very soothing and Tina’s feet soon were not aching anymore. In fact, after a few minutes, Tina started to feel aroused by Judy’s hands which moved from massaging her feet up to her legs. Tina was starting to moan with pleasure and relaxation when Mikail entered the room with Grace and Hope.
“Look who is here! The most helpful girls in the entire convention! Good evening!” Mikail greeted.
“Good evening!” The girls replied.
“It’s so good to find you here. I’m about to free Grace and Hope from their outfits. Just excuse me while I get some things.”
Grace and Hope sat on the couch next to the one Tina and Judy were using.
“Are you okay?” Tina asked
“Mnnnmmgg” They moaned.
“Feeling bad?”
“Better wait for Mikail. I can’t figure out what you are trying to say!”
After some minutes Mikail was back with a suitcase, a bucket, and few plastic bags.
“Come on, Hope.” Mikail said.
Hope stood up in front of him. He released the straps holding her mask in place. Slowly he pulled the mask away from her face and a small puddle of liquid fell on the ground. Next, he disconnected the nostril tubes from the mask and pulled them from Hope’s nose. He then stored the tubes, wet in her mucus in a plastic bag while the mask dangled by the stomach tube. The weigh of the mask pulled the tube, but because of the balloon inflated inside Hope’s stomach, it didn’t budge. But was a very unpleasant feeling causing her to groan.
Mikail worked as quickly as he could disconnecting the mask from the feed tube. He also stored it in a plastic bag.
“These things get so filthy after being worn for long periods.” He explained.
Next Mikail undid the laces of her corset and removed it. Hope moaned as her arms become free after three days. They were still sore from the bondage and she let them fall behind her. Then Mikail unbuckled her posture collar and Hope moved her head from side to side, enjoying the freedom. Of course, her muscles were sore and she groaned with the aching movements.
“Ready?” Mikail asked.
Hope slowly nodded. Mikail positioned the bucket in front of her.
“Just to be safe.” He commented.
He used an empty syringe to suck the air from the tube’s balloon, deflating it. Then in a slow but continuous motion he pulled the tube from Hope’s mouth.
“Arrrgh! I hate this part!” Hope complained with a hoarse voice.
Fortunately, she didn’t need to use the bucket. Mikail stored the stomach tube into another plastic bag. Next, he removed and sealed the urine bag and threw it into the garbage. He didn’t forget to close her catheter with a rubber stopper to avoid leaks. Mikail then helped Hope to remove her boots, hood, and catsuit.
Judy and Tina were astonished by what they were witnessing. They couldn’t imagine how hard was for the girl to endure that ordeal. It wasn’t finished yet, as she still had two rubber inflation bulbs hanging from her privates. Mikail operated the valves allowing the deflation of the toys and pulled them out, with more groans from Hope while he did that.
Now she was completely free except the catheter. Mikail didn’t plan to remove it. He handed Hope sweatpants and a hoodie. Judy helped her to dress.
“Thanks again.” Hope said.
“You are welcome! But… Wow, I almost could not believe my eyes. How could you endure that!?” Judy replied while Mikail was freeing Grace.
“The short answer? I’m nuts!” Hope said, giggling.
Tina and Judy laughed. Hope continued.
“Some years ago we meet Mikail and started doing bondage games. Had lots of fun. We then decided to make a website and transform our adventures into a business. Then we started to push the limits more and more and here we are.”
“Do you still enjoy doing it?” Tina asked.
“Yes and no. When we did just to ourselves, things usually ended after a day, or when we couldn’t handle more orgasms. Now it’s still exciting to do such things, but having to do it on a schedule, not when we feel like doing it is very demanding.”
“You talk like its just a normal thing… not such an extraordinary feat!” Judy said.
“Well, it doesn’t look so glamorous… We feel awful at the end and… well can’t you feel the smell?”
“To be honest no. We got.. erm… tubes in our nostrils. Can’t smell anything.” Tina explained.
“Lucky you!”
Indeed, lucky they are. It’s not hard to imagine how bad it was. After such a long time without a shower wearing tight latex. They were horny too, so the bouquet was also mixed with the odor of their juices. Now, Grace just got her tube out and could join the chat.
“I can understand your confusion girls. Maybe it would help if I said we are exhibitionists. We love an audience to our stunts. When Mikail made our website our fans started to ask him to let us stay bound for longer time while increasing the difficulty… we did it because it’s good to have people watching.” “Right Hope?”
“Yes. Like during this convention. It was a treat to have hundreds of people here — live looking at us. I managed to come several times.” Hope giggled after confessing her kink.
“So, as long people are watching you doing the kinky things you are horny?” Judy asked.
The girls nodded and giggled.
“I’m curious.” “How long can you stay like that?” Tina asked.
“The longest we do is two weeks. Usually not so tightly bound. If you visit our website you’ll notice our regular schedule is about one week bound… one free. From time to time we do specials.” Grace explained while she dressed her sweatpants and hoodie. Mikail then said goodbye.
“Thanks again for the help girls. You have our numbers. If Grace and Hope aren’t bound I’m sure they’ll love to chat with you. We have to go now. They need a good bath and then soak in the Jacuzzi. Not to mention this gear needs to be cleaned.”
They left and Judy resumed massaging Tina’s feet for a couple of minutes until Dr. Stuart and William arrived. They went to the hotel, exhausted but happy from the huge success.
Tina went straight to the shower. Judy removed her corset, kicked off her heels, laid on her bed, closed her eyes, and relaxed. She was remembering all the new things she lived through this weekend.
After Tina showered then dressed again in her latex suit. She noticed Judy laying on the bed and thought she was asleep. So, she turned off the ceiling lights, carefully went to her bed, and as her nightly habit turned off her own vision and hearing.
Judy still awake, noticed the lights off said goodnight to Tina. Without an answer, Judy turned on the dim nightstand lamp. She laid on her side watching her friend in the other bed.
Tina was thinking in her silent and dark world before she slept. Beginning to convince herself that having a fetish isn’t wrong. After all that she saw, to enjoy wearing a catsuit was pretty innocent. Tina finally was accepting she could have pleasure. Remembering Judy massaging her legs, she started to caress her own body, especially her thighs and crotch.
“I’m awake, Tina.” Judy said.
Of course, Tina couldn’t hear and Judy was ignored. She kept watching Tina caress herself in a very erotic manner. It was just a matter of time till Judy became very horny too. Within a few minutes she lost her inhibition and went to Tina’s bed.
Tina felt another hand touching her. She wasn’t sure if that was her fantasy or was really happening, but sure it felt great. It took a couple seconds for her realize it was another person in her bed. A moment later she assumed it was Judy. By then it didn’t matter anymore. It felt so good and she was so deeply taken by the arousal that she just let it happen. Now embraced in a mutual caress the girls took no long time to climax. They fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Judy awoke first. She slowly stood up and went take a shower. She knew that the catsuit was not needed anymore as it was Monday, but she wore it anyway. It was necessary to wear her compression girdle to have the right fit of her yellow business suit. That was like a kid’s play compared to the tight corset that Tina laced her in the last three days.
When Tina awoke, Judy wasn’t in the room anymore. Tina dressed in her blue dress and her ballet shoes. Packed up her belongings and went to the restaurant eat some breakfast. As she imagined, Judy was there with the boys. They acted like nothing happened last night. After breakfast, they went to the airport. They had time during the flight to comment on the things they saw in the convention. Judy also reminded Tina how she wanted the devices removed that were installed to demonstrate in the booth.
Soon the plane landed and they headed home.
Part 15
Judy and Tina didn’t talk much during the flight home. Judy complained about her Teeth Locker and the earbuds, anxious to get them removed. Tina just commented about the landscape she saw looking out of the small window.
Dr. Stuart and William, however, were busy making plans. With their laptops they estimate costs, profits, and made notes of the things they had to do.
After the plane landed, Dr. Stuart and Judy each took a taxi home. Tina and Dr. William shared a car. Acknowledging that she was exhausted from all the work, he didn’t lock her mouth shut as usual. She flopped on her couch and only stood up to open the door to the delivery boy that brought the pizza she ordered.
Judy got out of the taxi and entered the main hall of her building where she found Janine. She was her neighbor next door and was waiting for the elevator with a pizza box in her hands.
Janine was a young, tall, slim girl, with platinum dyed pixie cut hair, and purple plastic framed glasses. As far as Judy knew she lived alone. Janine worked as a clerk in a flower shop. Being young and pretty, she sometimes earned an extra cash working as a model for shoots or promotions.
“Hey, Judy! I haven’t seen you for a while.” “Are you okay?” Janine asked.
“I’m fine. I was out of town working. I just arrived from the airport.”
“Cool. You must be tired. I just got this pizza.” “Want to share?”
“Sounds like a good idea, Thank you!”
Judy was happy. That invitation was really welcome because she was too tired to cook. She went to her own apartment, kicked her heels and put on a pair of Crocs on her feet. She checked her fridge and found two bottles of wheat beer grabbing them to bring to Janine’s apartment.
Meanwhile, Janine set her small table. This was not the first the two girls would eat together, indeed, it was something they did often. Both lived in a tiny studio apartment, and sharing a meal was a nice way to make a day better for both.
This time, however, was a little different for Janine. She noticed Judy’s yellow catsuit worn under the skirt suit. Judy didn’t know, but Janine had modeled from time to time wearing some latex articles and other outfits of her fantasies. Living on a budget, that was the way she found to fulfill her wishes.
Judy entered in her friend’s apartment after a couple of minutes.
“Look, Janine. I found this treat in my fridge.” “Want one?”
“Yes, that’s great! Here, have a seat, Judy.”
Judy sat at the table with Janine. They served themselves the pizza and the beer.
Janine then asked, “So was you traveling for leisure?”
“No, I traveled for work.”
“Work!?” Janine showed her surprise. She knew that Judy was just a secretary in a medical office.
Judy blushed.
“Ye… yes.”
“Ah, cool…” Janine said, noticing her friend wasn’t comfortable with that line of questioning. After some pieces of pizza and sips of beer, she tried to resume the conversation.
“Nice catsuit you have there. Is it latex?”
Judy was embarrassed again and just nodded, biting into another piece of pizza.
“How cool. I have modeled in some latex before and loved it. I didn’t know you were also into it!” Janine commented.
Judy didn’t know how to react. She was still ashamed because Janine noticed she wearing a fetish garment, but on the other hand, Janine seemed to like it too.
“It is part of my uniform.” Judy said.
“What? Your uniform includes a latex catsuit? Wow! I thought you are a secretary!” Janine said, excited by the idea of her friend working wearing latex.
“Yes, I’m a secretary…”
“So, why the latex? Is that a kinky clinic?” Janine ironically asked, giggling.
“Well… It is.” Judy decided to tell the truth, she had nothing to lose now she knows that Janine is no stranger to latex.
“Ah come on, Judy. You’re kidding!”
“No serious. My boss makes things for fetish people.”
“No way… really?”
“Yes. Look here.” Judy then pulled her hair and show Janine the earbuds she was wearing, the contacts, and then the Teeth Locker.
“This… This is incredible! Your boss made you wear those because of your work?” Janine asked, amazed by the things she just discovered.
“I got them last week. The travel was for a fetish convention.” Judy explained.
“Oh my gosh! That is so cool! Do you know if your boss is hiring?”
“Are you serious?” Judy asked in disbelief.
“Yes! Well… it MUST be a better and more exciting job then selling flowers!”
“Maybe he needs another person to help. I’ll ask him tomorrow.”
They ate the pizza and Judy crossed the corridor to her apartment. She took a shower and slept very well in her own bed.
The next morning she awoke and started to get herself ready for work. She didn’t hesitate dressing in one of the yellow catsuits before donning her business suit. She drove to the office building and took the elevator. When she arrived in her office she noticed the door already open and Dr. Stuart was inside, dressed in jeans and t-shirt, packing things.
“Good morning doctor! What’s going on?”
“Good morning Judy! Sorry, I should have messaged you. We’re moving. Dr. William will renovate his house to be a bigger office so we can work together.”
“Umm… So what will I do?”
“I just need you to reschedule patients from this week to next. You can do it from home. Then next Monday we can resume our normal work schedule, but in Dr. William’s new office.”
“Okay. I’ll do it. One more thing, do you think we will need another person to help? I have a friend that wants a job.”
“Maybe. I’ll talk to Dr. William and let you know.”
“Just another thing doctor… Can you remove the earbuds?”
“Ermm… Can you wait until next week? I already packed all my tools.”
Judy was upset but she didn’t want to anger her boss.
“Okay. I hate them, but I’ll wait.”
Judy printed the schedule for the next week and drove back home. There were just a handful of patients to reschedule and she managed to do that during the morning.
Tina didn’t bother to dress her uniform because William told her about the office renovation. Instead, she dressed in her semi-transparent catsuit, obligatory corset, a pair of jeans, and a tunic. She chose a pair of black ballet ankle boots to go with that.
Then, Tina went to the grocery store since she will have her mouth unlocked. She wanted to buy some tasty things to enjoy this week.
When she walked in the aisles of the grocery store she realized that her cooking skills aren’t enough for anything really tasting. Of course, she knew how to cook, but spices and seasonings were like some form of alchemy to Tina. Resigned to that fact, she went for the freezer and took some ready-made meals that looked tastier than she thought she could make.
“Hey, pretty lady, nice to see you again! Is your throat better?”
“Hello. Erm… “ Took a couple of seconds for Tina remember the last time she was in the store. “… yes, yes! It’s better.”
He noticed that Tina was buying some frozen lasagna.
“Looks you enjoy Italian cuisine. I have something for you.”
He went to the back of the shop and returns with a block of cheese. He cuts a bite-size piece and hands it to Tina with a toothpick.
“Taste it. It’s a grana padano, direct from Italy.”
Tina put the sample in her mouth. Though unable to smell the strong characteristic aroma, the texture of the cheese, dissolving in her mouth, was a delight for her.
“This is a wonderful cheese!”
“See? Want a piece? Would be great to make spaghetti alla carbonara.”
“Ah sorry, I don’t know how to make that.”
“That’s not a problem, I have a recipe here, miss. So you can cook this meal for your soulmate.” He said that and searched under the counter for the recipe.
Tina giggled, “No, no! I’m not a good cook and I have nobody to cook for.”
The clerk stopped.
“Really? You have no one?”
Tina shook her head.
“So… miss, may I prepare dinner for you tonight? I’ll bring all the ingredients and cook for you.”
“I… I can’t believe!”
“True. I close the store 8 PM and I can come to your place to cook you the best spaghetti in town.”
“Oh my gosh! I can’t refuse such nice offer Mr…”
“Anthony. But you can call me Tony.”
“Thanks a lot, Tony. I’m Tina.”
“What a beautiful name. And where can I meet you, Tina?”
“I live on this street… a block away from here, number forty-two.”
“I’ll be there half past eight.”
She paid for her groceries and walked home. Anthony, as usual, went to the sidewalk and watched her totter back home.
Tina was glad about her upcoming dinner. Since she started wearing that latex catsuit and having her mouth locked so often she had not made many friends. In preparation for the evening, she cleaned her house, applied more makeup, and wore a long strapless dress.
Anthony was overjoyed. He dreamed of that date since he first saw Tina. He took a cardboard box and put in the best ingredients, including a nice piece of pancetta, a pecorino cheese, and the best spaghetti brand he had. He also took eggs, the grana padano cheese, and the best red wine in his store. After he closed the shop, he drove the few blocks to his home. He put pans and other utensils he needed to cook, took a quick shower, and dressed in a nice buttoned shirt and classic cut jeans. Brown leather shoes with a matching belt finished his look. He hurried to not be late and drove to Tina’s house.
Tina opened the door to Anthony that was holding the box with the ingredients. She invited him inside and asked him to put the things on the counter.
“I’m really glad you came, Tony”
“The pleasure is mine, Miss Tina.” Anthony said while taking her latex covered hand and kissing it. “May I start to prepare our dinner?”
“Sure, please!”
Anthony then produced a large pan and filled it with water and turned the stove to the maximum. While the water heated, he sliced the guanciale.
“Here Tina, about 200 grams of guanciale. You can use bacon but this… this is the good stuff!”
Tina watched him cook. It was certain he had a lot of practice. Even the way he held the knife looked professional to Tina. She was amazed by his skills.
He then produced a rectangular casserole dish and put it on the counter. Then he cracked five eggs. One he poured into the casserole and the other four he threw away the whites before pouring just the yolks into the casserole.
“Now we add the pecorino cheese to the yolks. 150 grams will do it. Then mix it very well.”
With a fork, he mixed the eggs with the cheese. Tina admired the speed his hands achieve while mixing the casserole contents. The water soon was boiling and he put half of the box of spaghetti in.
“This recipe is for about 250 grams of spaghetti. Half this box. Good enough for two or three people.”
While the pasta boiled, he put a colander over the sink. After about five minutes he prepared to finalize the dish.
“Now, Tina, here’s the secret, take a look.”
He poured the water with the pasta into the colander, shook it, and quickly emptied the colander over the casserole. Immediately he poured the fried guanciale and its fat over the pasta.
“Now the hot spaghetti and the fat will cook the eggs and melt the cheese. Look.”
Then he salted the pasta and spiced it with ground black pepper. With two forks he mixed the spaghetti with the eggs and the pork.
“It’s ready!” he said with a big smile on his face.
“Looks so tasty!” Tina commented while she picked two plates and silverware. Soon they were eating and drinking the wine that Anthony brought.
Now, for the first time, he had time to admire Tina carefully. He could notice the tiny wires in the corner of her eyes and followed them until they disappear under her hair. He noticed her septum piercing but could not see the tubes it holds in place. But when she talked he could see that she wore braces on the inside part of her teeth. He also watched the thin line on Tina’s neck where the skintight catsuit ended. He was inebriated with her looks.
Tina was also glad to have his companionship. She found him to be a nice guy, very polite and with good manners. Relaxed, she commented.
“I wish I could smell it…”
Tina shivered. How would she explain that?
“I don’t get it… Can’t you smell?”
She froze for few seconds. Not able to figure a better excused, she decided to tell the truth.
“I… I have tubes on my nostrils. The air bypass the nose and I can’t smell.”
Now Anthony was shocked. He didn’t expect something like that. After a couple of seconds digesting that, he changed the subject.
Despite that gaffe, Tina was loving her dinner with Anthony. After they finish the spaghetti Tina turned on her stereo and invited Anthony to sit on the sofa with her. After talking for some time the wine bottle was empty. Tina stood up and danced in her tiptoes pirouetting and invited Anthony to join her. He danced, awkwardly with Tina, holding her by the waist and back, feeling her rubbery skin with one hand and her hard corset with the other one.
After dancing a couple of songs together Tina instinctively stroked her hair back. Anthony, still holding her in his arms watched. As if in almost slow motion he saw the movement and noticed her ears filled with the earbuds. That suddenly made him uneasy.
They danced a few more songs. Anthony, being polite as always, complimented Tina a lot. Then excused himself and left ending the evening. Smiling, but under his skin, he was worried about her. He knew something was wrong.
Part 16
Thursday, Tina got a message from Elisabete, inviting her to lunch. She accepted the invitation and about noon arrived at Elisabete’s house. Tina wore a pink catsuit, a black flared skirt, and a white blouse.
Elisabete opened the door for Tina, wearing brown catsuit and a green latex sleeveless dress over it. She invited Tina inside. Once in her living room she saw a girl, about twenty maybe twenty-two years old, blonde hair to the shoulders, with beautiful green eyes. She wore skinny jeans and a shirt. She wasn’t tall, but definitively thin with small breasts and slender legs.
“Tina, I want you to meet Kylie.” Elisabete said.
“Nice to meet you!” Kylie said
“It’s my pleasure.” Tina answered.
“Kylie is here to become a kitten. I think I told you about her in Prague, didn’t I?”
“Yes, you did.” Tina replied.
“I hope you can help.” Elisabete asked.
“Well… I can try!”
“So, let’s start! Follow me.”
Elisabete led them to the guest bedroom, the same Tina slept in the first time she visited her friend. Elisabete then asked Kylie to sit on the bed.
“Kylie, I think it’s important at this point to tell Tina that you’re doing this on your own free will.” “Right?”
“Yes, I’m here to become a kitten girl because I want to.”
“Good. So first we will shave your head, okay?”
Elisabete took an electric hair trimmer in hand. In a few minutes cut off all Kylie’s hair. The young girl couldn’t help herself and few tears ran down her face when Elisabete showed a nearly bald head in the mirror to her. Tina watched it all a little frightened for Kylie, but managed to stay quiet.
“Now Kylie, go take a shower while I clean this mess.”
Kylie immediately obeyed Elisabete.
With the help of Tina, they cleaned the hair from the bed and floor and changed the bed sheet. While Kylie was still showering, Elisabete went to the bathroom and brought her clothes to the laundry.
Elisabete and Tina waited for Kylie to finish her shower. Eventually she exited the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
“Are you ready?” Elisabete asked.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good. Leave the towel in the bathroom and sit on the bed.”
Clearly ashamed, Kylie did as ordered. She sat on the bed naked and avoiding eye contact with the other girls.
“First, the safety gear.” Elisabete said, giggling.
She produced a pair of rubber knee pads. With Tina’s help, slid them on Kylie’s legs. Checking to be assured that they are in the proper place before continuing. Then Elisabete handed Kylie a black latex catsuit.
“Here. Put this on. It’s already lubed inside.” Elisabete commanded. She stretched the neck of the suit and placing it near Kylie’s feet.
The girl placed her legs inside the suit and started to pull it up. Tina and Elisabete helped to make sure it was wrinkle free. When the suit reached near Kylie’s breasts, she had to do a little contortion to put her arms inside the suit. To her surprise the suit had no gloves. Instead the suit’s arms ended in padded rubber paws. Kylie had to curl her fingers to be able to wear them. Her hands were now useless.
The next item was a heavy rubber corset. It had no busk and the bones where embed inside the rubber layers that made the garment. It was an overbust model and had eight garters on it. The thick rubber made it heavy. It took both Tina and Elisabete making considerable effort to put it on Kylie. They laced the corset making Kylie breath very shallow.
“I never wore something so tight!” Kylie complained.
“Exhale… Hold your breath and contract your abs like sucking in your tummy.” Instructed Tina.
“You better to get used to it.” Elisabete advised as she pulled the lacing tighter.
Next a latex hood was slipped over Kylie’s bald head. It was black with fake cat ears. There were holes for her nostrils, eyes, and mouth. The fit was very tight and hadn’t one wrinkle.
Elisabete laced a small rubber neck corset on Kylie’s neck to hide where the hood overlapped the catsuit. It matched the waist corset she wore. That garment also was thick and with a few bones. Of course wasn’t tight like its waist counterpart, just snug on her neck. Kylie still could move her head side to side and up. Facing down was impossible.
Kylie looked like a cute fetish kitten now. Tina found that very sexy and was slightly aroused helping the transformation. The fact that Kylie was clearly uncomfortable and helpless made Tina happy… although she didn’t know why.
“Great! You look great Kylie! Now let’s make you a real kitten.” Elisabete said.
She picked a pair of rubber boots. They looked like ballet boots but had no heel and no toe box. They had metal bones embed inside the rubber layers like the corsets. Once laced on Kylie’s feet, she couldn’t bend her ankles. Her feet were forced to be straight with her leg. The boots each had a firmly secured D-ring on the back of the ankle. Elisabete then produced two thick rubber hoops. Each fitted with a D-ring. Slid them on Kylie’s legs until they were up high on her thighs. She used the corset’s gathers to secure those rubber cuffs in place. Using two small padlocks, Elisabete locked the boot’s D-rings to the thigh cuff D-rings. A pair of similar rubber cuffs where placed on Kylie’s upper arms and also locked to D-rings located on side of her corset.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so helpless now.” Kylie commented.
Elisabete then sat on the other side of the bed and commanded, “Here kitty, come on kitty!”
Kylie had some trouble turning herself over on the bed, but eventually she managed to craw near Elisabete, who petted Kylie’s head.
“Meow,” Kylie uttered voluntarily because it felt good.
“Good kitten!”
Tina giggled at that and also petted Kylie. That a meow in response, too. She was becoming aroused realizing she was petting a bound latex woman.
“Now there is just one more thing left. And… the honor of installing it will be yours, Tina.”
Elisabete then presented a butt plug with a rubber cat tail attached it. The black plug looked like a cone. Measuring about six centimeters in diameter in the widest part. Behind that there was a small neck of no more than two centimeters in diameter. Then it grew again into an oval shape, about ten centimeters long and four wide. That oval was made to fit between her butt cheeks. The tail was attached to the center and was long and fluffy. Realistically resembling an actual cat tail.
“What I am I supposed to do with this?!” Tina asked shocked.
Elisabete laughed, “Insert on her anus dear.”
Tina blushed deeply. She just met that girl. Already saw her naked. Now she had to put a toy in her ass. Suddenly realizing how humiliating that was to Kylie… it felt good. So Tina opened the two-way crotch zipper in Kylie’s catsuit and took a look. Clearly the girl was very wet with excitement. Tina lubricated the tip of the plug rubbing it in her juices. Then she positioned the tip of the plug right on the girl’s anus and pushed slowly. Kylie groaned.
“Are you okay?” Tina asked.
“Hurts a little… but… please, don’t stop.”
Tina pushed harder. Kylie grunted loudly. She didn’t stop. Pushing harder, feeling more resistance as the wider parts of the plug went inside Kylie. The girl shouted in pain when the widest part passed her sphincter making the plug pop in place. Her anus grabbed tightly on the plug’s neck.
Kylie was breathing in shallow panting. Elisabete was wiping the tears from her hood. Tina watched and noticed a smile on Kylie’s face. Then she closed the zippers around the tail.
“Perfect! The kitten is done for now.” “Want some lunch, Tina?” Elisabete asked.
“Sure!” Tina said.
The girls tottered to the kitchen. The cat followed crawling on her knees and bound arms. Elisabete served a salad with grilled chicken and cheese. The cat had to eat cereal with milk from a bowl on the kitchen floor.
“Will she just eat like that?” Tina asked.
“Of course. She’s a cat.”
Tina was amazed by Kylie. She was so restrained and uncomfortable, yet looked like she was enjoying it. More so Tina found excitement by subjugating the poor girl.
They finished lunch, went to the living room, watched some TV, and chatted. Kylie crawled near them staying on the ground near the girls’ feet. At end of the afternoon Tina was tired. Said her goodbyes and went back to her house. Happy for a nice day with her friend.
The same day, Dr. Stuart had phoned Judy, “Hello Judy, it’s Marcus, how are you?”
“Hello! I’m fine, thanks. How can I help?”
“I talked to Dr. William about your friend that wants a job. We think another person will be handy. Bring her in with you on Monday please.”
“Of course Marcus, I’ll do it.”
“Okay, bye!”
Judy waited until that evening. She put on a tunic over her catsuit and rang Janine’s doorbell.
“Hey, Judy! Nice to see you. Please, come in!”
Judy entered Janine’s apartment and they both sat on the sofa.
“How cool, you’re still wearing that catsuit!” Janine noticed.
“No, of course not! I take showers daily!” Judy laughed.
“Of course! But if I had one of those, for sure I’d wear it all the time too!”
“Yes! Well. I came here to give you some good news. My boss called me today. Told me to bring you to work on Monday. He wants to talk to you.”
“Oh my gosh! I can’t believe this!” “Do you know what the job is?”
“He just said another person would be handy. Maybe he needs an assistant.”
“Oh Judy thanks so much! Tell me how I have to behave… what I have to dress in… tell me everything!” Janine said over excitedly hugging her friend.
“Calm down Janine! Just be yourself okay? And you can dress any way you want. There is no need to be modest.”
They spent some more time talking before Judy went back to her apartment.
The next day Janine informed her boss at the flower shop she needed Monday off. She was really overexcited about the opportunity to work in a fetish business. Besides few times modeling latex, she never had real fetish experiences. Although she spends countless nights browsing internet sites about rubber, bondage, restraints, and almost every sort of bizarre thing one can imagine. She could imagine herself in almost any of the devices. Bound, restrained, confined, and locked in any conceivable way. Janine never had the nerve to ever tell anyone about such fantasies. Let alone try to turn them into reality.
Saturday Janine spent the morning thinking of which outfit she will wear to her new job interview. The skirt was easy to decide. She picked a black miniskirt she usually wore to go clubbing. The shoes she chose were her bordello Mary Jane’s, with sixteen centimeters heels and about three centimeters platforms. She matched that with a long-sleeved white buttoned blouse with a notched collar. Modest when compared to her mini skirt. To complete the look she chose a skirt matching black blazer.
Janine dressed and looked in her mirror. Her legs looked sexy and long with the mini skirt and the high heels, but it still looked like a businesswoman. A sexy businesswoman nevertheless. But Janine felt it needed something more. Something that said, “she is not just dressing sexy but that she wanted to be into the fetish world.”
She could not think of anything that would meet her expectations. She changed her clothes back to jeans and blouse, put some sneakers, and went for a walk. About half-past noon, she was hungry and found a nice buffet where she had lunch. On her way back home, she walked in front of a pet store. She had an idea!
In one of the aisles Janine found an assortment of dog collars. She discreetly measured her own neck with her hands and ruled out the smaller collars. She then found a brown — almost orange — leather collar, about four centimeters wide. It had thick black stitching and a heavy duty buckle. She waited a couple of minutes in the aisle looking at the collar before finally grabbing it. She went and paid cashier then walked home.
Part 17
Finally, Monday arrived. Janine awoke early and took a shower, then dressed as she planned before. She looked at herself in the mirror for a while and decided bare legs aren’t an appropriate look. Searching through her drawers, she found nude fishnet pantyhose. Hosiery on, she looked at herself in the mirror once more. That look made her happy. Next, she placed her recently purchased dog collar around her neck. It was a tight fit even buckled on the last hole. She liked the look, despite the light choking feeling. She applied a dark lipstick and black winged eyeliner.
Janine locked her apartment and rang Judy’s doorbell. Judy opened the door in her yellow catsuit and uniform.
“Good morning Janine! You are stunning!”
“Thank you, Judy!”
“Please, come in! Do you want some coffee?”
Janine realized that she had not made breakfast and accepted Judy’s offer. While she drank some coffee, Judy finished her signature yellow makeup.
“Are you ready Janine?”
“Yes, I am!”
“Good, let’s go!”
Judy drove to Dr. William’s office and parked her car in front of Tina’s house. The girls crossed the street and Judy knocked on the door. Tina opened the door in her white catsuit and coat.
“Hello, Judy! Come in!”
“Hi, Tina! This is Janine, she is a friend of mine.”
“Nice to meet you! Please, take a seat, Dr. William will soon be back.”
The office had really changed. The first thing Judy saw upon entering was a beautiful desk. It was made of metal and with a glass top. She guessed to be her new workplace. On the wall behind that desk was the logo of Nexus Human Augmentation. On the opposite wall beside the main door and in front of the window were two couches. The three girls sat there. To the right there is a newly added small waiting room with other couch and a couple of chairs. Dr. William’s office was behind the door from that room. The office was remodeled and furnished with brand new equipment. The new restroom was towards the back of the house. On the left side of the reception room, there was the same arrangement for Dr. Stuart office.
A door behind the reception desk, with an “Authorized Personnel Only” plaque, gave access to a small lounge and kitchen, a workshop much better equipped than Dr. Stuart had before, and two spare rooms. The basement of the house was turned into a storeroom, accessible via a staircase in the workshop.
Soon a car parked in the driveway. Dr. Stuart and William got out. They brought a cake, some snacks, and two 2 liter bottles of soda.
“Hey girls, let’s celebrate!” Said Dr. William when he entered the office.
Tina stood up and helped him with the cake box. The guys went to the kitchen setting up the cake and the snacks on the counter. Dr. William went back to the reception office inviting Judy and Janine to the lounge and made a speech. “Today is a very special day for us. We are starting a new company together. As you can see I turned my house into a big and modern office where we will run the most high-tech fetish business ever!”
Dr. Stuart opened the fridge and took a bottle of sparkling wine, popped its cork, poured it into glasses, and proposed a toast.
“To the success of Nexus Human Augmentation!”
The five raised the glasses together and in unison cheered “Success!” and then took a sip of the wine.
Dr. William asked Tina to cut the cake and serve it. Soon all were eating snacks, cake, and drinking. Janine was feeling a little awkward in participating in that inauguration party, after all, she went there to be interviewed. Dr. Stuart noticed her discomfort and approached her.
“You must be Judy’s friend. I’m Dr. Stuart, but you can call me Marcus.”
“Nice to meet you, Marcus. My name is Janine.”
Dr. Stuart observed Janine very closely. He really liked her platinum hair in a pixie cut. The collar really caught his attention. Of course, he also noticed her exposed beautiful legs enhanced by the high heels.
“Please, take a seat and lets talk, Janine.”
She sat in one of the sofas. Dr. Stuart sat beside her.
“So… Janine, I’ll try to be direct. Please don’t be afraid.” “What do you know about our business?”
“Judy told me your clients are fetish people. She showed me something she had in her ears and mouth… and her contact lenses too.”
“Good. Do you have a problem working with… um… bizarre fetish things?”
“No! No! Of course not. That’s no problem!” Janine said with a big smile on her face.
“Perfect. We don’t want to hire someone that became scared when the experience a customer completely bound enter the office. Do you have any experience with anything fetish?”
“I’ve modeled in latex a few times before. Let me show you.”
Janine took her smartphone and showed a dozen of the studio shots of her wearing a latex dress, a top and leggings, and a leotard.
“Very nice.” “How about this collar? Are you owned by someone?”
“Erm… I… I bought it last weekend.”
“To wear it now?”
Janine nodded.
“Do you have any idea of the work you would do here?”
“I’m sorry. I really don’t know.”
“No problem. In this office, Dr. William, Dr. Tina, and I do procedures on the patients. Judy is our secretary. We need someone to assist us. Escorting patients in and out the rooms, checking our supplies, keeping the materials organized, help Judy, and… keep the coffee maker running.” Dr. Stuart said, giggling.
“No problem, I sure can do that.”
Dr. Stuart took his smartphone and did some calculations and then presented it to Janine.
“How this look to you?”
She looked at it and did some quick mental math. It was about half of what she earns in the flower shop each month, including her sales commissions. Her face became worried. “That is monthly?”
“No!” Dr. Stuart laughed. “It’s weekly.”
Janine broke into a broad smile.
“It’s perfect!”
“Great. When can you start?”
“I need to quit my job at the flower shop. I really want to start here as soon as possible, but is not fair to abandon them suddenly.”
“Is next Monday okay?”
“Perfect! Judy, please explain to Janine about our products? Dr. William, Tina and I need have a quick meeting.”
Dr. Stuart invited Tina and William into the workshop. Meanwhile, Janine jumped and hugged Judy, cheering her new job. They ate more cake and made a toast with soda before Judy started to explain in detail about the things she had installed.
In the workshop, Dr. William started the meeting.
“So Tina. We are here because we are starting a new company. As you know, the name is Nexus Human Augmentation, like in our booth at the Fetish Convention.”
“Sure, I realized it. I imagine you and Dr. Stuart are now partners.” Tina commented.
“Yes Tina, that is true. But you are here because we want you to be a partner in our company also.”
“Oh my gosh!” “Are you serious?”
Dr. Stuart then confirmed what William stated.
“Yes. Three doctors… three friends… three partners!” “What do you think?”
“It’s wonderful!” “But how that will it work? Do I need to invest some money?” “My savings are very modest up to now.”
“Don’t worry, Tina.” Dr. Stuart explained. “Bill and I already made the investments. Besides being the third doctor you will provide the company tests of our products.”
“So I’ll be the official guinea pig?” Tina said, giggling.
The other two also laughed.
Dr. William said, “Yes Tina, as you have already done for me so well for all this time. We also think it will be good that one of the owners also wear the products. That will give us much more respect.” “Don’t you agree?”
She nodded.
“So, are you in, Tina?” Dr. Stuart asked.
“Yes. I’m in!”
William then asked her to sign some contracts. With all signatures done, he went to City Hall to officialize their new company.
Dr. Stuart told the news to Judy and Janine.
“Girls, I’m happy to announce that Dr. William just went to City Hall to officialize our company. I’m also very happy to announce that Dr. Tina is part this partnership!”
“Ah, congratulations!” Janine cheered!
“Congratulations dear!” Judy said to her friend.
They made another toast with soda and then Judy asked Dr. Stuart about her devices. She really wanted them off.
“Okay Judy, you deserved it. Come to my office. You can come with us too, Janine.” Dr. Stuart invited.
Tina took care of the reception while they went to Dr. Stuart’s office. He asked Judy to sit in the patient’s chair and asked Janine to tie her firmly to it. That was a surprise to her, but she complied. With leather straps, she bound Judy’s ankles, thighs, wrists, and arms to the chair.
“Good. Which one you want out first, Judy?” Dr. Stuart asked.
“The tubes in my nose, please.”
Janine watched carefully while Dr. Stuart used pliers to delicately force Judy’s septum ring open. With forceps, he grabbed her right nostril tube and slowly pulled it out. Judy’s nostril was already used to the presence of that tube. Pulling it out was very unpleasant and made her eyes tear involuntarily. The first rush of air without the tube was somewhat rough. The disinfectant smell, characteristic of the office, was so strong to Judy that it became repulsive.
“Oh my god. Oh my god.” Judy said while breathing quickly.
“Are you alright?” Dr. Stuart asked.
She only nodded.
The doctor asked Janine to put a pair of disposable sanitary gloves and hold the metal tray where he deposited the worn tube. He again used the forceps to grab the other tube and pulled it in a slow, constant motion. Janine’s eyes opened wide in surprise when she noticed how long that tube was. Judy could not stop the tears from running down her face. Not in pain, but from the involuntary reflex caused by the tube rubbing her flesh. The rancid smell of stomach acid filled Judy’s nostril and made her cough and sneeze. Dr. Stuart waited a minute while she recovered and asked again if she was okay.
“Yes. Now I’m better.”
Janine took the other used tube and folded it on the metal tray. Next Dr. Stuart took a contact lens case, and with help of a small plunger removed Judy’s lenses. He disconnected them from the earbuds and stored the lenses on the case. With a flashlight, he examined Judy’s eyes. Besides being a little red — actually less than he expected — they were perfect.
From the moment the contact lenses were disconnected Judy’s earbuds shut down her hearing. Dr. Stuart then used again pliers to gently remove the piercing in Judy’s tragus, placing them on the metal tray that Janine held.
“Janine, there is a red bio-hazard disposal bin back there. Please throw away the tray contents.”
She did as instructed and returned with the empty tray. Dr. Stuart then gently removed the earbuds and gave them to Janine. Judy heard natural sounds for the first time in weeks and she was in bliss. Then, Dr. Stuart asked Janine to clean the earbuds with some disinfectant wipes.
“It’s so good to hear normal again!” Judy chirped.
Dr. Stuart searched in his drawers and found the yellow contacts Judy wore before the Fetish Convention and placed them in her eyes. After Janine finished cleaning the earbuds, the doctor asked her to release Judy from the chair binds.
“How about the Teeth Locker?” Judy asked.
“You have to ask Dr. Tina about it.”
Now released, Judy exited the office to talk to Tina.
Then Dr. Stuart said to Janine, “Let’s check your eyes.”
“My eyes?” “They are fine!”
“Sit on the chair.” “Let’s be sure.”
Janine sat on the chair. Dr. Stuart bound her with the leather restraints. She tried to act naturally but being bound made her very aroused. She forced her bounds and they didn’t budge. The realization that she was truly restrained made her very horny.
“Are you comfortable?” Dr. Stuart asked.
“Very comfortable!” She said trying not to reveal her aroused state.
He took her glasses and checked it’s prescription with his lensometer. Then he lowered an autorefractor in front of Janine’s eyes and measured her eyes. He then put the autorefractor away. Lowering the phoropter in front of her eyes he dialed the prescription of Janine’s own glasses and asked her to read the chart. Then he dialed the prescription he measured having her read again.
“It is better now.”
“Yes, it is.”
“How old are your glasses?” Dr. Stuart asked.
“Couple of years.”
“You’ll need to update them. Your prescription changed. Anyway, I’ll have to make molds of your eyes and ears. Please relax. It isn’t pleasant but will not hurt you.”
Dr. Stuart used the appropriated plastic cups filling Janine’s ears with alginate and did the same on her eyes. Being momentarily blind and deaf was disorienting at first but she soon relaxed. Janine tried instinctively to rub her eyes. The restraints held her arms firmly in place. Unable to touch her eyes together with the helplessness feeling, turned her on like never before. Her heart raced. She moaned while moving her hips. Trying to get some stimulation.
He noticed her actions and decided to leave her alone for a while. Instead, he worked on Judy’s earbuds. He used small metal plugs to close both the holes where the piercings held them in place and the connectors where the contact lenses wires were attached. He used his computer to change the programming of the earbuds so they work without the contacts plugged in.
His attention turned to Janine. He removed the hard molds from her ears and eyes.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, I am!” She said, smiling not realizing that he noticed her arousal.
“Good. Have you ever worn contact lenses before?”
“So, I’ll give you these. They are disposable, good for one week. So you can get used to them.” “Okay?”
Janine listened carefully to Dr. Stuart’s instructions. He released her from the chair and she managed to put the contacts in on the third try.
“Great Janine. I’ll look forward to see you here next Monday.”
“Thank you!” “I’ll be here! I can’t wait to start working with you!”
Janine then went home very happy and horny.
Part 17
Janine exited Dr. Stuart’s exam room and met Judy and Tina talking in the reception.
“Girls, I’m going home now. I wish to thank you both.”
“Hey, where are your glasses?” Judy asked.
“Ah, you noticed! Dr. Stuart gave me contacts in my prescription!”
“Very cool! And congratulations again Janine. I’m glad you’ll be working with us.” Tina praised.
Janine said goodbye and called a ride with her smartphone. As she rode home she was so very happy and almost in disbelief! Not only did she get the job, but also had her first bondage experience. Once home in her apartment, she relieved her arousal and nearly fainted from pleasure.
Tina was envious of Judy because she had her devices removed. When Judy asked her to get the Teeth Locker removed, Tina retrieved Judy’s x-rays from the archives. Then explained to her friend that she has a few teeth that are slightly crooked and a small overbite. That the braces installed as part of the Teeth Locker will help to correct.
Judy didn’t care for that small imperfections. She wished to get those things out of her mouth. The two girls were arguing about it when Dr. Stuart entered in the reception room. He soon realized what Tina was trying to do.
“Girls, we need to talk.”
They stopped their conversation to listen to Dr. Stuart.
“First, you both worked very well as our models at the Fetish Con. Here are your checks in the value we had agreed.”
They took the checks and couldn’t avoid beaming.
“We have changed now. We had agreed to pay a sales commission to each of you. Now Dr. Tina is a partner of our company. She will earn a share of the profits, so I don’t think it’s fair she still gets the commission…” “So do you agree that Judy gets all the sales commission, Dr. Tina”
“I think that’s fair. Judy deserves it.”
“So, take this Judy. You heard your boss. You deserve it,” said Dr. Stuart handing Tina’s check to Judy.
Judy took the other check. It was even a larger amount than the first he gave her. She was really happy with that.
“Now we need to talk about your uniform Judy.”
She looked at herself, looking for something wrong.
“Don’t worry you are flawless as usual. But now we are more than an ophthalmologist office that happens to have some fetish customers. Now our brand is focused on fetish and your uniform will have to change.”
“I can understand.” “But what will change?”
“First, the catsuit you are wearing will be mandatory.” “Do you have any problem with that?”
He already knew the answer. He noticed Judy was hooked on latex and tried to wear as often as she could.
“No, no problem. I like to wear it.”
“Wonderful. You’ll still wear a business suit, but we will make it in latex too.” “Okay?”
Judy didn’t expect that. Suddenly her latex wardrobe expanding and she will be able to wear it to work. She was filled with joy.
“Sure, no problem, I don’t mind wearing latex at all.”
“Great. Well… the part you may really not like… but I must agree with Dr. Tina and ask you to keep your Teeth Locker.”
“I can’t believe…” “Really? Do I have a choice?”
“Judy, is that so bad?”
“I just don’t like this thing. But, okay I’ll keep it.”
Tina did her best to not smile. With Dr. Stuart’s help, she had won.
“One more thing…” Dr. Stuart said while handing a small box to Judy.
Judy took the box and opened it. She saw her earbuds inside.
“Oh no, I hate these! My hearing is so much better without it.”
“I know, I know. But you just need to wear it here, you can remove them after work.” “Alright?”
Judy took the earbuds and inserted into her ear channel. Immediately her hearing became with that artificial timbre she knows so well. Judy sighed.
“Okay, Dr. Stuart.”
Soon the patients that Judy re-schedule from last week began to arrive. Judy took her seat at the reception desk. Tina stayed with her while Dr. Stuart saw his patients.
In the middle of the afternoon, Dr. William arrived. He asked Tina to go his office.
“So Tina, I got something new for you.”
He showed her a tiny metal cylinder, about 1,5 cm long and 0,5cm in diameter. From one of the faces of that cylinder, a small metal rod, about one millimeter thick protruded. He then connected two wires that came from a battery box to the back of the cylinder and with a faint click that metal rod retracted inside the body of the miniature actuator.
“What’s that?” Tina asked.
“Is a powerful miniature solenoid actuator. It can substitute for the screws that lock and unlock the Teeth Locker.”
“I know what I have to do, Bill.”
Tina sat on the patient chair and opened her mouth. Dr. William started working on her. First, he removed the screws and in its place installed the actuators, and left a small wire from each one dangling out of Tina’s mouth.
“You know, now you are our partner and you also have your own patients. I think you should be able to use your mouth freely during work hours. This thing will make that easier for you.”
He then connected the wires that were out of her mouth to a battery. The actuators pulled the rods and that had the same effect of loosening the screws. Tina could move her jaw freely.
“How does it feel, Tina?”
“It’s a little bulkier than the screws, but it’s not so bad.”
“Good. I’ll prepare the electrical connector, open your mouth wide.”
When she opened her mouth, he disconnected the power from the actuators. Springs forced the metal pistons out and they locked her mouth open.
“See, it is fail-safe. Without power, springs lock your mouth.”
Dr. William then attached to her upper molars on each side, a tiny socket. He then trimmed the wires and connected them to the sockets. Next, he produced headgear. He attached the metal bow to that sockets and then connected a strap across her nape. Inside the strap, there was a battery pack and the electronics to control it. When the connected the headgear, her mouth was unlocked.
“Are you kidding me? Headgear?” Tina asked, upset.
“Sorry was the only way I could think to bring power to that actuators. Well, I imagine we can piercing your cheeks too but I have sure you will not like that.”
“Please, tell me this is just a test and you will let me wear the old screws without this soon?”
“To be honest yes. I don’t like the look of this.”
“Me either.”
Tina exited William’s office and when he passed through the reception, Judy was startled.
“Hey, what is that?”
“What you think, smart ass?”
Judy laughed.
“Sorry Tina, you look like a teenager with this headgear.”
Tina went to the lounge and notice the control app on her smartphone had an update available. Upon finishing the install noticed it’s now called “Nexus Control” and the icon is the new company logo. She opened it. The app looked more polished and professional than before. Now it had a button to control of her Teeth Locker. She also could see that the scheduler for the lenses and earbuds is again active from midnight to seven in the morning. Her Teeth Locker was also on a schedule — from 7 PM to 7 AM.
The afternoon passed by quickly. In no time they closed the office and went home. Tina used the little time she had with the mouth unlocked to eat some snacks. Tina watched the clock because she didn’t want her mouth locked in some unusual position. Precisely at 7 PM, her mouth was locked again. She removed the headgear because it would make no difference. Tired from her day, she had little trouble relaxing that evening.
Judy got in her car, started it, and removed her earbuds. She noticed that not only her hearing was more clear and natural, but also louder. She then drove to head home. A traffic jam near downtown delayed her for about an hour. Then she gradually became annoyed by the traffic sounds. The engines, the horns, construction noises, all that bothered her in a way she had never experienced before.
She glanced at her earbuds. Judy rolled her eyes. Reluctantly inserted the devices in her ears once more. The difference was night and day. The noises were gone. She could still hear the horns but they weren’t piercing sounds anymore. Of course, the voice from the radio become metallic and a bit hoarse. Just like all sound that she heard through the devices.
She arrived at her building and as soon she stepped off the elevator Janine noticed. She had left her door open waiting to see Judy. Janine had changed into casual clothes but was still wearing the collar.
“Hey, Judy! Come on over! We’ll order pizza to celebrate my new job!”
“Wonderful! Just a second, I’ll be right there!”
Judy went in her own apartment. There she removed the earbuds placing them on the nightstand. She also kicked off her heels and removed her business suit. She put on an oversized T-shirt over the catsuit and slipped on her Crocs. She went to her neighbor’s apartment to celebrate with her.
Later that night Judy had trouble getting to sleep. She missed the silence she became used to in the last weeks. She reached to her nightstand and placed the earbuds into her ears.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” She said to herself.
Nevertheless, it worked. Judy slept like a baby.
At the office the next day Dr. Stuart called Tina to his office. There were an assortment of eyeglasses in many styles and colors, all with plastic frames, spread over his desk.
“The number one complaint from people that visited our booth at Fetish Con was the wires that power the LCD contacts. So I have been working on this prototype.”
He showed Tina a contact lens without any paint. She could see near the edge of the lens there was an orange circle The center of the lens was completely opaque.
Dr. Stuart resumed the explanation. “This is a copper wire coil embedded in the glass. It receives wireless power to operate the liquid crystal.”
He then took one of the eyeglasses from his table and put the frame near contact lens. The black center of the lens became transparent in an instant.
“So, the glasses control the contacts.” “Right?” Tina asked.
“They control and provide power. There are batteries and the electronics inside the temple arms.”
Tina inspected one of the eyeglasses. Indeed the arms are thicker and heavier than she would expect from a regular frame.
Dr. Stuart disconnected Tina’s contacts from the earbuds. She was instantly deafened. He produced two dummy plugs placing them through the grommets pierced on her ears in place of contacts’ wires. He updated her earbuds programming with help of his computer. Tina could hear.
“You can remove those contacts now, Tina.”
She did. He took the opportunity to check her eyes. They were in perfect condition. The quality of the custom lenses and the oxygen permeable material assured that her eyes stayed healthy.
“Choose a frame you like, Tina.”
She tried several frames deciding on the black retro styled cat eyeglass. Dr. Stuart used his computer to pair that specific frame to Tina’s profile in Nexus Control app. He showed her a new pair of contact lenses. They were painted just like the older ones. The only difference was the embedded copper coil replacing the wire. She put the new lenses in and they felt so much better without the wire bothering the corner of her eye. She was still blind of course until Dr. Stuart handed her the eyeglasses she chose. When she put them on her vision was back.
“So this is it… now I’ll look like a silly teen wearing glasses and a headgear?”
“Don’t look at me, Tina! The headgear wasn’t my idea!” Dr. Stuart argued. “But I think you’ll like the glasses. They even have light sensors!”
“Light sensors?” Tina asked.
Dr. Stuart shined the bright flashlight from the Fetish Con demonstration over Tina’s face. Before her vision became light-blinded her new contact lenses proportionally darkened. As soon he turned the flashlight off they became transparent again.
“That’s useful!”
“Plus… you can adjust how much darkening and at what light threshold it starts with your Nexus Control app.”
In all fairness, Tina liked the way the glasses and contacts worked. The tiny wires the old model used were a nuisance and really hard to explain. At least glasses are a very normal accessory.
Judy saw Tina exiting the office.
“Nice glasses, Tina. They go so well with your braces.” Judy teased while laughing.
“Very funny, Judy, very funny.”
“By the way, Elisabete just called. She made an appointment with Dr. Stuart for a girl named Kylie.”
Part 19
Thursday morning Judy opened the office door for a couple. They were Dr. Oliver Smith and Felicity. They were at the office by invitation from Dr. William. After a brief wait in reception, Dr. William welcomed the visitors into the lounge for a meeting with he and his partners.
“I’m glad to meet with you here in our office, Dr. Oliver and Miss Felicity. These are Dr. Stuart and Dr. Tina, my partners”
“We are honored by this invitation, it’s our pleasure to be here.” Dr. Oliver said.
William continued, “The purpose of this meeting is to establish an association between Nexus Human Augmentation and Dr. Oliver. During Fetish Con, I had the chance to see his work, and I am sure he can be a supplier for a series of unique products.”
“Thank you, Dr. William. I would love to do a demonstration. I want you to know first hand how my masks work. Who do you have as a volunteer?”
“Why we don’t ask Judy?” Tina asked before anyone ordered her to volunteer.
Dr. Stuart opened the door to the reception room and invited Judy in.
“Judy, Dr. Oliver would like a volunteer to demonstrate his mask.” “Do you mind?”
“Sure.” “What I have to do?” Judy asked, solicitous.
Dr. Oliver stood up, took one of the stools from next to the kitchen counter, and placed it in the middle of the lounge.
“Just sit and relax.” “Felicity will apply the mask on you.”
She sat on the stool facing her trio of bosses the watching from the sofa. Dr. Oliver placed his hard shell briefcase on the couch next to where he was seated and opened it. Felicity reached in the briefcase, took a wig cap, and then used it to hold all of Judy’s shoulder-length hair. She also removed Judy’s earrings then used makeup removing wipes to clean Judy’s face thoroughly. After pulling on disposable latex gloves, she applied yellowish cream over Judy’s face. Felicity was expertly taking care to cover all her skin in a uniform layer.
Drs. Tina, William, and Stuart watched the procedure closely with rapt interest. Felicity removed a sealed plastic bag with a rubber head inside from the briefcase. She opened the bag taking out the rubber head. It looked a little smaller than Judy’s own head. Felicity then carefully stretched it over Judy’s face. Once in place, she delicately adjusted the fit of the mask’s lips, nose, ears, and eyes. Making sure Judy’s own features were fit inside the mask’s counterparts.
The mask covered Judy’s chest and shoulders. Felicity opened the back zipper of the catsuit and tucked the mask under it, then closed the zipper again. She applied false eyelashes and makeup to Judy’s eyelids blending them to the mask. Felicity inspected Judy a final time and handed her a hand mirror.
Felicity declared, “It’s done! Take a look!”
Judy could not believe her eyes! She looked into the mirror, but could only see Julia Robert’s face. Down to the smallest detail, except the yellow eyes. Even the dark blonde wavy hair, longer than Judy’s own, was perfect. Judy smiled and she saw, to her astonishment, the face of the actress smiling in the mirror.
“Oh… My… God!”
She frowned, raised her eyebrows, moved her nose and mouth and made all faces she could think and the mask followed. Of course, she could feel the mild resistance of the mask every time she moved, but it wasn’t a problem. The tightness of the mask was similar to the catsuit she wore, if not a little tighter. In fact, she found the feeling very pleasant too. Then, Judy lowered the mirror and saw the three partners looking directly at her, in astonishment.
Dr. Stuart approached Judy. He touched her face, rubbed, looked in detail, and searched for flaws. The masks lips followed Judy’s own lips until inside her mouth. The same thing happened in the nostrils so one could not see the border of the mask. Near the eyelids, the mask edge was glued very well to Judy’s skin. The makeup blended it very well. Only a very careful inspection could find that edge. Even then it could be mistaken for a small wrinkle. The only place Dr. Stuart found not so perfect was her ears. The inside part was flat because of Judy’s earbuds that stayed under the mask.
“Perfect! It’s perfect.” Dr. Stuart praised.
William and Tina also inspected the work. They were impressed as their partner.
“How does it feel, Judy?” Dr. William asked.
“It’s tight on my head. A little heavy with movements. No problem at all.”
“Good. Very good. You can return to your desk now.”
“Do I have to remove it?”
“No. It’s now yours. Take it as a gift.” Dr. Oliver said.
“Thank you!”
After Judy left they resumed the business. Dr. Oliver explained he didn’t have interest in dealing with fetish market. He confessed to them that he and his wife aren’t into any fetish. He went on that they were shocked with things they saw in the Fetish Con. and preferred to not return next year. Nevertheless, he would be glad to supply Nexus Human Augmentation with anything they needed, provided his name isn’t linked to the products because he has decided to focus his own brand on the rehabilitation market.
Drs. William and Stuart explained they want to use Dr. Oliver’s products as a base for their own devices. They also asked if Dr. Oliver could produce other body parts besides heads.
“I can make any body part. Torso, limbs, crotch area, even a full body. The only restriction is that the glue should be applied only in small parts of the body. As you know, that glue will not allow any perspiration. Covering a large part of the body with such glue will likely lead to heat stroke,” Dr. Oliver explained.
“And how long will the glue hold?” Tina asked.
“It’s very strong and holds for quite a while. During tests, I glued a patch of rubber on my arm. It stayed there for about a month before starting to peel off. Is no coincidence that the outer layer of skin renovates itself about the same period.”
“I understand. What can be used to remove it before that time?”
“The glue will resist water, so you can’t wash it away. It will dissolve in rubbing alcohol.”
Without any further questions, they signed exclusivity and nondisclosure agreements. Dr. Oliver conceded to deliver any orders in one week, as long as it was within the limits of his production. Happy with the agreement, Dr. Oliver and Felicity went away.
There was no more time for talk between the doctors. Patients were already in the waiting room.
Judy was amused how many of the patients complimented her, saying she looked like Julia Roberts. When the workday finished, she sat in her car and tried to remove her earbuds. A task impossible with the mask on. She cursed and drove home.
She arrived at her apartment and kicked off her heels. Removed her uniform and wearing just the catsuit sat on her couch to relax…. but a few minutes later the doorbell rang. Judy opened the door and a startled Janine looked at her.
“Judy!? Is that you, Judy!?”
Judy laughed. “Come in Janine! It’s me, I’m fine.”
Janine recognized the voice of her neighbor. She came in and sat staring at her from the sofa.
“Why do you look like Julia Roberts?”
“I’m wearing a mask!”
Janine touched her friend’s face, amazed.
“OMG! This is so cool!” “You have to wear it for work?”
“No, I just modeled it, but to be honest I’m enjoying it. I’ll remove it eventually. Anyway, what’s up Janine?”
Janine was shy, but she had the courage to came to Judy’s apartment, so she pull herself together and asked, “You know, well do you think I’ll have to wear latex to work too?”
“I think so.”
“Um…. Last time I wore any latex was about a year ago. Maybe you could lend me your catsuit so I get used to it…”
Judy looked into Janine’s eyes. She knows what her friend wants do to with her catsuit.
“I’m glad you are excited to work there. You are even still wearing the collar!”
Janine was already blushed, but she now became red like an apple.
Judy continued, “I can’t lend you my catsuit because I need to wear it to work. I think I might have something for you.”
Judy searched through her belongings and found the plastic bag where Tina had placed her stockings and latex hot pants before they went to Prague.
“Here, these are yours.”
“Thank you so much, Judy!”
Janine hugged her neighbor and kissed her rubber cheeks. She wanted to return to her own apartment immediately and put on the gift she got. That would be rude, so Janine kept chatting.
“How was it to work at that Fetish Con, Judy? I bet you saw lots of latex, huh?”
“I sure did. Almost everyone there wore latex, some were very beautiful, others kinda bizarre.”
“How cool. Did you had the chance to make friends there?”
“No way! Everyone there was busy, but I helped some nice twins to get dressed in bizarre bondage devices. Hope and Grace.”
Janine jaw dropped!
“Do you mean THEE Hope and Grace?”
Judy raised her eyebrows.
“I dunno. Are there more than one set of twins named that? Tina and I helped them to dress in a complicated suit with tubes and gas mask and such. They stayed locked in a cage for the night.”
“Oh my god! I’m a fan of them! I’ve followed their website since the beginning!”
“So you’ve enjoyed fetish things for a long time?”
Janine was caught. She nodded shyly.
“Now I understand why you always looked to model latex clothes. That’s fine. Do want to know more about the convention?”
Janine was so excited that she bombarded Judy with questions about the Fetish Con. Of course, Judy could not answer all questions, as she spent almost all the time in the booth. Janine finally had her curiosity satisfied, excused herself, and went to her apartment.
As soon she locked her door Janine emptied the plastic bag. She found Judy’s bra, stockings, garter belt, and the latex hot pants. She washed the pants in her sink, dried them with a towel and put them on. She longed for that feeling since the last time she modeled a latex dress. This time, however, she didn’t need to return it so she could wear it as long as she wanted. Janine tried the hot pants with a variety of clothes including Judy’s garter and stockings before she finally surrendering to her arousal.
In her apartment, Judy was having a lot of fun looking herself in the mirror. She googled some pictures of Julia Roberts and tried to do the same faces while taking selfies to compare. The resemblance was uncanny. At one point she was even scared of how hard was to tell her selfies apart from real photos.
Friday afternoon Elisabete parked her car in front of the Nexus office. She rang the doorbell. Judy opened the door.
“Hello, Elisabete! Nice to see you again.”
Puzzled hearing Judy’s voice Elisabete responded, “Thanks! Are you Judy?!”
“Yes, it’s me! Come in!”
“Sure, but first I need some help with the kitten. Can you ask Dr. Stuart if he can help?”
Judy called Dr. Stuart and he went to Elisabete’s car. With a bit of effort, he lifted Kylie from the back seat. He brought her into the reception room where he put her down on all fours.
Kylie was dressed exactly as the day Tina visited Elisabete’s house, with the addition of a ball gag. Judy was somewhat shocked by her appearance but tried her best to act naturally. Dr. Stuart invited Elisabete and her pet into the exam room. He made molds of the cat eyes and ear canals.
Once Elisabete and Kylie left the office was closed for the day. Judy began her drive home. Unfortunately, she didn’t notice that one of her brake lights was burned out. Halfway home she noticed in the rearview mirror red and blue lights flashing. She stopped the car and rolled down her window. The police officer approached.
The policeman was amused that the girl he just stopped really looked like Julia Roberts.
“Good evening ma’am. Do you know why I pull you over?”
“I have no idea, officer. I’m sure I wasn’t speeding.”
“That is right. Your brake light is burned out.”
“I really didn’t know that.”
“Uh huh. May I see your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance?”
“Of course!”
The officer looked at her paperwork. They all were valid but the photo on her driver’s license was a completely different person.
“Please, get out of the car and keep your hands where I can see them.”
She obeyed the officer and exited her car.
“What’s the problem, officer?”
“Those documents don’t seem to belong you, ma’am. Can you explain that?”
“Oh no! I’m wearing a mask!”
“Let me show you.”
Judy lowered a bit the zipper of her catsuit, pulled the edge of the mask up, and starting to remove it. The policeman noticed how she was struggling nervously, so he decided to just dismiss it.
“Okay ma’am. Here are your papers and license. You are free to go, but make sure you fix your brake light.”
Judy arrived home very upset and worried. She almost got in serious trouble with the police because of this mask. As usual, she kicked off her heels and undressed out of her uniform. Then she picked the flap of her mask that was already out of her catsuit since the incident with the police officer and pulled it up.
She was able to pull the mask from her scalp, but the glue on her face was still holding strong. Judy pulled, but the rubber wouldn’t release from her skin. She pulled hard as she could stand, not caring if the mask would tear, but she had no luck. She had to stop because it felt like she was pulling on her own skin. Stuck with the mask inside out dangling from her face. She got to the intercom and pressed the call button to Janine’s apartment.
“Please Janine, come here now! I need your help!”
Janine walked quickly to Judy’s apartment. She didn’t bother to change clothes and went there wearing a t-shirt and the latex hot pants only. Once in, she found her friend in that awkward situation.
“Oh my gosh, Judy! How can I help you?”
“I’m stuck. The glue they used for this thing is too strong.”
“What can I do? Want me to pull?”
“No no no! Call Dr. Stuart or Dr. William. They must know what to do.”
Janine managed to get Dr. William on his cell and he explained to her to use rubbing alcohol. She then took a bottle from under Judy’s sink and soaked a towel with it. Slowly she applied it on the edges of Judy’s face and the glue started to dissolve releasing the mask. After about half hour working on her friend she was able to fully remove that fake face from Judy.
“Ouch. That sucks!” Judy complained, while removed her earbuds.
“I didn’t know it was glued so strong.” Janine said.
“Neither did I. By the way, the hot pants look good on you!”
“Oh, thanks!”
Judy noticed in the mirror that her face still had some residue of glue. Her friend helped her to remove it. To payback Janine for her help, Judy offered her dinner.
Part 20
Was almost two weeks since Anthony had his date with Tina. He was still shocked and disappointed because the girl he wanted turned out to be so weird. Lucky to him a friend he had since high school phoned him.
Her name was Sandra and she wanted to go clubbing. He already knew what that meant, Sandra was alone and wanted some fun.
“Of course Sandra that’ll be great.”
He picked Sandra at her home. She wore a sequin blue mini dress, nude pantyhose, and flat pink slippers. They went to a local club where they could drink and dance. When the band ended their last set they went to Sandra’s house. Anthony had fun with Sandra but every time he touched her bare skin he remembered the dance he had with Tina and the smooth touch of her rubber suit. The next morning he awoke early and left so he could open his grocery store on time.
Tina woke up. She didn’t bother to put the headgear. She preferred to leave her mouth locked. As usual on most Saturdays, she began to clean her house. Unfortunately she found that she was out of disinfectant spray. Then she slipped on a dress over her catsuit, put the headgear, and walked on her toes to the grocery store. “If there is a person that wouldn’t mind this silly thing it’s Tony.” Tina thought.
“Good morning, Tina! Is so good to see you again!” Anthony greeted, sincerely happy to see her. “How are you today?”
“I’m good Tony. Thanks.”
Tina got the disinfectant and other cleaning products she wanted. She then brought them up to Anthony. He scanned all barcodes and charged Tina.
“Tina. Can I be sincere with you?”
Tina shivered. She imagined he wants to propose to her. Pausing, then she said, “Of course!”
“Please don’t be offended…” “but… Are you ill or disabled in some way?”
“What?!” Tina said, really surprised at his question.
“Sorry. I noticed the hearing aids… the big braces you are wearing… and… and… the thing you wear over your skin. I’m wondering…” “Is this to protect you from some condition?
Tina laughed in relief of his question.
“No! No! Far from it. Don’t you want to go to my house and teach me another recipe so I can explain?”
“Yes, it will be my pleasure!”
Tina returned home and finished the cleaning. She was happy with her friendship with Anthony but regretted she had not explained her situation to him before. So this evening she decided to be open about it and tell everything. If Anthony really liked her, he will understand, she reasoned.
Tina called William and told about her date. He agreed to change the time for her mouth to lock that night, as long she told Anthony the truth.
About 9 PM Anthony arrived at Tina’s house. She opened the door wearing a bathrobe over her catsuit.
“Good evening, Tony, come in. Please, make yourself home.”
“Good evening, Tina. Sorry, but did I arrive too early?”
Tina realized he asked that because of the robe. She closed the door after him and removed her robe. She stood in front of him wearing a black catsuit, knee-high ballet boots, and her tight-laced corset.
“Wow!” Anthony exclaimed, looking stunned at Tina’s perfect figure.
“I told you that I’d explain. Can we talk while cooking?”
He took a few seconds to react, “Yes yes, sure.”
That evening Anthony brought pork ribs with potatoes already pre-made, so he only finished baking them in the oven. He also brought a salad as a side dish and wine.
Anthony, shyly tried to make a funny comment, “So, are you a professional dominatrix? Will you tie and torture me?”
Tina laughed as hard her corset allowed.
“No, silly, I’m a dentist.”
“So… Why the… um…”
“The latex suit?”
“Yes. This…” Anthony made a gesture pointing from her head to toes.
“I’m a partner in a company that makes things for fetishists.”
Tina was really proud to say that. Was the first time she told someone she owned a business.
“Fetishists? Kinky people?”
“Yes. You know what we are talking about.”
“I got it. So what are those things you wear? Why the braces?”
“Those can lock my mouth open or shut.”
“So… When you didn’t speak on the shop, that wasn’t a sore throat?”
“No, my mouth was locked.”
“Wow… But you didn’t have this headgear thing.”
“This is new. Can lock my mouth by remote control.”
“No way!”
Tina opened her Nexus Control app on her phone and handed it to Anthony.
“What is this?” He asked.
“This app controls the devices I’m wearing. Try it. Touch on…”
Tina was interrupted by her mouth being locked.
“Wow… I heard so many jokes about wives with remote control and you really have one!” Anthony said, laughing.
Tina giggled in the most awkward way with her mouth locked halfway open.
Anthony unlocked it.
“So now you know it works for real.”
Anthony still looked through the app.
“What is this? Can I shut down your eyes?”
“Yes, you did. I’m now blind.”
“Really?” He said while pretending to slap Tina’s face. She didn’t even bat her eyes.
“I’m so amazed.” He then turned on her vision again.
“Now I can see.”
Anthony then turned off her ears.
“Now I can’t hear.”
He walked to her side and loudly said close to her ear, “I love you, Tina. Will you marry me?”
“What are you doing? I can’t hear you!
“Sadly.” He said before allowing her to hear again.
“Thanks, Tony.” “Now, do you understand?” “I’m not ill!”
“Yes, I do… But I don’t get why.”
“Well, someone has to test these things.” Tina said, laughing.
“Okay. Well, I’m glad you took your time to explain. I still find it weird. But now I understand. I’m not worried about you anymore. By the way, the food is ready, let’s eat.”
They set up the table and Anthony open the wine. He poured a glass, spun the wine and sniffed it.
“This is good!”
“I told you I can’t sense aroma!” Tina complained.
“Oh sorry. I remember. You mentioned about some tubes.” “Right?”
“Why the tubes?”
“Left nostril, the tube goes to my stomach. So I can feed liquid food if my mouth is locked. The right nostril is a tube to my throat just to be sure I can breathe well if I were to get a clogged nose.”
“Wait, you get food in your nose?!”
“Is that so hard to believe?” “Look at my throat!”
Tina opened her mouth so Anthony could see her nasogastric tube in her throat.
“Let me show you a trick”
She got her syringe she uses for liquid food filling it with wine. Then she injected it into her left nostril.
“Direct into my stomach. The faster way to become drunk!”
Anthony laughed, “It’s fun but I still find it weird. But as long you are safe and happy, I’m happy too. Cheers!”
They toasted to being happy then had the dinner. After finishing they went to the couch where Anthony held Tina in his arms cuddling her. He enjoyed feeling the smoothness of the latex, but still found strange to see her covered in a black shiny second skin. Before he left they kissed, albeit carefully because of her headgear.
Tina was happy with the outcome of that date. Anthony reacted better than he expected. At least now she has a friend that is not into all the fetish world she was unwillingly into.
Judy had a nice weekend. She could relax and enjoy the first weekend without the nose tubes and the earbuds. For good measure, she also removed her yellow contacts and didn’t dress her catsuit. Instead she went jog in a park wearing just running shoes, yoga pants, and a t-shirt. She was enjoying the freedom of doing such simple things more than ever.
That evening before sleeping, however, Judy couldn’t forget her rubber. She dressed in her catsuit. Once more enjoying feeling the tight embrace of the latex over her skin.
Janine was very anxious. She couldn’t wait for Monday to start her new job. Her old boss at the flower shop wasn’t upset when she resigned and he quickly found a substitute.
Finally, Monday arrived. Judy called Janine and invited her to eat breakfast together. Janine wore high wasted leggings over her latex hot pants, a white leotard, and a black jacket. She was also wearing the collar, in fact, she hadn’t removed it since the first day she wore it.
After breakfast, Judy drove to work and Janine rode with her. Janine offered to pay for her gasoline. Judy agreed to brew the coffee each morning for them. Soon they arrived at the clinic.
Judy opened the doors and turned her computer on. Soon Tina arrived and greeted her friends. They went into the kitchen where Judy showed Janine where the coffee, creamer, and sugar are stored. A quick demonstration of how the coffee maker worked started the coffee brewing. Meanwhile Drs. Stuart and William arrived with two other women.
One looked to be between the mid-thirties and late forties. Hard to judge because of her oriental complexion. She had dark eyes, short straight black hair, and wore a latex mermaid hobble skirt with a corset top. Under that it was visible she wore a transparent latex catsuit with attached gloves and a high neck.
The other woman was a very young looking Caucasian of no more than twenty years old. She walked behind the first woman and carried two small suitcases. She was dressed in cotton leggings, trainers, and a white t-shirt bearing a logo which read “Fiji Latex”.
Dr. William introduced the guests.
“Girls. Please welcome Miss Myoko, from Fiji Latex. This is her assistant Abby.”
Tina and Judy respectfully greeted Miss Myoko.
Janine couldn’t help herself and gushed, “Oh gosh! I love you Miss Myoko! Your work is so perfect! I love love it!”
Miss Myoko, being very polite thanked Janine, “Thank you, thank you very much, but relax dear. I’m just a seamstress.”
An embarrassed Janine pulled herself together. Meanwhile, Abby went outside to bring in another slightly larger suitcase.
“We are very glad to be able to work together with you Miss.” Dr. Stuart complimented.
“The feeling is mutual.” Miss Myoko answered. “I have seen your work and I can assure you that there is nothing like what you do.” “May we start with the doctors?”
Abby opened the largest suitcase. She removed a white rubber lab coat. It had the Nexus Human Augmentation logo on the left breast with the name Dr. Stuart in black bold letters above it. She held it along with a pair of white rubber gloves. Both the coat and gloves were tailored in Dr. Stuart’s size.
Miss Myoko helped the doctor put on the white gloves. They were tight fitting elbow length gloves. He pulled the sleeves of his shirt over the gloves. Then with Miss Myoko’s help, he slipped into the lab coat. He buttoned it closed. The fit was perfect. The collar of the lab coat framed the shirt collar and his tie.
“Perfect Miss, perfect!”
Dr. William received a similar set with the exception of his name printed in bold letters.
“I’ve included an extra lab coat and two extra pairs of gloves for each of you.” Miss Myoko commented. Abby took two thick plastic bags, identified with doctors names, and placed them on a coffee table that was between two couches in the lounge.
Miss Myoko continued. “Now Dr. Tina.”
Abby took a white catsuit from the suitcase. At first glance, it seemed like the one Tina was already wearing. Abby then offered to help Tina change into the new catsuit. They went into one of the spare rooms to change. Tina undressed then Abby helped her to climb in the new catsuit. The new suit was really a work of art. It had just one zipper in the crotch area. She had to climb in it stretching the neck opening. Although the catsuit was supple and stretched well to allow her to climb in that way, it felt stronger than the older one. Another difference was the catsuit’s feet. It had toes like gloves have fingers! Tina found the feeling different, but good. The waist part of the suit was remarkably small. Just a little bigger than the neck. As if it popped into place after passing her hips. Her rear was tightly encased in rubber like she never felt before. The suit was sewn in such a way that it parted her buttocks like a thong. It sure was more beautiful than her old suit but more uncomfortable. A constant compression separately on each of her bottom cheeks. The suit also had cups for her breasts presenting them like a push-up bra. Even though the neck had been stretched to be able to accommodate her hips and shoulders it fit snugly on her skin.
Abby invited Tina, now dressed in just that catsuit and still without shoes, to return to the lounge. She tiptoed back while holding her ballet ankle boots in her hands.
When Tina walked in all the heads turned to her. All their jaws dropped except for Miss Myoko. Miss Myoko smiled.
Abby handed a white leotard to Tina. It had faux buttons on the front, pretending to be a buttoned shirt. Its notched collar had large flaps and showed a good bit of cleavage. It was long sleeved. The leotard had black trim at the wrists of the sleeves, the ankles of the legs, and the collar. Tina had to climb through the neck like her catsuit, but it was much easier because of the big cleavage. The crotch had no zippers, but rather a flap that could be used to access the catsuits’ zipper under it.
Next Abby handed Tina a high waist pencil skirt. Except for the exceptional latex quality and perfect tailoring to Tina’s body, there was nothing extraordinary about it. The skirt was just shy of being above her knees mildly hobbling her stride.
Tina was really happy about her new look. Then Abby gave her a black latex corset. It was a masterpiece. Underbust. Wasp waist. It had dozens of bones on each side. Miss Myoko remarked that the inner structure of the corset was made of metal bones not stretchable nylon mesh gusset She went on to explain that the strong nylon fabric she uses support all the forces in the garment and the rubber was just cosmetic. After Tina closed the front busk, Abby laced her very tightly closing the corset completely and reducing her waist in at least 15 cm.
The tight corset made Tina a bit breathless but at the same time, with help of her catsuit’s cups, made her figure astonishing. Miss Myoko then took a shoebox and handed it to Tina.
“Dr. Tina, I’m honored to give to you one of the firsts shoes of our Bolshoi special edition. We had extensive consulting from Bolshoi’s costume designers and dancers to develop this flagship line of ballet heels.”
She took the box gently from Miss Myoko hands and opened it. Inside she found a pair of white ballet heeled shoes in an Oxford style. They were made of premium quality leather. The sole was a yellow leather and bore the Bolshoi logo in black. The heels were a spool design, getting thinner near the ground, before flare in a slightly wider base, trimmed with a black rubber cap. The toe box had the angles designed to match pointe ballet slippers and had also a rubber pad under it. Inside were built in gel cushions. The shoelaces were flat looking like miniature ribbons. Tina sat on one of the couches and slipped her feet into the new shoes. Lacing up and tying them, she noticed they felt comfortable and strong.
“You’ll notice the new sole design. More arched. And together with the reinforced sole and heels make it more stable than the blue ones you wore for the Fetish Convention. Thanks to our friends of Bolshoi Ballet, the toe box is also improved.”
“They feel incredible, Miss Myoko.”
Abby then handed Tina a white lab coat, made of thick rubber like the ones her partners are wearing. Hers, of course, is tailored for a small waist, showing her feminine figure. On her left pocket above the Nexus Human Augmentation logo is the name “Dr. Tina”.
Part 21
Miss Myoko showed Tina that the suitcase she brought had a few more catsuits like the one she was wearing. Some were in other colors. She also had more uniform leotards, skirts, an extra uniform corset, and other corsets in various colors and styles. Last but not least there is another pair of Bolshoi signature ballet heels, Mary Jane style.
“We will send you some more ballet boots in the coming days, Tina.”
“Thank you, Miss Myoko. They are amazing. Excellent quality!” Tina complimented.
She folded her old clothes and shoes. Then placed them together with the new ones inside the suitcase. Then she sat on the couch near her partners to watch what Miss Myoko had for their employees.
Abby invited Judy into the spare room. Janine stayed behind, very anxious, worried that maybe she didn’t get a uniform. Judy was very shy, but she undressed in front of Abby, who didn’t seem to care about her naked body. Then Abby handed Judy a pastel yellow catsuit. Unlike her older uniform catsuit, it had no texture or marks. The new one was the exact same model that Tina wore, except custom tailored to Judy’s body.
“I imagined it would be so much harder to put without a zipper,” Judy commented.
“Yes, people always say that!” Abby answered.
Now dressed only in the new catsuit, Abby asked Judy to return to the lounge and send Janine to the spare room. Judy acknowledged and, very shyly went into the lounge. Her old uniform folded using it to cover her front.
“Please, Judy and Tina! Don’t forget to return the catsuits you wore in the Fetish Con. They will be used for promotional shots and such now.” Dr. William said.
“Of course.” Judy said. “Janine, Abby is waiting for you in the other room.”
Janine stood up with a jump and pranced in happily to meet Abby.
“Here I am!” Janine greeted, after closing the door.
Abby smiled, “Nice! You seem so excited! Now, please, strip off your clothes.”
“Hey, you’re not even going to kiss me before that?” Janine joked and laughed.
“Ha ha ha, you’re funny! But sorry, you aren’t my type.”
Janine kicked off her heels and lowered her leggings. Then she unbuttoned the crotch of her leotard and removed it.
“How cool, you already wear latex.” Abby commented when she noticed the hot pants.
“I love it!” Janine commented while lowering her pants.
“So, you will love this.” Abby said while handed Janine a catsuit identical to Judy’s.
Janine started to climb into the suit. The inside surface was already covered with talcum.
“Gosh, this feels so good”
She soon finished dressing the catsuit and could not stop caressing her own body.
Abby brought her back to the reality, “Good Janine, now lets return to the lounge so you can get the rest of your uniform.”
The two returned to the lounge. Abby offered two plastic bags to store their old clothes and shoes. Now standing in the middle of the lounge just in the skin-tight catsuits, the two girls were each handed a leotard. Unlike Tina’s, their leotards were plain golden yellow, with short sleeves and a square neckline, which showed a nice amount of cleavage. The leotards also featured the flap in the crotch area.
The girls climbed into the leotard without any problems. Abby handed them mini-skirts. The minis were dark yellow, almost orange. When worn the hems reached about the middle of the girls’ thighs. The next item was an underbust corset, the same color of the leotards. Abby laced both girls. Their waists got about twelve centimeters smaller.
Judy knew that feeling. She was laced about as tight during the Convention. Unfortunately, to her, Abby wasn’t as gentle with the laces as Tina was. To Janine, this was a completely new experience. Being laced so tight for the first time and in a corset so rigid was a bit too much for her.
“I… I… can’t… b… breath!” She complained.
“Relax my dear. Breath slowly. You will get used to it eventually.” Miss Myoko said.
Hearing advice from Miss Myoko herself made a huge impact on Janine. She tried her best to act naturally, but besides the short breath, her ribs were killing her with pain.
The next garment was a coat, the same color of the skirt, and made of a thicker rubber like the doctors’ lab coats. It was tailored to show the girl’s small waist. The coats had pockets but no names were printed, just the Nexus Human Augmentation logo.
“This is a very well tailored skirt suit with gorgeous tone-on-tone style. I love it.” Judy praised.
“But way better! It’s latex! Perfectly made by Fiji!” Janine gushed.
“I’m very glad you like it so much. Now your shoes.” Miss Myoko said while handing them each a shoe box. The girls opened them. Inside were pumps with rounded toes and sixteen centimeter high heels. The shoes matched the color of the corset and leotards. They had an ankle strap made of bronze about one centimeter wide and a half centimeter thick with a hinged back. That strap was rigidly connected to the pump’s heel and sole, which limited some of the ankles movements. The metal straps surprised the girls, but their jaws dropped when Abby handed them a tiny star-shaped screwdriver.
“To close the ankle strap, you need to tighten the small screw over the latch.” Abby explained.
The girls followed the instructions. They slipped on the shoes and closed the ankle straps. Their feet were in a vertical line with their legs. The ankle strap looked much more like a wide and snug ankle bracelet. The shoes were at the same time extremely comfortable on their feet, but the bothersome with the high angle they were forced into. That was really bothering the girls, especially Janine, but neither of them dared to complain.
While the girls were adjusting to their new looks Abby went to the Miss Myoko’s car and brought back three small wooden boxes. She handed them to Tina, Judy, and Janine.
Judy was the first to open her box. Inside there were two bracelets and a choker made from the same polished bronze as the shoes ankle straps. The bracelets were essentially identical to the ankle counterparts. The choker was not only larger in diameter but also wider, about four centimeters. It had two hinges that separated the jewel in three identical sized parts. In the center part was engraved in black letters “Judy”.
She was a bit shocked but tried to keep a smiling face. With help from Janine, she screwed shut the bracelets and the choker. The fit was snug and the choker stayed nicely right in the middle of her neck.
“So the choker is my badge!” Judy said, giggling.
“Yes, but is not a choker… it’s a collar.” Dr. William corrected her.
Janine was already closing hers, awkwardly, alone.
“It’s so beautiful! I don’t want to remove it ever!” She cheered.
“I imagined you may want to wear it as a fashion accessory, so we just printed your names, no title or logo.” Dr. Stuart explained.
Tina opened her box. Her collar and bracelets were not made of flat metal but instead had a round profile. The bracelets were about half centimeter thick, and the collar about one centimeter. Her jewelry was in a very shiny chrome finish. The collar had no name engraved. She immediately started to put the set on herself.
“It’s highest-grade stainless steel.” Dr. William commented.
“It’s very beautiful. I think I wear it as a jewelry too.” Tina commented.
Abby helped Judy and Janine store the bags with their old clothes inside the small suitcases. Each one of the suitcases also contained two extra catsuits, an extra leotard, a skirt, a corset, and also a dress. The dress had the same neckline as the leotard and same length as the mini skirt. From the waist up it was the golden yellow like the leotard, and from the waist down it was the same dark yellow-orange of the mini skirt. Black trim separated the two colors at the waist. They also received another pair of pumps with pointed toes instead of round ones.
Miss Myoko spend some time explaining the care she had taken gluing the latex seams and others details of the clothes. She taught them how to care for the rubber. Miss Myoko also warned that any tear, or other accident, only SHE should be contacted to repair or replace the item.
“This I must ask of you… please… never wear your latex to the point of showing wear and always keep them clean. I’m proud to be your official supplier, BUT… I can’t allow my brand be associated with torn or dirty clothes. I care about my reputation as much as I care about the quality of my product.”
She continued, “I’m sure you all will want more of my products soon. I’ll be happy to return anytime. I provide fair discounts to my partners.”
“Arigato, Miss Myoko. We are also at your disposal.” Dr. William bowed.
“Thanks again Miss Myoko. Judy, you can resume your work now. Janine, please follow me to my office as you aren’t finished yet.” Dr. Stuart said.
Tina, Judy, and William accompanied the women from Fiji Latex to their car. Janine went into Dr. Stuarts office.
“First Janine, let me give you this.” The doctor handed her a cardboard box. Inside she found a makeup kit.
“You should do your makeup like the way Judy wears hers.”
“Yes. Don’t bother with it today, but tomorrow you should wear it. Ask Judy for help if you need to.”
“Thanks, doctor!” Janine answered with a smile.
“About the devices. We only require you to wear simple custom contacts and the earplugs while working. But if you want, you can get a more extensive set at no cost to you.”
Janine was thrilled. She already received an amazing arousing uniform to wear to work. As a bonus, even the pain on her ribs and the difficult shoes aroused her.
“What you mean by a more extensive set, Doctor?”
“From me, permanent earbuds and blinding contact lenses. From Dr. Tina, you can get a Teeth Locker and the Comfort Tubes.”
“Of course I want them!”
Dr. Stuart had guessed right. He already had painted her a pair of liquid crystal lenses. If she refused that, he would only order a regular pair and paint them. He asked Janine to choose an eyeglass frame. She picked a green round frame. In her opinion would draw some attention off from her yellow uniform. The doctor commanded her to remove the soft disposable lenses she was wearing for the past week and throw them away.
He inserted the new contacts. They were in a design very similar to the ones Judy wore. Janine was blinded for a while until he put the eyeglass over her face. Then he proceeded to fit the earbuds. Piercing her ears accordingly, so she couldn’t remove them, at least without some tools.
Janine was happy and horny. She walked to William’s room, where Tina strapped her to the chair. For the next couple of hours, she stayed there while Tina installed a Teeth Locker. It was the basic model with screws to activate the locks.
Tina was about to release her from the chair when Janine asked:
“Won’t you install the tubes in my nostrils?”
“You don’t need that.”
“I want them! I beg you… Please!”
“Okay, okay, if that’s what you want.” Tina said, shrugging.
She installed the tubes in Janine, a procedure she was already well practiced in doing on patients. As usually happened to recipients, Janine was very uneasy when swallowing the stomach tube. It took the normal few minutes, but then they were in place and held in place with a small barbel. Like the earbuds, the tubes could not be removed without pliers and a lot of patience.
Janine was released from the chair. She was still feeling her mouth and nose very weird. She not used to all with her new things. Noticing she was very distracted by the new devices, Tina asked Janine to tidy the office.
Leaving Janine to clean the office Tina went to the lounge. She was surprised to find Dr. Oliver talking with Dr. William. They were discussing, what seemed to be some cat face. Tina correctly presumed it was something for Kylie.
“Good to see you, Dr. Tina! I was waiting for you!” Dr. Oliver said.
“Me? Well, it’s my honor to see you!”
“Yes. I was discussing some new ideas with Dr. William for the past few hours. He said that surely you will want to test the prototypes.”
Tina was not interested in testing anything more. After all the last test left her with that silly headgear. Although in her mind she could not disappoint William.
“Yes, sure. What you need?” Tina relented
“Just some pictures of your face, without the glasses and this… brace.”
Tina agreed and removed that items, which left her blind and with the mouth locked closed. Dr. Oliver took several pictures from different angles and thanked her. Tina immediately replaced her glasses and headgear, to be able to see and talk again.
Dr. Oliver then went to the reception area to talk to Judy.
“So Judy, Dr. William told me of your incident with the police. Sorry, I never imagined that would happen. In all honesty, I imagined you will remove the mask the same day. I’m glad you enjoyed it. But because of that, I’m here to offer you a new mask with your own face.”
Judy wasn’t much excited by the idea. She thought that a mask of herself would be pointless.
“Thank you, Dr. Oliver, but you don’t need to do that.”
“No problem. Do you mind letting me take some pictures of your face? So, if you change your mind, I’ll be ready.”
“As long you don’t use it to make masks of me for strangers… okay.”
While he was shooting Judy, Janine ended her job in William’s room and walked to the reception.
“Meet Dr. Oliver, Janine. He made that mask I wore last week.”
“Nice to meet you, doctor. Let me say I was amazed by that mask. I really wanted one myself, it was perfect!”
“Really? Well, I was offering a replacement for Judy, but she declined. May I do one for you?”
“Really? I mean, sure! Of course!”
“Let me take some pictures of your face also.”
Part 22
Janine was very sore at the end of the day. Not only were her feet and ribs aching, but her mouth was in pain because of the recently installed Teeth Locker. Once in Judy’s car, she asked her friend to stop at a drugstore so she could buy some ibuprofen.
Judy stayed inside the car while Janine went to the drugstore. The moment she stepped in, all heads turned to her. The sudden realization that she was, at least for a few moments, the center of the attention made her shy, but at the same time turned her on. She lifted her head up and walked to the back of the store, taking care put one foot aligned in the front of the other when walked, like a model in a catwalk. Her confident stride drew the attention of both women and men. She noticed the clerk scanning her head to toes while she approached the counter.
“Please, I need some ibuprofen,” Janine said, smiling, with her sweet voice.
The guy was stunned by her and took few seconds to ask: “Advil or generic?”
He chose took a bottle of red pills from the shelves behind the counter.
“Can I help you with something else…. Miss Janine?”
“How you know my name?”
“Your… “ The guy didn’t dare to say collar, just pointed to her neck.
Janine smiled: “No thanks.”
She paid for her medicine and returned to the car. Judy was amused to notice people turning heads to look at her friend while she walked back to the car.
The two friends arrived their apartment building. They looked like two flight attendants while pulling the suitcases through the lobby of the building.
“Can you help me get undressed?” Judy asked.
Janine first got a glass of water and swallowed a pill. Then she got her star screwdriver and opened the ankle straps on Judy’s shoes.
“Thanks. Those shoes were too high.”
Judy put on her Crocs and hung her coat on a rack behind the door. Then she undid the knot on her corset and slowly opened the laces. She sighed in relief when removed it. She then removed the skirt and the leotard without problems. Janine helped her to open the collar and bracelets. Judy tried to remove the catsuit alone. She founds that she could do it… awkward but doable. Soon, Judy was wearing a robe.
“Thank you! Do you want to stay for dinner?”
“Thanks, but you don’t need to worry about it.”
“Can I call you if I need help dressing up again?”
Janine went to her apartment. She removed her coat and hung it in her closet. Then unlaced the corset. Having no corset experience, she undid the laces fast, feeling very sharp pain in her ribs with the sudden return to the natural position.
“Ahhhh. Fuck! Fuck!”
She folded the corset and laid it over a chair, then removed the leotard and skirt. Wearing only the catsuit and heels, admired herself for several minutes in front of a mirror. She could remember how many times she had dreamed to see herself like this. She imagined that she would be uncontrollably aroused, but instead, she was sore. The painkiller worked but it couldn’t help with the discomfort she felt, especially in her mouth. She also felt… hungry.
One banana, an apple, and some fine oatmeal. She put all that in a blender with about half a liter of milk and blended for several minutes. Then she took a syringe that Tina gave to her and sucked the liquid from the blender cup, then injected into her left nostril. Feeling her stomach filling, she exclaimed.
“Oh my gosh, it works!”
She filled the syringe once more and this time went to the front of the mirror to look at herself while she used it to feed herself, and smiled.
“This is amazing! I’ll never eat again!”
The idea of locking her teeth shut came to her mind, but she refrained from it because they were still sore. After feeding herself with the syringe, she decided to explore the Nexus Control App.
The first thing she did was to blind herself. Then controlled how much of the light she allowed through. After playing with that for a while she made the lenses fully transparent again. Next, she tried the earbuds adjustments. She deafened herself, adjusted the volume, and then found the equalizer. There wasn’t much to hear in her apartment, so she turned the TV on a movie channel. After some adjusting, she managed to find which sliders to raise, which to lower so the dialog was clear, and the music and effects of the movie are almost inaudible.
“Wicked! Love this thing!”
She changed the channel. A news station sounded just metallic and artificial but she could understand the presenter perfectly. Another channel was in a commercial break showing a car. She could hear a faint music, but at the end when the narrator said the tagline for that brand, it was loud. Happy, she saved that preset as “Voice only”
The ibuprofen was kicking in and made her sleepy. Janine went to her bathroom and began to remove her makeup in front of the mirror. She cleaned her lipstick easily. When she removed her glasses to clean her eyes, she went blind.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!”
Janine tried to clean her eyes with the glasses on. She managed to remove the makeup but also smudged the glasses’ lenses. She then took a tissue and removed her eyewear, cleaning the lens blindly.
She was preparing herself to sleep when she heard a faint ring. Remembering the changed the earbuds settings, she quickly went to her intercom and answered it.
“Janine is Judy. Can you come here please?”
She crossed the corridor and found her friend partially wearing one of the new catsuits up to her chest.
“I can’t put my arms inside! Can you help, please?”
Janine stretched the suit’s neck and raised it until Judy could put her right arm inside. The left arm was easier to put in. Janine almost didn’t need to help.
“Thank you!”
“You’re welcome, dear! I’ll go sleep now, the medicine made me so tired.”
“Sweet dreams”
Judy was refreshed after a shower and a clean catsuit and had no problem going to sleep after she wore the earplugs. She still hated it but found that at times it could be convenient, like when sleeping with the windows open in an apartment on a busy street.
Janine sat on her bed and removed her heels with the screwdriver. She turned off the lights and layed down. Placed her glasses on the nightstand, and relaxed now blind. Her ribs weren’t hurting anymore. She could barely feel the tubes in her nostril. Her teeth were mildly sore but that didn’t bother her anymore. She caressed her waist and breasts. Enjoying feeling the soft and smooth touch of the latex. In an instant, she caressed her thighs. Now she was aroused like she imagined. Her hand searched in the nightstand’s drawer for her toy. She took the vibrator and opened the zipper of her catsuit and a few seconds later she had an orgasm. She didn’t stop. She wanted more. Closing her eyes tightly and bit her lips. In no time the second wave of pleasure came over her. Janine opened her eyes, and seeing nothing, got turned on again. She pressed on her vibrator but it wasn’t enough anymore. A wild idea came to her mind. She slid it to her rear. Soaked from her own juices, firm pushing made it intrude past her tight sphincter. Then, just some rubbing on her crotch was enough to make her contort in spasms of pleasure. Exhausted she turned the toy off and fell asleep.
Next morning she awoke with a faint sound of an alarm clock. She opened her eyes and could see nothing. For a second she panicked. Came to her senses and remembered to get her eyeglasses from the nightstand. She noticed the mess on her bed sheets and put them in the laundry basket. Then she took some wet tissues and cleaned her toy and her crotch. Janine was feeling clammy and needing a shower. Looking at her clock she noticed that was already too late for that.
Janine dressed her leotard and skirt and closed the heels on her feet once more. She walked to Judy’s apartment with her corset, jacket and makeup kit in her hands. They helped each other to get makeup on, dressed, and laced. The corset didn’t hurt Janine as the day before. Partly because she was starting to get used to it and partly because Judy was gently lacing.
Judy fixed a breakfast for them. The friends sat at the table to eat some scrambled eggs and bread.
“Do you like it?” Judy asked.
“Yes, it’s good.”
“I was afraid you don’t like basil.”
“Yes… “ Judy put her fork near her lips and sniffed the scrambled eggs. “The smell is delicious, I love it.”
“Ah… yes… sure…”
Judy frowned. She looked right into Janine’s nose for a moment. Then spotted the small barbel that held her tubes in place that was hidden in her nostrils.
“Oh no. They put the tubes on you!”
“You noticed?”
“Who did it? William?”
“Gosh, I would never imagine she would do that. Geez, she hates her tubes. William must have told her to do that.”
“No. It was me.”
“WHAT?!” Judy said, shocked.
“I asked Tina to install.”
“I don’t believe it.” “Why you would do that?”
“I wanted to… you know… know how they feel.” Janine turns her head. “I asked for the earbuds be pierced in place too.”
“Unbelievable! I wore those things for few weeks and wanted them out so bad.”
“Well… “ Janine said kind of ashamed, “Since the time you showed me these things, I have wanted to wear them.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. I just don’t understand.”
“No problem Judy. I don’t understand either. I just… enjoy it.”
The girls went to the work. Judy brought with her a pair of flat slippers and left them under her car seat.
The morning was busy. There were a lot of people scheduled today. The three doctors worked back to back appointments all morning. Tina and William alternated installing Teeth Lockers and Comfort Tubes. Dr. Stuart was making eye and ear molds and fitting some contacts for established patients. Janine alternated between bringing fresh supplies up from the basement to the doctors and teaching the customers how to use the Nexus App.
At noon Janine walked to the grocery store to get some frozen microwavable food. She found some lasagna in the freezer and took four and walked to the cashier.
Anthony, of course, noticed the latex covered figure.
“Hello… Janine?” Greeted Anthony, reading her collar.
“Hello. Just these things.” She replied while handing him the four lasagnas.
“Nexus Human Augmentation. I have a friend that works there.”
“How cool, Judy?”
“No, no! Tina.”
“Ah! Dr. Tina. She is one of the owners.”
Anthony was happy with that. He didn’t doubt what Tina had said, but it was reassuring having a confirmation of what she told him.
“How many of you work there?”
“Five, why?”
He took five small chocolates and handed them to Janine.
“The dessert is on me.”
She paid him and returned with the food and found her friends already waiting in the kitchen.
“Dr. Tina, your friend sent us these treats.”
“Ah, he is so sweet.”
“Don’t you forget one?” Dr. William asked.
“No… I… I want to eat liquid food.” Janine answered
“Wow, really?”
She nodded.
“Okay. Heat the lasagnas, I’ll be right back.”
Dr. William went to the basement of the clinic and got a large can of liquid diet powder and returned to the kitchen. Janine managed to fit two lasagnas into the microwave and they are almost ready. Dr. William asked Janine to came over to him at the counter.
“Here Janine. This is the same liquid food formula Dr. Tina and Judy had during the Fetish Con. You just add a tablespoon in a cup of water and mix very well.” “See?”
William showed her how easy it was to mix.
Janine nods.
“You need about two liters total of it each day. This has proteins, vitamins, sugars, and fats in the right amount to be healthy. Some people consume just this kind of formula for their entire lives.”
“Yes, looks cool.”
“It is, but don’t overdo it or you’ll fatten up very quickly. And don’t get less or you may become malnourished. Start with the two liters a day and check your weight each week. If you need advice don’t be shy… ask. And more importantly, don’t eat regular food and this at the same time. That would be like eating twice.”
“I understand. But today I ate breakfast.”
“I’m glad you spoke up. Not a problem. Adjust to one liter for the rest of the day.”
Janine took her syringe from her purse and filled it with the formula. Judy and Tine were already eating and Dr. William and Stuart were waiting for the microwave finish heating their food.
“Impressive.” Tina thought out loud.
“What?” Dr. Stuart asked.
“Ah. I mean, Janine is willingly going on the liquid diet. Impressive.”
Janine smiled saying, “Thank you!”
Part 23
There were few things that set Tina apart from Judy and Janine. A dentistry degree, being one of the owners of the Nexus Human Augmentation, and the experience of more than two years wearing William’s contraptions. Especially after the Fetish Convention, few things could enter through the clinic door that upset Tina.
Judy was almost like her. She wasn’t impressed with latex suits or some restraints. But she couldn’t understand how people were willing to have the things they sell installed on them. She still just tolerates the Teeth Locker just because nobody locks it. She gets to wear latex as much as she can while being paid for it. Nevertheless, Judy was always professional with everyone. Most of the time she manages to keep a good poker face even when surprised.
Next to them, Janine was like a child. She couldn’t contain her enthusiasm for the new things she was witnessing. She just had her first real working morning and she already saw about a dozen of patients into fetish. She was excited imagining all the kinky things those people will do with the new devices.
Then just after they opened the clinic after the lunch break, a very tall person walked through the door. Judy and Janine were talking and as soon the woman entered they both silenced and looked at the guest in awe.
Janine was tall. In her heels she was just over 180 centimeters, but this woman was much taller. She was surely standing over two meters. Janine stood up to greet her. Instead of taking her hand, the tall woman just removed her leather overcoat handing it to Janine. She froze completely stunned.
The woman approached Judy’s desk and said, “My name is Joan. I have an appointment with Dr. Stuart.”
“Just a moment, Ma’am.”
Joan stood still in front of the desk while Judy paged Dr. Stuart. Her body was covered in a shiny black rubber catsuit. The ballet boots were laced on her legs up to her thighs, almost reaching her crotch. She wore a boot matching black leather corset constricting her waist to an incredibly small size. It was an over bust model covering her latex clad breasts. That corset had a curious feature. A built-in micro skirt, also in a thick leather, and just covered her crotch. What was most stunning to the girls was that her head was covered in a tight shiny latex. Maybe even part of the catsuit. Just her eyes and lips were visible.
Judy signaled to Janine. She hung up Joan’s overcoat and led the woman to the doctor’s office.
Dr. Stuart knew the kind of woman he had in his office the moment he saw her. Her eyes told him that she not only thought she was in charge, but she was sure of it. The only way to earn her respect was to be perceived as an equal. If he tries to look superior, she will break him. If he seemed submissive to her, he would be damned. But this wasn’t Dr. Stuart’s first rodeo and he knew how to behave.
After a brief conversation, Dr. Stuart was examining her eyes. Of course, he didn’t strap her to the chair. Her vision was perfect so her lenses will only be cosmetic. With the usual care, he made the molds of her eyes and dismissed the lady.
Joan exited the exam room strutting in tremendous confidence to the reception. At the same instant Tina also entered the room. They made eye contact. Some primal instinct must have kicked in. Both girls looked each other for a couple of seconds. Like sizing each other up. For that few seconds, the tension rose. Janine and Judy were holding their breath, looking that scene in slow motion. Joan looked at Tina, wearing the glasses and headgear. Staring at her, from her tall position, with disregard. Tina boldly looked back right into Joan’s eyes for an instant and smiled.
“Good afternoon. I’m Doctor Tina, nice to meet you.”
Judy and Janine relaxed.
Joan also smiled and replied, “Good afternoon, doctor. It’s my pleasure to meet you.”
Joan then looked at Janine and extended her arm. Janine, a little startled, grabbed her coat and held above her head, open by the shoulders, so Joan could just slide her arms in to put it on. Tina complimented Joan’s attire and accompanied her out to her car, a sleek vintage green convertible Jaguar. She revved the engine a few times, engaged the first gear and drove away. Tina turns back towards the clinic and saw Dr. Stuart.
“Wow, that sweet sweet sound of the V12 engine. Wow, that lady knows what is good.”
“Yes. Beautiful car. She has style.” Tina commented. “Wonders how she drives in ballet heels. My car must be full of spider webs by now.”
“Do you have a car, Tina?”
“Yes. Bought it used when started to work for William.”
“Can I look at it?”
They crossed the street and Tina opened her garage. Dr. Stuart saw the old Corolla with the four flat tires and completely covered in dust.
“Geez, this thing sure had seen better days. Do you want me to take care of getting it running for you?”
“Really Marcus?
“Sure. Would be a good weekend project.”
Tina closed her garage and tottered back to the clinic with Dr. Stuart.
The afternoon schedule was filled with clients and the girls didn’t have much time to chit-chat. During this busy time a mail truck left a box for Tina, but she didn’t have time to check what it was.
At end of the day, Judy and Janine walked to the car. Judy used her screwdriver to remove her heels and changed to flat slippers in the car. Janine found that very silly but said nothing. That evening Janine didn’t make the same mistake and took a shower. Because they were helping each other to dress and undress, both used Judy’s bathroom. When Janine went to her own apartment she was already clean and dressed in a fresh suit.
Tina opened her box. It was more ballet heels from Miss Myoko. She got tow pair of each of knee boots and ankle boots in both black and brown leather. There were also pairs of black Mary Janes and Oxfords from the Bolshoi signature line.
Tina then assessed her shoes. From the old ones, she had several ankle boots and two knee length boots. She could not imagine a reason to wear the old heels, so she cleaned them and put into the now empty box and set it aside.
She then looked through her catsuits. From the new neck entry style she had three white ones, one black, one blue, one green, and one brown. From the older zippered type she took one pink, one light yellow semi-transparent, and kept them out. The rest she folded and put in a plastic bag.
Happy with her now more clean wardrobe.
Tina messaged William, “Bill, I have some old ballet boots and latex catsuits I don’t plan to wear anymore. What can I do with them?”
“Anything you wish. You may throw them away, but I think your friends would be happy if you donated to them.”
“Good idea!”
Tina invited Judy and Janine to her house after work the next day. Judy first went to her car and changed her heels to her flat slippers. Soon the girls were comfortably sitting on Tina’s couch. Their host offered some tea and cookies, but only Judy accepted.
“Girls, yesterday I organized my wardrobe and I found I had several redundant things. I wonder if you girls would want some of them.”
“What things?” Judy asked.
“I imagined you might like some of my old catsuits. I know they fit you because you tried one once, remember?”
“Yes. I would like some indeed!”
Tina handed her the bag with the catsuits.
“This is a lot.” “Don’t you think Janine could have some of them?”
“Sure. I just didn’t know if they would fit her. She is a lot taller than me.” “Do you want to try one, Janine?”
“Of course!” Janine chirped.
“Feel free to use my bedroom to change!”
Janine asked Judy’s help. Soon she was naked and then trying to put on a black catsuit. She tried her best to raise the crotch of the catsuit to her own but the legs were too short. Same for the arms. The suit armpits didn’t fit right. Otherwise, it seems to fit good. She dressed back in her leotard and skirt, but didn’t replace the yellow catsuit.
Back in the living room, Janine told the results to Tina.
“My limbs are too long. But the torso will fit, I guess.”
“You can take some suits and cut the hands and feet from them!” Tina suggested.
“Good idea!”
“There are also my older ballet boots.” “Do you want them?”
Janine couldn’t be happier.
“Serious? Ballet boots? For free?! I want them!”
Tina handed Janine the box.
She picked up an ankle length boot and put on her foot. Her feet were two sizes larger than Tina, but they fit without the padding.
Happy with the gifts, Judy and Janine went home. Judy took her shower and dressed one of the zippered catsuits. She helped Janine to cut the feet and hands of both an orange and a black catsuit. After showering she tried on one of the suits and it fit her nicely. Despite cutting the suit right at wrists and ankles the sleeves ended in the middle of her forearm and the legs ended in the middle of her calves. She then decided to check to see if she could stand in a pair of ballet boots.
She put the boots on with socks on her feet. Holding on a chair she was able to stand, although she had pain in her toes. Janine asked Judy to help her to walk back to her apartment. It was a difficult stroll, but Judy helped bring her tiptoeing friend into her bed. She came back with Janine’s belongings and then went home.
Janine was very excited about the boots. She opened her laptop and started to look for some fetish pictures with latex catsuits and ballet boots. After a bit of looking she found a picture that made her feel butterflies in her stomach; A woman hogtied and gagged wearing a catsuit and ballet heels.
She had to do that. Her heart was pounding. The excitement was devouring her mind. She frantically searched through her things. “Ahh!” She found a piece of para-cord used to help tie her belongings when she moved to that apartment. Now she needed to tie herself. She used the cord to tie her legs but then she could not find a way to bound her arms by herself. Then she called Judy.
“Are you busy Judy?”
“No, I’m not. Do you need something?”
“I could use your help with something.”
Judy went to Janine’s apartment and was shown the picture on the laptop.
“I get it, Janine. You want to be like her.”
“Yes! Can you do it? Please!”
“You want me to bind you?”
“Yes, please. Just tie me like that.”
Judy helped Janine to the bed again. Using the picture as a guide started tying Judy. She first tied the legs and ankles together. Then asked Janine to hold on to her heels, while she tied her wrists and arms. She found that it looked very similar to the picture and declared her work done.
“Do you like that Janine?”
Judy was really imagining her friend would say no. The way she was bound looked very uncomfortable.
“Oh yes Judy, it’s so nice. Thank you! You are the best friend I could ask for!”
Janine was so excited.
“So… Now you want me to release you?”
“No! Please no!”
“I can’t wait much longer. Soon I have to go to sleep.”
“Can you untie me tomorrow morning?”
“What? You want to spend the night light this?”
“Girl… you’re crazy! But okay.” “Anything else?”
“Yes. Can you get the screwdriver and lock my mouth closed?”
Judy laughed, “Yes, you ARE crazy.”
She locked her friend’s mouth and went to her apartment. She didn’t enjoy doing that to Janine. Knowing how stubborn her friend is, she’d rather do it than hear her begging for it.
Janine was thrilled. She hadn’t imagined the Teeth Locker would be so effective. Combined with being helplessly bound in her own bed made her arousal through the roof. She wiggled her body testing the ropes, but they won’t budge. The realization that she was truly bound came with a moan. Then she also realized that there was no way she could touch herself. Her frustration rose together with her arousal.
She then wanted to get out. To be able to climax! To fulfill her desire. But she had no hope. Alone she couldn’t do anything. It was hard for her to breath laying on her stomach. Janine managed to wiggle her body so she fell to her side. She fell asleep frustrated and exhausted…
Part 24
Early the next morning Judy went into Janine’s apartment. She found her friend lying on her side, still firmly bound, and sleeping. With no time to lose, Judy gently shook her friend’s body.
“Wake up Janine, wake up! It’s morning now!”
Janine was trashed. Her body ached and she felt horrible. She took a while to react to Judy’s waking her, opening her eyes and looking at her friend.
“Good dear, let me release you.”
Judy worked quickly on the knots and released her friend. The pain in her muscles just increased. Judy removed the ballet boots from her feet helping Janine to stand up and walk to Judy’s apartment.
“Are you alright?” Judy asked.
“Is that pain?”
Judy then remembered that her teeth were locked. She produced the screwdriver and released her friend’s mouth.
“Thank you.” Janine said, with a weak voice.
“How are you?”
“I’m a train wreck. I need a painkiller.”
Judy gave one pill to her friend. She had some trouble swallowing it. After all, that was the first thing she swallowed in few days. Then she went to the shower while her friend brewed coffee and ate breakfast. By the time they arrived at the clinic, luckily, Janine was feeling better.
When they arrived, Judy could not park her car in front of Tina’s house as she usually did. There was a tow truck in Tina’s driveway. Dr. Stuart and Tina watched as the man dragged the car up onto the truck’s bed. They closed the garage and went to the office, where the work awaited for them.
Later that afternoon Joan’s vintage Jaguar parked in front of the clinic. The tall woman was again dressed in her catsuit and hood and like the last visit, she covered herself with a leather overcoat. With her was another woman who dressed in what resembled a traditional Catholic Nun habit, except it was made of black and white latex. She wore a black latex pantyhose and dress showing her voluptuous cleavage. The dress had long sleeves and built-in gloves. Her head was covered in a skintight latex hood with holes for the woman’s beautiful defined blue eyes, nostrils, and her mouth showing red lipstick. It was framed by the white nun’s coif. On her neck and covering part of the cleavage, she wore a white bib collar. A very tight rubber corset shaped the woman’s waist. She also wore 15 cm high-heeled black patent pumps.
Joan entered the reception. Her nun followed her, always looking down, and never making eye contact with anyone there. Joan ordered her to stay praying at the reception. The young woman knelt in front of one of the chairs and held her hands with the palms touching, in front of her face, with closed eyes. She stayed there almost immobile.
Joan left her overcoat with Janine, talked with Judy, and went to Dr. Stuart’s office. After few minutes she exited the room. Now her eyes showed a vertical slit pupil like a feline. The painted iris now encompassed all her eyeball framing that pupil. They were yellow near the slit pupil, red towards the border, and the two colors blending perfectly in a smooth gradient. One could not say exactly what those eyes were. Maybe a dragon, a cat, perhaps a crocodile, or a dinosaur. One thing was sure, Joan’s look was now even more frightening. Her very dark makeup accentuated the fact.
“Your turn, Sister.” She commanded with her sweet, albeit assertive voice.
The Nun performed the sign of the cross, stood up and whispered to Judy.
“I’m Sister Susan. I came here Tuesday and I’m returning as scheduled.”
Judy sent her to Dr. Stuart’s office. After some time she exited smiling. Her eyes completely black with tiny wires from their corners disappearing under the latex of her hood. She walked through the reception and went straight to Dr. William’s office. Joan, that was sitting on one of the sofas browsing the Internet on her smartphone just ignored her. After some time Dr. Stuart asked Janine to help Joan install and configure the Nexus Control App for Susan’s devices.
Janine knelt beside Joan.
“Excuse me, Ma’am…”
Joan lifted her dragon eyes from the smartphone screen and looked directly at Janine which gave her goosebumps.
“I… I’m here to help you install and configure the Nexus Control App.”
Joan showed her phone to Janine. It was already configured and paired with Susan’s devices.
“I’m happy you have it installed. Sorry to bother you, Ma’am.”
Before Janine could stand up, Joan interrupted her.
“I like you. Believe me… that is a privilege. Saturday. 2 PM call this number.”
Janine took note of the number as quickly as she could.
“Thank you. Now please, excuse me, Ma’am”
About two hours after entering Dr. William’s office, Sister Susan returned to the reception. Joan stood up, and Dr. William handed her the screwdriver that locks the nun’s Teeth Locker. Joan gripped Sister Susan’s chin and opened her mouth, inspecting the work. Then she lifted her head up and looked into her nostrils, looking at the placement of the tubes.
“Now Sister, let’s enforce your vow of silence.”
Sister Susan smiled, and Joan locked her mouth shut. The two then went away to the roar of the V12 engine.
That evening Janine practiced just a little more in her ballet heels. Unfortunately, the pain on her toes was too hard to overcome and even holding onto some furniture she couldn’t stay standing more than a couple of minutes.
Finally it was Friday. To Tina, it was just one more day of work. Judy was still getting used to the new workplace but found it very enjoyable. Mainly because of the quiet neighborhood compared to the busy downtown where the old office was. On the other hand, Janine was still astonished by her new job. That first week has been an overload of new things. She was beginning to live her dream. Her fetish dream.
Later that morning, Dr. Oliver and his wife Felicity were back at the clinic. Janine was overexcited to see them and was wondering if he brought her one of his masks. She was right. He didn’t bring just her mask, but one for Tina and another Elisabete ordered for Kylie.
Dr. William set up a meeting in the lounge, with Dr. Oliver, Felicity, Tina, and Janine. Then he announced his plans.
“I’m planning some new products involving those masks from Dr. Oliver. As usual, I’m counting on you as our main test subject.”
“Sure.” Replied Tina.
“How about me?” Janine asked.
“I have a mask for you, dear.” Dr. Oliver answered.
“Do you plan to wear it constantly?” Felicity asked.
“I imagine Tina will have to wear hers for some time.” Dr. William said.
“So, my sincere recommendation is to shave your hair.” Felicity said.
“Good idea.” Dr. William looked at the clock. “Half past ten now. What if we got Tina her haircut now? We can be back to fit her then go lunch.”
“Good idea!” Dr. Oliver praised
“How about my haircut?” Janine asked.
“Will you shave too?” Dr. William asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise.
“Of course!”
“So, let’s go!” Dr. Oliver invited.
The doctor and his wife led the girls to his car. Tina told him the directions to her hairdresser, a short drive from the clinic.
“Hello, Tina, nice to see you here!” The hairdresser greeted.
“Hello! Are you free now?” Tina asked.
“I have about half hour before the next appointment dear. What do you need?”
“Well for both my friend Janine and me to be honest. We need you to shave our heads bald.”
“Shave? Completely? Really?” The hairdresser looked worried.
“Yes. But we are fine. I can explain it to you another day.” Tina said to avoid a long explanation.
Dr. Oliver and Felicity found a couch to wait. First was Janine’s turn. Her short hair made things very easy for the hairdresser. She just used electric clippers to cut her hair to stubble. The hairdresser finished that part quickly and started applying shaving cream on Janine’s head. Of course, blinded without her glasses on, the girl couldn’t see the progress. A few minutes later and the work was done.
“Better shave her eyebrows too.” Felicity suggested.
Janine confirmed the suggestion. She got her eyebrows shaved too. When all was finished and she was able to put her eyeglasses again, restoring her vision, she was surprised.
“Wow. Oh my god! This is so weird.”
She sat near Dr. Oliver and kept caressing her scalp with her latex covered hands.
“Tina, what do you plan to do with the hair I cut off?” The hairdresser asked.
“Nothing, why do you ask?”
“Are you willing to donate it? Whenever I cut long strands of hair I ask this. I know a place that makes wigs for cancer patients.”
“Oh so sweet! Yes, of course!”
That was so heartwarming that Tina wasn’t so sad about losing her hair. The hairdresser cut most of her hair with scissors. She took care to save it into a plastic bag. Once done, she sealed the bag and stored it, then repeated the same procedure she did with Janine. When Tina put her glasses on she was terrified.
“I… I can’t believe…”
She did her best to avoid making a scene. The hairdresser noticed she was upset and didn’t even comment. For sure the girls looked so strange because of their lack of eyebrows, not the bald head. Tina paid for the service and they returned to the clinic. Once in the car, Tina couldn’t hold back any longer and cried.
Once in the clinic, Dr. William was surprised. Greeting the girls he asked Felicity to start the work on Tina first. Tina had to remove her glasses and headgear, which made her blind and mute. Felicity first cleaned her face very well with makeup remover and made sure it was ready for the mask, which included removing her earrings and the nose piercing that held her nostril tubes. It was unlikely that the tubes could go far inside her body by themselves, but for sake of safety, Dr. William tied strings through the same holes the piercing anchored the tubes.
Then Felicity asked Tina to remove her coat and lower her clothes to expose her shoulders. Unfortunately for her, that was easier said than done, because Tina had to pull her arms out from both from the leotard and the catsuit.
Meanwhile, Dr. William, with help of Dr. Oliver, installed a small battery pack inside the mask near the base of the skull. It was about five centimeters long, three wide, and a little less than one thick. On the back part of it there is the same kind of wireless charger receiver that was used on the earbuds. Two small wires exited the battery and were glued to the insides of the mask. They ended dangling a few centimeters from the upper lips.
Happy with the modified mask, Dr. Oliver handed it to Felicity. First, she used a brush to apply the mask’s glue over all Tina’s head and neck. Even over her shoulders and collar bones. Dr. William and Janine observed carefully as she did. Then, Felicity took Tina’s mask and slid it over her head. She took care to leave the small electric wires dangling out of the mask’s mouth.
Felicity started smoothing all of the mask’s features over Tina’s head to make sure there were no air bubbles or wrinkles. She also added glue to the flaps of the mask that rest over Tina’s collarbone and shoulders. Then she glued the mask stub nostril’s trim to the tubes she had installed. Now the mask would hold them in place and the piercing was not necessary anymore.
She had to pay special attention to the eyelids. Unlike the one she wore, this mask model had thin rubber eyelids included in its design. That was a new feature that Tina would be testing. Another change was on mask’s ears. Instead of having a hole for a regular ear canal, it had a hole that allowed the outer surface of the earbud to be exposed, to improve the sound quality.
When she was happy with it, Felicity asked William to do his thing. The doctor used some small tweezers to attach the wires to the same sockets that Tina’s headgear was connected to before. Once that was done, her mouth was unlocked. Felicity then adjusted the mask lips over Tina’s own. Felicity took a lot of care gluing the edges of the lips, eyelids, and ears.
“Now Tina, please, stay as still as you can for 10 more minutes so the glue dries.” Felicity instructed while she used a tissue soaked in alcohol to remove the excess glue that oozed under the mask’s flap.
Tina remained still. Meanwhile, Felicity helped Janine to remove her collar and bracelets. Then assisted her to undress her arms from the leotard and catsuit.
“Okay, Tina. You are now free to move.” Felicity instructed.
Tina opened her eyes, still blinded by her un-powered contacts.
“My eyelids are heavy!”
Felicity checked them and looked perfect, then handed Tina her glasses, restoring her vision. The first thing she did, with Felicity’s help, was to dress her catsuit and leotard again. William insisted on replacing Tina’s metal collar and finally handed her a hand mirror.
Tina saw herself in the mirror. Her face, perfectly copied into a rubber mask. The first thing that drew her attention was her hair. Dr. Oliver made a great job with it, reproducing the blonde curled shoulder length hair very well. Next thing she noticed is that she was wearing makeup. Dark red lipstick, black winged eyeliner, a light rose blush and black smokey eyeshadow. She moved her face and inspected it for several minutes. The skin texture was unbelievable realistic. Dr. Oliver even reproduced a tiny mole she had on her temple.
“It’s… It’s perfect! Congratulations Dr. Oliver!”
“Thank you, Dr. Tina. I hope you like the makeup.”
“Yes, it’s perfect. Maybe too heavy for daily wear but looks gorgeous.”
“Sorry. But I’m afraid you’ll have this makeup all the time.”
“Oh. It’s painted on the mask too?”
Dr. Oliver nodded, “This mask has also eyelids. It’s the first time I’ve done it. I really need you tell me if you have any problems.”
“Well, they feel heavy” Tina said, giggling.
“Touch the back of your head.” Dr. William asked.
Tina touched and felt the battery. “What is this, Bill?”
“Is the battery of your Teeth Locker. This way you don’t need the headgear anymore!” “Didn’t you notice it?”
Tina stood up and hugged William very tight.
Part 25
Now was Janine’s turn to get the mask. But now Felicity insisted that Tina do the job. Under the watch of William, Tina started to clean Janine’s face. She looked very strange without any makeup, hair, and eyebrows. Tina also removed the tiny barbel that holds the nostril tubes and tied a string on them for safety. Next, Felicity showed Tina how to apply the glue. The trick was to get a uniform layer and don’t leave spots without glue. Felicity also told Tina to take care when applying the glue to the eyelids and ears.
Next, Tina slid the mask over Janine’s head. It was a tight fit but not hard to do. Also, the glue didn’t run, it already was adhering to the skin, which was handy because the tight-fitting mask couldn’t push the glue out of the skin and it also had no danger in running into the eyes.
Once the mask was over Janine’s head, Tina had to glue the nostril tubes. Then, Felicity instructed Tina how to adjust her ears to ensure it was fitted properly. The same was true for the lips. She also she also had to ensure that the mask was centered properly. Finally, with Felicity’s help, she carefully glued the edges of eyelids, lips, ear holes, and the flap of the mask. The last step was to clean the excess glue from Janine’s chest. After 10 minutes the glue was dry.
“Okay, Janine. You may move freely now.” Tina commanded.
The girl opened her eyes and mouth taking in a deep breath. Tina handed her the eyeglasses and a hand mirror. Her reaction was priceless. She shouted, “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” like a little girl, jumped and hugged Tina, Felicity, Dr. Oliver and Dr. William. After a couple of minutes of euphoria, Janine calmed down. She examined her new face in better detail. It was flawless like Tina’s mask.
“I’m sorry, but I didn’t have platinum hair. Felicity suggested this red color, I hope you like it.” Dr. Oliver apologized.
It was a bright red, with the same pixie haircut Janine had. Dr. Oliver also took care of painting the mask with the yellow makeup that matched Nexus Human Augmentation uniform.
“How long can I wear it?” Janine asked.
“The longest I wore one was two weeks. But you can try to wear for more time. After all, you are testing, no?” Felicity commented.
“Can I wear makeup over the mask?”
“Yes, you can. But it usually doesn’t fix itself well on the rubber so it’s likely you will smudge a lot. But it will not damage the mask.”
Both Tina and Janine noticed the mask despite being very flexible, still offered a small resistance to movement. Not only that, the mask’s natural rest position had a frail smile with the lips slightly opened. Whenever the girls relaxed, the mask returned to that look. In other words, the girls’ resting face is now a beautiful discreet smile, with the lips slightly open.
Was almost noon, so they closed the office to get lunch. They went to a restaurant not far from the clinic. Tina had no trouble eating while wearing the mask, but she was always aware of its presence. Janine did not eat, preferring to have her liquid food when they returned to the clinic. Judy found it very weird that her friends, she saw entering the clinic completely bald a short time ago, now had not only beautiful hairstyles but also a flawless makeup.
After lunch, Dr. Oliver left a big can of mask glue and Kylie’s mask in the clinic before leaving with Felicity. Judy phoned Elisabete requesting to bring Kylie for an appointment. Late that afternoon Elisabete brought in her kitten. Indeed, she was the last patient that day.
Janine couldn’t hide her excitement about Kylie. She had seen pet girls before online, but that was the first time she saw one live.
The first stop for the cat that day was in William’s chair. He took his time installing the Teeth Locker. Dr. William also installed crowns on Kylie’s canines to look like long slender feline fangs. Long enough to bite her lower lip. Meanwhile, Judy introduced Janine to Elisabete. Janine couldn’t resist asking a lot of questions to her:
“Is she like that all time?”
“You mean, a latex kitten?” Elisabete asked.
“All the time. Everyday. We just let her undress every couple of days to take a bath.”
“Wow. How long has she been a cat?”
“Almost a month now.”
“And… What does she do?”
“She is free to roam the house, of course on all fours. She likes to stay in the same room as me. She eats from a bowl and at night I lock her in a wire cage.”
They talked for some time. Eventually, Dr. William finished installing the Teeth Locker and other dentistry on Kylie. He led her by her leash to Dr. Stuart’s room. There he fitted her with contacts having a vertical slit pupil and a huge blue iris that covered all her sclera. But one feature was not visible to anyone but Kylie herself. Dr. Stuart had painted the pupil of the lens with a strong blue tint. To Kylie, it was as if she was looking through blue cellophane. These lenses didn’t have the liquid crystal because Elisabete didn’t plan to blind her kitty.
“Why is all blue?” She asked Dr. Stuart.
“That was Elisabete’s idea. Cat’s can’t see all colors, and I agree.”
Dr. Stuart asked for Elisabete’s help to remove Kylie’s neck corset and hood. Then he pierced her ears and permanently installed her earbuds. Elisabete then used her phone to adjust the equalizer on Kylie’s earbuds to decrease the bass and medium sounds and enhance the trebles. Finally, Tina was called in to install the mask on the cat.
The mask was different from the ones Janine and Tina herself were wearing. First, it had no hair. Like the latex hood Kylie wore before, it had cat ears on the scalp. Unlike the hood, this mask’s ears were not just a latex flap folded into the right shape. It was made with varying thicknesses of rubber to create a more convincing look. Another feature was the nose, or more accurately, the muzzle. Dr. Oliver made a realistic cat muzzle from the upper lip and nose of the mask. Tina looked at it and imagine it would be too complicated to glue Kylie’s nostrils tubes after the mask is in place, so she glued them first.
Her decision made the mask fitting much more complex than it would usually be. Tina had to make Kylie swallow the stomach tube. Then while Dr. Stuart held the mask near Kylie’s face, with the feed tube going into the girl’s nostril, Tina applied the glue over her head and face. Next, she had to slide the cat mask over Kylie’s head. Pulling back the feed tube and inserting the tip of the right nostril tube. She did it thanks to Dr. Stuart’s help. The awkward maneuver wasn’t comfortable, but it also didn’t hurt Kylie. Tina smoothed the sides of Kylie’s head, making her ears lay flat with her own skull. She also adjusted the girl’s lips on the mask. The upper lip had to go inside the snout in an awkward way. Tina left the tricky eyelids last, gluing their edges with maximum care.
Kylie now had an exquisite look. Her face looked like a cross between a cat and a beautiful woman. The muzzle had dozens of whiskers embed on it and even had a center dividing line in the upper lip. Also, the nostrils have small cuts each side, just like cats. Her head was black rubber, with a glossy texture, including the cat ears outer edge. The inner part of the ears was a light pink towards the edge, becoming black towards the middle in a perfect gradient. The face, including the cat features, was mostly flesh toned framed by the oval black latex. Her face also had proper makeup to accentuate her cat complexion. The result of that mask was the impression of a woman with real cat muzzle wearing a rubber open-faced hood. Ironically, there was no real flesh visible anymore. Even the human parts of her complexion didn’t resemble Kylie’s own face.
The room was silent for a moment as they all were astonished. The final result was incredible. It looked so real, but at the same time, the cat nose made it look very surreal. Anyway, everyone agreed that her look was beautiful… even sexy.
Elisabete received some instruction from Tina. Because of the tubes, she advised that when it’s time to remove the mask that it be done at the clinic. Tina also said she could go to her house if she had any problems. After all, they are friends.
Elisabete went away with Kylie and the clinic closed for the weekend. Tina went to her house and changed her uniform for a fabric dress, still over the white catsuit. Then she decided to go to the grocery store, to buy some things she needed but most important to see Anthony.
“Hey, Tony! How are you?”
“Tina, my beautiful Tina! I’m fine, how are you, lady?”
“I’m great! Did you notice something different?” Tina said before spinning in front of Anthony.
“You aren’t wearing that headgear!”
“So your mouth will not lock anymore?”
Tina looked at the clock, 6:50.
“In fact, it will be locked automatically in ten minutes.”
“That’s a shame.” Anthony mourned.
He thought quickly. Movies, that’s something her locked mouth wouldn’t bother.
“Want to go to the movies later?”
“Sure! Now, I need to get some things, excuse me.”
Tina got her groceries, but when she returned to pay, her Teeth Locker was already engaged. She showed her basked and smiled.
“Locked already?”
Tina smiled and nodded.
She paid for the groceries and before she went home, Anthony confirmed, “Nine o’clock, at your house.”
She smiled again and went home. Anthony watched her from the door.
At 9:00 Anthony picked Tina. He drove to the nearest mall and bought a pair of tickets for the movies. He was somewhat frustrated because her partner was silent, but she was a good companion anyways. They were able to cuddle a bit during the movies and even kissed a little. He noticed her skin was a little different but just assumed to be her makeup.
Luckily for Tina, the movie ended before 11 PM. Tony dropped her at home a little before midnight. She had just enough time to remove the street clothes and shoes before the schedule of her devices blinded and deafened her. The only thing she had to do while disabled was to rest on her bed.
Judy, right after the workday, got into her car with Janine. After changing her sky-high heels for her flat slippers, Judy drove home.
“Why didn’t you put a mask on too, Judy?” Janine asked while looking at herself in the mirror on the sun visor.
“I don’t see the point of wearing a mask that looks exactly like you. And, as you know, looking like another person caused me problems.”
“But it feels so good!”
Judy remembered the light pressure from the mask and the slight resistance it offered to her movement.
“Yes, I have to agree. It feels good. But with the mask, I can’t remove the earbuds. You know I hate wearing them. Well. Most of the time.”
“No problem.”
“Do you plan to be bound again?” Judy asked, to change the subject.
“Yes, but not tonight. Joan gave me her number…”
“Joan? The tall woman? Are you crazy?”
“Didn’t you see her? See that…that… nun she brought? Can’t you imagine what she will do to you?”
“That is what I want to know!”
Part 26
Saturday morning Janine was very anxious. She took a shower and noticed a few hairs on her body. “It’s time to wax again.” she thought to herself. After her shower, Janine put on a dress, black high heel sandals, and went to the beauty salon to get her waxing.
The lady at the salon didn’t notice Janine’s mask until she undressed for her waxing. Then she noticed the line where the flap met Janine’s chest.
“Sorry… but… What’s that?” the lady asked.
“Ah… Mmm… I’m wearing a mask.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“A mask. My head is covered in a rubber mask.”
“I don’t believe it!”
“Touch it!”
The lady touched Janine’s face and noticed the texture was different from her own skin.
“Wow, impressive!”.
She then proceeded with the waxing, making sure to leave no hair behind. Janine returned home and it was almost noon. She fed herself some liquid formula and dressed the black catsuit she received from Tina. It matched her heels well. As a finishing touch, she put on her collar and tightened the screw.
Exactly at two o’clock, Janine phoned the number she was given and told to call by Joan.
“Hello. It’s me, Janine!”
“Text me your full address. Wait for me in front of your apartment in 30 minutes.”
Click, that was it. She hung up. Janine immediately texted Joan her address, slipped on her overcoat, picked up her purse, and went to the sidewalk to wait.
Joan was already in downtown. She entered Janine’s address in her Garmin which showed the route instantly. That was the only modern item on the vintage dashboard of her car.
Garmin estimated 18 minutes for the trip. Joan had time to spare, thus she didn’t hurry. Driving her Jaguar was a pleasure to Joan. Not only did the car feel a delight to handle, but it sure drew people’s attention. That was, of course, before they noticed the driver. Her head covered in shiny latex and her yellow dragon eyes surely made people speechless.
Joan drove up Janine’s street. From a distance, she already could see her waiting at the sidewalk. Joan stopped the car and waited for Janine get in and fasten her seat belt silently.
“Good afternoon!” Janine greeted.
Joan didn’t bat an eye. She engaged first gear and drove away. As soon she turned onto the highway, her driving style changed from Morgan Freeman in “Driving Miss Daisy” to Nicolas Cage in “Gone in Sixty Seconds”. Driving at high speed and dicing through traffic with high precision, Janine was scared to her bones! Trying her best to stay calm, but nevertheless, she shouted in panic almost each time Joan overtook unnecessarily close to the traffic.
After about an hour driving on the highway, Joan stepped on the clutch, engaged a lower gear, revved the powerful Jaguar’s V12 engine and released the clutch. At the same time, she turned the steering wheel to the right. The sudden torque on the rear wheels made them lose some grip and slip, making the green convertible drift. Joan held the wheel tight in her hands sliding into a small gravel drive. She drove for about half a kilometer and parked in front of a white cottage.
Joan turned the engine off, removed her driving gloves, and stored them in the glove box. In a couple of seconds, the nun exited the cottage and opened the car’s door for Joan. Joan stood out of the car, handed the nun her coat, and walked fast on her tiptoes to the house. Janine never saw anyone walk that quickly in ballet boots. The nun signaled to Janine to follow.
Janine entered the house after Joan and the nun. She followed them to a room with a desk, two chairs, and a camera. Joan sat on the far chair and the nun signaled Janine to sit in front of Joan. Then the nun turned on the camera. Joan took out a document and placed it on the table.
“Read it aloud. Sign it if you agree. Now.”
Janine took the paper and start to read.
“Term of consent. I, Janine Moore, henceforth called “object”, agree of my own free will, to participate in BDSM play with Joan Clark, henceforth called “Goddess”. I fully consent to all the procedures and agree that any pleas to stop by object will be summarily ignored. I also understand and agree that some of the procedures are designed to deliberately produce pain onto object, nevertheless none are designed to inflict permanent injury. Goddess will do her best to ensure object will stay healthy and safe through the play, but object agrees that those activities have a high degree of risk and therefore object assumes all responsibility for any undesired consequence, including but not limited to, broken bones, scars, amputations or even death.”
Janine shivered. She held that paper with shaking hands. She looked at Joan, who was seated on her chair, leering at her with those dragon eyes. She looked to the nun, but she was just standing in a corner. It was impossible to tell where she was looking with her all-black eyes. She kept holding the document, reading it silently a couple more times. Joan remained stoic, waiting patiently for Janine.
Took few minutes to her mind digest what she was reading. Janine imagined this was the last chance. Maybe she can just disagree, but what then? Will Joan simple put her out the cottage on the highway? Maybe Joan would call Dr. Stuart and ask him to fire her? All kinds of thoughts filled her mind. Finally, she placed the paper on the desk, picked up the pen, and signed it.
The nun walked to the camcorder and shut it off and then stood near Janine.
Joan also stood up near her new object then commanded, “Stand up!”
Janine obeyed
“Yes, ma’am.”
SLAP! Joan’s right hand struck Janine’s cheek. Under the mask her face for sure was red. Janine tasted blood because her cheek was pressed hard against the Teeth Locker metal, causing her to have a small cut.
She adjusted her eyeglasses on her face which restored her vision, then looked in total shock to Joan, who said, “Never call me that again. Those bullshit of fake titles like ma’am, mistress, madam, or miss from your internet disgust me. YOU WILL CALL ME GODDESS! Didn’t you read and sign that agreement?”
“Yes, Goddess. I’m sorry.”
“Remove your coat.”
Janine again obeyed, removed her coat and folded it over the chair seat, where her purse also hung from the back.
“Yes, Goddess.”
Joan nodded to the nun. Immediately the nun grabbed Janine by the shoulders and forced face down over the desk. She groaned but didn’t offer resistance. Joan then opened the zipper on the rear of Janine’s catsuit then removed a metal butt plug from a drawer. With a minimum amount of lube, she forced it inside Janine’s anus.
Janine was scared. Her anus seared in pain. Joan took handcuffs and cuffed her wrists together behind her back. The nun then lifted Janine upright again.
“Where is your phone?”
“In my purse.”
SLAP! Joan hit Janine’s ass very hard. That hurt badly. The slap also jerked the plug, hurting her asshole, that caused her to clench on the plug, and just made the pain worse. Janine understood her lesson.
“In my purse, Goddess.”
Joan took her phone and gave herself full access to Janine’s devices. Then she gave the purse, phone, and coat to the nun. She stored all Janine’s possessions in a large ziplock bag.
“Open your mouth wide.”
Janine did as told, but of course, couldn’t say anything. Joan took a screwdriver, twisted it, and locked her mouth opened wide. Joan then walked through the house and descend a small staircase. The nun pushed Janine to make her follow. In the basement, Joan opened a thick door to a room about five by five meters. It had dark walls. Black until about one meter from the ground and red above it. The floor was made of smooth black painted cement. The ceiling was red. It had some fluorescent lights, several hooks, and even a winch. On the walls, there was some bondage equipment, a large X made of wood and in a corner was a large wooden chest.
“Let’s see how tough you are.” Joan said.
Assisted by the nun, Joan put leather cuffs on Janine’ wrists. They attached them to ropes that passed through pulleys on the ceiling and ended in a bucket. Next, they put leather cuffs on Janine’s ankles and tied them to a couple metal rings anchored in the floor. Joan then released the handcuffs she had put on Janine in the office. Instinctively, Janine raised her arms, making the buckets fall to about her waist level.
Using the phone app Joan blinded Janine. Joan placed a 5 kg weight in one bucket while the nun did the same on the other side. The force pulling her arms was now considerable and Janine started to be uncomfortable with it.
She was unable to swallow her own saliva with her jaw locked wide open. Janine started to drool. Seeing that, the nun took a cloth, rolled it into a ball, and shoved into Janine’s mouth. A few more minutes passed and the women added 5 kg more to the buckets. Now Janine had a total of twenty kilograms pulling her up.
Her arms started to ache. She tried to lower them. The weight wasn’t more than she could pull down and she lowered her arms to about her shoulder level, before Joan and the nun added 5 more kilograms.
“A word of advice, object. Don’t be stupid and keep the arms down until you can’t hold them anymore. The weight will pull them fast upwards. That may dislocate your shoulders or break your wrists.” Joan warned.
Terrified, Janine slowly raised her arms to the uncomfortable position over her head again. The women added 5 more kilograms. Now the total was 30 kg. Every couple of minutes they added 5 more kilos each side. The sum was growing. Forty, fifty and then sixty. At the point where the weight pulling Janine’s arms up was more than her own body weight, she was lifted from the ground a few centimeters held to the floor by the ankle cuffs.
Satisfied with that, both women walked out the room and closing the door. Making sure to do so loudly when closing it. Joan took her smartphone and turned off Janine’s hearing as soon the soundproof door was closed. She returned to the room and sat in a comfortable armchair. The nun served her tea and biscuits then knelt in the corner resuming “praying” position.
It took Janine about ten minutes to start to moan and wriggle. She was in pain and tried to draw some attention to her condition. About half hour bound like that she was groaning openly. That made Joan very aroused. She kept watching, delighting herself with every second of Janine’s struggle. About fifty minutes into it, the poor object couldn’t hold herself anymore. Her wrists, ankles and even more her hips and shoulders were burning in pain. She started crying.
Joan stood up and walked behind Janine. She hugged her, groped her breasts, and started massaging and squeezing them. The nun then opened the catsuit zipper near Janine’s crotch again. After few minutes of playing with her breasts, Joan signaled to the nun. The nun then used her rubberized hands to massage Janine’s lady parts. In no time, Janine was not crying anymore. She was moaning instead. Noticing the sounds arousal, both the nun and Joan stopped, and started to unload the buckets.
As soon the last weights were removed, Janine dropped her arms. The empty buckets hit the pulleys on the ceiling. Joan untied the rope from the leather wrists cuffs and the nun put the buckets and rope away. Janine was very disoriented and aching and tried to walk. Forgetting her feet were tied to the ground she almost fell on her face to the ground, but Joan held her arm. As punishment for her attempt, she slapped her butt hard.
Janine wanted to scream but only produced a groan. The nun released her ankle cuffs from the floor anchors. Janine was barely standing alone. They dragged her over to a foam and leather padded sawhorse. They draped Janine’s body over the length of the sawhorse and bound her ankles and wrists to the legs of the bondage device. Janine enjoyed that, was finally some kind of rest for her aching body.
The nun and Joan dragged near Janine what can only be called fuck machines. Joan removed the balled cloth from Janine’s mouth. She adjusted the height of the machine to match her mouth. She moved behind her and aligned the other machine to match up to Janine’s vagina. Joan first turned on the front machine, that started to forcefully deep throat her. The rubber phallus, albeit not thick, was long and forced itself into Janine’s throat, almost making her puke. Every few seconds it would repeat the same movement, to putting Janine into agony. Then Joan turned on the rear machine. A larger dildo started to ram itself into the girl’s pussy which was already wet from the little play she had just before. Despite the pain she was feeling, being in that situation, bound, helpless and penetrated, was indeed arousing her. Soon she started to moan and wiggle her body, preparing for an orgasm.
Joan noticed that and smiled. The nun, knowing the protocol very well, opened the back zipper of Janine’s catsuit exposing her back. Joan took a taser gun, the same used by law enforcement, and hit for a good five seconds on Janine’s back, right between her shoulder blades. The acute pain from the shocks made her body spasm as much the bounds allowed. She wanted again to shout in pain but only uttered a deep groan. Janine was crying. That was not fun. The pain was unlike anything she felt before. Her limbs stayed shaking for some time even after Joan stopped administering the jolt. For a moment, Janine wasn’t sure she could even feel her legs. Then she realized the machines were still fucking her.
Part 27
Janine was still recovering from the pain of the taser when her body started to react to the stimulation the machines were giving her. After few minutes she surrendered to the arousal. she could feel the orgasm starting. Suddenly a jolt of electric energy hit her spine. Joan had tased her again, this time near her coccyx.
The poor girl cried and her muscles went into spasms once more. This time she was horny again just a few seconds after the shocks ended. Janine was weak, wasted, but so very horny. She was sore, aching, and she craved for an orgasm. It took little time for it to arrive and then another shock. Her body convulsed again but this time the pain just added to her orgasm. Janine climaxed like never before. Intense! This was what she craved her entire life.
Janine thought that Joan didn’t notice her orgasm because the machines kept running. She wanted them to stop immediately but her complaints and begging only turned out into unintelligible moans. She wasn’t horny anymore. Both dildos were only a torture now penetrating her tender body. She would wiggle her body if she could. Not only the binds but her sheer weakness prevented that. The girl could do nothing besides accept her predicament. In a few minutes, she started to feel, unwilling, arousal again. Then after a few more minutes, she wanted another climax. That came soon with another shock from Joan. It felt so good, but nothing close to the first.
Joan keep the machines running for a third orgasm. It took more time to happen than before because Janine was wasted. She didn’t want to orgasm anymore. She just wished for some rest. Nevertheless, like clockwork, her body responded to the stimulation. Joan delayed the shock for a couple seconds. This gave Janine the chance to enjoy a painless climax for few seconds… then, zap! A shock right into Janine’s nape. That was too much for her abused orgasm spent body. Janine fainted.
Susan, the nun, knew that feeling very well. She also knew that they had few minutes before Janine could recover her senses. Joan used that time to remove the machines and unlocked Janine’s mouth. The nun cleaned the girl’s crotch very well and put sterile gloves. She took a catheter and slowly slid it in Janine’s urethra. When the silicone tube reached her bladder, urine started to flow out of it. The nun had a bucket ready for that. She kept pushing it a few more centimeters. She used a syringe with saline solution to fill the two balloons that held the catheter in place inside the girl’s bladder. When she had sure it was secure, she attached a plastic bag to the end of the catheter and secured it to Janine’s right leg with some rubber straps.
Joan fed Janine some liquid formula right into her nostril tube and then put a gas mask over the girl’s head. Soon Janine awoke, still blinded and deaf. She wiggled in her bounds and moaned. Joan then screwed a filter into the gas mask, making it harder for Janine breath. She released the binds and with help of her nun, made Janine stand up.
Janine was too weak. She couldn’t stand for herself. Her legs were still shaking. Joan and the nun then pulled her to a wooden X on one of the walls and bound her there. Joan then played some more with her breasts and pussy until she climaxed yet again.
Was almost five in the afternoon. Joan decided to leave Janine bound and eat something. The Nun prepared some tea and toasts with tuna pate for her. Meanwhile, Janine was slowly recovering.
“Sister, go to the dungeon and release the gimp. Let he have some fun with Janine. I’m tired now.”
The nun Susan then went back to the basement room and unlocked the wooden chest. She opened it and a man, dressed in a purple rubber catsuit, hood with zippers over the eyes and mouth, exited from it. Susan pulled him by the wrists and positioned him kneeling in front of the bound Janine. She opened the zippers on his hood and stepped back.
Without hesitation, the gimp started licking Janine’s crotch. The gimp was certainly aroused and did the task passionately. He was good at licking her because Janine took but a few minutes to orgasm. Happy with that, the nun kicked the gimp crotch from behind. Her shoes hit his scrotum but didn’t hurt him, because it was inside a metal chastity cage along with his dick. What made the gimp groan and curl from pain was that Susan also hit his butt plug. She closed the gimp’s zippers and lead him back to the wooden chest. He would stay there until Monday when his owner would return from a trip and take him back.
Joan returned to the dungeon. Picked up a device that looked a metal bicycle seat on a pole attached to a metal platform base. Standing vertical from the center of the seat, there was a dildo with a metal tip. The Goddess commanded the nun to put ballet boots on Janine. Susan removed Janine’s heels and checked the size. She put them into the plastic bag that held her other belongings. Returning with a pair of ankle ballet boots in the correct size. The nun fitted Janine’s toes with gel pads before putting the ballet boots and lacing them tight. Then she released her from the wooden X. Both women helped Janine to walk over the metal platform.
While the nun helped Janine to stand, Joan caned Janine’s legs until she positioned them straight and slightly apart. Janine was not understanding what was happening but she sure understood that she needed to move her legs away from the stinging cane. Making sure that her legs were straight as possible, Joan released a knob on the pole of the device that raised the dildo until its tip was inside Janine’s vagina. That was done so there is no way for Janine remove the dildo from inside her. Even if Janine tried to jump she would not be able to crouch to spring up. Because if she lowered her legs about fifteen centimeters, she would be seated on the small metal seat. A simple evil predicament that, unfortunately for Janine, will soon become even more evil.
The nun then fitted an armbinder on Janine. It crushed her arms together and pulling her shoulders back. Without Susan’s help, Janine was struggling to stand straight in her tiptoes. She started to bend her knees pushing the dildo deeper inside her. Until eventually she was resting on the seat. A welcome comfort for her precarious situation. Joan then flicked a switch on the base of the device electrifying the seat and the metal tip of the dildo with high voltage. The circuit was made to be safe and painfully effective.
Janine jumped with the shock on her tender crotch. Of course, the tip of the dildo was still inside her and she couldn’t move away from it. If she lost her balance she would fall. The dildo inside her was painfully holding her in place which made Janine sit again, giving her another jolt. The girl realized that the seat was electrified, so she did her best to stand in her ballet boots.
For about five minutes she was fine. Then the weight on her toes was starting to hurt. She needed some rest but knew that it means another shock. She resisted for a more couple of minutes. Her legs were weak and start to slowly bend, until zap! Another shock that made her stand straight as quick as she could.
Joan was delighted with that. Susan found it fun and even silly. She knew that the trick is to keep moving up and down to arouse yourself in that toy. Janine, of course, was not amused. Unaware of her surroundings, the only thing she could think of was to avoid sitting again. This was very painful to her ankles and toes.
By Joan’s command, the nun took a powerful massager and serviced her Goddess. After multiple climaxes, Joan was exhausted. Needing a break she went upstairs for a while. The nun was happy and aroused because of her good job. She decided to have some fun herself too, watching the poor Janine struggle.
Susan finished pleasing herself and looked over Janine closely. She was crying under the gas mask. The poor girl was in pain, her body still sore and not aroused at all. The nun knew the feeling and was empathetic with Janine. She also knew that she couldn’t help her without Joan’s approval. That would result in a very severe punishment that she had no desire to endure. Janine was already too far gone for Susan’s help. Her legs had no strength left. She sat. Not like the other times when she relaxed her legs just touching the seat, only to promptly jut up to standing again after receiving a shock. This time Janine sagged sitting. Fully supporting her weight on the seat. She was shocked painfully, but her ankles and feet were in pain too. She took the electric current for about five seconds. Crying with tears flowing down her cheeks, she dug deep — finding her last bit of strength to straighten her legs once more.
The nun was worried witnessing that last struggle, but she couldn’t do anything yet. The only time she is allowed to release an object is if the object is in danger. Despite being in extreme suffering, Janine was relatively safe. For a minute Janine held herself standing, but there was no more strength anywhere in her body and soul. Her legs once again failed her. She sat receiving the painful shock. Janine couldn’t even try to stand as she was completely trashed.
Susan noticed Janine’s legs were relaxed. Her toes pointed backward just touching the ground. They stayed still with the exception of some trembling caused by the electric shocks. Janine was barely conscious and using her last bit of energy to hold her body up. Susan couldn’t watch it anymore without doing something. She walked towards one of the emergency buttons.
They were big red round buttons, one on each wall.
Pressing a red button meant the power to the room would be cut, shutting down any toys, releasing any electric locks, also sounding a loud alarm in the cottage. But the nun had no chance to hit the button. Joan entered the room first. Noticing that her nun was next to one of the emergency buttons and that Janine was being shocked without any fight she promptly turned off the switch on the toy.
Janine relaxed a bit and took a deep breath. Joan hugged her while telling Susan to lower the post. The nun obeyed. Janine was fully supported by Joan. The women then put Janine over a leather beanbag.
Goddess then commanded,”Sister, bring a box. Let’s pack her. She has had her fill of play. Enough!”
Susan crossed the basement. She used a hand truck to bring a wooden box to the dungeon. Then she left for more supplies. Joan, meanwhile, inserted a Bluetooth controlled vibrating egg deep inside Janine’s vagina as a reward for enduring the suffering. The girl doesn’t even notice the egg inside her. Her crotch was too numb to feel it. With object’s butt plug still in place, Joan closed the zipper on her catsuit leaving only the catheter tube out that was still connected to the leg bag and now a third full.
The nun returned with packing peanuts and placed a 15 cm layer inside the box. Then she helped Joan put Janine inside the box. Joan replaced the gas mask filter with a hose. The corrugated hose had a Y connection that split it into two smaller hoses. Susan secured the hoses to holes on the front and on the right side of the box. After ensuring Janine was breathing well, Joan poked her in the ribs. Janine moaned and wiggled, showing that she was conscious. The nun covered Janine with packing peanuts almost to the top the box. She added a smaller cardboard box over the packing material. Inside that cardboard box is where she stored all of Janine’s belongings including a charger and the instructions manual of the vibrator she had inside her. She also included a paper. Printed in bold red ink was the explanation of how to unpack and care of Janine: Remove her carefully. Disconnect the breathing hose. Undress her. Put her in a bed until she fully recovers.
Finally, the nun put the wooden lid on the box. With help of an electric screwdriver, she secured the lid with a dozen screws. She took a can of spray paint, some metal stencil letters, and painted JANINE on the top and sides of the box. Joan then used her smartphone to turn on the vibrator inside the now packed girl.
Janine tried to wiggle inside but she could barely move. Her arms were still in the armbinder and her legs were too weak. Even if she were full strength, she would not be able to move much, thanks to the strength of the box and the packing peanuts filling it to the top.
Knowing Janine was now safe, Joan went upstairs with her nun. Susan cooked dinner for her Goddess and then feed herself some liquid formula. After dinner, Joan took a shower and dressed again in an identical outfit. She went to the basement with the nun once more.
The cottage was built on a small hill. In such a way that the front door, near where the Jaguar was parked, was level with the ground. The rear of the house was down the hill making the basement floor also level with the ground. Joan used that feature of her house to install double garage doors into her basement. Parked near the doors was a small delivery van.
Joan opened the rear doors of the van and helped the nun to lift Janine’s box inside. The nun secured the box to the floor of the van with some straps. She also stored the hand truck in some hooks installed near the door. The nun then closed the cargo doors of the van, opened the double garage doors and sat in the driver’s seat. Meanwhile, Joan went to her sports car, drove it to the back of the house, and parked it inside the basement. She then climbed into the passenger seat of the van and commanded the nun to drive to the city.
Following Joan’s instructions, the nun parked in front of Janine’s building. She turned on the hazard lights. With help of Joan, she put the box on the hand truck on the sidewalk. They locked the van and entered the building.
The doorman watched the hand truck enter the building and shouted.
“Deliveries only during business hours!”
The nun ignored him and kept pushing the hand truck near the elevator. Joan then approached the guy and looked right into his eyes.
“This is not a delivery.”
“But… “
“But what? Are you saying I’m a liar?” She got him. The guy was stunned by her tall figure… looking directly into his eyes with that predator’s glare. He had no answer. The silence was broken by the ring from the elevator.
“Don’t cause any trouble and you’ll be just fine.” Joan said, firmly.
She went to the elevator where Susan was already in with the box on the hand truck. Joan pressed the button of Janine’s floor. Once there, they exited the elevator and rang Judy’s doorbell.
Part 28
The nun Susan unload the hand truck just in front of Judy’s door. Soon Judy answered the doorbell, wearing a robe over one of the catsuits she received from Tina. She looked at the nun, then to Joan standing behind her in shock.
“What the…” Judy started.
“She is back home. Have a good evening.” Joan answered before she spun on her heels and reentered the elevator. Her nun followed close behind.
Judy watched in stunned silence as the elevator door was closing. It took her a few seconds to realized what just happened before she examined the box. The first thing she noticed made her heart race… “JANINE” painted on the lid.
Suddenly afraid for her friend, Judy tried to bring the box inside in a panic. Lifting it was out of question so she tried to push it. Luckily it slid well on the smooth floor.
Once inside her apartment, she looked for a hasp, maybe a hinge, and found none. Examining more carefully she found the Philips screws that held the lid on.
“Fuck! Fuck! I need a screwdriver…. Think Judy, think!” She said to herself. “Only if I had a toolbox… Wait, I have the car tools!”
Judy took the elevator down to the garage. She opened the trunk of her car, lifted the carpet, and got the small bag of tools that were stored with the spare tire. Opening it she found the jack, the lug wrench, safety triangle, and a couple of screwdrivers. Luckily one was a Philips. She took the screwdriver and raced back to the apartment.
The electric screwdriver that Susan used to close the lid must not have had much power because they weren’t that tight. That was good for Judy as she only had her muscles to unscrew the lid. She had to use a moderate amount effort to turn the driver, but the screws moved. Long screws and the fact that there was a dozen of them took her almost twenty minutes to finish unscrewing. After she did the last one she was tired and had to drink a glass of water.
When Judy returned to the box she thought she heard a moan. She stayed quiet listening closely for any sounds. Yes! She indeed heard a moan from the box.
“Janine, can you hear me, Janine? Are you okay?”
Janine kept moaning. Judy lifted the lid and found the cardboard box. She opened it, read the instructions, put that belongings box aside, and sank her hands into the packing peanuts. It was easy to find Janine in there. Judy groped Janine’s shoulder and head then lifted her from the peanuts. The gas mask startled Judy. Quickly yet carefully removed it from Janine’s head.
Janine was still moaning. She was still blind and deaf having no idea that it was Judy holding her.
“Janine! Janine! It’s me, Judy!”
Nothing. She then helped Janine try to stand. Difficult because of the ballet boots and Janine’s still weak legs. With heroic effort from Judy and some groans from Janine, she was brought her to the bed. At least Janine was really trying to cooperate, imagining that she was still under the control of Joan. She was indeed aroused by the couple of hours she stayed in the box with that vibrator inside her, but also afraid of receiving some kind of torture next.
Once Janine was on the bed Judy removed her armbinder. Janine moaned in relief but keep her arms still at her sides. Then Judy removed the ballet boots from her sore feet. Handling of her feet hurt a little and Janine couldn’t avoid groaning. The next thing that puzzled Judy was the bag on her leg. It was now two thirds full. She realized it was draining her friend’s urine and tried to pull the catheter out. The balloons inflated inside Janine’s bladder didn’t allow that. Judy didn’t know about the balloons, pulled harder, and Janine groaned in pain. Judy then decided to leave it there for now.
Tired and frustrated Judy sat on her sofa searching through the contents of cardboard box. She found Janine’s heels, coat, purse, and also her smartphone.
“Great, now I can turn her eyes and ears back on.”
Judy tried to turn on the phone, but the only thing that appeared on the screen was a battery symbol with a yellow exclamation point over it.
She put the phone on the charger, worried that it may take a long time before it would turn on. So Judy returned to bed and laid down with her friend, hugging her.
At first, Janine enjoyed the hug, but then imagining that soon Joan could shock punish her in some way, her face turned into sheer fear. Judy noticed the weird reaction from her friend and started stroking her head.
“Oh, Janine what did she do to you? Why are you so afraid?”
Of course, Janine couldn’t hear that. The kind way that her head was being caressed made her relax. Feeling safer, with the vibrator still working deep inside her, Janine became aroused. Judy noticed that her friend was moving her hips and slightly caressing her booty and smiled.
“Oh dear, you still think it’s okay to do that?”
Obviously, there was no answer.
“I think it’s okay for a friend help.” “Don’t you?”
Janine just remained as she was.
“Of course is.”
Judy then brought her own hand to Janine’s crotch and opened the zipper. She felt the vibrations as she used her fingers, playing with Janine.
“Ahh Janine, you have a secret toy. You naughty girl!”.
Judy kept playing with her friend, just finding the tube in her urethra very weird. Janine was soon done, but this time more peacefully than any earlier today. However, Judy was still aroused. Not fully reasoning she had a kinky idea. Judy opened the zipper of her own catsuit and guided Janine’s hand to her crotch. Janine didn’t hesitate to start fondling, still imagining that Joan was with her. Judy was happy with the fondling and had a delicious climax, the best one since the night with Tina during the Fetish Convention. Tired and on her own bed, Judy drifted to sleep.
Eventually, she woke up looking at the clock.
“Wow. I slept for more than an hour!”
She went to her bathroom, got Janine’s now charged smartphone, and was able to turn her vision and hearing back. Janine’s reaction was instantaneous: She jolted on the bed afraid.
“Calm down dear! It’s me, Judy”
Janine smiled.
“Mouth locked?”
Janine nodded.
Judy searched through Janine’s belongings finding the right screwdriver in her purse. Quickly she unlocked her friend’s mouth.
“Thank… you… Judy…”
“Are you alright?”
“Yes… But sore. Tired. Aching.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Yes… Turn that thing off.”
“What thing? The vibrator?”
Janine nodded.
“How do I do that?”
“I don’t know. Just remove it. Please.”
“Umm… okay okay”
Judy felt awkward about doing that, but she had to help her friend. She then slid her index and middle fingers inside Janine’s vagina and tried to pull the egg out. Proving to be an almost impossible task, because the very slippery smooth egg had no place to grip. Fortunately, the vibrations now were very weak, the battery was dying. While Judy was still trying to pull it out, the toy ran out of charge and stopped.
“Thank you, Judy.”
“Umm… I couldn’t remove it. I just think the battery died.”
“No problem, leave it there, I just want to sleep.”
“No problem Janine. I’ll sleep on the sofa.”
“No! Please, sleep here.”
“With you, in bed?”
“Yes. Please.”
Janine was so tired that her face was pleading for help. Judy couldn’t refuse to do what her friend asked. So she laid next to her and then turned off the lights.
Sunday morning, Judy awoke to the smell of coffee and bacon. She got up and went to the kitchen where she found Janine cooking.
“Good morning Janine!”
“Good morning Judy! I hope you like bacon and eggs.”
“Sure!” Judy then noticed she was cooking just enough for one. “But what about you Janine, won’t you eat?”
“No dear. I just need my formula. It’s in my apartment.”
“I’ll get it for you.” Judy said.
She took the keys from Janine’s purse and went to her friend’s apartment. She found a can of the powder, the syringe inside the kitchen cabinet, and brought that back with her.
Soon they were enjoying breakfast. Judy then asked.
“I’m glad you are safely back. I can’t imagine what happened to you there, but it must have been a nightmare.”
Janine thought for a moment.
“It wasn’t that bad. Much more intense than I could ever imagine.”
“Intense? You showed up here in that box! You were a mess! Wasted.”
“Yes… it was difficult, very difficult. Joan knew how to press my buttons. She made me go through hell… then to heaven and back. I can’t explain.”
“You mean you enjoyed it all?”
“I… I… don’t… know. I hated it at the same time I loved it. It’s… so complicated.”
“Okay don’t worry. Tell me about it when you’ve thought it through.”
They finished breakfast. Judy took the dishes to the sink and started washing them. Janine saw that and jumped in front of her friend.
“Please, let me do it for you.”
Judy didn’t refuse the help. As soon as Janine was done she went back to her friend that was sat on the sofa.
“Judy… I need help.”
“What kind of help?”
“I really need to use the toilet. My bladder is so full.”
Judy looked at the bag on Janine’s leg. It was completely full.
“Did you notice you have a hose in your… erm…umm “
“My pussy?” “Yes. I tried to pull it this morning but it hurts. I don’t know what to do… I need to pee!”
Judy led her friend to the bathroom and had her stand in the shower.
“Just in case we do make a mess.”
Judy then examined the bag and noticed she could disconnect the tube from the bag. She separated the tube from the bag. Immediately urine flowed from the catheter tube down to the shower floor. Janine sighed in relief.
“Oh my lord. I needed that so bad. Thank you, Judy.”
Janine removed the straps from the bag and emptied it down the drain. The odor was strong so she decided that was a good idea to at least rinse the bag. She turned on the water using the handheld shower to fill the bag with clean water and empty it a couple of times. Then she put it aside. Judy thought that was a good idea that Janine took a shower. So she turned the valve diverting the water from the handheld shower letting it flow through the main shower head.
“Hey!” Janine said in surprise.
“You need a shower, Janine. You must be filthy under this suit.”
Judy took the zipper tab on the neck and pulled it down. Indeed Janine was a sweaty smelly girl. She kept lowering the zipper when it passed Janine’s butt, Judy was surprised by a red jewel where the girl’s anus should be.
“What is this, Janine?”
Janine didn’t even remember the plug. Judy pulled it a little.
“Ouch! Easy! I don’t know exactly what it is, but Joan forced that in me yesterday.”
“Okay. I’ll pull it slowly okay?”
Judy pulled again, this time slowly and gently as she could. The plug resisted at first, but as soon the larger part passed through her sphincter it exited with a plop.
“Here!” Judy showed her friend the surprisingly clean metal plug.
“Oh gosh, thank you!”
“Let’s remove that vibrator too?”
“Hmm… Okay! Please.”
She carefully inserted her fingers into Janine’s body but again couldn’t pull the smooth egg out.
“Try forcing it out.”
Janine contracted her muscles. It almost exited by itself. Then it was easy for Judy to slip her finger behind the egg and pull it out.
Judy then helped Janine out of her catsuit. With her friend naked, Judy noticed the purple marks on the girl’s buttocks. She was worried but didn’t say a word. Instead, she decided to give some privacy to her friend and left the bathroom.
Janine washed herself the best she could, not an easy task because she was still sore and also had to wear her glasses to keep her vision. They were now fogged which didn’t help much. She rinsed the lather and turned the shower off.
“Judy! A towel, please. We forgot!”
Judy went into the bathroom with a soft towel and helped Janine to dry. She then noticed the tube dangling from her crotch was still dripping.
“Janine… You’re leaking!”
“This thing. Still dripping. Wait here.”
Janine wrapped herself in the towel and stayed in the bathroom. Judy soon returned with a clothespin and used it to clamp the tube shut.
“It worked. You’re not leaking anymore.”
“Maybe I have to wear that bag…” Janine said.
“Yes. Here, put this on.” Judy said, handing her friend a robe. “Go sit on the sofa for a while.”
Janine obeyed her friend. Judy took the plastic bag and examined it. “Sterilize before re-use. Make sure the catheter is firmly secured to the bag.” Judy thought a good way to make that sterile was to boil it. She put the bag into a pan with water and let in the stove until it boiled for a good twenty minutes. She then brought it to Janine and secured the catheter tube to the bag again.
“Here. No risk of leaking anymore.”
“Thanks, Judy. Thanks for everything! But…” Janine lowered her head and looked at her friend over the top of her glasses.
“But what?”
“I really want to dress in my catsuit again.”
Part 29
Judy went to Janine’s apartment and took the orange catsuit she got from Tina. She returned and found Janine reading the instruction manual of the vibrating egg. Janine stopped reading it and immediately dressed the catsuit, with Judy’s help. She then strapped the catheter bag to her right thigh.
“Why were you reading that?”
“This?” Janine pointed to the instructions booklet.
“Yes. Do you plan to use that again?”
Janine for sure was blushing under the mask.
“Errr… I… I… Yes. It felt good.”
Judy patted her head.
“No problem Janine. If you like it, that’s fine. By the way, what will you do with that box?”
“Maybe Go… Joan might want it back. I’ll put it in my apartment.”
Janine put the now empty cardboard box and all the packing material that was outside the wood box back inside. She also put the vibrating egg into its base to recharge and kept the gas mask on Judy’s sofa. Then she dragged the box into her own apartment and returned back to Judy’s.
Judy was a little annoyed. She enjoyed Janine’s friendship and was never bothered to have her as a guest. But she wanted to go lunch in a restaurant and didn’t want to be rude asking Janine to leave. They talked for a while. Janine told about her day with Joan. Judy was shocked and also worried for her friend. Janine still couldn’t sort out her true feelings about that experience. On the other hand, Judy was sure she never wanted to experience anything even remotely similar to that.
As lunchtime approached a hungry Judy invited Janine to accompany her to the restaurant. She politely declined, but still didn’t go home. Judy gave up, went to lunch alone, and left Janine right there.
Janine was grateful for Judy’s compassion and help. She wanted to repay her somehow. She decided to clean Judy’s apartment. That wasn’t a hard task as the tiny studio apartment was already tidy. It needed just a light cleaning job. Nevertheless, that’s what Janine did. She found the butt plug on the sink while cleaning the bathroom. Thrilled, Janine took it and went to the sofa.
She examined the metal plug for a while. It wasn’t huge but also not a small toy. A good compromise in being too big to be easy to insert and small enough to not hurt the subject. She pondered for a moment imagining why anyone would want to wear that. Despite her conscious mental efforts to convince herself that such a toy isn’t something she wanted to use, she felt an urge deep inside to insert it.
Finally, she opened her zipper and began to push the toy inside her rear. Without lube it was an uncomfortable and almost difficult task. Even painful. Janine was feeling guilty for desiring it inside her. She reasoned that the pain was a fair punishment for such desire. Eventually, the plug popped in place. The pain went away and in its place was only a mild discomfort. A feeling she found she liked.
She looked at the vibrator. A green LED lit on its base meant that the battery was fully charged. She downloaded the app to her phone, paired the toy with it, and then inserted the egg. Differently, from the butt plug, she felt no guilt for playing with that toy. Her arousal was intense now and she couldn’t avoid an orgasm.
As soon as she recovered, Janine closed her catsuit’s zipper. With both toys still inside she washed her hands and face. To her disappointment, the cold water had almost no effect on her masked face. She then prepared some more liquid food and injected it.
Without chores to do Janine was bored. Her mind was uneasy about being alone and without something to do. Lucky for her, Judy arrived home from lunch.
“Hey! How was your lunch?” Janine greeted.
“Wonderful! Had some Yakisoba. I love that Chinese restaurant.”
“Great! I cleaned your apartment for you.”
“Thank you Janine, but you don’t need to do my chores!”
“I insist Judy. You took care of me, I’m indebted to you.”
“No! You aren’t! We are friends!”
Judy changed her shoes, put on her Crocs, and removed the dress she wore for the lunch. Wearing only a catsuit, she sat on her couch and turned on the TV. As with most Sundays, she planned to binge watch some shows.
Janine stayed beside her silent, until about four in the afternoon. When Judy thought out loud, “Some coffee and toast would be so good now…”
Janine got right up and started to fill the coffee maker with water.
“No! I didn’t ask you to brew coffee! I can do myself!”
“I insist! Let me do it for you!”
Judy didn’t want to hurt Janine’s feelings and allowed her to brew the coffee. In few minutes, Janine was serving her friend a nice warm cup of coffee and some toast with cream cheese.
Likewise, Janine cooked dinner for her friend later that evening. Judy enjoyed being pampered that way but was worried about her friend. Janine was always polite and willing to help, but now she was way overdoing it.
About an hour after the dinner, Judy thought that it was time to try to put things back into their place saying, “Janine. Don’t you think is better to return to your apartment for the night?”
She didn’t like hearing that, but that made sense. She was in Judy’s apartment for about 24 hours now. She picked up her stuff, said goodbye, and went to her apartment.
Judy now had some privacy and was able to relax and enjoy her fetish alone. Since the Convention, she couldn’t avoid having pleasure when wearing her rubber outfits. The latex was not only her work uniform but now part of her life and she was very happy with that.
Janine found no peace inside her own home. In fact, she felt fear. Something wasn’t right. Every time she closed her eyes trying to sleep she remembered the electric shocks. About 2 AM she gave up and knocked on Judy’s door.
Judy, worried, opened the door.
“Are you alright?”
“No. I… I… I can’t sleep.”
Now that made Judy angry. That was a silly reason for knocking on your neighbor’s door at this time of night.
“So what?”
“May… May I sleep with you?”
Judy would love to say no, but she could see that her friend was really disturbed. So, she just motioned her friend in and returned to bed. Janine laid near her friend and slept like a baby.
In the morning, Janine awoke and cooked breakfast for Judy. The girls then showered and dressed their uniforms. Unfortunately, Janine couldn’t hide her bag under the miniskirt. She had no idea on how to deal with that, so she went to the clinic with the bag exposed in her thigh.
When they arrived, Tina was the first to notice the bag.
“What is that thing, Janine?”
“Umm… It’s a long story…”
“So make it short!”
Janine was intimidated by Tina assertiveness. She thought for a second and said, “Umm… Go… I mean Joan installed this thing on me Saturday. I couldn’t remove it.”
“Joan? The tall woman in latex?”
Janine nods.
“You asked for it?”
“No! She gave me her number and told me to call.”
Dr. Stuart arrived in the lounge.
“What’s the problem, girls?”
“Janine has that urine bag.” Tina said, pointing.
“Is that a catheter?” Dr. Stuart asked.
“I think so. I can’t remove it.”
“May I have a look?”
Dr. Stuart and Janine went to his office. She sat in the patient’s chair and he took a look at the catheter.
“Nice, this is the good stuff. Silicone rubber, double balloons, top shelf stuff.”
“What does that mean?”
“This kind of catheter is made to stay in for long periods. But is easy to remove, just need to deflate the balloons.”
“But… Can I keep it in?”
Dr. Stuart raised his eyebrows. “Yes… but you’re not wearing the bag with the uniform. Wait here.”
He went to the workshop and searched the hardware drawers. He found a small plastic clip that could work and returned to Janine. He tested the clip and found that it was able to hold the catheter tube folded in half.
“Here, it will not leak. I can get a proper stopper if you want. Now throw that bag away.”
“Throw it out?”
“Yes of course. Don’t bother reusing that, it’s cheap. Disposable”
Meanwhile, Tina asked Judy to look in the records for Joan’s phone and called her.
“Hello! This is Dr. Tina from Nexus…”
“Hello. Joan speaking.”
“I’m calling to talk about Janine. Looks you installed a catheter and bag on her.”
“Yes, I did. I hope that she didn’t have a problem with it.”
“No, not that. I just want to know if is she allowed to have it removed.”
“I’d rather prefer she not. But, as her boss it’s ultimately is up to you .”
“I understand, thank you.”
Tina went to Dr. Stuart room to tell him about that, but he explained that Janine had nothing removed.
The day went as usual, but Janine wasn’t so excited about the patients in fetish attire like before. Her demeanor was more demure. Indeed, she was lost in her own thoughts. Either remembering what happened Saturday or imagining what the customers may endure in their private lives. Tina was happier with her this way. The overexcited mood of Janine annoyed her a bit last week. Nevertheless, Janine was doing her work well only letting her daydreams distract her during the few idle times. She was enjoying having that catheter installed and even found it easier to use the toilet wearing it. Along with her feed tube, liquid diet, and her mask made her feel somewhat artificial. Like a synthetic creation instead of a regular human girl. The plug installed in her rear didn’t arouse her. It was just a constant reminder it was there. She was enjoying that too. The vibrating egg, while turned off, was easily forgettable. During her lunch break, she tried it turned on for a while. It was a nice stimulation but alone it was not enough to arouse her to the point of an orgasm. Frustrated, she turned it off.
At end of the day, Judy drove her friend home. As usual, they helped each other to get changed and shower. Janine again insisted to cook for Judy and then washed her dishes.
Judy, even enjoying Janine’s help was uneasy with it. She felt like she was abusing her friend’s gratitude.
“Please dear, you don’t need to cook and clean my apartment. I bet you have your chores to do.”
“I’m really glad but it isn’t fair!”
“But I… I want to.”
“Yes. But I think is better if you care for your own things for a while.”
“Okay, Miss.”
Janine went back to her own apartment sad. She did have some things to tidy but it didn’t take much time to do that. She was tired and tried to sleep. She couldn’t. Her own bed didn’t feel safe anymore. She tried to sleep but couldn’t. As a last resort to avoid knocking again on Judy’s door, Janine climbed in the wood box she was transported in Saturday. She turned on her vibrator, turned off her hearing, removed her glasses, and wore the gas mask.
After a nice orgasm, she was able to fall asleep.
Part 30
The same Saturday when Janine was having her time with Joan, Tina was still getting used with the mask. It was obvious that she preferred wearing it than the headgear she had previously, but the mask was still an inconvenient addition.
The constant light pressure from the tight rubber wasn’t bad. The fact was she even began to like it in the same way she learned to like the presence of her catsuit. Not being able to feel the air! The lack of wind in her face and hair disturbed her. Her head not being able to sweat because of the glue. Being confined in rubber had a tendency to stay warm and fans weren’t effective as before. Living covered in rubber meant she had to make use of air conditioning, especially in the summer.
The thing that bothered Tina the most was remembering she was bald and without eyebrows under the mask. Her face without any doubt was very pretty with permanent makeup and perfect skin, but she didn’t like that under that thin layer of rubber… she didn’t look like that.
That afternoon Tina went to the grocery store to invite Anthony to the movies again. This time she explained about her eyes and ears being shut down after midnight and asked him to take care of her in case they didn’t return in time. Fortunately, that was not the case.
Back to the present Tuesday morning. Judy was worried about Janine not showing up for breakfast and to help her change into her uniform. She was already regretting having sent Janine back to her apartment the night before. It was close to running late so Judy went to her neighbor’s apartment and found the place empty. She called out for Janine a few times but had no answer.
Judy started to panic. She had no idea of what happened to her friend. She knew after the happenings from last weekend that Janine’s emotions were shaky. Judy started to imagine her friend running errands trying to save hope. “No, no she had no suicidal tendencies.” she said to herself, trying to calm down. Judy then came back to her senses and dialed to Janine. She then heard the ringer sound coming from inside the wood box. She opened it and found her friend, still sleeping.
Suddenly Janine’s ears were filled with Judy’s voice. She woke up seeing Judy through the gas mask lens and smiled.
“Good morning, Judy!”
“Geez! Why did you do that?! I was worried! Come on, we’re late!”
Judy pulled her friend out of the box then removed the gas mask from her head. Janine took her smartphone and turned off her vibrator. The girls then helped each other with their uniforms. Janine had her liquid food, but Judy had no time to cook and eat. She skipped breakfast.
Janine was feeling sad because of the trouble she had caused Judy. Her face was held in a slight smile by the mask’s rubber and didn’t show her true feelings. Judy knew her friend and imagined she wasn’t fine.
“Are you okay?”
Janine nodded. “Yes. I’m so sorry. I should have told you in some way.”
“Yes, that’s true, but now that’s over. I’m thinking of a way to avoid such confusion in future.”
“Really? How?”
“We could be flatmates.”
“Are you serious, Judy?” Janine asked, surprised.
“Yes… I mean, a bigger apartment can’t cost more than what we pay now… combined.”
“But… Would you mind sharing an apartment with me?”
“No. Aren’t we pretty much visiting each other almost all time now? …And if you bother me I can store you in the box!” Judy joked and laughed.
“HA HA HA! Sure, sure!” Janine laughed too, but that idea hit her hard. She got butterflies in her stomach.
That day Judy used every moment of free time she had to look at real estate websites. At the end of the day she had a handful of suitable apartments where they could live. During the rest of the week, they used their lunchtime to visit the listed apartments together. Some were old and in desperate need of renovation. Others had no garage. Finally, they found one that was just what the girls were looking for. The building was not big and beautiful as the one they had now. It was halfway between where they lived now and the Nexus Human Augmentation clinic. The apartment was spacious and featured two bedrooms, a nice updated kitchen, a bathroom with bathtub and shower, a large living room, and a balcony with a great view of the city skyline.
Tina gave them Friday afternoon off so the girls could sign the paperwork and rent the place. They took the keys to the apartment and booked a truck to move their things next morning. The girls hurried back home and started to pack all their belongings. Their apartments were modest so they finished packing about 1 AM. Then like the rest of the week, Janine slept with her friend.
Saturday the moving crew brought their things to their new dwelling. Unfortunately, the new apartment was basically empty because the two other apartments were rented furnished. So the girls went shopping to a furniture store. They got a dinner table, four chairs, and a couch for the living room. Judy wanted a double bed, but Janine insisted that she should get a queen sized bed with a premium mattress and offered to pay the difference. They also got some small bits and pieces. For sure there were more things needed to completely furnish the new place.
By the end of the afternoon, the handyman they hired had finished assembling the new furniture. The guy usually didn’t work for so long on Saturdays, but he couldn’t resist the chance of working with a couple of pretty girls. Of course, they didn’t even care about him.
“Janine, don’t you think you should get a bed for yourself? I’ll love sharing the apartment with you. I think would be better if you have your own bed.” “Don’t you agree?”
“Sure, I agree completely. But I don’t need a bed. I have my box!”
“Are you serious?”
Janine nodded. “I’m very serious.” “Hey, what if we invite Tina tomorrow for a house warming?”
“Good idea. I’ll invite Elisabete and Phil too.”
The girls sent messages to their guests and then went to sleep. Judy in the brand new queen size bed. Janine inside her box they positioned like a nightstand beside Judy’s bed.
Sunday morning they went downtown to buy supplies for the house warming. While Judy got some beverages and food, Janine went for accessories. She got balloons and confetti poppers. Near those products, she found an aisle with costumes. Her eyes scanned it and stopped at a maid costume set. She took the package in her hands and examined it. It was funny, even silly. A black dress with a wide skirt, a white petticoat, a white apron, and headpiece. “So silly, but this is cheap. I’ll get it,” She thought.
Back in the apartment to decorate, the girls filled the balloons and taped them to the ceiling and walls. Judy dressed in a latex catsuit and a nice cocktail dress over it and wore high heeled pumps. Janine wore her black catsuit, pumps, and the maid costume.
“What is that!?” Judy asked, trying not to laugh.
“I don’t eat or drink, so I’ll serve you and the guests!”
“Really Janine? You’ll not eat today? How can you do this? don’t you miss it?”
“Well… I just don’t. I never was so enthusiastic about food like other people are. Now I don’t care at all. Let me be the maid!”
Judy shrugged.
Mid-afternoon the guests arrived. Phil and Elisabete had stopped and picked up Tina at her home and drove to the girl’s place. Kylie was with them too. They exited the elevator and Phil rang the doorbell. Janine ran in her heels to the door and opened it for the guests, holding it open with her left hand while with the right hand she held the hem of her skirt, curtsying.
“Welcome to our humble residence.”
Phil thanked her and followed his wife, pet, and Tina inside. Judy thanked them and showed them the apartment. Kylie was surprising in the character of a cat. Tina and Judy were amused by her walking on all fours, rubbing her head and body on people’s legs. Phil had some interest in Janine’s box.
“So you sleep there?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. Elisabete is stored in a box most nights too. May I have a look inside?”
“Sure, sir.”
Janine removed the lid and showed the box to him.
“Dear… Are those packing peanuts?”
“Yes sir, they are.”
“This is not good for something that used so often. Send me your measurements, I’ll provide you a better box, young lady.”
Janine’s eyes shined and a huge smiled filled her face.
“Really? Sure I will, sir! Thank you, sir!”
After the quick tour, Phil opened a bottle of sparkling wine he brought as a gift and offered a toast to the new apartment. Janine heated the snacks in the toaster oven and served the guests. Kylie was served some milk on a saucer. The cat girl had to suck because her Teeth Locker was locked shut.
The four friends keep talking while Janine played with Kylie. The Janine was still impressed with her look. She really resembled some bizarre mix of a human and a feline. Kylie also was happily playing her role as a cat, even turning her belly up to be petted by Janine, just to paw softly at the maid’s hands.
“So, Judy, how are you and your maid doing together?” Phil asked.
“My maid?! No, no! She got that dress this morning, Janine isn’t my maid!” Judy replied, surprised.
“Oh dear, I’m sorry. Is just that everything here looked like you and she… well, you know, are owner and maid.”
Judy jaw dropped. Elisabete spoke up quickly trying to fix it.
“Nah, honey. Judy is pretty submissive too. Remember the Fetish Convention? Tina and she were so nice demonstrating their products!”
Now Judy was red. They were labeling her like she wasn’t even there.
“No… no! I admit to be fetish and love the latex things,” Judy explained, “but I’m just trying to help Janine. She’s… changed.”
Tina knew about that, but Elisabete and Phil didn’t understand.
Elisabete then asked, “Changed? How?”
“After she went to Joan’s place.”
Phil and Elisabete immediately raised their eyebrows looking at each other then back to Judy.
Phil then said, “You mean THE Joan? The Goddess?”
Judy looked confused.
“I dunno. She is a very tall woman that ordered some reptilian contacts from Dr. Stuart.”
Elisabete and Phil looked at each other again saying at the same time, “Yes, it’s the Goddess.”
Phil called Janine.
“Maid, come here, please.”
Janine stopped playing with Kylie and stood near the table.
“Yes, sir. How can I help you?”
She was surprised by that request, but she knelt beside the table.
“Now, tell us about your time with the Goddess.”
Janine blushed deeply under her mask, but then she started to relate her experience rich in details. Tina and Judy were clearly disturbed. Especially with the description of the shocks she got on her back from the taser and the way she was tortured with the electric seat.
After she finished telling about her experiences there was silence.
Phil then spoke. “Very good.” “Now tell me, did you enjoy that?”
“I… I don’t know, sir.”
“I was hurt. Scared. So much pain.”
“So you disliked it?”
“But…um… I don’t know… Also, I’ve never had so much pleasure.”
“If she calls you again, will you answer the phone and wait for her pick you up once more?”
“Of course, sir.”
Part 31
Phil dismissed Janine, after which she served more snacks. The guests left after some more conversation, but not before Phil reminded Janine once more to send her measurements for a new box.
Alone with Janine still dressed in the maid uniform, Judy asked, “What do you really want?”
Janine looked surprised and a little confused.
“What do you mean?”
“You! Behaving like this. You aren’t my maid. You don’t need to be like this.”
“But… I like it! Don’t you like me?”
“Yes… You are a very good friend Janine. Not a maid. I don’t need you behaving like I’m owning you.”
“But I insist! Let me take care of the house, please!”
Judy can’t say no to those pleading eyes.
“Okay, okay, dear. But I’m not your boss or owner.” “I’m your friend and flatmate, right?”
“Yes, miss!”
“No! Don’t address me like that!”
“Sorry… Judy.”
Janine cleaned the apartment. Then with some help from Judy, she decided to train a bit wearing ballet heels. She put a pair, holding on a chair back, and stood up. Judy couldn’t avoid laughing at her friend with poor balance in the ridiculously high heels. Nevertheless, she helped Janine to walk to the couch and they both watched some TV.
Phil was right. Sleeping in the packing peanuts wasn’t good for Janine. Next morning she was sore.
Dr. Stuart and Dr. William had their own plans. After spending the weekend on the prototype, Monday they were ready to try it on Tina.
Monday morning Dr. William asked Tina to go to one of the spare rooms. It was now fitted with a gurney. He asked her to undress down to her catsuit and lay on the gurney. Tina did as asked. It was very embarrassing. She felt naked wearing only the catsuit.
“Have you ever done a colon cleansing, Tina?” Dr. William asked.
“No! Why would I do that?!”
“Well, You’ll have one now.”
“But why?”
“Part of your next test device.”
Tina rolled her eyes. “Okay, go ahead, Bill.”
William opened the crotch zipper of her catsuit, lubed her anus and slowly inserted a rubber hose, about the diameter of a finger. The hose was about 120cm long. William took great care while inserting it up Tina’s colon. She was in discomfort and very ashamed.
Then the end of the hose reached her rear, which ended in a rubber butt plug. The plug itself, besides the hose going through it, had a hole near its tip. It has a tapered shape, starting the same diameter as the hose, slowly growing to a large six centimeter in diameter. It was about halfway through and Tina was already with tears in her eyes and begged to William stop.
“Please Bill, it’s huge! This hurts!”
“Relax Tina, just a little more. When the wide part passes, it will be better.”
“I can’t bear it!”
“Sorry my dear, this needs to go in fully!”
Slowly and steadily, William pushed the wider part of the plug inside. Tina could not hold back the tears and the groans, and when she thought that it was not possible to go further, the widest part passed her sphincter, popping the plug in place, and relieving her pain.
“Feel better now?”
“At least doesn’t hurt. But it’s very uncomfortable. I can’t believe people do this in Spa’s.”
“Well, in an Spa they don’t use a retaining plug…”
William took another device identical to the one he just installed on Tina, still sealed in a plastic bag, and showed her.
“Look. This hose goes in your belly and the clean water enters through it. At this end there is the plug. The taper made it easier to insert than to remove. And the thin and long base is designed to fit comfortably between your buttocks.”
Tina was very surprised, even shocked by the realization that it was supposed to stay in her. She thought William would just do a deep enema. Of course, she was wrong.
“Will… will it stay in all time?”
“Only if there are no complications.”
“Oh my gosh! But how… how will I…”
“I’ll explain. Let me finish this okay. Please open your legs.”
Tina was still sore by the insertion of the plug but she obeyed and opened her legs while laying on the gurney. William took a catheter, the same kind Janine had and inserted in Tina’s bladder. It was made for long-term wear, had two balloons to be more gentle inside the bladder, and was made of a bactericidal material to avoid infections. After making sure it was securely in place, he attached the end of the catheter to a connector in the base of the plug. Tina noticed that.
“Argh, a catheter, Bill? Why?”
“The idea is that you don’t need to go to toilets anymore, Tina.”
Tina raised her eyebrows, surprised.
“How that is even possible?”
“Fairly simple. Your urine will be drained inside your bowels. As you know, it is sterile and there is no problem in doing that. Also, the plug has a one-way valve to avoid a reverse flow. Instead of going to the toilet, you just attach this hose to your plug and wait.”
He showed her a double hose, that ended in a connector that looked like a figure eight. The bottom part was a large hose and the upper one a smaller.
“But, why?”
“Makes thing much less messy. And is a popular request of our clients. Even Phil wants one for Elisabete.”
“Gosh.” “So, what this hose do?”
“The smaller one pumps clean water inside you, the large one sucks the dirty water. Is just that simple.”
“So is an enema?”
“Yes, similar to an enema.”
Bill showed her a machine, about the size of a big shop vac, where the hose is attached.
“Look, this is the cleaning unit. It has a reservoir of clean water and under here a reservoir of dirty water. Come on, try it, just connect this to your plug and turn the machine on.”
Tina, embarrassed and reluctant, connected the double hose to her plug. It made a click and was very obvious that it was connected. Then she pressed the only button on the machine, that started to work with a hum.
She laid on her side on the gurney when she felt the water entering her. In fact, she couldn’t feel the water but could feel a pressure in her belly. If she has not worn a tight corset, she sure could feel her tummy expanding a little. Few cramps followed that. The machine measured the pressure of the water and when it sensed it was enough, the machine started to drain her belly. That cycle was done a couple more times to ensure Tina was really clean. Then the machined beeped few times and turned itself off.
“What now, Bill?”
“Just pull the connector.”
Tina grabbed the metal connector and pulled it. At first, she could feel the plug being pulled with it and felt the pressure in her sphincter, but also she didn’t feel that it was coming out even a little. Then the connector disengaged from the plug and with a click, it was out. The connector both in the hose and plug side incorporated check valves so there were no leaks of any kind.
“So is this done? How often I should do that?”
“Once a day or every two days, I’m not sure. The reason for you wearing this is to test it, right?”
Tina sighed. “Okay, Bill.”
“One more thing, you need to drain the machine then.”
“Okay, I’ll do it. But isn’t the idea to make less mess? I think this is messy!”
“True enough. I’ll think about something soon. By the way, I want to take blood samples. Can you pull your arm out of your latex suit?”
Tina did and William took the blood sample. Then she dressed again and went back to work, very uncomfortable because of the plug installed in her anus.
Judy and Janine were in the reception. When Tina went there, Judy immediately asked.
“So, are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine.”
Janine was very curious. She knew that William had installed something new on her, just didn’t know what.
“So, Tina… Hmm… What did you get?”
Knowing her friend was curious and insistent, she decided to tell her, even being so embarrassed. Also, they will eventually sell that product, so they will know anyway.
“It’s a kind of plug.”
“Butt plug?”
Tina nodded.
“How cool! I’m also wearing one! How is yours?”
The overexcitement of Janine bothered Tina a bit, especially because she wasn’t even comfortable wearing that thing in her rear.
“It has a hose and can be used to give me enemas.”
“Wow! How long you’ll have it?”
“I dunno. It’s a test.”
“Why do you have all the fun? I want to test such things too!”
“It isn’t fun, Janine. It’s work. To be honest this thing bothers me a lot.”
“I can’t understand how you both can wear those. Eeek.” Judy commented.
Then a client entered the reception. Was a young chubby woman, maybe not even twenty years old. She dressed jeans, trainers and a t-shirt, an outfit not very popular in the clinic. The only thing that drew some attention to her was a small septum piercing. She identified herself as Rebecca to Judy.
“So you have an appointment with Dr. Tina, right?”
“Y… yes.”
“Nice. This is Dr. Tina, you can follow her.”
Tina led the young woman to her office. She also noticed Rebecca was either too much surprised by her outfit, even uneasy.
“Please, sit on the chair.”
She did.
“Afraid of dentists?” Tina asked.
“No… no…” Rebecca said. Noticing she couldn’t hide her anxiety she corrected herself, “May just a bit.”
“Okay, I promise I’ll be very gentle. By the way, what do you need from us?”
Rebecca reached the pocket of her jeans, took out a slightly wrinkled Nexus Human Augmentations business card and gave it to Tina. On the back someone had written, “Teeth locker and comfort tubes”
“Right. So you already knew about us?” Tina said, while prepared the equipment.
“A friend from college is your client. Her name is Nicki.”
Tina remembered her. The girl was there a few weeks ago, in a tight leather corset, black dress, fishnets stockings, and boots. A look between a rock band fan and a goth.
“Nicki… Blonde long hair, black leather corset, I remember her.”
“Yes, that’s her. She got what is written on the card.”
“Ah, I see. So she recommended to you.”
Rebecca nodded.
Tina then started to strap the girl to the chair.
“Wait, why this?!”
“Why are you tying me?”
Tina was surprised. Almost nobody that asks for a Teeth Locker is bothered to be bound to the chair.
“Our standard procedure. Nicki didn’t tell?”
“Sorry, no.”
“Okay just relax.”
Tina bound Rebecca to the chair but took care to not make it too tight. The girl was already too frightened.
“Open your mouth, let me take a look.”
Rebecca opened it.
“Some crooked teeth here, girl.”
“Yes. I know. The main reason I came here.”
Now Tina was really curious. “Where does she thinks she is?” Tina thought, while took an x-ray from her mouth.
“So the main reason to come here is to get your teeth straightened?” Tina asked her while developing the x-ray.
“Yes. Nicki told me that you put the braces on the inside. I never wanted that metal smile.”
“Yes, I prefer doing like that. More discreet. But do you want just that?”
“Well, at first yes, but then she convinced me to give a try on the other thing too.”
“Good. So you think it will be fun?”
“No! I knew it will be awful. But she said it works wonders to lose weight.”
“Lose weight… That is a new one.”
Rebecca didn’t get the chance to ask why because Tina started to work in her mouth. Took about two hours for Tina install the braces and the Teeth Locker. Rebecca then had a chance to talk, even though with a lot of lisp.
“Do you install many of those things?”
“If I install many Teeth Lockers? Yes, we are very busy here installing those. They are a huge success.”
“People really lose weight?”
“I think if they want to, yes. I’ve never monitored that…. Here, I’ll push this tube in your nostril, when you feel it on your throat swallow this water.”
Tina pushed the tube. Rebecca, like most patients, coughed and was not able to swallow it for the first time. But, surprisingly, in the second attempt, it was in place. Tina then fitted the second short tube and used the girl’s piercing to hold them in place.
“I don’t get it.” “Don’t you check if your patients lose weight to know if it works?”
Tina finally got it. For some reason, Nicki told Rebecca that was a device to lose weight, not a fetish. She thought was better to be honest with her so.
“Well, you are the first one that came here wanting those things with the purpose to help a diet.”
“What do you mean? Those things aren’t a diet device?”
“No. I’ll be honest with you.” Tina said while releasing the girl from the chair. “Our clients are fetish people. Those things are used to make a submissive person silent.”
“Are you kidding, Doctor?”
“No, I’m serious. Here, look our catalog.”
Tina handed the brochure to the girl. She read it in shock.
“No… No… I… I was fooled. No…”
Tina knelt to be in the same height of the girl sitting in the chair and saying in a very calm voice, “Relax. It’s okay Rebecca, you are fine.”
“Yes… But… I was fooled. I just wanted to fix my teeth and lose weight. I never wanted some freak thing. I want this out.”
“Wait, calm down a little. We never sold those things for a diet, but I’m sure it can help. See, I have one too.” Tina opened her mouth wide to show her. “I look pretty thin, right?”
“Yes, but…”
“Why you don’t try it first? Have it for a few weeks. See if you lose some weight. If you really don’t like it, next time you visit me to adjust your braces I’ll remove it from you for free.”
“But how will I lose weight with a kinky thing?”
“Simple. You can lock your teeth closed and use a liquid diet. Here, I’ll show you.”
Tina explained that to Rebecca. The girl was still scared and feeling bad for being fooled by her friend, but went away with her mouth locked closed and a can of liquid food formula.
Part 32
The presence of the big plug was bothering Tina very much. No matter if she was seated or standing, she could feel it. Nevertheless, she had more work to do before going home. Rebecca was just the first patient that day. Janine, meanwhile, was insisting Dr. William tell her more about the device Tina received. He finally explained and showed her one but refused to install it on her until Tina approved the device.
When the work day ended Judy drove home with Janine as usual. This time to the new apartment. It was a shorter drive, not only in distance but less traffic. Soon they were at home relaxing. About eight o’clock, the doorbell rang. It was Phil, and he was carrying something on a hand truck. Janine, now wearing only a catsuit and heels, opened the door.
“Good evening, Sir!”
“Good evening, Janine! I brought a gift for you.” “Where can I put it?”
“Please, come in, let’s ask Judy.”
On Phil’s hand truck, there was a wood box, more like a chest. Its length was the same as the width of a queen size bed, and Phil did a good job choosing a wood that matched the headboard of Judy’s bed.
“Hey Phil, nice to see you again. What’s this thing?” Judy asked.
“It’s for Janine. I suggest installing it on the foot of your bed, but feel free to put anywhere you want.”
“That’s good. Please put it there.” Judy said while opened the bedroom door.
Phil unloaded the chest and pushed it into place. “How’s this?”
“Perfect, thanks. Can I ask you to use your truck to put that box in Janine’s room?”
“Sure Judy, my pleasure”
Phil then took the box that was used to ship Janine back from Joan’s house and put it in the other room. The room that was supposed to be Janine’s bedroom. It had a wardrobe and a desk, just not a bed. Phil left the box in a corner and then went back to Judy’s room to explain how the chest worked.
“It opens here.” He said while pointing to a metal tab embed in the wooden lid. “It has a built-in lever, spring loaded, that moves the clasp, unlocking the lid. It’s very easy to use from outside — impossible to open the chest from inside.”
“The box has red velvet lining.” Inside there was a cutout of a human shape. Phil pressed on it with his hands. “See, this is foam like in a mattress, but cut out in your size. Now you can sleep in comfort, Janine.”
“Thank you so much, Phil.”
“You’re welcome. Now bring me your gas mask please.”
Janine went to her room, opened her old box, and unscrewed the hoses from her gas mask as fast as she could. She brought it back to Phil. He screwed a hose on one side of the mask. That hose runs to the end of the box, near where Janine’s head will be. Then Phil showed a recessed metal handle on the side of the box.
“See this handle?” “It’s perforated. The air enters here, goes through the hose and enters Janine’s gas mask. The handle on the other side is also for ventilation.”
Judy then saw a red LED lamp blinking on the inside part of the lid. “What’s this light, Phil?”
“This is to show that the emergency alarm is working. It if stops blinking you need to change the batteries here.” Phil then opened a small door on the lid, revealing four AA batteries.
“And… How does it work?” Janine asked.
“Simple. If there is someone inside the box and no air flow to the gas mask, it will sound an alarm.”
“Can I set it off manually?”
“You can hold your breath for a while.” Phil answered laughing.
Janine noticed some straps near the foam shape’s ankles, wrists, waist, chest, and thighs. “What are those?”
“Just some leather restraints, nothing fancy. In case you want to feel more secure.”
“I like that, thank you, sir.”
“Want to try?” Phil asked.
“Sure, sir!” Janine replied with her usual over excitement.
She laid inside the box and put the gas mask on over her head. She could breathe without problems. Then Phil tightened all the eight restraints and closed the lid.
“I need also mention to you that the box is soundproof.” Phil said.
“Really?” Replied Judy.
“Yes. She has no way to hear us. She can make as much noise as she wants, there is no way we can hear it. This is why the box has the alarm sy…”
Phil was interrupted by the loud piercing sound of the box alarm. Immediately he opened the box, silencing it.
“Are you okay, Janine?”
“Yes, sir. Just wanted to test it.”
“Good… don’t do that without a good reason again! The sound is too loud and annoying!” Judy complained while closing the lid again.
“I think you’ll appreciate the privacy this box gives to you.” Phil commented.
“Yes, it’s good to know she is safe and at the same time giving me some space. Don’t get me wrong, I like her, but since she started to work in the clinic she’s become very obsessed with… things.”
“I can understand her. Imagine a child that always wanted to be an astronaut. Then one day a guy from NASA came to her house and said, ‘We are hiring astronauts, come with me.’ This person would be obsessed with it too, right?”
“Yes, makes sense. But I wonder why she didn’t get into those things by herself before.”
Phil smiled.
“She is very submissive, like Elisabete. If she does it by herself there is no fun.”
“I think I understand. But I don’t want to be her boss.”
“I noticed that. I guess she understands that. Anyway, I have to go now.”
“Thank you again, Phil”
He went away. Judy didn’t open the box, she enjoyed an evening alone. Janine would be fine.
Meanwhile, Tina was at her house trying to get used to the thing in her rear. She used a mirror along with some awkward positions to look at it and found it to be very bizarre how an oval beige rubber thing is in place of her anus. She tried to pull it. At first, it seemed like it was stuck, but combining pulling by hand and by pushing with her body, it almost started to come out. She stopped when it started to force her sphincter open wide again. In pain, she pushed it back in place.
“It hurts, but I think is possible to remove it.” She thought.
Tina fiddled some more with the plug. Trying to find a more comfortable position without luck. She just managed to arouse herself. She started to move the plug while her fingers played inside her pussy. For her amusement, she could feel the plug from in there. Soon enough she learned how to use that new feeling for her own pleasure.
She had a good nights sleep but awoke a little sore. Her rear was not happy of having that intruder for so long and it was sensitive. Also, after breakfast, Tina felt some cramps in her belly. She put her uniform and went to the clinic and talked to William.
“I’m feeling some cramps, Bill.”
“Maybe is just trapped flatulence. Try doing a cycle on the cleaning machine.”
She went to the spare room and lifted the hem of her skirt until she could reach the catsuit zipper. Then opened it and plugged the hose. While the machine filled her, the cramps got worse, but soon it drained she felt much better, refreshed. Tina then disconnected the hose and went through her day, feeling surprisingly good.
Janine was sure well rested after the night in the new box. Initially, she was concerned because she thought that Judy would make her get out to say goodbye to Phil. Then she realized that Judy was already locking her for the night. The new chest felt like a five-star hotel compared to the transport box. Of course wasn’t easy to sleep bound, wearing a gas mask, and horny. Of course, after time fatigue wins and Janine slept.
Dr. Stuart still had his clients in the cinema and TV industry. One of his firsts patients is Tania Baker. She is the host of a TV news and needs to have a sharp vision to read the teleprompter. Glasses also aren’t an option for her. For few years, she had contacts from Dr. Stuart and always returns for check-ups. Today she was back for the first time in Nexus Human Augmentation clinic.
Tania had a pale smooth skin and a beautiful complexion. She was known for her black smooth hair with bangs that ended just above her curved thin eyebrows and hazel eyes. What few people knew is that she wore contacts from Dr. Stuart. Lucky, very few people remember her natural dark brown eyes.
She parked her car in front of the clinic and entered. Judy’s uniform surprised her. She found the secretary very professional but at the same time sexy. Judy’s hands covered in the same material as the uniform intrigued her. Soon enough Dr. Stuart was examining the journalist.
There was no need for new contacts, the ones she got last year were still good. But before dismissing his patient, Dr. Stuart made an offer.
“I think I have a new product you may like.”
“Show me.”
Marcus then called Janine. She entered the room.
“How can I help you, Doctor?”
“Show your face to miss Tania.”
Janine was a little confused, but she knelt next to Tania in the exam chair. The journalist looked closely at Janine’s face.
“You look beautiful!”
“Thank you, miss.”
Dr. Stuart smiled.
“She is wearing a mask. What you think?”
“A mask? Doesn’t look like it!” Tania commented.
“Would you try one?” the doctor offered.
“I don’t know.” “Is it comfortable?”
Janine nodded.
“Well, I’ll agree to try it.”
Dr. Stuart knew that Tania was very open to new things. After all, she tried and liked to wear color contacts.
“Just let me take some pictures of your face.”
Dr. Stuart took a digital camera and took several close-up shots of Tania. They would serve Oliver to make the mask.
“I must say I loved your secretary’s outfit.”
Janine smiled.
“It is from Fuji Latex. Miss Myoko herself was here.”
“How nice! I remember we aired a news story about her. She makes costumes for several singers.”
“Yes! She does!” Janine said, smiling.
“May I touch it? I’ve never seen it in person.”
“Of course!”
Janine removed her latex jacket and handed it to Tania. She then touched it, felt the material, and finally put it on.
“Feels nice. Way better than I imagined! How nice!”
After wearing it for a while, the journalist handed the jacket back to Janine.
“Thanks again, doctor. I need to hurry now.”
“You’re welcome, Tania. Come back here soon.”
“Of course!”
She then left. Dr. Stuart then met with William and Tina in the lounge to tell the news.
“I’m happy to tell you that my patient, Tania Baker, the TV news host, agreed to try a mask.”
Dr. William was surprised.
“That is wonderful!”
Tina was also happy.
“Very good! But I didn’t know she was into such things.”
“I don’t know what she is into. But she likes to try new things. “
Dr. William then asked.
“Do you think she could spread the word about it?”
“I think if she likes it, sure. I’ll also call Miss Myoko to make her a business suit. She also had high praise for Janine’s uniform.”
Tina smiled.
“Great idea. Maybe she’ll like to wear it. too!”
“That’s my bet!” Dr. Stuart said.
Part 33
The mood in Nexus was very good the following Friday. The steady influx of patients made all them happy. Most are still people that bought coupons in the Fetish Convention, but there were also new customers. William imagined that must be word of mouth advertising.
Dr. Oliver and his wife arrived that morning. They brought the mask ordered by Dr. Stuart for Tania, the journalist. Dr. Oliver and Felicity also wanted to check up on Tina’s and Janine’s masks. The two girls went into the lounge with them. They examined with attention how the masks were looking on them. He noticed on Tina that one of the lower eyelids was already starting to lose the glue in one corner. On Janine’s mask, the same issue was starting on the upper lip.
The dermatologist then used alcohol to dissolve the glue and remove the masks from Tina and Janine. He was not counting on the tubes being glued to the nose of the mask. He decided to not mess with the tubes and left the masks hanging in front of the girls’ faces. It was enough for a first examination. He searched for any problems on the skin of the girls with a magnifying glass. Besides the accumulation of some dead skin, which was cleaned while he removed the masks, Dr. Oliver only noticed that the skin of the girls was a little tender. Similar to the effect of a recent peel. In fact, the removal of the glue did it to their skin.
Another side effect was no hair growth. Dr. Oliver had expected that. The glue penetrating in the pores prevented not only perspiration but also hair growth. Dr. Oliver applied new glue on their heads and fitted the masks once again.
Janine was happy to have her mask back on. She didn’t like the feeling of the fresh air on her bald head. Her scalp and face were very sensitive and once the mask was removed she felt a slight burning sensation. Once the mask was back she felt good again. On the other hand, Tina was refreshed to have the mask off for a while. She almost asked to not have it back on. Then she remembered that without the mask, she would need to wear the headgear, and dismissed that idea.
“Wonderful! No problems of any kind. Next check up will be in two months, or earlier if you think there are any problems.” Dr. Oliver proudly announced.
“Thank you, Dr. Oliver!” Janine exclaimed.
“Yes, thanks doc!” Tina chimed in.
Janine and Tina went back to their tasks. Dr. Oliver went first to talk with Dr. William for a while and then with Dr. Stuart before leaving.
Dr. Stuart then instructed Judy to call to Tania Baker. Her mask was ready.
When Judy called Tania, she insisted on fitting the mask this very day. She said will be there just after lunch and indeed she arrived there about 2 PM.
The news host talked to Judy then went to the office of Dr. Stuart. He called Tina in, who proceeded to apply the mask on Tania. Of course, she didn’t shave the journalist, just put her hair up into a net. She also asked Tania to open the top buttons of her blouse.
“I’ll now clean your skin before applying the glue, okay?”
Tania was surprised to hear the word “glue”, but she trusted Dr. Stuart and let Tina do her work. She carefully cleaned Tania’s face and then applied the glue very carefully. Next Tina pulled the mask over her head, down Tania’s face, and adjusted it. She took her time doing the eyelids, ears, and lips. When she was happy with the result, Tina glued the flap of the mask on Tania’s collarbone and shoulders. After several minutes she told Tania that she is free to move. She blinked and opened the mouth a couple of times and said.
“Feels a little weird! May I see how I look?”
“Of course!” Tina said, while handed Tania a hand mirror.
The journalist then looked at the mirror. She opened and closed her mouth and eyes several times. Pretended to read some news. She made faces and for few minutes tested the mask in all the ways she could imagine. Tina and Stuart were completely silent, waiting for her verdict.
“This… This is…”
It seemed that Tania was looking for words. Tina was preparing to get the alcohol to dissolve the glue when Tania finally said.
“This is perfect! This is art! I… I’m speechless.”
The tension in the room left. Tina and Dr. Stuart smiled. Tania was very happy with the result. She had reason to be so happy. Dr. Oliver was an artist. He not only used the reference photographs that Dr. Stuart sent to him, but he also watched several hours of her TV newscast. Learning more about the makeup and hair she uses when hosting the news. The result was a flawless mask. The skin texture was spot on for a young woman wearing top quality foundation. He also nailed the makeup. The right amount and color of eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick. The eyebrows were perfect. Her hair was almost the same, with better flow and shine, similar to shampoo advertising.
“I’m so glad you like it, Tania. I know this is an uncommon thing but I really imagined you would like it!” Dr. Stuart said.
“Like? I love it! I’ve never felt so beautiful. I do confess that I didn’t expect to like it so much.”
Dr. Stuart giggled, “Really? What did you think it would be like?”
“Imagined that I would look very different. This is incredibly lifelike. How long can I wear it?”
“Mine has been on for almost a month now. Today we checked it. My skin is perfect underneath.” Tina proudly answered.
“This is impressive!” Tania commented.
After some instructions from Tina, Tania was ready to go. Dr. Stuart gave her a shopping bag from Fuji Latex. She thanked them, went to her car, then drove to the TV station.
Dr. William then asked Tina to go to her house and pick another catsuit. He had something new for her.
Tina was back with a clean white catsuit. William led her to the spare room.
“Please, remove your clothes. Everything.”
She removed her uniform and boots. Then she stood in the catsuit. She looked to William, seeking approval, but understood that he wanted the catsuit off. She then stretched the neck of the catsuit and pulled her arms out. Next, she pushed the catsuit down. In an instant, she was naked and embarrassed. One could only notice the line of her mask over her shoulders and the plug in her butt.
William then produced a pack of wet wipes and helped Tina to clean her belly, back and thighs. She also cleaned her crotch area very thoroughly with the wipes. Then Tina waited for the next command. He then gave her a black plastic zip bag. She took out what looked like shorts in skin color. Upon closer inspection, Tina noticed this was like her mask. The rubber imitated the human skin. She also saw the shorts had a lifelike vagina and labia. It included a pouch that she imagined should be inserted inside her own sex.
William applied the skin glue on her before she started putting on the shorts. When instructed by William, Tina pulled up the shorts. He instructed her to insert the rubber pouch into her own vagina, taking care to not smear glue on it. Then they both adjusted her own labia inside the fake labia of the shorts. A hole in the rear of the shorts aligned with the plug’s ports. William made sure that the borders of that hole were glued to the plug too.
“So this is like a mask, for my pussy?” Tina asked.
“Well, is like that, yes. I have had some requests for this. I’m not sure about it yet. Please report any problems, okay?”
Tina acknowledged William’s instructions and dressed her catsuit and clothes again. She didn’t like these shorts. Especially the insert. At least the catheter tube was hidden by the garment.
Meanwhile, Tania arrived in the TV station. She paid attention to her colleagues to see if any noticed the mask. They didn’t notice it, but instead, she got compliments on how good she looked today. That made her happy and reassured her that was a good decision to keep the mask.
Like she does every day, Tania went to her dressing room. Usually, she would fix her makeup and dresses in a business suit. Now she was free from the first and most time-consuming step.
With the extra time, she decided to take a look at the bag she received full of latex clothes. There was a white leotard, with long sleeves and a round neck exposing no cleavage. Also, there was a dark gray pencil skirt and a matching jacket. She noticed that the ensemble would be a great business suit. She guessed, correctly, that Dr. Stuart had chosen that for to her wear on air.
Tania then undressed out of the leggings and blouse she wore. She then put the leotard, with some difficulty being her first time in a leotard without a back zipper. When finished, she looked herself in the mirror. The leotard was enough to hide the edge of the mask but still show her collarbone covered by the fake skin. The lines of the bra she wore were visible in the skintight rubber, but that will not be a problem with the jacket over it. She also tried the pencil skirt and the latex jacket. They looked very good, but she was afraid that the shiny material would mess with the lighting for the cameras in the studio. So she removed them and wore the regular business suit she planned before. She kept the leotard on in place of the shirt she would normally wear. She heard a few more compliments on her appearance and her blouse before going to the studio to prepare for the newscast.
William and Stuart were happy with the week, so they decided to have a small party after work hours. They agreed to get together to celebrate at William’s house. It was just a couple of minutes walking distance from the clinic.
Tina was still uncomfortable with the shorts she wore. Not only physical discomfort but also she just didn’t like the idea. Nevertheless, soon she was in William’s house together with her colleagues.
William ordered a few pizzas. He had a nice bar with several kinds of liquors and spirits to drink. Janine offered herself to prepare some cocktails and served everyone there. They ate and drank celebrating a long satisfying week of work.
At 7 o’clock, Dr. Stuart asked to turn on the TV. The newscast was about to start. William turned on his large television and switched to the local news station.
“Now the Evening News with your host Tania Baker.”
The camera switch to Tania. Dr. Stuart and Tina cheered when noticed she was wearing the latex leotard. It was visible under the salmon jacket. In a moment they watched and were sure she kept the mask on and cheered again. This time with Judy, Janine, and Dr. William joined in cheering.
An hour later, after the news show ended, Dr. Stuart’s phone beeped. He took it and read the message aloud to his colleagues: “I hope you watched the news today. XOXO” They all laughed and cheered once more. Dr. Stuart then took a group selfie in front of the TV and sent to Tania with the text “Of course we watched!”
Soon Judy and Janine decided to go home, but not before Janine loaded William’s dishwasher with all the used dishes and silverware. Feeling that the party was really ended, Dr. Stuart and Tina also went on their way.
On the walk back home, Tina noticed that Anthony was closing the grocery store. She stopped there and said hello to him.
“Good evening, Tony!”
“Good evening dear! I’m happy to see you.”
“I was with my colleagues in a celebration. Going back home now.”
“Ah, got it. May I accompany you?”
“Of course!”
They walked to Tina’s house chatting along the way. Anthony was really pleased with the talk because she was silent the last few times they meet.
After some time cuddling on the couch and a couple of drinks, Tina decided she wanted to get rid of her uniform. She dragged Anthony to her room and made him unbuckle and remove her ballet heels shoes. He massaged her feet for a while and then Tina ordered him to help her remove the uniform and corset.
It was a feeling that Anthony never experienced. The sexiness of unlacing Tina’s corset aroused him like never before. Excited by the moment, after removing her uniform, Anthony put his fingers on the neck of Tina’s catsuit. She immediately slapped his hand.
They cuddled some more and soon Anthony was naked too. Aroused, Tina opened the crotch zipper of her catsuit and he could see the fake crotch of the rubber shorts. He didn’t notice it until he started to lick. Tina was enjoying it a lot. Despite Anthony’s best efforts, Tina could only feel a fraction of what he was doing. The not so thin rubber was dampening most of the sensations.
Anthony was becoming tired. His tongue was never so exercised. Tina also wanted more. She was soaking wet already and instinctively brought her latex-clad hand on her crotch just to feel it very dry. She didn’t realize why at the moment, just ordered Anthony to pick her lube bottle. It was the same she used as a dressing aid for her catsuit. She had him apply it on her.
He was very horny and had a powerful, albeit fast orgasm. After some time cuddling and fingering Tina he tried again. This time lasting longer. Tina seemed to Anthony to be insatiable, but the truth is that she felt too little stimulation in the rubber shorts. That frustrated them both, but she had an ace on her sleeve. Her powerful wand vibrator! Soon both were sleeping on each other arms, fully satisfied.
Part 34
The latex nun Susan, was already taking her notebook and pen to strike out Janine’s name when she saw Judy’s car entering the garage of the building. She waited a few minutes, then rang the girls’ doorbell.
Judy and Janine were home. Happy and tired from the party at William’s house. Judy wanted to rest a little on the couch, so Janine took a bath first. She was undressing her latex inside the bathroom when Susan rang the doorbell. Judy opened the door.
“Hello. You’re Susan, right?”
The nun nodded.
“Please, come in!”
The nun entered the apartment and left her hand truck near the door. Then she followed Judy into the living room.
“I imagine you want to see Janine, right?”
The nun nodded, once more.
“Can you wait a bit? She is taking a bath.”
Another nod.
“Please, have a seat. Do you want water, tea, beer?”
The nun shook her head and sat on the couch next to Judy, who try to be nice and make small talk with her unexpected guest.
“So you and the tall woman… Joan… you live together?”
The nun nods.
She shook her head.
“So… she is your dominatrix?”
The nun tilted her head side to side, then nodded.
“I think I understand. That is fine. Are you together for a long time?”
She showed her right hand open and two fingers of the left hand.
“Seven months?”
The nun shook the head.
“Seven years?”
She nodded.
“Wow, that is a lot!”
Susan smiled. The situation was awkward to her but pleasant. She hadn’t sat on a couch to relax for a long time now. Eventually, Janine was out of the bathroom, wearing just a black catsuit. The vision of the nun sitting on her couch made Janine shiver. She then put a pair of pumps and presented herself to the nun.
“Hello, Susan. How can I help you?”
The nun stood up and with her hands drew a box in the air.
“My box?”
Susan nodded.
Janine led her to the room. Having located the box, Susan took the hand truck and loaded it, then walked to the door. Janine was frozen, anticipating the latex nun to leave. Before going through the front door, Susan pointed to Janine and curling her fingers a few times, signaled the girl to follow her. Janine obeyed.
“Bye bye girls, have fun!” Judy said before they went.
“See you later!” Janine said while Susan waved goodbye.
The nun put the box in the rear of the van, next to another box labeled “MARIA”. Susan removed the lid of the box and pointed to Janine climb in, who immediately obeyed. Noticing that the gas mask was missing, Susan took a replacement from a box behind the front seats and installed on the hose, put the mask on Janine’s head, covered her with more packing peanuts, and screwed the lid closed. She then started the engine and drove away.
Tina awoke the next morning feeling very clammy. Anthony was still sleeping, so she went to the bathroom and filled the tub with warm water. She needed a good bath. Tina undressed from the catsuit, got inside the tub, and let the soapy water clean her skin. She also had to clean her fake pussy from the mess that was done the night before.
Meanwhile, Anthony awakened. He noticed that Tina was not in bed and worried. Then, he heard the sound of the running water coming from the bathroom and relaxed, she was just taking a bath. He dressed, went to her kitchen, brewed some coffee, and made some scrambled eggs and bacon strips.
Even after half an hour in the water Tina still wanted to scrub some places she couldn’t reach anymore. Specifically her crotch which was under the rubber pants that are glued on her. Of course that was impossible at the moment, so she exited the tub and took some time to care for her skin by applying some moisturizer before climbing in a clean catsuit.
Anthony was just finalizing breakfast when Tina entered the kitchen. Noticing he made a tasty meal, she beamed.
“Good morning, Tony!”
“Good morning, sweetheart!”
The couple enjoyed the breakfast together, albeit quickly. Anthony had to open the grocery store soon. After finishing his plate, Tina suggested he take a shower before going to the store. He accepted the suggestion. In less than twenty minutes he rushed off to his store. Tina stayed at home alone, but very happy.
Judy was also alone that morning. She took the opportunity to slow down and relax. She thought that would be nice to have a normal day, without latex or anything fetish. So after her shower, she wore jeans, a tunic, and loafers on her feet. Like most weekends, she also removed the yellow contact lenses and didn’t wear the earbuds.
She was not a fan of cooking, so when the lunchtime approached, Judy drove downtown. There was a park she loved near her old address, so she went there. After locking her car, Judy walked on a paved path that wound through the trees. The park had even a small lake surrounded by grass and flowers. Judy sat on a bench under the shadows of some threes and relaxed taking it all in.
The sunny Saturday attracted every kind of person to the park. Judy enjoyed watching them passing by. That Saturday, within the half hour she was sitting on the bench, easily a hundred people passed by her. Most were wearing trainers. Some caught her eye. A few girls wore heels, one even wore latex leggings. She enjoyed noticing the details of the people passing by. Judy even saw a girl with her hair in a tight ponytail wearing earbuds from Nexus Human Augmentations. She knew that because she recognized the piercings holding them in place.
Hungry, Judy crossed the park and entered the shopping mall on the other side of the street. She walked right to the food court and ordered a burger with fries. The fast food was tasty. After finishing it Judy went window shopping.
She used the opportunity to get a new perfume bottle and lipsticks. Exiting the makeup store she noticed some pretty sandals and entered the shoe store.
Soon a saleswoman approached her and with a strong lisp asking, “May I help you?”
“Sure, I want to try that sandal.”
Judy looked closely at the woman’s face. When she said asked Judy’s shoe size, she noticed that the saleswoman had a Teeth Locker installed. Judy couldn’t remember who she was, but for sure the woman’s face was familiar to her.
She bought the sandals. They have an 8 cm heel with a wide strap over the toes and another around the ankle. After walking through the entire mall, Judy crossed the park again and drove home. She had a great day but the best feeling was removing her jeans after arriving home. The rough fabric was irritating to her and the smooth touch of a silk camisole felt way better on her skin.
That same afternoon at the TV Station, Tania Baker arrived for another day of work. As she usually did, Tania asked the news show secretary of any issues or inquiries she may have for her.
Besides regular feedback from viewers, the obligatory person that swears to have seen a UFO or Big Foot, an unusually high number of people sent messages asking about Tania’s blouse, half guessing correctly that it is latex. Tania gave the secretary the name “Fiji” and the phone number of Nexus Human Augmentations, so she could answer the viewers.
Later on in the corridors of the TV Station, Michelle, the weather girl met Tania. They were good friends even before they worked together in the same studio.
“Tania, you look so good these days. What you did?”
“Oh, you noticed?”
“I don’t know what you’ve done, but I sure noticed you look stunning! Tell me your secret!”
Tania wasn’t the kind of woman that knows how to keep secrets and she was not shy about telling her friend about the mask.
“Come with me to the dressing room, I’ll show you.”
Michelle followed Tania to the dressing room, very curious about what she was about to see. They entered the room and Tania locked the door.
“So, tell me! I’m curious!” Michele gushed.
“It’s a mask.”
“Yes, I’ll try to show you.”
Tania then unbuttoned her blouse and removed the necklace she was wearing to help hide the edge of the rubber mask.
“See this line? Is the edge of the mask.”
Michele looked, yet still found it hard to believe that a mask looked so good and so lifelike. “May I touch it?” she asked.
“Of course, go ahead!”
She touched Tania’s cheeks and neck. It felt strange. Sure not real skin but not much different. And a little colder. Michele reached the edge and tried to lift it. Tania giggled.
“It’s glued.”
“Yes. See, it moves with my face.” Tania said that while frowned her forehead and made other faces.
“Wow. But then, how do you remove it?”
“I need to use rubbing alcohol. But that isn’t needed often.”
“What you mean by often?”
“Once every week or two.”
“Geez, unbelievable! Does it feel good to wear it?”
“Feels weird in the beginning. But isn’t bad. You should try yourself, why don’t you go to Nexus Human Augmentations and talk to Dr. Stuart. He will surely help you.”
“I’ll do that, for sure!”
Michele took note of the Nexus Human Augmentations’ phone number and went to her own dressing room, to prepare herself for the newscast. Tania did the same.
Sunday was another beautiful day and Judy again went to the park. This time she didn’t go to the mall, instead she ate in a vegetarian restaurant nearby. Back at the park, she spent a couple of hours sat on the grass looking at people again. She noticed again a few customers of Nexus Human Augmentations, probably from before the clinic had that name, because she couldn’t recall any faces. Also a handful of women wearing latex, mostly leggings. One couple had the woman wearing a big and heavy metal collar while the man wore a chain with a key on his neck.
Back home, Judy thought that was enough of her break. She had the urge to feel the smoothness and the slight compression of the latex on her body again. She felt freer to do it being home alone, so she dressed one of her catsuits and admired herself in the mirror. She sat on her couch relaxing with the soft feeling of the latex on her skin while listening to some good music and caressing herself to the rhythm. Her hands brought satisfaction to her aroused body.
She was still recovering from her pleasure when the doorbell rang. Exhausted by her climax, Judy took a few seconds to stand and go to the door. She looked through the peephole and saw the nun with her hand truck. Judy then opened the door, still wearing just the catsuit. Susan smiled and waved to Judy, and pushed the box containing Janine into the living room.
“How are you this evening, Susan?” Judy asked.
The nun made a double thumbs up.
“Good. Did Janine have fun?”
The nun shrugged.
“Whatever.” Judy then inspected the lid of the box, again closed with a dozen of screws. “Do you know this is a pain to remove? Why don’t use some easier way to close the lid?”
The nun signaled Judy to wait, showing hand up and the palm of her hand open. Then she went to the delivery van and searched the toolbox until she found an old spare electric screwdriver and its charger. The tool had seen better days and its battery was discharged because Susan got a better, more powerful one some months ago. She brought the tool back and gave it to Judy, that immediately tried to use it, without success.
“I think it’s broken. It doesn’t work.”
The nun then showed the charger and pointed to a wall outlet.
“It needs a charge?”
The nun nodded. Judy plugged it into the wall and a red light turned on.
“How do I know it is done?”
Susan pointed to the red LED.
“Does it goes off?”
The nun shook her head.
She shook her head again.
“Change color?”
Susan smiled and nodded.
“Great. Thank you, it will be handy!”
The nun waved goodbye, took her hand truck and left. Judy closed the door behind her, sat back on the couch and said under her own breath. “I hope you’ll not mind staying there for a few hours, Janine.” She then turned on her music again and let the pleasure take over once more.
Part 35
Monday morning when Tina arrived at the clinic Judy was happy at her desk and Janine was in the basement sorting supplies that Dr. Stuart bought. She entered the lounge and found Dr. William and Dr. Stuart drinking cups of coffee.
“Good morning, Tina!” They greeted.
“Good morning!”
“How are you?” Dr. William asked.
“I’m fine. But I think I got a problem with the crotch piece.”
“What happened?”
“It’s itching. Bad.”
“I don’t imagine it would happen so quickly. Marcus, can you help Tina? I’ll call Oliver.”
Dr. Stuart quickly sipped his coffee and led Tina to the spare room, and asked her to undress. With help of alcohol to dissolve the glue, he carefully removed the panties. The smell alone confirmed to him what he suspected. Tina has contracted a fungus infection.
“Here is your problem, young lady. Candidiasis… a yeast infection.”
“Eeeek no!”
“Relax. You just need to use a topical cream for few days. I’ll write a prescription. Now it’s best for you to go home and take a good shower.”
“I’ll do that.”
Before letting Tina go, Dr. Stuart changed her catheter for a brand new one, just to be on the safe side. The procedure was uncomfortable but didn’t hurt. He also checked if the plug she wore was not hurting her anus. After the exam, he wrote a prescription while she dressed and gave it to her. He also threw away the old rubber panties.
Tina then went to a drugstore, bought the antifungal cream, went home to take a shower, and applied the medicine. Touching her own flesh again was a relief, but she also found a little weird, especially because of the small catheter hose visible once more.
Meanwhile, Michele, the weather girl, arrived at the Nexus Human Augmentation. As usual, Judy opened the door and let her in.
“Good morning and welcome! How may I help you?”
Michele was a little startled when saw Judy’s outfit and her yellow makeup, but tried to keep a straight face.
“I wish to see Dr. Stuart.”
“Do you have an appointment?”
“No, I don’t. Umm… I got this address with my colleague Tania.”
“Tania? Is she our patient?”
“Yes, Tania Baker.”
“Ahhh, YES, she was here last week!” Judy recalled. “Wait… Aren’t you the weather girl?”
Michele giggled: “Yes, my name is Michele!”
“A pleasure to meet you! Dr. Stuart has a patient right now, do you mind waiting for a while?”
“It’s fine! I’ll wait.”
Judy sat behind her desk and resumed her work. Michele sat on a couch while noticing the Fuji latex catalog on the small table. The model on the cover wearing a fancy red long latex dress caught the curiosity of the weather girl. She took the catalog and started to read it. Inside there were pictures of models wearing dresses, business suits, leotards, skirts, tops, and even some accessories like stockings and gloves. Every photograph was set in some fancy location, like business jets, yachts, paradise beaches or cosmopolitan cities, and the models had perfect makeup and sky-high heels. Michele imagined herself in those outfits and didn’t feel the time passing. The voice of Judy then brought her back to reality.
“Miss Michele, Dr. Stuart will see you now.”
“Erm… Oh… thank you!”
Michele followed Judy to Dr. Stuart’s room. She sat in front of his desk.
The doctor, with a smile, asked, “How can I help you, Michele?”
“Well… I… “ She was a little embarrassed. “I was told that you make… umm… some kind of masks…”
“Yes, precisely. We call then ‘True Beauty’ face masks. It’s a new product.” Dr. Stuart touched his phone screen, using this as a chance to test a new feature of the Nexus app. “Janine, please come to my room.”
Janine was in the basement cleaning the shelves when she heard Dr. Stuart’s voice as if he was beside her. Startled, she looked around and confirmed that she was alone. After a couple of seconds, she realized that in some way the doctor fed his voice through the earbuds, so she went to his room as instructed. In fact, what happened is that the Nexus app worked like an Internet voice call, using the earbuds paired via Bluetooth with her cellphone, which she keeps in her blazer’s pocket.
“So, how does the mask work?” Michele asked Dr. Stuart.
“It is handmade using high definition pictures of your own face. Then it’s painted by hand to match your skin. We create the makeup of your preference.”
Janine then arrived: “Excuse me. How may I be of help?”
The doctor said: “Sit here, please. Michele is inquiring about a mask like yours.”
“Ah, excellent. I bet you’ll love it!” Janine said, with her usual over-excitement about the fetish world.
“Ah, thanks. How long have you worn yours?” Michele asked.
“Three weeks. We removed to check if my skin was alright. I’ve had no problems at all.”
“I see. So you wore it for three weeks, took it off with no problems.”
“Yes! Wonderful, no?”
“But then you gave up?”
“No! I put it back! I’m still wearing it.”
“No way! I don’t believe it!”
“It’s true.” Dr. Stuart assured.
“How does it feel to wear it?” Michele asked.
“Well… When you first put it on… it feels tight and looks like your face is stiff. A heavy feeling when making movements. But after a while, you get used to it. Not annoying at all.”
“Incredible! Isn’t it hot? Do you sweat?”
“It feels hot if you stay in direct sunlight. But it’s not that bad. And no, you don’t sweat, the glue doesn’t allow it.”
“Wow. Is that safe?”
“Completely. The glue and the rubber of those masks were developed by the dermatologist, Dr. Oliver. He supplies Nexus exclusively. He uses it for patients that, for example, have severe burns.”
That answer seemed to satisfy Michele. She then was about ready to give a try.
“Does the mask have to be exactly like my actual face, or can it be changed a little?”
“Sure! It can be a completely different person. But I don’t recommend that if you plan to travel or drive. Usually, authorities want to see the same face as in your passport or driver’s license.” Dr. Stuart said, giggling.
“No no, I just wanted to change my nose a bit. Lift it up a bit and make it bit thinner.”
“No problem! How do you want your makeup, like you use on the newscast?”
“Yes! Perfect!”
“What about your eyes?” Dr. Stuart asked.
“What about them?”
“We can make them look even better.”
Michele was not fond of the idea of wearing color contacts. She was already asking for a mask, so decided to give it a go.
“What you have in mind?” She asked.
“I can make color contacts. Green like your own eyes, but a little brighter and slightly bigger, so your eyes look even more stunning.” Dr. Stuart said to her.
“I’ll give a try.”
“Great, so sit there so I can check your eyes,” Dr. Stuart said pointing to the exam chair.
She sat in the exam chair and Dr. Stuart did his routine exam. He took photos of her face. Put the plastic cups on her eyes to make the molds for the contacts. Michele as in great discomfort and began regretting her decision. Dr. Stuart noticed and started talking in an attempt to distract her.
“So you want a thinner nose, a little higher?”
“Errmm… Yes, please.”
“Good.” “Want to change something else? Your eyebrows maybe?”
“Maybe thinner. A little more angled.”
“Great.” “What you think of your lips?”
“I always wanted them to be a bit fuller.”
“Perfect. I’m taking notes here. Now stay calm, I’ll remove the molds from your eyes.”
Dr. Stuart carefully removed the molds from the weather girl. She breathed a sigh of relief.
“Ewww… That wasn’t a nice experience!”
“I know. But you need to do just once. Now I need to see you… Let’s see… Friday afternoon.”
“I’ll be here! Bye bye!”
Michele left Dr. Stuart’s room and walked directly to the door. But before touching the door handle, she hesitated, spun on her heels and talked to Judy.
“Do you know about the clothes in that catalog?”
“Fiji Latex?” “Sure!” “May I help you?” Judy asked.
“Well… What is it like to wear these latex things?”
“It’s nice. Here, see for yourself,” Judy said while she removed her jacket and handed it to Michele.
She took the jacket and felt it on her hands before trying it on.
“It’s soft… And smooth…”
Michele put the jacket on. It was a slightly smaller than her size, so the buttons were far from closing. It was made to Judy’s laced waist. She moved her arms feeling the garment. She also touched it and stroked her arms and body.
“Not bad. To be honest is very nice. But… Don’t you sweat?”
“Yes, I do. Isn’t too bad. Except if you are in a hot place.”
“I understand…” Michele pondered for a moment, then finally asked, “How do I buy these?”
“You can buy them from us. We have a partnership…”
Judy was interrupted by Tina entering the reception. Tina glanced at the scene and figured out that Michele was curious about the latex clothes.
“Hello, miss. You look good in latex!” Tina complimented.
“Thanks. She was telling me about it.”
Tina then realized who Michelle was. She suspected it, but hearing her voice — even with the earbuds — confirmed that she was the weather girl.
“You are Michele, from the news, right?” “Nice to meet you, I’m Dr. Tina.”
“Yes, nice to meet you, doctor.”
“Call me Tina, please!” “Anyway, will you return here?” “Maybe I can arrange something special for you.”
“Yes, Friday.”
“Great. Is there something special that you want to see?”
Michele pointed to some dresses in the catalog. Tina asked Judy to take notes of her measurements, then excused herself and went meet Dr. William on his room. Judy took notes not only of Michele’s sizes but also what her favorite dresses were. The weather girl almost went away wearing Judy’s jacket, but Judy politely asked for it back before was too late.
Michele wasn’t the first to ask about Fiji Latex that Monday. Over the phone, Judy had dozens of inquiries about it, plus a few stopped there in person. One arrived just after Michele left. She was a blonde girl, in her late teens. She was accompanied by a guy about the same age. Judy, as usual, opened the door. The guy was looking at a piece of paper.
“We must be in the wrong…” He then heard the door opening and looked at Judy, from her feet to her head.
“May I help you?”
“Y… Yes…” The guy said.
“We are looking for a place called… uh… Nexus Human Augmentations.” The girl said, noticing her boyfriend was stuttering.
“You are in the right place. Please, come in.”
The young couple looked nervous. Trying to be nice and make them relax, Judy invited them to sit on a couch and she sat near them to talk in a more relaxed way.
“So, what can we do for you?” Judy said with a friendly smile.
“We are looking for… erm… a…” the guy was embarrassed by the vision of Judy wearing her rubber uniform.
“Clothes like yours…” the girl said, without making eye contact with Judy.
“Latex fashion you mean? Ah how nice, you are in the right place!”
Judy then took two fashion catalogs and handed to the couple. They turned the pages, impressed with the variety of designs and colors. The young man was sure overexcited, while his companion was blushing. Meanwhile, Tina and William were on a conference call with Miss Myoko.
The young couple were still looking through the catalog. While the guy comments things like sexy, beautiful, hot, the girl was talking about how can one wear it, not practical, over the top and similar comments. Then Tina returned to the reception. She stood in front of the trio. Judy introduced her.
“Please, meet Dr. Tina. She is one of the owners of Nexus.”
“Nice to meet you, doctor. I’m Jake, this is Evelyn.” The guy said.
“Are you here looking for latex garments?” Tina asked.
“Y… yes…” He said.
“Nice. Ever worn latex?” She asked, looking at Evelyn.
The girl shook her head. “No. Today is the first time I’ve seen it in person.”
“Well, I have good news for you. Later this week we will have a walk-in closet with most of this catalog on premises, so you will be free to try them on. Cool, right?”
“Sure, sure!” both replied.
Jake put his courage together and then asked.
“Are those… ballet heels?”
Tina giggled. “Yes, they are. Do you like it?”
Jake nodded, slowly.
Evelyn asked: “How can you wear those?”
Tina lifted her right foot and put it on the couch, between the couple. “It takes practice. It’s not easy.”
The young guy was baffled. He only knew latex from a few photos he saw browsing the Internet. Jake was only able to convince his girlfriend to try latex after seeing Tania wearing her latex leotard to present the newscast. Seeing Judy and Tina dressed like that was very unexpected. His girlfriend, on the other hand, was glad that Tina and Judy were very friendly and that the place looked pretty normal. Except of course for the uniform of the two. She was expecting something like a dungeon from a cyberpunk movie.
Noticing her boyfriend was way too distracted looking at Tina, Evelyn took the lead and said.
“Thank you so much, ladies. We will be back when we can try the clothes.”
“So you can be here Thursday. Will be a pleasure have you as one of our first customers!” Tina said, smiling and putting her feet back on the ground.
The couple thanked them and went their way.
Part 36
Things at Nexus Human Augmentations started busy on Wednesday. A truck parked in front of the building and the delivery person carried things to the spare room that the clinic still had. Meanwhile, as a contractor assembled the new furniture, a new customer parked and entered the house. Judy, as usual, welcomed her, “Good morning! How may I help you?”
The young ebony skinned lady, dressed in a pretty colorful dress and flats looked to Judy, shyly, and answered, “My name is Maria. I… I think I have an appointment scheduled.”
Judy checked her computer. Maria indeed had appointments with all doctors. But she was one hour earlier. Curiously, Judy didn’t remember about these appointments.
“Yes… But your appointments start 9:30, you may have to wait for a while.”
“No problem!”
“Are you already a patient of the doctors?” Judy asked, curious about the mystery girl.
“No, this is my first time.” She said looking a bit apprehensive.
“So, welcome, Maria. Hope you enjoy.”
“Thanks… Erm… Do… Do you know what will happen to me?”
“Hmm… Let’s see…” Judy checked the details on the computer. “Weird. Nothing here. Sorry, I have no idea.”
While Maria was thinking about another question when Janine entered the reception and looked at Maria. Janine stopped immediately.
“Y… You?”
Maria looked back at Janine and also recognize her, and nodded.
“Wait! Do you two know each other?” Judy asked, barely able to contain her curiosity.
“Yes.” Janine said.
“No.” Maria said at the same time.
“Yes or no?” Judy asked again.
“I saw her, but we’ve never talked.” Maria said.
Judy now couldn’t hold herself back. Her curiosity about the new customer and her connection with Janine was too strong.
“Take a seat, Janine, I’ll grab something and I want to hear how you meet.”
While Janine and Maria wait in the reception, Judy went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of iced tea, three cups and returned to the reception. She served the girls and herself and sat on the couch ready to hear the story.
“So girls, how did you meet?”
After a brief silence, Janine talked: “She was with me in a cage.”
“Yes.” Maria confirmed.
“How did you end up in a cage, Maria?” Judy asked, already imagining how Janine arrive there.
“Like the other times when Goddess wants to play. She sends the nun, she puts me in a box, and drive me to her place.”
Judy sipped her tea. “Great. Please continue, I’m loving to hear this.”
Maria was now more relaxed. She was felt heartwarming that Judy was interested in a part of her life that she had to keep hidden from everyone until now. She drank a bit of her tea and resumed telling what happened.
“I was removed from the box, the nun put a ball gag in my mouth, handcuffed me, and put me in a metal cage. I was kept there. After sitting for a while, when I saw the nun bring in another box. She opened it and removed her from it, handcuffed her and put her in the cage with me.”
Judy sipped her tea again and looked at the girls.
Maria continued, “I couldn’t talk to her because of the ball gag. Appeared that she couldn’t talk for some reason too. We stayed together in the cage for a while. She was very nice to me. We cuddled for a while and eventually slept.”
“Inside the cage?” Judy asked.
“Yes. A metal cage, the height of a table, wide enough for us to sit side by side. We slept resting on each other’s lap.”
“Wow, continue!” Judy said, trying to not look scared.
“Next morning Goddess appeared in the dungeon. She woke us. The nun then removed me from the cage and led me upstairs. They ungagged me, let me use the toilet and gave me a generous breakfast. Eggs, bacon, bread, very tasty.”
Janine was listening with attention about this part. Maria continued.
“After breakfast, Goddess ordered me to dress a black latex leotard. Then she led me back to the dungeon. There was a folding screen diving the room, but I briefly could see that she was out of the cage, bound to something.”
“Yes, the nun was administering me an enema and feeding me.” Janine added.
“I couldn’t see that. But then there was a very large transparent plastic bag on the floor. Goddess ordered me to climb inside it. She then gave me a hose and said to put it in my mouth. She directed me to a pose, laying on my side with legs slightly bent and apart. One arm to the front and other behind me. Almost as if I was a ballerina. She told me to hold that pose and then closed the bag and turned some machine that removed the air from it.”
“Oh my gosh! How did you breath!?” Judy asked.
“With the tube that she asked me to put in my mouth. Then the nun returned and helped her to suspend the plastic bag in a frame, so I was vertical. Then they put that frame on a wall, over a white background.”
Judy now was very curious, she never thought about something like that. She took another sip of her tea and again wait for Maria resume telling the story.
“From this point on was hard to tell what happened. The plastic was transparent but was not clear like glass. It clouded my vision. But they removed the folding screen and I saw her in a similar plastic bag, over a black background.”
Janine then added her comments.
“Goddess dressed me in a white latex leotard. She also put me in a plastic bag like yours. Then she took away my glasses and I couldn’t see anything, but I remember my background being black.”
“So that woman hung you like pictures on the wall?” Judy asked.
“Exactly!” Maria agreed. “I couldn’t tell for sure but I believe she left use there the entire day. I could see people coming in and out but was hard to tell what was happening. I remember a man in a suit and some girls half naked. Goddess looked like she was testing them. Was very hard to see or hear from inside that bag.”
“I had no idea of what was happening.” Janine commented. “But after what seemed like ages they lowered the bag on the ground and opened it. They fed and cleaned me and then I was put back in the cage. Soon Maria was inside there with me again.”
“So you spend that night in the cage again?” Judy asked. The girls nodded. Maria then continued talking.
“The next day, after the breakfast, the Goddess bound me to her X frame, arms and legs spread. She whipped me while there was a vibrator on my crotch. After some time — I couldn’t tell how long as I was exhausted — they made me put my own clothes back on. I was put in the box once more.”
“So you had the same treatment as me, Maria. It was just the same with me.” Janine told.
“Wow, that sure was an exciting weekend for both!” Judy said, secretly wishing to mean crazy instead of exciting. “But tell me, Maria, how did you come to us?”
“Goddess instructed me to come here. I lost my job a couple of weeks ago. I told her about it. Yesterday she messaged me, said she has a position open but that I must come here first.”
Judy them heard the voice of Dr. Stuart in her ears. Even after he told her and Janine about the new intercom feature, the sudden voice coming out of nowhere without warning still startled her.
“Judy, please tell Maria to came to my room, I’m ready to see her.”
“Yes, doctor.” Judy said, like talking to a ghost.
“Thank you.” The doctor answered in her ears.
“Dr. Stuart is ready to see you, please follow me.” Judy said to the girl.
She followed Judy and entered the room.
“Hello, Maria. I’m Dr. Stuart. I’ll be examining you today. Please sit in that chair.”
The doctor started to tie her to the chair. Maria almost panicked but before she cried for help, she remembered that Goddess sent her here. She tried to relax, without success.
Her vision was sharp so Dr. Stuart moved on taking molds of her eye and ears. She was very uneasy with the procedure, especially because the doctor did all the four molds at the same time, rendering her blind and deaf during the process. She was breathing heavily and tried several times to touch her face, but the binds didn’t allow her to move. In panic, she called for help. Dr. Stuart held her hand and gently caressed it, making her a little calmer, but still very uneasy.
With her mind quieter, Maria remembered that she was doing this as ordered by Goddess. That thought didn’t make her situation any easier for her but made her horny. Then Dr. Stuart removed the mold from her eyes and ears.
“All right, Maria, it’s done. I know it is uncomfortable but it was just a few minutes.”
“T… Thanks.” She said, with her eyes full of tears.
Dr. Stuart then directed her to Dr. William’s room.
“Good morning, Maria. I’m Dr. William, your dentist. Please sit here, let’s start.”
“You will bound me too? Is this a bondage clinic?”
“Yes, I will secure you to the chair, but we aren’t a bondage clinic. We’ve developed and install special devices. These are mostly used by the fetish and BDSM community.” Dr. William said in a serious tone, almost like he took an offense in her question. He then bound her in the chair and started working on filling a cavity before installing the Teeth Locker.
After a couple of hours, Dr. William had finished. He released Maria from her binds and instructed her how to brush and care of the device, without disclosing its true purpose.
“Maria, we are done today. You need to return here Friday, 2 PM to finish the work.” Dr. William said as his last instructions.
With her mouth still sore, Maria waved goodbye. She walked away stopping at the first drugstore, a few blocks from the Nexus Human Augmentations. There she bought some painkillers, as prescribed by Dr. William. She also bought a bottle of water and took the first pill right away. That was a wise decision because she spent a good amount of time waiting for a bus. Time enough for the medicine to work, diminishing the soreness in her mouth.
After the bus ride, she walked a couple of blocks and entered the small home where she lived alone. Maria threw herself down on her sofa and rested from the crazy morning she just had. But her mind was even more worried about her finances than the odd visit to the clinic that morning.
Maria Santos, her full name, was the daughter of a Brazilian couple, that had immigrated when she was still a small child. Since her teens, she had the desire to be independent of her parents and after finishing the high school, Maria got a decent job, enough to pay the rent for a small house in the suburbs. Her parents ran a small diner near the highway, and albeit earning enough for a good living, had little time to enjoy it, working in the place all Monday through Sunday. When Maria wanted to see her parents, she usually went to the diner while they worked and met them there. She did that about once a month.
Unemployed for two weeks now, Maria was worried about spending out her savings paying her rent. But she also didn’t want to return to her parents’ house. Of course, she would be very welcome there, but her pride drove her thoughts away from that path. Hopefully, Goddess will hire her soon and she can put her bank account back on track.
After a nap on the sofa, Maria awoke. Hungry, she filled a kettle. While the waiting for water to boil she went to her bathroom. She looked in the mirror what had happened inside her mouth. Her tongue felt the harsh metal of the braces glued to the inside of her teeth. She also felt a slight resistance to the movement of her jaw. After a careful inspection in the mirror, Maria had not concluded the purpose of the things installed in her mouth. She wore braces in her teens that gave her very straight teeth. Remembering that time and how she hated to wear the braces, Maria imagined that these things were there just to inflict pain in her. A feeling not strange to her when dealing with Goddess. The kettle than whistled and Maria ate a ramen.