A longer chastity and kind of bondage series by taszjekt on DeviantArt.

Tight Security by Taszjekt

Well… Did You ever consider how to smuggle explosives in if security is really tight? Those two youngsters did. I suppose, sooner or later, if suicidal attack is an open option and money aren’t a problem, we will witness this kind of action.

The action produces reaction. Stronger arrow creates stronger shield. But stronger shield creates a crossbow.

Well…. What to say… The idea of using human body cavities to smuggle goods through the border is well known and well used. Certainly it may be used to move solid objects. But what if a person going to commit suicidal kind of terrorist attack would eat and drink certain chemical components and then, later, on the deck, will somehow trigger the reaction? How could we protect against it? How many normally safe substances may produce deadly fumes or explosion when mixed?

What do You think about those suits? Green for trusted passengers, yellow for uncertain and orange for beware of, check them intimately.

Why the cleaning machine? Why just not do a through search? Search may find only what is known and prohibited. But what if some very plain, let me even say - normal - substances could be used to create a dangerous mix? For an example nitroglycerine components aren’t very rare. The best security aid is to ensure, that nothing is carried in on board. Thous, instead of searching for the unknown it’s better to flush everything out. From both sides ;) It’s like a “white list” versus a “black list”.

And yet a bit of teaser…. I added it because the size of font I have chosen doesn’t allow too much text to be placed on a single image. And without some explanation those devices I liked to draw would just pop-up from a nowhere without an appropriate context.

What devices? I suppose You will be able to guess.

Well… You knew something like that will pop-up, didn’t You?

A Toilet Security Agency is a rip of Southpark Studios idea from the that episode. It well fits the “safety over everything” based world.

Too technical maybe? But the product demonstration should be detailed, shouldn’t it?

Literally speaking it’s not a mature content. But if taking a context in an account…

Am I teasing too much? But I like a foreplay…

Do I need to say anything more? Well… her face didn’t came out nicely, so I let her say “I’m making a face like this”, thous turning own disadvantage into an advantage.

The machinery is ready to start. A device must be fit accurately, so….. In the normal real life industry the vibration settlement and vacuum settlement is used frequently when something flexible needs to be fitted into something inflexible. For an example something like this used to help a concrete to settle properly. Honestly….. I’m surprised I haven’t seen it used by a p*rn industry used yet.

Obviously for a human body to sit properly one should make it move a bit. Some exercising is necessary. Exercising while being tugged, sucked and vibrated is very close to the amazing idea shown in “Hysterical Literature: Session One: Stoya” (You need to google for it).

Obviously reaching the big O during a security product demonstration is no-no.

Do the company really needs a concession to manufacture adult toys? Obviously, if safety first, then Yes! First of all those toys do have a deep contact with a human body. They have to be proven healthy. Second, they are frequently electrically powered or in other way do apply some physical stress to a body. This must be checked for safety. And whom You can trust more than a government?!

And third, if one is using adult toys, then it means that either one doesn’t have a satisfactory sexual life or a plain, standard sex is not fulfilling enough. In both cases one’s relationship is somehow dysfunctional and is leading to lowering one’s happiness. In result it may turn out into a loss of work efficiency or a law breaking activity. Thous not only companies should be certified, but also toys users monitored.

The same way gamblers needs to be registered currently.

Ok, ok…. If You read it You may get a false impression that I’m seriously recommending it. Have You ever heard of a “Devil’s advocate”? In this case I’m playing this role.

On one hand - permanent. On the other - removable. Unless, of course, You would somehow loose the rivet pattern.

I’m currently not aware of an existence of any dual-shape memory material. Knowing from the literature how hard it is to make nickel-titanium melt to remember it’s shape I doubt that it could be done using a composite.

Sounded terribly but look…. quite plain, isn’t it? At least at the outside.

If You thought it’s all…. Remember the cleaning machine? Didn’t it have something around gal’s face?

The inside a stomach is the second common place to smuggle something. Not that easy to get out, but small acid resistant objects can be held there.

And again a detailed explanation. Breaks the mood? And it should - it’s about a business not the sex, isn’t it?

Why the “Hate Speach Monitoring Port”? It nicely fits in the obedient cattle society. It doesn’t invade the privacy (Yes, recording of every vocalized thought doesn’t invade it in the same way as a machine scanning of every internet activity doesn’t. There is no privacy violation unless a human is getting involved) and helps to fight the terrible crime of …. saying “I find it repulsive”.

The hate crime like this committed by Jerzy Urban ( a well know intelligent communists running a “NIE” newspaper today) who said: “Homosexuals… Intellectually I don’t have anything against. I like when people do what they like to do. But personally, if I would be happen to have an intercourse with a male… it’s repulsive.”

In today society the minorities (and as a chastity fetishists I’m also a minority) are requesting not a tolerance but full love and appreciation. Something like the US affirmation policy.

Remember about the rivet release pattern? The fact that she has both the primary and a backup pattern set in the same place opens some possibilities…. if the fire happens for an example.

Using advanced security is always related to some risk. In Poland a few years ago a proud, wealthy owner of a flat in a tightly guarded housing estate was shut to death by the security. He was drunk and ashamed of showing in this state to guards so he tried to cross the fence in a discrete way. Sadly the security was on on guard and reacted accurately.

And that’s all.


I suppose You will find it a bit peculiar - it has a proper subject, proper images but somehow the story is very less sensual. It’s as erotic and eating a breakfast.

At least it’s how I wished it to be made.
