This is an old story from the author Querthe, that I managed to find in an archive of

Story about a girl applying for a modelling job… Except, she doesn’t realize that the job might be a bit more permanent than others.

The New Mannequin

When Artesia exited the taxi, she looked immediately at the skyscraper in front of her, that was her final destination of the day. She paid the taxi driver and trespassed the road and entered the big and clean Ultimate Store hall.

“I hope today Luck decided to see me…” she smiled sadly, observing for a second her appearance in the reflecting surface of a lift.
She was in her early thirty, red wavy long hairs combed in a big ponytail with a black silk ribbon, her still young body wearing a suit in an elegant light blue, the skirt covering just the necessary of the knees, her slender legs moving freely over shoes with four inches high heels.

“Ok, Art, it’s your last chance. After it, you have only the job as bar cashier near home. Until you have a home. Rent has to be paid…”

“May I help you?” asked politely but sterile the girl at the reception, a pretty blonde more interest to her nails that to the customers."

“Yes… I have an appointment with Mrs. Gorgon. My name is Artesia N…”

“Please compile this while I call the person you request.” The girl stopped her, pushing in front of the woman a little sheet to be filled with some data.

“Ah… Mmmm, ok,” she mumbled, starting to write.

Some minute and a coffee from an automatic distributor after a black haired woman in her mid forty exited from the lift and searched for a second someone, then she directed sure to Artesia.

“Good morning. I’m Mrs Gorgon, but call me Mel. You are Artesia, I suppose?”

“Yes. Nice to meet you, Mel.” She shacked her hand, founding her skin soft and strangely smooth, as she was stroking a silk glove and not a true hand.

The woman was dressed in a simple grey suit and a white coat, as she was a doctor.

“Ah, you are seeing my coat… My job is not exactly only found new personnel. I’m also in R&D department.”

“Interesting. I’m quite curious to know what kind of Research you do for a store. I mean, researches not in the marketing and so on.”

“Curiosity killed the cat, you know?” she smiled, leading her in the lift and going at the high floors. “We are going to my office. We will talk a little, then, maybe you could see my researches…”

The office was clean and simple, but showing elegance and power, with leather chairs and a big and shiny wooden desk.

“So you contacted the Ultimate Store for a mannequin job. Why?”

“Well, Mel, I know I have an attractive body, and I used it sometime to have a job, but nothing that satisfied me. My secret dream is to be a mannequin, and I know that you use to do catwalks in your store to show the new products. One of my friends is working here and she gave me a news about searching for a mannequin. So…”

“Yes… We effectively did some catwalk for the new products, but now these catwalks are only for exclusive clients. Let say for really demanding people…” she smiled. “But effectively we need some more mannequin for our new collection, and I think you will be perfect for us. I can see in your curriculum vitae that you are still a single. Any relationship? Parents?”

“No, I have no boyfriends and my parents, well, I send them just a couple of postcard when I’m in holiday…” she smirked. There was not a really good relation with her parents. They wanted her only house and Church, she wanted some more from her life that to be a good wife and grow up children with an husband drinking cheap beer in front of the television.

The interview went on for half an hour, until Mel lift up.

“Well, I think I did already my decision. Welcome to Ultimate Store. I will lead you to the hall or, if you want, I can let you take a look at my R&D department…”

“Thank you. I’m quite curious to see what kind of experiments you are doing. I was quite good in chemistry at school…”

The black haired smiled and was followed by the other in the lift, but this time the doors opened some floor under the surface, showing an empty tunnel lightened by neon and filled with a soft buzzing sound.

“Cameras. For our security.” explained Mel. “Here we are testing a new kind of product that if functional, well, will revolutionize the market…” she stopped, apparently thinking hard before talking again. “Mmmm, maybe I will do a mistake, but maybe you will be helpful for us. Do you mind if I ask you to start your work right now?”

“Well, I have a lot of spare time. Yes, count on me!”

“Wonderful. I will explain a couple of things. Here we are studying a new way to produce mannequin. The ones for the shop windows, I mean. We are trying to reproduce the perfect mannequin taking a mould of true girls as you, but not with plaster and so on, too expensive and time wasting. We are using new products and computer graphic. A sort of virtual mould to use to create copies of our models…”

“Wow. It seems quite science fiction to me.”

“But it’s simplest if I show you. Follow me.”

They entered in a nosy room full of strange equipments, with a clear plexiglas cylinder one meter of diameter and quite three meters high on the centre of the room, connected to the devices with shiny tuber and cables.

“This one is the body scanner, the core of the process. Here we do, or better we will do our mannequins.”

“Wow…” she gasped, touching the cold surface.

“Do you wan to be a model?”


“Do you want to be a model of our mannequin? I could take just now the measures and see if the process works…”

“It’s… It’s…”

“Dangerous? As dangerous as sitting on a chair…”

Artesia thought for a while, the she nodded.

“What I have to do?”

“Just strip completely naked and enter in the cylinder. I will do the rest.”

The girl blushed but obeyed, and in a couple of minutes she was naked and closed in the clear plastic tube.

Artesia naked in the cylinder

“Good. Now stay still for some second, the scanner need some time to record your lattice.”

A green and subtle laser light lightened the redhead, that stopped also the breathing to achieve the complete immobility. The laser shut off.


“Quite done. Stay still again, with your limbs slightly separate from the body…”

Artesia did as asked, and a second after she was hit by a cold spray, that exited from the top and the bottom of the tank she was enclosed, covering her completely.

“What?” she cried.

“Sorry, I gave the wrong command to the machine. It’s only a water based resin, it will be off in a second…

“Resin? Mel, this thing is drying on me… Mel… I can’t move freellllly, Mmmmllll? Mmmmm…” she tried to say, but her muscles were not working.

Mel smiled seeing her predicament, and she walked near her.

“My dear, with the resin I mixed a chemical that stops your voluntary muscles. Oh, it’s just for a couple of hours, but I have all the time to create a perfect mannequin for my shop. The first one of many, many mannequins…” she giggled, starting to disrobe, until she was completely free from the clothes. Artesia looked at her in shock. Mel was sexless, her crotch smooth as a doll one.

“You saw my crotch? You sensed also the strange texture of my hand, I’m sure. Well, all my body is covered since two months by a new latex based compound that glue to the wearer skin, and that can be moulded as you want. Do you think these firm breasts and my flawless face are mine? No my love, they are based on the model of a girl that… let say… disappeared after the process… I tested also the new nanotecnology that is the core of the panties I’m wearing. No problem with bathrooms or menstruations, all body wastes are used to produce new energy and recycled in the body, so no need to drink or eat, if you dont’ want, or you can’t…”

Naked Mel with her doll body

“Mmmghttt. Nnnghttt?”

“I can’t understand you, but I think you want to know what will happen to you. Well, I tested that my compound can be worn for a long period, and now I’m ready for the next step. I will cover you with layers of this new compound, but the resin you have on your body will change the formula from removable to permanent, so it will became you new skin. You will also forgive your sex, but no fear, the panties are equipped for your pleasure, you want it or not… But this is only the first phase…”

Mel returned to the control panel and acted some lever and buttons. A shiny and thin fog flesh toned appeared inside the cylinder, covering completely the girl, while a mechanical arm from the bottom lifted and attached a two pieces semi-rigid sort of panties with big plugs. A sudden click signalled that the now sexless girl was ready for the second layer of latex over all her body and face.

Panties with large plugs fitted to Artesia

“Ah, the formula is not affecting your eyes, your hairs and your nails, so at the end I will just wash you to erase the surplus.”

In effect she was hit by a warm water shower arriving from one of the various pipe attached at the cylinder, leaving her perfectly shiny and covered, a sort of plastic mannequin of herself.

“Perfect. Now the suit.”


“Yes.” She answered, opening the cylinder and grabbing her to the waist, dragging the girl near the wall and leaving her as she was a broken robot. A big drawer was opened, and she extracted a transparent plastic suit with embedded crystal like circuits and little devices that were similar to motors and wires.

“These are the control and power motors and circuits of your suit. When you will be glued to this, you will be commanded by my computer, and I could link your body to mine with a similar suit, so I could control you as a robot. Obviously if you have no commands from the computer, you will just freeze in position. A perfect mannequin!”

Plastic suit with circuits

She dressed the girl inside the suit, complete with gloves, feet and a mask that moulded to her features perfectly, leaving only her hairs and eyes free. The mask had a moulded form for her mouth, so also her lips were covered and so controlled.

Mel grabbed again Artesia body and put again it inside the cylinder, where the latex compound sealed her inside the suit under other two layers of waterproof and skin-like material, only a little shiny, as flushed with perspiration. Some permanent make-up recreated her lips colour, while transparent contact lens covering the whole eyeball and glued to her true eyes leaved her unblinking but with still functioning eyes.

“Uuuu rrrree crrrrrzy!” she arrived to say, the effect of the poison finishing.

“Wow, just in time. Stop where you are!” Mel said, pushing a button. Artesia froze.

“Mmmmghtt, nnnghttt!” she could only stare at her, fury in her eyes.

“It works, it works!” clapped her hands in joy as a baby with a new toy. “But I need a lot of experiment. Would you help me?”

Artesia frozen in the cylinder


Some day after, a wonderful mannequin looked the city from the shop window of the Ultimate Store, dressed in an elegant leather dress. If you could see it at very close range, you could detect little tears on her eyes…

New mannequin in the display window
