An absolutely fantastic latex-drone story by LMF13 which has some awesome similar vibes to Eudeamon.

The story follows Rosanne joining a medical trial for some special suits to work in medical facilities. The involved suits are just a bit more than Rosanne expected.

The Medical Trial by LMF13

Act 1


Chapter 1

It was half past 4. “Just 30 more minutes and I can finally go home!” Rosanne thought. She continues with her e-mail. When done, she sent it and kicked back into her chair. She glanced at the bottom of the screen, 21 minutes remaining. She hated her job. She’d been doing this for almost 5 years. The boring meetings, the semi-mandatory dinners with her dull colleagues after work. And the office politics, geesh… everyone was nice to your face, yes. But behind your back there was the eternal gossiping, the pointy pokey thing that kept everyone in line. The backstabbing had become a thing here ever since the new leadership took over. She tried to shake the thoughts and decided to check her personal email. She did most of the work around here anyway, so why the hell not. She logged in quickly as no one was looking.

She got 10 emails of which 9 were spam and one was a pending bill. “Great…” she thought, looking closer, she saw one email from this medical organisation she once did a test trial for. As she needed a quick and easy buck back then. Every now and then, received invites from them and didn’t want to take the risk again. But this one was different. The trial lasted 14 days, but the 12k compensation was hard to ignore. That was roughly five months of salary for just two weeks of time!

This was her lucky break, with that money, she could quit this job right now and leisurely search for a new and better one. This sounded like a plan! When the clock hit 5, she gathered her things and made her way out of the building. On the drive home, she kept thinking about it: “This is going to be my great escape.” She thought. Once home, she quickly ordered some celebratory sushi and decided to take a closer look at the invitation:

“Dear miss R. Tawnee,

We are launching a new medical test trial for a period of two weeks.

Once the trial is completed, all attendees will receive 12000, - in compensation.

Due to the sensitivity of this new technology, we can not disclose any details.

Wish to know more? Please send us a reply.”

Seconds later, she was already writing one, even saying that she would be available right now! At this point there was no stopping her. The past 5 years, she had never received a raise anyway. And on top of that, she had a zero hour-contract… Always living in the fear of being fired. But it also meant that she could quit whenever she wanted. “Shoulda given me that raise!” She thought before hitting send.

Rosanne relaxed on the couch, fantasising about never returning to that stupid place ever again. If she’d want, she could even take a month off. Just to have some time for herself for once. And having plenty of time left to find a better job too!

The rest of the evening went by quickly. Quitting her job and doing the trial was all she could think about. She did wonder what it would entail, having no clue as to what the test is about. But she imagined it to be very important research. It wasn’t normal for them to not specify any details. But she thought she’d probably be helping save lives, so, she’d gladly do it.

The next morning at work, she checked her mail again. Hoping there would be a response from them. Once she logged in, there it was! Her eyes widened as she read:

“Thank you for being available on such short notice. we’d like to invite you to our facility for a meeting today at 12:00.”

“This is really happening!” she thought. And with a mix of excitement and anxiety, she got up from her desk and went to her manager’s office. Her legs were a bit shaky since she knew that she’d probably get lectured about why she can’t just go and take a week off.

Rosanne was right. The manager bluntly stated: “you know that’s sounds ridiculous. We can’t afford that right now, it’s too busy for that and you know it!”

She knew he’d say something like that. It felt like she had no other choice but to quit now. But if she did, she was practically forced to do the test. And she didn’t even know the risks yet.

She knew her previous experience wasn’t that bad and that she hated this job anyway. So, she decided to throw herself into the deep and said: “Okay, I’ll have to quit then.”

As expected, her manager’s face turned beet-red and went on a tirade about being collegial and what not. But she’d already made up her mind and while he was still barking his usual nonsense, she just turned around and walked away.

“You know what you’re fired!” She heard him yell from behind.

“Well, that went smooth…” she sarcastically said to herself. She did tell some coworkers she had just quit. Everyone was shocked, as was she though. As she herself could barely believe that she just did that.

Chapter 2

She arrived at the building some time later and went inside. Things have changed a bit since the last time she was here. She greeted a woman in a tight and shiny nurse uniform at the desk and took a seat in de waiting room. “That’s definitely new…” She thought. A few minutes passed before a man in a glossy white lab coat came to pick her up. They went into a small office, and both took a seat opposite of each other. He opened a drawer and took out some paperwork, put it on the table and finally began to speak:

“Thank you for coming on such short notice. My name is Dr Aril. You’re the first one actually! Anyway, I guess you must be very curious as to what this is all about. But before I can tell you, you need to sign this NDA.”

She quickly scanned the document and signed without much hesitation, he continued:

“Fantastic, before I begin, I should say that this test is already perfectly safe. The material has been thoroughly tested in that regard. What we’re trying to understand is, the potential mental side effects.”

Rosanne felt a bit more at ease, knowing it wasn’t going to be dangerous. But she still didn’t know what he was talking about, but he continued:

“We’re testing a new kind of nano technology to protect certain hospital staff against dangerous substances and diseases. This new material will be sprayed directly onto the skin to form a protective layer. The idea is to coat the whole body to form a hermetically sealed suit.”

“Sort of like a hazmat suit?” Rosanne asked.

“Exactly. But adhered directly to the skin. The idea is that it’s easier to perform complex tasks this way. Regular gloves can be cumbersome and are easily punctured. This new material is puncture resistant and self-healing. It’s the stuff of magic! But that’s the reason why we don’t want this technology to leak. It might have potential military applications… and we don’t want that. We’re here to extend life, not shorten it. So, I hope you understand the secrecy.”

“Y-yeah I get that!” Rosanne said.

“Good. Now, this suit is going to be quite invasive. You see, to achieve a perfect seal, almost every orifice needs to be sealed. And don’t worry, you’ll be able to breathe just fine. Tubes are placed for feeding and to allow for the use of a toilet. These openings are self-sealing. Except the nose opening of course. A special filter could be placed in the nasal cavity to protect the wearer from anything bad floating through the air. But those have already been tested. Now, before the new skin is applied, multi-purpose pads are adhered to various places onto the skin. These are among other things to monitor the wearer’s health. So, we know when there’s something wrong.”

Rosanne listened intently as he was explaining the procedure. Somehow the idea of being sealed like that intrigued her. She had so many questions, but the doctor continued before she could interrupt him.

“Now, I can imagine that this all sounds quite scary. If you feel the need to think this through, I completely understand… If you’re prone to feeling claustrophobic, I suggest you don’t do this trial.”

Not sure what to say, Rosanne remained silent for a moment. She tried to imagine what it would be like. What it would feel like to wear what she imagined to be a spray-on hazmat suit. To be completely encased in a state-of-the-art experimental coating while various medical professionals would perform tests on her. The whole idea was quite exciting to her. She felt her belly churn in a way she never experienced before. Somehow the whole idea seemed to arouse her in a strange way.

“I’ll do it!” She blurted out.

“Fantastic Rosanne! Here’s the contract then, just sign here, and here and we are ready to start your temporary transformation.” He said and smiled.

Rosanne quickly scanned the contract and thought not much of it. Just the usual cover your ass type language. She signed and the doctor warmly thanked her for participating. He showed her to another area. It looked like a proper lab with all kinds of complicated looking devices and machines.

“Right, here we are. This is where we begin the procedure. Please undress and lie down on the table there.” He said.

She did so and he started preparing various items on a trolley next to her. Once she was on the table, he promptly applied the pads to various places on her body. Even her nipples received a pair, which seemed strange, but also a bit kinky to her. He was already hooking the wires together and adhering those to her skin with a weird cold, teal coloured gel while he said: “This is actually the same material as the rest of the suit. In a moment, it may warm up quite a bit. But that’s temporary.”

He then made all the wires converge along her spine and all the way to the top of her head. Then he applied some gel there as well to keep it in place. She felt the cool liquid warm up and stiffen slightly.

“This feels pretty strange!” she giggled.

“Pretty neat huh?” He said and continued with the next step. He picked something up that looked a lot like a butt plug. When he ordered her to get on all fours she knew what it was for. He explained that this was to prevent the nano-material to seal off her way to go to the toilet. She thought it was kind of weird, but then again, she wasn’t complaining! And with lots of lube he gently inserted it. With her anus stretched open, he then fetched a tube of some sorts and applied a generous amount of lube onto that as well.

“Now I’m going to apply the catheter. This is going to hurt a bit.” He said as he carefully inserted it. It did hurt quite a bit, and once it was in, she suddenly felt the need to pee. At least the pain quickly dissipated.

He then ordered her to lie on her back again and grabbed two more tubes with bulges. She already guessed that these were for her nose. After he applied some lube to those too, he gently fed them into her nasal cavity. It wasn’t a nice sensation, and she was glad when it was over. She immediately noticed the loss of smell. He paused and then spoke again, “okay, worst part should be over. You’re doing great! Now, I’m going to apply these earplugs so we can communicate while you’re encased in the suit.”

He gently pushed them into her ears and everything went silent. He then connected some wires and adhered them to her scalp.

She could hear his muffled voice as he said, “these will activate when the control cap is applied.”

He then motioned her to get up and stand in what looked like a glass tube of some sorts. He connected two dangling tubes to her nose and closed the hatch. She could feel air being pushed into her lungs and out. She instinctively started breathing in the same rhythm and then suddenly, the bottom of the tube started filling up with the same teal coloured liquid from before. She saw the doctor leave the room and she started to understand the weight of her situation…

Chapter 3

Feeling the ominous presence of the various tubes, she lost her nerve. “This is going to be a very intense few weeks!” She thought as the liquid quickly rose higher. Soon it was up against her crotch. She started to shiver as the cold liquid slowly creeped higher. It was at her belly when she felt something pushing below. She gasped as the liquid forced its way deep into her vagina and urethra. She was becoming legitimately scared by now. But the liquid was quickly reaching her neck. It was going too fast, there was barely time to think. She closed her mouth and eyes while waiting for the inevitable. The liquid rose past her mouth and nose. She held her eyes and mouth tightly shut as it rose further up. It moved past her eyes and within seconds, she was completely submerged.

She then felt something pushing against her mouth. She tried to fight it as hard as she could. But the liquid easily slipped through her lips and into her mouth. She was in complete terror as the invading liquid filled her mouth completely. It was trapping her tongue and even seeping between the gaps of her teeth, trapping her jaw as well. Then it extended deeper into her throat. She choked but the liquid knew exactly what it was doing and somehow, she could still breathe normally through her nose. The liquid stopped moving, but Rosanne was in complete terror and began to thrash her limbs around, trying to get it out.

Then suddenly, she felt the liquid move between her eyelids too! In utter disbelief, she felt the cold liquid move gently into her tear ducts, past her eyes and into her sinus. Strangely, it didn’t hurt but she was completely freaked out and then: Suddenly, she felt a most complete sense of calmness wash over her.

Was it messing with her brain? It didn’t make sense to her. Something must be going horribly wrong. But she couldn’t help but feel relaxed somehow. Was she discovering some kind of kink she had repressed all her life? Was it the liquid that somehow knew what part of her brain was causing her to panic and disabling it? Or was it some sort of sedative? Either way, she didn’t feel scared anymore. That she knew. Her tense muscles relaxed and suddenly a great sense of warmth enveloped her. It was the nanites doing their work on her. Unbeknownst to her, it was dissolving her hair and seeping into every follicle. The warm tingling sensation continued for several minutes until every pore and gap in her skin was sealed. The liquid was forming a stretchy layer, glued to her skin. As she tried to move her arms, she instinctively tried to look down. But her eyes were glued stuck by now. This should have sent her into panic mode again. But due to the nano-latex that didn’t happen. She remained calm somehow. She moved her arms and felt the now stiff and stretchy layer pull them back into their original position. She tried the same with her legs and the same thing happened. Her stretchy embrace pulled them back as soon as she relaxed her muscles. It felt like a thick sheet of rubber was glued to her skin. Every movement she made was met with resistance.

Suddenly, she felt the slight rush of rapid moving liquid. The pod was being drained and suddenly, she was standing on her feet again. She stood motionless for a couple of minutes. Still trying to comprehend the totality of her situation. She felt the vague touch of a hand on her shoulder, beckoning her to get out. The doctor was back and guided her to the table before she was lying flat again. Suddenly, she felt some more liquid being applied to her feet. And then something was pushed over her toes. She couldn’t see or hear anything, but she figured that it must be some sort of slippers or something. Then, he applied the some on top op her head. He then attached something to that same area. She figured it must be the control-cap. She was proven right as the whole suit began to shift and move somehow. She felt tendrils move over her scalp. A connection being made between what was on her head and the wires connecting to the pads and earplugs adhered to her earlier.

A minute later, the earplugs gave out a static noise before she heard the voice of a different doctor. At least, that’s what she assumed he was.

“Hi there Rosanna. I’m Dr Husk. Your transformation is almost complete. I’ve just installed your shoes and your headpiece. According to the diagnostics I see here, the connection to your multi-pads, earplugs and nano skin is successful. Are you feeling well Rosanna?”

She nodded “Yes”. But she wasn’t entirely sure.

“Now, according to the data here, you’re very confused, anxious, and worried. But you’re also remaining very calm. Is that correct?”

How he knew all of this was a mystery to her. But he was spot on. So, she nodded “Yes” again.

“Good, good… The control cap is working as intended. The nano-gel has a built-in mechanism to prevent a fight or flight response by sedating some specific parts of the brain. It’s a normal reaction. We’re all hardwired to protect our most sensitive areas like the eyes for instance. But any build-up of fluids like sweat or tears can lead to a nasty infection. Since this is a longer-term test, we had to be thorough. Sorry about that. I hope this at least made the experience a bit more bearable.”

Rosanna was shocked. It just messed around with her brain and they didn’t even warn her? But imagining what it would have been like without that help was a scary prospect to put it mildly. So, she nodded “Yes”. As it was indeed very effective.

“Good! And don’t worry, these effects should wear off in a day or two. I’m going to send a program to your headpiece. We still need to make a few adjustments. Here it comes in 3-2-1…”

The skin started to shift and tighten at some areas. The area around her breasts seemed to become more rigid, creating a sports-bra effect. She thought it was a neat idea. Then her waist was tightened until her breathing was becoming a bit shallower, before becoming more rigid as well. The area around her toes were becoming hard and she couldn’t move her toes anymore. That part she didn’t understand though.

“This should make things a bit more comfortable. Oh, and by the way, the waist reduction is to give you better back-support. Imagine lifting patients all day… I used to do that a lot and believe me, I wish I wore a corset back then!”

Rosanne chuckled without any sound; her current state didn’t allow it. The doctor was only able to make out the movements of it, which looked more like convulsions to him.

“A-are you choking?” He asked, worriedly.

Rosanna shook her head and gave him a thumbs up.

“Sheesh! I almost pissed my pants… Oh I see, you were trying to laugh!”

She chuckled again. At least he seemed like he genuinely cared for her well-being.

“That’s a good sign! You seem to be adjusting better than we expected. I’m going to make one final change and then it’s basically all done, here it comes…”

She felt various areas warm up again. She wondered what was happening, but he was already ahead of her:

“It’s altering some areas to reflect light differently. I wish you could see it yourself; it suits you really well!”

She shrugged, not sure what he meant exactly.

“We can make it change colour to a limited extent. It’s creating red bands with some identification markings. We wouldn’t want to confuse you with other test subjects now, would we?”

She shook her head in agreement.

“Well, you look fantastic! I’ll disable and lock the morphing functionality now. It’s just for safety. We can only do that a limited number of times before it becomes permanent. It’s so we can get you out safely when the test trial is done. - Try to sit up please.”

She did so and noticed the resistance of her new skin, especially around her waist. He took one of her hands and asked her to try to put one foot on the floor. She immediately noticed something strange. She wasn’t able to put her foot flat, it felt as if something was protruding under her foot.

“Oh, y-yeah, that’s because you’re wearing a pair of very special heels. Try to put your foot vertically.”

Confused, she did so and noticed the steep angle her foot needed to be in. Wondering how she could even walk like this, she tried to put some more weight on it. Thanks to the hardened area around her toes, it was supporting her weight quite well. But why the weird heels? She had no clue.

He didn’t say anything and just helped her with her other foot. Soon she was standing literally on the very tips of her toes. Fortunately, he was holding her firmly. Only able to take miniscule steps, he slowly guided her somewhere. But of course, she couldn’t see where. A few wobbly minutes later, he said:

“Here we are, your bed for tonight. The suit needs to complete it’s bonding with you further and your control cap needs to finish its calibrating as well. So try to get some sleep.”

As he helped her onto the bed and said:

“Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day. You must have many questions but just know that you’ll find out soon! Anyway, sleep well.”

And with that, he disconnected the microphone in the control-cap. She was completely alone now, fully aware of how helpless she was. She was blind, deaf and her sense of touch was drastically reduced. She carefully touched her new skin. Every part of her body felt rubbery and alien to her. She tried to feel her face, but all that was there was a smooth surface with two holes at her nose. She was completely unrecognisable. She felt the control cap on top of her head and tried to make out its shape. It seemed to resemble a stereotypical nurse’s cap, made from a hard material.

Next, she tried to feel her feet. It was quite difficult with the integrated corset, but eventually she managed. She noticed the long, thin heel and the toe-box around her lower foot. She realised that she was really wearing ballet-heels! It worried her quite a bit. She wanted to know why any medical worker would need to wear a fetish item… She was unable to speak and ask anyone, which only made her feel more helpless and frustrated.

What made it even worse, was that she could only lay there alone with her thoughts. The various tubes that were inside her still felt very strange. Her nose felt sore and down below, she had the constant feeling of needing to pee and the plug in her rear didn’t feel any better. It was difficult to find any distraction from these very present intruders.

She couldn’t know if she was alone or not, but eventually she had to try one last thing. Hoping that no one was looking, she spread her legs and moved her hand to her crotch. She noticed that the material was slightly thinner in that area. Her vagina was filled and tried to push it deeper. But to her disappointment, it didn’t do much for her. Then she tried to stimulate her clitoris. Despite of being covered under a layer of the rubbery substance, she was still able to feel something. It wasn’t a lot though. But after a while of trying, she became aroused nonetheless. She was relieved that she could still stimulate herself. Being completely shut off from the outside world, she was completely alone with her thoughts. Which only amplified the sensations she was feeling. To her surprise, thinking of the tightness of her embrace. And the ever-so-present probes that were nestled deep into her orifices, only made her more aroused. She felt helpless but protected and safe as well. She didn’t understand why, and didn’t care either. It somehow felt good to be sealed like this. And the more she focussed on it, the closer she came to a climax that was just out of reach. She kept at it for what felt like an eternity, until she became tired and finally gave up. Frustrated and tired, she fell into a deep sleep.

While she was sleeping, the control-cap was interfacing with the suit, as well as reading the data that the multi-pads underneath provided. The conductive elements within the nanomaterial formed a web of wires and connections. Her brain was slowly being connected to the control-cap via the nanomaterial of her suit. It was slowly becoming more and more part of her very being.

Meanwhile, she dreamt she was a nurse was in a hospital of some sorts, being ordered around and used like a machine. The staff would smack her on the butt as she tottered past them on her impossible heels. She was assisting in various places around the hospital, but always treated like she wasn’t a human being, although everyone knew that she was. And… she knew that they knew?

Suddenly everything went pitch black and silent. At a distance, within the black void she saw a female figure. She tried to move closer but couldn’t. Instead, the figure was coming toward her. As it got closer, she could see that its face had no features. The curvaceous figure still walking toward her, swaying its hips with every step. When right in front of her, it extended its arms before hugging her tightly. Held firmly within its grip, she felt safe and nurtured. It was an overwhelming feeling. The warm embrace seemed to spread around her whole body, encapsulating her completely. She couldn’t see the female apparition anymore as it seemed to have become part of her now. She started crying. Unsure whether it was tears of joy, or sorrow…

Act 2


Chapter 4

She woke up the next morning. Everything was dark and silent. Trying to rub her eyes like she usually did, she just felt the smooth and rubbery surface that covered them. She instantly remembered her dream and the events of yesterday. The feelings from her dream were lingering. She never had dreams this real before. Of course, every dream felt real in some way. But waking up always threw her back into reality. This time however, it felt like reality and dream were one and the same. She realised that this stuff really had a profound impact on her mental state already. Everything felt strange and new, like being reborn in a way. Utterly oblivious to the outside world, she was in her own bubble now. All she had was her thoughts and the stretchy and tight embrace of her new skin. She started to worry that, out of sheer lack of stimulus, she might go crazy at some point. How would she survive two weeks of this? She already felt like prisoner, why would they isolate someone like this? Couldn’t they just leave her face exposed and use a gasmask!? Something was off. She knew they were hiding something. And whatever that may be, she would probably find out soon. To add to her distress, she knew full well there was nothing she could do about it. She was completely at their mercy. Whatever plans they had for her…

Unbeknownst to her, the doctor from before was standing beside her bed, monitoring her with his tablet. When he was sure all vital signs were green and the suit was ready, he reactivated her ear plugs again and greeted her:

“Good morning, Rosanne. I see you’ve slept well, very good. Your suit successfully finished bonding and calibrating while you were asleep. –

Let’s see, we’ll set the correction counter on normal, the rewards on normal and all basic needs on notify…

Now what was the timeframe again? Oh, right, 14 days. Yep, that’s set too…

Now let’s lock everything into view only so no one can tamper with you until your trial is complete.

Granting the control cap full authority over you in 3, 2, 1…”

Suddenly, Rosanne felt her body move without her input. The control cap overriding her motor-cortex. Within seconds, she was on her feet. Standing at attention, arms folded behind her back.

She stood there in utter disbelief. She tried to move, achieving only about an inch or so before the suit pushed her back into submission. Everything she tried only resulted in the opposite muscle fighting against her. Her own body was disobeying her every order! In utter terror, she kept trying until a robotic female voice spoke directly into her ears: “Remain still, disobedience will result in penalties.” She didn’t care what it said and kept trying to fight it, only resulting in straining against her own muscles. Suddenly, she felt painful electric shocks all over. “Repeated disobedience detected, adding 1 days to total time until release.” The voice calmly stated. She wanted to cry, she already regretted signing up for this. But this was just pure evil! There was nothing she could do but wait until the test trial was finished. And now that she discovered she had to do extra time for every infraction, she was sure there was something more nefarious going on…

The doctor spoke again:

“Good, the override is working flawlessly. Time penalty seems to work too!

Your test period of no less than two weeks starts now. From now on, you will only be referred to as Nurse Drone One. Must be quite the honour to be number one!”

“Oh, what a fucking honour.” She thought and he casually continued:

“Hmm, let’s check on how you’re doing. Huh, according to your data here, you seem quite unhappy. I suppose that was to be expected…

Nurse drone one, free neck movement please.”

And with that’s she felt control over her neck return.

“I’ll ask you some simple yes or no questions. Is that okay with you?”

She didn’t trust him but maybe, just maybe, he’d ask her if she wanted to abort the test and she’d be freed. So, she nodded a yes.

“Good, first question, answer honestly: Do you feel any regret signing up for this?

She vigorously nodded yes.

“Okay, noted. Do you feel helpless and vulnerable?”

She nodded yes again.

“Hm-hm good, are you feeling lonely right now?”

What kind of a question was that? And how is feeling helpless and vulnerable good? She tilted her head, trying to convey her indisposition but he just interpreted that as a no.

“Good. Okay, last question: Do you wish to cancel the test?”

She nodded yes as if her life depended on it, but he simply said “Noted… try to be a good drone. It’ll help.” and she heard the earplugs shut off. She tilted her head up in frustration before she was forced back into her old position.

“That’s it?!” She thought. Still hoping that she’d be freed from the suit. But to her utter horror, that didn’t happen. Instead, she felt something being pushed against her face, where her mouth would be. Due to her thoroughly gagged mouth, she could only feel that something cool was being pumped down deep into her. “What is he doing to me?” She thought. But after a couple of seconds, her stomach began to feel full. Then, what felt like a pulling sensation happened as the doctor was removing the feeding tube. She began to understand what just happened; it was probably her breakfast… She silently cried tearlessly under the thick material that was covering her entire face.

For what felt like an eternity, she remained standing there before being forced to walk somewhere with her arms remaining in the same position. She did notice that while under the control of the suit, she had no problem walking at all with the extreme heels. In normal circumstances, she wouldn’t even be able to walk without something to hold on to. Since the suit has complete control over her, it just made her do it effortlessly. She was being walked to a room full of exercise equipment. Of course, she had no idea. She wondered how it knew where to go. She felt herself opening doors and changing direction a couple of times. But she didn’t see or hear any of it. It all felt so alien to her, like being just a conscience trapped in a body without being its owner. She tried to just let it do its thing. It was hard, the pain in her feet and calves was becoming more severe. But she had to try to let go of the steering wheel. As she absolutely didn’t want to extend her encasement any longer than it was already going to be. Trying to cope with the ordeal she was in. She tried to view herself as just a passenger, with 12k waiting for her at the destination.

She felt herself stop and then stepping onto a slightly elevated platform. The surface felt more grippy than the smooth tiles she was on before. Then suddenly, the ground started moving under her. And before she thought she’d fall over; her legs began walking again. In trying to figure out what was happening, she instinctively tried to look down. But of course, nothing happened. Afraid of being punished again, she didn’t dare to try again. It was pointless anyway; she couldn’t even see. But she guessed she was on some kind of a treadmill. She was walking with a quick pace. The suit was training her, conditioning her feet to their new vertical position. After a while, the pain in her feet and legs were becoming unbearable. Remaining calm was becoming impossible. She began crying again and fighting back. From the outside, the stuttering movements only made it look like she was a walking robot. Then to her horror, more severe electric shocks were administered from every multi-pad, the female voice returned with another soul crushing announcement: “Repeated disobedience detected. Adding 1 days to total time until release.” She was devastated. She couldn’t help it. The pain was too intense, she had no control over it. Trying to get herself to relax was impossible. Then suddenly, the voice spoke again: “Pain threshold reached.” And everything stopped. She stood still on the treadmill with the throbbing pain persisting. She just stood there, sobbing in the dark silence. After a while the cramps in her feet and calves seemed to dissipate and the treadmill began speeding up again. Strangely enough, the pain was largely gone this time. After another fifteen minutes of walking, the voice spoke again, “Leg calibration complete.” A wave of relief washed over her as she came to a stop again. It seemed like the suit had changed something in her legs. Without her knowing, the nanites were changing her physiology, shortening her tendons and forming calluses on her toes at a rapid pace.

She spent the rest of the day in that same room. Lifting weights while standing on her toes, returning to the treadmill again while holding weights and finally, after hours of training and conditioning, the voice said, “Full body calibration complete.” Fortunately, she managed to remain somewhat docile, evading more time being added to her imprisonment.

The last few hours, her bladder was starting to become full and by now, it felt like it could burst any moment. She felt herself walking the (what she assumed to be) hallways again. Every step was painful as contents of her bladder were being sloshed around. When going around a corner, she felt herself turn around and squat down. The valves in her catheter and rear plug opened and she felt herself rapidly emptying. It was the best feeling she’d ever felt the past two days. She got up again and walked some more before coming to a standstill. She felt the pressure on her face again and more food paste was injected. She then felt herself move once more and found herself lying flat on her back.

“End of day summary: Time penalty, 2 days. Behaviour, disobedient.

Calculating appropriate treatment… Done.

Today’s treatment concludes:

4 hours of stimulation with orgasm denial and education.”

She couldn’t believe what she just heard. Orgasm denial and education? What was there to learn?! But before she could think of anything more meaningful, the multi-pads on her crotch, nipples and breasts began to vibrate. The mass inside her vagina began to expand as well. In just a few minutes, she was already becoming very aroused and frustrated. She tried to move her arm to rub her clitoris but again, it was futile. The voice returned:

“Your name is Nurse Drone One. Your former identity is gone.

You’re a Nurse Drone, an object. Identical, obedient and perfect.”

With this mantra on repeat, Rosanne was slowly going crazy with a mix of boredom, desire and frustration. Eventually, with climax almost reaching a thunderous conclusion, it was taken away from her. The vibrations and the voice stopped. When her breathing and heartbeat slowed down enough, it would all start over again. She could do nothing except fight the constant suggestions of her new companion.

An hour or two later, the monotone mantra became a welcoming sign of pleasure to come. She began reciting the mantra in her head, hoping to please the mistress that was her encasement. Hoping to earn just one orgasm. But she knew deep down, it would never come…

Meanwhile, throughout the entire day, they were monitoring everything carefully. Her vital signs and the automated training program that was slowly altering her mind and body.

Without her knowledge, a few other volunteers got suited up as well and would experience the same ordeal as Rosanne the next day…

Chapter 5

4 days had passed, Rosanne was becoming more and more docile. In total, she had received 7 additional days of added time. The past days consisted mostly of more exercise and conditioning. Her body was becoming more and more efficient, needing only one nutrient paste filling a day. This was due to the way the suit optimised her performance. In addition, thinking was mostly done by the control cap. Rosanne was starting to enjoy the feeling of being a slave to her encased existence. The total lack of vision and hearing only brought her deeper into a meditative state. She began to appreciate the loss of control, not having to make difficult decisions and worry about the consequences. It was all done for her. All she had to do was to let go. Of course, she still wanted her freedom back. Deep down, she knew that the longer she’d stay encased, the more difficult it would become to pick her life up afterwards. But every time she tried to resist; additional time was added… All she could do was to accept the situation she was in.

Today, she managed to completely give herself over to the suit. Not resisting all day was hard, but she figured that the reward would probably be worth it. As she was being walked back to her sleeping area, she felt butterflies in anticipation of what might come next. Once she was lying flat on her back again, the voice spoke:

“End of day summary: Time penalty, none. Behaviour, docile. Performance, good.

Calculating appropriate treatment… Done.

Today’s treatment concludes:

6 hours of unlimited stimulation.”

And with that, the most pleasurable 6 hours of her life would begin. Every multi-pad began tickling her most pleasurable areas. With the suit tightening all around her, amplifying the sensations, she instantly was in the most complete bliss she’d ever felt. Especially after the past days of complete silence and darkness.

She was laying completely still, not trying to touch herself in fear of punishment. Just invisibly receiving orgasm after orgasm.

Meanwhile, in the control room. Where the drones were monitored, Rosanne’s status popped up, showing a message: “ND-1 is ready for test phase 2.”

The next day, ND-1 stood up and made its way to the meeting room. In the room, the various technicians and doctors were having a debate about the product that casually entered the room and stood in front of them. Apon noticing the curvaceous drone that stood at attention in front of them, everyone went silent.

“Who ordered her to this meeting?" Dr Aril asked, Breaking the silence.

“Me…” Dr Husk said, the one that helped with her encasement.

“Husk, for god’s sake… Can she hear us?”

“No, but if you want to- “

“That won’t be necessary!” Dr Aril barked.

The door opened again and instead of a drone; another unexpected visitor interrupted the meeting. It was Miss Highton, the owner of Permalatex inc. She simply greeted everyone and took an empty seat. “Go on then.” She said.

“Err m-miss Highton, we were discussing the progress of ND-1 over there.”

She looked up as if she didn’t even notice it before.

“What about it?” She callously asked.

“Well, we think she’s already starting to break inside the suit.” Dr Aril said nervously.

Highton simply smiled wickedly and said, “And why would that be?”

Dr Husk cleared his throat and said, “Well, we did everything according to your requirements, but she seems to be becoming suit-dependant. We usually test medicine here, not experimental Permalatex tech. And Dr Aril is concerned about ethi-”

“Nonsense, then do the dependence test. You’ll see she’s fine.” She said.

“Right okay, ND-1 external audio and free neck movement please.” Husk said.

He got up from his seat, picked up his tablet and began speaking to Rosanne, “Hi, I’m going to ask you some yes or no questions again. Can you do that?”

She felt her neck becoming her own again and gingerly nodded “yes”.

“Good, first question: Do you feel any regret signing up for this?

She slowly nodded “no”.

“Do you feel helpless and vulnerable?”

She nodded “yes”.

“Are you feeling lonely right now?”

She shook “no” again.

“Okay, and the final question: Do you wish to cancel the test?”

She shook her head “no”.

“Okay, thank you.” He said and disabled her hearing and free movement again before speaking to Highton:

“It seems to me that this test is pointless anyway as these answers are clearly influenced by the suit.”

Dr Aril hissed, “Look, I think this is completely unethical! I couldn’t bear seeing the poor woman starting to panic as she was being submerged in that perverted Permalatex concoction of yours! And knowing that she’s most likely irreversibly changing physically and mentally is where I draw the line!”

“I’m removing you from this project as of this instance Dr Aril.” She said without any visible emotion.

Dr Aril’s face turned white from anger and while he was going for the door he yelled, “This will bite you in the ass one day Highton!”

He slammed the door shut and he was gone. Highton sighed and said, “Any other objections?”

They all unanimously said no. Dr Husk went even so far as to say, “I think this is awesome!”

“That’s why I like you, Husk! – Here’s the idea, ND-1 here is simply living in ecstasy. No doubt about that! It looks to me that this is a success. As long as she’s happy, I’m happy! So, I’m suggesting we move to phase two. With Dr Aril out of the way, you guys can send out more invites to suitable subjects and leave the two week “test” period as it is. After two weeks they’ll all be thoroughly suit-dependant and very willing Nurse Drones for my medical venture. You’ll remove the suits once their “trial” period is over, then give them the option to sign up for at least one year. Once they come crawling back, begging to be sealed up again, do it, set the penalty system on severe and rewards on scant. Don’t place their nose filters until their second contract as they only need them in the real world, and the added breath restriction should make them nicely frustrated. Together with this and the stricter penalties and rewards, it will simply guarantee permanent encasement. Any questions?” Highton said.

“Sounds like a solid plan!” Husk said with a wicked grin.

“Good, I’ll expect the first batch to be ready within a few weeks then. And Dr Husk, I’m appointing you as the new director in this operation.”

Highton got up from her chair and casually waved them goodbye before disappearing out of the meeting room.

“All right boys, you heard the lady, let’s get to work!”

Chapter 6

Finally, the test period was nearing its end. She has been locked in the suit almost a month now. Yesterday, Dr Husk told her that she had one day left. She had mixed feelings about it. She still wanted to be free, to be able to hear and see the world. But with that freedom came anxiety as well… She could have never known how one month could be so taxing on her psyche. But it was almost over now. What at first became a total horror show, transformed into a calming, meditative experience. One that taught her to appreciate the little things. Being completely deaf, blind and helplessly aroused was an interesting experience to say the least. The past few weeks, she had learned to satisfy the control-cap’s demands. It was rewarding her at multiple times a day, keeping her entertained while it made her do mundane tasks. But everything has its end. The suit spoke into her ears one last time: “Removing control, releasing occupant.”

The stuff that had tightly clung to her entire being began to recede gently. Removing itself from the cavities in her head and lower torso, the once solid became liquid again and poured down past her legs and into a drain. With her head free, she could hear things again. It was almost overwhelming. She had to think about standing upright, or she would fall over. She noticed that she was unable to place her feet flat on the floor. Slowly, she opened her eyes again, squinting against the light. Her blurry vision slowly sharpened, and she could see she was in that same pod again. She saw a blurry figure opening the hatch for her. Carefully helping her out. He gave her a blanket and walked out of the room, giving her time to collect her senses. He returned with a glass of water, she tried to take a sip, but it felt all very unfamiliar. She had to actually think about swallowing it. By now, she was used to having her throat filled with something solid.

Eventually, she was back into her clothes again. Her vision had become normal again and she already began to return to normalcy. Everything was very tiresome, but she managed.

The health checks were already done by now and she had no serious ill effects besides the shortened tendons and a bald head. They told her that in due time, it would fade. And that her hair would grow back. They gave her some heels to wear and a wig. She wished she knew this beforehand. But she was too tired to really care.

Sitting at Dr Husk’s desk talking about her experiences. He finally told her about another similar test being conducted in the real world. Where Nurse Drones would be assisting in a real medical facility. He said if she wanted to, she was always welcome to become a Nurse Drone again. But she kindly declined. She wanted to go home, watch some movies, with her eyes and ears. Something that had been taken from her for the past month.

And that’s exactly what she did.

Only after a week however, she noticed how badly she missed the suit. she felt incomplete. Nothing was good enough. Nothing could fully satisfy her. Even masturbating was nothing compared to what the suit could do. And then there was making decisions… What to eat, what to drink, what to do and so on. She remembered the offer, knowing that if she’d accept, she’d probably become stuck as a Drone for a long, long time. She knew they tricked her into it. But then again, she got aroused by that prospect to begin with…

A few days later, she decided to at least take look at the offer. Plus, she had another burning question: what did she even look like while sealed up? Since she couldn’t see anything, and she remembered Dr Husk saying that she looked fantastic. If only she could see what she looked like during the test, she’d have some closure.

As predicted by Highton, curiosity got the better of her and decided to go back the same day…

Act 3


Chapter 7

When she arrived at the facility, she took a few deep breaths, thinking:

“I’m just going to have a look, go home, think about this and make any decision there.”

She entered the building and asked for a meeting. Sitting in the waiting room, her heart was already racing out of anticipation. As she saw Dr Husk coming around the corner, she thought: “This is the stupidest idea ever…” But instead of running away, they greeted anyway and she followed him to his office. Feeling like she was on a leash already. The idea of being utterly helpless and sealed up again gradually began clouding her mind.

Once they were seated, Dr Husk already knew why she was here, but asked her anyway:

“So, what can I do for you?”

“Well, while I was sealed up, I never got to see what it looked like. It’s just something I’ve been wanting to know ever since the test began. Remember when you said I looked fantastic? I want to see what you were talking about…” Rosanne said hastily.

“Not a problem at all! In fact, we took some pictures of you to show our benefactor how you were doing. Let’s see, it should be on this folder…” He said and started browsing the files in his computer.

“There you are.” He said and tilted the screen so Rosanne could see them.

Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of an anonymous figure standing with its arms folded behind. It was strangely erotic; the skintight encasement didn’t hide much of her features. The small waist was to die for, and the impossible heels made her posture accentuate her shape even more. She vaguely recognised the subdued shape of her face, it was barely noticeable. The image was simply enchanting…

After a few mesmerising seconds of looking at the image, Rosanne asked another question: “So what’s the point of those heels?”

Dr Husk explained, “Those serve a distinct purpose. You’re much taller this way, enabling you to reach higher shelves and what not. However, it’s hard to deny that it looks fantastic!”

Rosanne had a hunch that it served no real use except pleasing the eye. Although it did look sexy to her. Not that she was willing to admit that so, she changed the subject:

“So, were there others? Or was I the only one?”

Dr Husk chuckled and said, “No definitely not. There are currently 23 others undergoing the test. If you want, I can show you.”

This was an offer she couldn’t deny. She promptly accepted and he showed her to the training area. There were 4 others training on the treadmills, all swaying their hips as if they were teasing her to join them. He then showed her to the sleeping area where 2 of them were laying motionless. She could hear their passionate breathing, indicating that they were probably being tormented or rewarded by their suits. Either way, it was quite infectious, and she was becoming overwhelmed with desire. Husk noticed but let her take it all in for a while before showing her back to his office.

“So, have you thought about the offer?” He asked as they were back in his office.

“I-I don’t know if it’s a good idea. I’m afraid of the time penalties…” She stammered.

“I understand your apprehension. But you performed very well during your last week, didn’t you? No added time during that week. So, I don’t think that’s going to be much of a problem.” He said.

“Isn’t there a way to, you know, disable that?” She asked.

“I’m sorry, no can do. it’s what our client wants. Customer’s king.”

“I see. So, a little over one year and I’m out?” She inquired.

“Yup, unless you keep doing what it doesn’t want you to do. But I think you’ll manage fine.”

Rosanne tried to think of more questions but was unable to. The image of the other drones was still clouding her thoughts. Deep down, she knew that she wanted more. But she also knew that it would mean there’s a big chance of being stuck like that for much longer than just one year. And as if he knew exactly what to say, he said:

“I should also mention that the nano-latex slows down the aging process quite a lot. So, the longer you are a Nurse Drone, the more it’ll extend your life. And then there’s the generous compensation of course. It’s the same twelve thousand but for every month. Which while you’re droning away, we will make sure to cover your bills. So, you’ll keep your home.”

Apon hearing this, the positives seemed to outweigh the negatives. Even if she ended up with severe added time, it wasn’t technically lost time. And considering the compensation, she’d have plenty of time to recover.

He continued, “You’ll be working at the PermaMed facility that opened recently. They’re severely understaffed and are more than willing to have you. You’ll be doing important work!”

He proceeded to look at her expectantly. Trying to feel her gut instinct didn’t really help. It only made her want it more. She knew perfectly well that she might regret doing this. But she just couldn’t live with the idea of never knowing what she’s miss. And so, she decided to seal her fate for at least one year. She accepted…

Chapter 8

The next day, she woke up to complete darkness and silence again. She was once again completely encased and almost ready to begin her year as a Nurse Drone. She felt a mix of anxiety and excitement as she knew that she will be trapped like this for a long time. She looked forward to the rewards she’d had the previous time. The idea of being controlled again like an object always seemed to make her belly churn in ways she couldn’t comprehend.

As her earplugs turned on again, she knew that her year of servitude and isolation would finally begin.

“Good morning, ND-1. Your suit successfully finished bonding and calibrating again. Now, we’ll set the parameters according to the clients wishes.”

This somewhat made her worry. But before she had time to think about more, he continued:

“…correction counter on strict, the rewards on scant and all basic needs on notify…

Now onto the time frame, 366 days. That’s set too…”

Now she was genuinely worried. Was it on strict the previous time? Did she remember wrong or- no, they were on normal the previous time! She wanted to scream but there was no sound escaping her mouth. She tried to wave at him, but he seemed to ignore it and continued:

“Now let’s leave it on edit mode so your new owner can make some last edits and…

Granting the control cap full authority over you in 3, 2, 1…”

In an instant, her body was being moved and she already made a huge mistake. She tried to resist it and this time it instantly, without warning, zapped her into submission before the voice stated: “Disobedience detected. Adding 1 days to total time until release.” This wasn’t good! She knew not to try that again as every spasm she had probably meant that she’d be punished instantly. Utterly afraid of more days being added, she let the suit take full control. She felt herself standing again with her arms folded behind her back. She cried silently and felt herself being walked through the building. Luckily, she had done this before and knew how to avoid any further punishments. A few twists and turns later, it felt like she was stepping into a car and when she noticed herself fastening a seatbelt, she was certain. This was it; she was being transported to her new home for the coming year(s)…

The drive felt weird, she couldn’t see where she was going, nor anticipate when they’d go around a corner. The suit did a pretty decent job in keeping her upright, but she had a hard time to let it do its thing. Fortunately, she managed and when she felt the engine cut off, she could feel herself get out and walk a few steps before turning and standing still again. Her earplugs switched on again and a female voice spoke to her:

“Welcome ND-1, I’m miss Highton, your new owner for at least the coming year.”

She’d heard that name before. She was the owner of that very controversial company, Permalatex… It all made sense now, she remembered a news article from months before. It said that she was expanding into the medical world. People weren’t happy about it of course. But many of them eventually caved. The latex clad staff quickly gained a lot of attraction. As expected, their specialty was cosmetic surgery and making kinky dreams come true. And now that she knew she was there to help transform people didn’t really help.

She continued, “You’re going to be a very valuable asset. I’m very happy that you’ve decided to work for me. So, expect a nice reward tonight! Come with me, I’m going to make some personal changes to you…”

Even though she wouldn’t mind being rewarded, she didn’t trust her at all. She then felt herself walking again, following her new owner into an elevator. With her earplugs still on, she could hear the doors close. A second later, she felt a hand against her breasts and another rubbing her clit. She tried not to fight it, but the sensations sent ripples through her body, resulting in another punishment from the suit. She wanted to cry as the voice told her another day was added. To add insult to injury, Highton said: “Aww poor little thing! Did I just extend your servitude to me?” The doors were heard opening and she found herself walking again. To Rosanne, it was more like walking on eggshells as she feared more punishment from the suit. Eventually she stopped and was ordered to stay before she spoke again:

“Now, I have some very special additions to add to your almost perfect form. Don’t worry doll, all drones like you will have them eventually. They’ll have to earn it though. You on the other hand are number one! So, consider yourself lucky since, you’re also the first to receive my gift!”

Suddenly, she could feel the material around and in her mouth change shape. It felt like it was forming something soft at her lips and inside her mouth and throat. Then that same area along with where her eyes started to warm up, changing colour and forming shapes.

“You look stunning! Those fake innocent, dumb looking eyes are just perfect. And those big fake red lips are just asking for it!”

She couldn’t believe what she heard and suddenly, she could feel two fingers being inserted into her mouth, automatically opening to allow them in. With the intruders now exploring her newly formed mouth sheath, she accidentally tried to close her jaw, but she was instantly zapped back into submission before the suit spoke: “Unacceptable behaviour detected, adding 3 days to total time until release.” Completely crushed, she realised that she had received 5 extra days already. “This is insane!” she thought, and the cruel Highton began speaking again:

“Oh, you really want to become my permanent little drone, don’t you? It’s your first day and you’ve already racked up 5 days!”

As cruel as she might be, she was right. Deep down, Rosanne was slowly becoming more and more turned on by her total helplessness. She couldn’t help it and after a few more teasing words from Highton she was almost over the edge. This sudden realisation was only reinforced when she said:

“Looking at your stats, it turns out I’m right. You’re a very horny little drone, aren’t you? How about we have a little fun together?”

Those words sounded like music to her ears and to her surprise, Highton ordered the following:

“ND-1, allow free full body movement.”

She felt her body becoming responsive again. She didn’t know what to do but Highton was ahead of her and began with touching her most sensitive spot. She could definitely run away of hit Highton right across the face, but to her own surprise, she didn’t even want to. Instead, she hugged her while she said:

“Oh, you don’t have to be scared now little Nurse Drone. I’m sure you’ll want nothing else but be my perfect Drone in no time!”

They continued this for a while and Highton masterfully worked her fingers until Rosanne within reached a thunderous climax. She shuddered silently and Highton promptly ordered the suit to assume control again.

“Good, now that you’ve had your fun, it’s time add one more addition. You’ll need these”.

With the orgasmic feeling lingering, she felt something was being pushed into one of her nostrils. She noticed it restricted her breathing as the other side was being done. Once they were both inserted, she discovered that every breath took quite some effort. Every inhale and exhale were met with resistance.

“Those are your nose filters. You’ll be needing them in order to breathe safely. We don’t want you to get sick now do we?”

As she was still coming to terms with her now restricted breathing, she felt something pushed into her mouth. Instead of fingers, it was her feeding tube. And she was feeling full within seconds.

“Now that’s done too. I’m thinking about switching things around ND-1. See, you already know this, but every time you resist, it’s a completely futile effort. But it does add to your stay here, which makes me very happy. And things that make me happy should be rewarded don’t you think?”

She paused but as she expected, there was no response.

“So, at the end of every day, the number of days you’ve stacked up will be converted into an equal number of orgasms. You’ll still be zapped for it though. But at the end of the day, you’ll receive an orgasm for it. Now, if you’re able to avoid any of that, you’ll be stimulated but denied of any orgasms for the entirety of the next day. So, if you want to regain your freedom, you’ll be very horny and frustrated all day, every day. But I think either way will be a very interesting existence.”

Apon hearing this, Rosanne knew how easily and thoroughly stuck she could become. Having no way to do anything about it, she promised herself to try very hard to be as obedient as she could. Even though she knew very well that this meant that if she’d make it out, she wouldn’t even want it when that time would come. This realisation sent shivers down her spine and at the same time, she could feel herself becoming horny again…

“Now I’m going to set it on high instead of strict. Husk is quite the sadist I see… Anyway, setting it to read only until your time is up. I’m doing the same with your hearing, so you’ll be nicely immersed in your Nurse Drone existence. And lastly, I’m injecting some very interesting speech algorithms too. So, you won’t be so alone.”

Rosanne’s arousal was only increasing as she heard this. And Highton would speak the last words she would ever hear from another human being in a long time:

“This is goodbye now. Enjoy my little ND-1!”

And with that, her earplugs went silent. Her body uncontrollably convulsed as a thunderous climax took hold of her. She completely let go of everything. And with yet another day added, she felt like she was officially stuck as a Nurse Drone forever. It somehow felt like she was complete…

Chapter 9

The next day, she felt herself moving throughout the building, doing various tasks. At one point, it felt like she was doing laundry, moving what felt like rubbery clothing items into a washing machine. At another time, she was being ordered to stand still, feeling someone touching her and embracing her. It must have been one of the nurses, since she could vaguely make out the rubbery feel of the other person’s rubber sheathed breasts pressing and rubbing against hers. She became horny very quickly and the nurse gently began kissing her fake mouth. It was the weirdest but hottest experience as a Nurse Drone so far. Once she seemed done playing with her, she was sent to another area. Still being very aroused, she was ordered to perform orally for the first time. It was scary as she felt herself kneel with her arms behind her back. Then she could feel what could only be a penis being slowly inserted into her mouth. She was horrified at its length as it slowly went all the way into her throat. She couldn’t help but choke and shake her body, the suit instantly punishing her and adding multiple days. He then proceeded to thoroughly fuck her in the mouth and the shocks and days were being stacked up higher. Somehow, besides feeling, pain and being horrified, she was just becoming more and more aroused. With every stroke, another day was being tallied up and she knew how thoroughly fucked she was both literally and figuratively. Fortunately, he was done quickly, limiting the total number of punishments. He ejaculated onto her rubberised face and sent her away to continue her “regular” duties…

At the end of that day, when she heard the end of day summary, she was horrified at the weeks that extended her drone-existence. But once the stimulation began, that was quickly forgotten and replaced with absolute pleasure. She received 28 orgasms that night, while the voice from the suit repeated its droning mantra’s… She was a proud Nurse Drone…

Weeks later, she felt herself walking somewhere, hips swaying, practically asking to be spanked. Every time that happened though, she had a hard time not to flinch. Often, it would make her suit zap her and her encasement would last another day longer. Fortunately, that hadn’t yet happened today. She rounded a corner and was made to open a door. She was probably called to assist or just to be used. The previous day, she managed to avoid any punishment and now, she was being edged all day. She hoped that she’d be used again instead of doing a mundane task. She felt someone touching her breasts which almost sent her over the edge. But the suit quickly zapped her out of it. She moved, only a few steps. Then she bent at the hips, and something was entering her mouth. It was another patient that probably was bored and needed some attention. She happily obliged and was moving up and down, until she felt the pulsating member emptying into her mouth. She stood straight up again and remained for a few minutes. Probably to be admired. She was then being moved to another area. Not knowing what was to come, she stood still again before being ordered to do something else. She took a few steps and felt her arm being manipulated by her suit. Her fingers entered something warm and wet and made rhythmic motions until she could feel muscles clenching around her fingers. She continued this until she could feel her fingers becoming sore from the exertions. When she stopped, she felt her clitoris being rubbed. Probably as a way to thank her, but it only resulted in being zapped a couple of times to prevent her from reaching orgasm. She was then moved again and made to wash her hands and mouth sheath. After that, she was already on her way to her next task.

Most of her days looked like this. She was already becoming quite efficient and liked the attention. She already had her encasement extended by 6 months. But this mostly was caused by the first few days. As she now had much greater control over her impulses. It was like a game by now. Trying to get a better high score each time she succeeded in avoiding punishments. Trying to extend the time of being edged every day was quite the challenge…

A year later, she’d stacked up 2 whole years. She managed to evade almost every punishment by now. Most of her days she was being edged relentlessly. But sometimes, there were days or weeks where everything went wrong, and she would end up with weeks added to her imprisonment.

Lately, someone was being very mean to her. It all started when she noticed something was being adhered to her face. Someone had taped one of her breathing holes shut. It made breathing more difficult. Which made her discover that it only resulted in her becoming more aroused. It took hours before someone discovered what was wrong with her and removed the tape. It always made her flinch uncontrollably, resulting in another day added. But a few days later, it happened again. But this time both of her nostrils were taped off. She panicked as she fought for air. Her stuttering motions seemed to be appreciated as she was being fondled all over before being made to perform orally. Fortunately, when he was done, he’d remove the tape. But she ended up with months to her release date. This continued for weeks until Highton noticed the crazy uptick in added time. But it was already too late, she was now going to be stuck like this for another 6 years… She silently cried every time as the voice told her how long it would take before she’d be released. But at the same time, she wanted more…

Highton was not amused by this and decided to make the person who did it suffer the same fate. She used the fail-safe function to allow her to remove those 6 years. After that, she reactivated her hearing and allowed her some free movement for the first time in a year. She began to speak but it all felt very strange to hear a real human voice after such a long time of isolation.

“I’ve discovered who the prick was that did this to you. I’m very sorry for what happened. But rest assured that he will suffer a fate many times worse than what happened to you.”

This made her feel a bit less hopeless, knowing that all of her hard work keeping her added time in check wasn’t for nothing.

“I know exactly what kinks you have and yes, breathplay is one of them. However, what he did went way too far as the filters are already quite restrictive. I am worried about your wellbeing. So, I’m going to ask you some questions. You’re going to answer honestly.”

ND-1 nodded gingerly, and Highton continued:

“Good, first question. Did you like your experience as a drone so far?”

ND-1 remained still for a while before nodding “yes”.

“Good! Do you want the punishments to be more lenient?”

ND-1 nodded “yes” as it was too easy for external factors to extend her time by a lot.

“I see. Should I limit the amount of days to let’s say, 5? Does that sound fair?”

She nodded “yes” although that would mean she’d only receive only 5 orgasms max.

“I’ll make that happen then. Is there more you’d like to be changed?”

ND-1 shook her head “no”.

“Very well. You’re a surprisingly willing drone, ND-1. I’ll implement the change and lock the setting to read only. So only I can change it. There’s one other thing that might make you feel better, I’ve disabled all orgasm denial and time penalties for the coming month. I really feel sorry for what happened. Does this sound good?”

ND-1 fervently nodded “yes”.

“Good. I’ll disable your hearing and free movement again. Have fun then!”

And everything went silent again.

The next month went by quickly. It felt like she was in heaven. Every day was more pleasurable than the previous. Climax after climax… Unfortunately, she began to get used to it and when the month was over, it was extremely difficult to contain herself. She tried to get a grip on herself, but she had become addicted to it. She would often just give in and make her suit punish her to just get an orgasm later that day…

Chapter 10

Months later, the hope of ever being freed was virtually gone. With another 7 years to go, ND-1 eventually just accepted that she was better off as a permanent Nurse Drone. When this happened, Highton got a notification that ND-1 was now 100% compatible. Which meant that ND-1 was ready to become a permanent asset. Highton promptly ordered ND-1 to her office.

“ND-1, enable admin override.”

ND-1 heard the earbuds coming to life again and her neck return to her own control.

“ND-1, it seems you are ready to become a permanent Nurse Drone. Therefore, I’m offering to let the suit bond with you even further. This means that it can never be removed ever again.”

ND-1 received another zap to prevent an orgasm, hearing this would have easily sent her over the edge. The concept of being irreversibly encased only resulted in heightening her arousal.

“It also means that some other things will change. Since you’ve been conditioned thoroughly enough, I’m disabling the automated punishment system. Your suit will be in edging mode by default. And there will be no more end of day summaries and stimulation. Those will be no longer needed.

Instead, everything else will be controlled by voice command as well. So, if someone compliments you, you’ll be rewarded. If someone says something negative about you, you’ll be disciplined. And since your conditioning allows it, I’m also granting some staff the right to use your ear plugs and enable some limited free movement. Since I’m no longer needed here, the staff will now monitor your vitals and so on. You can still choose to remain as you are now, and eventually have the suit removed. But I think you and I know that you’re happier as a permanent Nurse Drone.

So, if you agree to become a permanent Nurse Drone, you’ll remain like that forever! Is that clear?”

ND-1 promptly nodded “yes”.

“Good, should I begin this irreversible process?”

ND-1 Nodded “yes” again with visible certainty.

“Your permanent existence as Nurse Drone One will begin now!”

Instantly, the earbuds went silent again. Her neck locked up again and suddenly an intense heat was emanating from everywhere. It was the suit seeping deeper into her very being, making new, deep, and permanent connections to her nervous system and parts of her brain. Her sense of touch seemed to be enhanced. Still not the same as it used to be, but quite close to what it was. A sudden wave of pleasure washed over her, and she was reaching yet another climax before she was zapped out of it. She was now forever stuck in this embrace that controlled her very being. Rosanne was no more. She was now an object of pleasure, pain and absolute obedience… She was ND-1…

She noticed that resisting the suit’s movements didn’t result in punishment anymore. Everything felt more sensitive as well, making walking slightly more painful again. She would every now and then flinch from the pain in her permanently vertical feet, only resulting in a slight shuddering movement visible from the outside. As she was already on her way to the next command the control-cap received, she felt a slap on her but. Sending shockwaves of pain and pleasure through her body. Everything felt more intense and pleasurable to her. Then she heard the earplugs reactivate and an unfamiliar female voice said,

“I heard the news. You’re our first permanent drone. Very good! I’m taking over Highton’s role as your mistress. The other drones will soon follow in your footsteps! The things we’ve learned from you are being used on the others as we speak. Once they’re ready, they’ll get the same mouth sheath and fake eyes as you! I’m very pleased with you ND-1! Thanks to you, we’re going to create a lot of drones so we can sit back, relax and keep our latex polished and perfect!”

The suit permitted her an orgasm as she told her how pleased she was. ND-1 was surprised how quickly she came, and it seemed the woman noticed as she continued,

“You deserved that. Now on you go, you have to convince a certain subbie to get sealed into something very similar of what you’re in!”

She promptly felt her body move again as the earplugs went silent again. She rounded a few corners and felt a door being opened before her earplugs activated once again. It seemed the staff really enjoyed this new authority. Another new female voice said:

“This is ND-1, our top Nurse Drone. She has been like that the longest and is the first to receive the 1.1 update.”

Another voice spoke, this one was male, “So how long has she been sealed like that?”

“About one and a half year. ND-1, allow neck movement. – Go on, ask her anything you like. Just keep it simple yes or no questions.” She spoke.

There was a girl with him, they both asked a lot of questions regarding her experience as a drone. After a while the girl was almost convinced that she’d like to try it herself. Then, the woman in charge offered them a demonstration. They both liked the idea and the master ordered ND-1 to pleasure his slave. ND-1 did so expertly with her fingers and managed to convince her even more. She caved and agreed to try it out for herself. The woman said, “Well done ND-1, you may resume your duties.” She felt herself stand up and leave the room while she could hear them speaking about suit designs before her earplugs shut off again. She was being rewarded for her performance and went to her next stop. The rest of the day was more or less the same, sometimes the staff would punish her just for the fun of it. and look at her as she shuddered in silent pain. Some would also just leave her frustrated after a job well done, not giving her any reward.

Eventually, the facility would have 20 Nurse Drones like ND-1 and another 20 or so in conditioning. With the other 19 drones around, ND-1 would receive less and less attention and would be left without any relief for days on end. It would drive her crazy but there was as always nothing she could do about it.

Year’s later, when it was her 10th anniversary of continuous encasement, the staff rewarded her with something she’d never expect. She, along with some other drones was ordered into a padded cell. The doors were locked and all of them were allowed complete free movement. ND-1 stumble around before she felt another drone like her, and they embraced and touched each other. The others soon joined onto the pile of Nurse Drones, and they all spent that night writhing in squeaky, rubbery orgasmic bliss.

ND-1, along with the other permanent drones would live the rest of their lives in frustrating pleasure, pain, and eternal submission.

The end.
