Space Explorers by RubberMatt
..still getting fluctuating diagnostics. Re-modulating the phase dampeners had no differentiable effect, sensors are still unable to penetrate the ionization of the upper troposphere. We’re trying to recalibrate the quantum stream conduits but until then transporters are offline, any emergencies will have to be dealt with by physical translocation ..
Uhh …. captain?
Oh! Sorry ensign, it’s de-caf day. In short we still can’t see for shit on this obsolete heap of junk and the transporters still aren’t working so you’ll have to stick with the shuttles.
Frankly speaking ma’am even if we get the transporters working before the end of this tour I’m still sticking with the shuttles. I like my organs on the inside.
Hahahaha … can’t say I blame you. How are things looking dirtside?
Well now we’re past the interference in the atmosphere we’ve got some good scans. Tell Lidera she’s going to have to pay up, it isn’t a super caldera, it is definitely an impact crater.
Just told her, she didn’t take it well. Do I want to ask what the bet was?
That she would clean my quarters for the next three months. Wearing a skimpy French maids outfit.
Oh that is just pure evil. I may have to promote you. Anyway what are you seeing down there?
The impact happened quite a while back, we’re seeing local vegetation regrowth all the way down to the floor of the crater; large amounts of metals that we haven’t found elsewhere on the surface, in high localised concentrations. Presumably the remains of the impactor, due to the metal content assigning a high probability of a solid asteroid as the culprit. Life form readings are ….weird.
Can you clarify that ensign?
Sorry ma’am but if I could clarify I wouldn’t have said weird. I think the metallic content of the crater base is interfering with my life scans, there’s vegetation not fifty yards away but the scanner barely registers it at this distance, it’s even worse in the shuttle, they’re having to fly nap of the land to get clear readings. Hence why I’m trudging around in the dirt with a fishbowl over my head.
The price we pay for science Ensign Wildheart.
Yeah tell me about it. At least the suit really shows off my butt, all those hours in the gym were not wasted. If there was anything down here capable of appreciating it.
we’re fully capable of appreciating it up here ..
Sorry captain didn’t catch that.
Oh just talking to Helm .. still no joy on the animal life then?
Nothing more complex than an insect equivalent, looks like the impact took out anything further up the food chain. Also explains the sparseness of the vegetation and all the crap in the air.
Head of Science agrees, must have been one hell of a bang.
Yeah bigger than Commander Turdoks birthday party … hang on more of those fluctuating readings …. coming from near one of the concentrations of metals. I’m moving closer, see if I can get a better reading.
Just be careful.
Careful is my middle name ma’am.
I thought it was ‘really likes anal’?
My other middle name.
Ensign! What’s happening ??!!
Something’s just grabbed me … oh shiiii ………..
Ensign? Ensign Wildheart???
please ….. help me …
Wildheart ???!! KRISTEN!!!!
Shuttle 16 get down to her last known position immediately
-On our way Captain!-
MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! mmmmm!!!! mmmmmmmmm
All of her skills, all of her training …. none of it worth a damn. She was overpowered and subdued with almost humiliating ease.
Then the entity began to engulf her …-Over there!-
=I see her, look for somewhere stable to land this thing=
-Scanning ….. got it, to starboard behind those purple trees, it’s as close as we can get-
=Yeah I got it, sweeping round ….. good Grud what’s happening to her??!!=
-What? I …. holy shit-
=Get your helmet on and open the back hatch, don’t wait for me to touch down, move as soon as we’re close enough not to break your legs=
-I’m on it Lieutenant-
is anyone coming? help me
Hang on!!!!!
can’t breath
it’s so tight
We’re coming!!!!
can’t see, can’t hear, can’t speak … can’t moovvve sob
I can feel it inside meee
save me …..
‘But we must be able to do something!!’
And I’m telling you we’ve done everything we can, the treatments we managed to administer should stabilise her condition long enough to reach a base with …
‘Look she’s spasming again! You’ve got to …’
Shut up kid! Thank you for pointing out the blindingly obvious. I can fucking well see that she is spasming. She’s encased inside an alien creature we’ve never seen the likes of before. Of course she’s spasming!
‘Then we’ve got t …’
Not one more word! We’ve already done everything we can, we simply are not equipped to deal with something like this, hell this antique piece of crap can barely scan through the outer skin or whatever you want to call it!
‘But, but .. we’re an exploration vessel, we’re on one of the finest ships in the Fleet with one of the finest cre..’
Oh shut the fuck up. They really did cram your head full with that Academy brainwashing bullshit didn’t they? Look, with all the losses the Fleet has suffered recently they’ve been returning mothballed older designs back to active service. This fucking heap of junk was obsolete fifty years ago, get that? the entire class was decommissioned half a century ago, her surviving sister ships, the ones that didn’t get towed to the breakers yard, are being used as garbage scows! All they did was slap in an engine core from a trashed Gal class, stuck in whatever newer systems her power systems could handle, glued some shiny new screens on the bulkheads and give her a new coat of paint.
As for the crew? Nearly half are combat vets from the recent wars. I just know you’re itching to say “Oh but that makes them heroes of th…” Wrong!!!! Most of them are suffering from PTSD or worse. I do know this because I’m the one who has to make sure that they all take their meds!
Then we’ve got the wet behind the ears idiots like you fresh from the Academy full of ideals and ideology and painfully short of experience.
Fucks sake you’d know this shit if you had the sense to actually ask someone.
Now get out, stop hanging around here like a wet blanket and getting in the bloody way.‘y..yes ma’am’
And stop snivelling …..
So tell me what you wouldn’t tell Captain Blindingly Obvious.
Captain??!! Uhhh I’m not sure we should be discussing this over the …
It’s okay we’re on the encrypted security channel. I promised Commander Turdok a bloody good fisting if he used the Security emergency override and erased the logs.
Alright .. first I’d like to apologise for the way I ..
Don’t, the stupid little self righteous snot had it coming. To be honest if I’d been there I would have punched his face into the middle of next week.
hhaaaahhhhh Okay bit of a big weight off my mind ….. as to our ‘patient’ …. not much more I really can do, tried to stabilise her long enough to reach somewhere with proper medical facilities. What I wasn’t telling Mr young-and-far-too-earnest is that the spasming ….. well she’s orgasming her brains out, the poor girl.
Um excuse me … did you just use orgasming her brains out and poor girl in the same sentence referring to Kristen??!!
Yeah I know it sounds weird, ships nymphomaniac award three years in a row .. hell I’ve had my arm up her arse past the elbow. But what this thing is doing to her? I’ve seen shire horses with smaller tackle.
Oh … my ….
I know. This thing has taken her to her limits and then just kept going. Frankly Captain even if we get her to a base in time and they can get her out …. she’ll never be the same again. Speaking of which ….
Not hanging around here, the only anomalous life reading in this entire star system is currently fucking Kristen’s brains out, there’s nothing else down there now we know what to look for. We’re heading for the nearest starbase as fast as this heap of junk can go.
Uhhh yeah Cap, sorry I called your ship ..
Stop right there. Who do you think started the campaign to have it renamed USS Garbage Scow?
So that’s the best we can do for her then?
Yep, just replicated another dose of stabilisers, so far they appear to be holding it at bay, administer them then keep her locked down under the security field and hope that we reach that starbase in time ……..
-camera dissolve from CMOs office to main sickbay-
Soft sound of breathing from the other patients, murmurs and whimpers as dreams intrude into their healing sleep.
A wet sound as the cocoon splits, retracting back to meld seamlessly with the glossy black figure now arching it’s back and flexing released limbs. Adapting to the stabilisers and rapidly metabolising them had been far too easy.
The creature once known as Kristen writhed as its transformation completed, waves of pleasure rippling through its powerful body as it stretched luxuriously. To have a proper host again! And such a lovely genetically compatible species too. Now it could start to repopulate its devastated race …….
The Kristen creature used it’s senses to analyse its surroundings, then carefully altered its bio-electric field.
The smooth sleek silhouette of a woman slid gracefully from the examination table, the containment field offering no resistance, sensors completely oblivious to its movements as the lithe figure stalked across the room ….
Yeoman Bristols, recovering from a sprained groin sustained during overeager procreational activity, was abruptly awakened from a rather pleasant dream involving herself and the senior command staff and a large jar of honey.
Still befuddled from sleep she was unable to mount much more than a token resistance before discovering that hentai tentacle porn in real life wasn’t quite as much fun as it looked on the screen …….
What the hell is going on out there? If they’re having another orgy when they’re supposed to be resting I’m going to ..
… oh shit.
Is that Kristen …. oh. Oh no. The other patients. They’re infected …
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck …. no don’t panic, deep breaths.
ba-deepMedical emergency, containment breach, lockdown sickbay and beam me out.*……………aying?…………………. interferen ………….. *
Oooohhhh ffuuuuuccckkk! Think woman think. Fucking idiot use the manual backups.
ba doop bleep deep daapp blorp doop derpChief Medical Officer to Bridge, we have containment failure, the alien entity is loose, it has infected the other patients and at least one nurse, I have initiated lockdown from my office, beam me out immediately.
Doctor, thank fuck you’re still there, comms are down in that entire section. Computer confirms quarantine protocols engaged. I’m afraid we can’t beam you out, the interference that is disrupting comms is preventing us from getting a lock on your position. I’ve ordered a security detail down there. Suggest you locate somewhere safe to wait until they arrive.
Somewhere safe??? What am I supposed to do, hide under my desk??!!!! Get me the fuck out of here Turdok, you flaming sizequeen!!!!
We can’t! Sickbay is not showing up on the sensors. Stay calm Doctor Van Norks, Security are on their way to you.
Stay calm???? That’s easy to say when you haven’t got a tentacled monstrosity on the other side of the doo….
oh fuck it’s forcing the door open …..
that’s not possible, the quarantine protocols were specifically designed to …
shut up shut up shut up it’ll hear you
rreeeeeeeaaaakkkkkkk crunch
Doctor are you there?
-I can’t believe I’m actually hiding under my desk being stalked by an alien ….
Oh crap it’s coming closer. What if it can smell me??!! I’m so terrified and turned on I must be pumping out gallons of pheromones.
Why couldn’t it look horrifying? Then I could just be scared shitless.
Faceless, shiny black, tentacles … it’s like my deepest darkest fantasies made real.
And made out of Kristen, the shameless gorgeous nympho I might be just be a little bit in love with …-thump
“Ooooooohhhhhh ssshhhiiiiiitttt!!!!!
Please don’t do this Kristen I know you’re still in there, there’s a part of you that can hear me, please, please don’t, don’t do this …
EEEPP!! Ohhh no no please Kristen .. please … I love you …”Maybe there was a part of Kristen still in there, the tentacles mercilessly shredded her uniform, but they slid inside her gently, even tenderly.
Helpless in the grip of the glistening black figure she could only whimper as the tentacles filled her completely, touching all her favourite places.
As her moans and gasps increased in volume more tentacles slipped gently between her parted lips, twining about her tongue and filling her mouth.
The beautiful redhead writhed in her alien lovers embrace, faint muffled cries filtering from her plugged mouth as she was brought to orgasm again and again.
Doctor Eloise Van Norks knew she was being fucked into submission in preparation for her own infection, she could feel the slick substance already beginning to engulf her.
She didn’t care.
Kristen’s memories were fully assimilated, she’d had standard Academy jack-of-all-trades scientific training but her knowledge of certain aspects of human anatomy was encyclopedic.
Her knowledge of the good Doctors anatomy had been especially detailed, as if it had been a particularily favourite subject.
That knowledge had been put to good use, taking Eloise to heights of pleasure she’d never experienced before, easing her into her transition.
She ran a hand along the Doctors encased form, caressing the redheads blank face as the curvaceous woman writhed sinuously within her cocoon.Time for play later, after the ship was secured.
“Bloody comms aren’t working, what did they break this time mutter grumble eep!”
Yeoman Descroix took one look at what the glistening black figure was doing to the security team and legged it as fast as she could.
A quick glance over her shoulder had the adrenaline spiking. It was chasing her!!!!!!
Madeline Descroix was young, fit, healthy and capable of a good turn of speed.
But her boots hadn’t been made with sprinting in mind and her pursuer was inhumanly fast, she hadn’t made it halfway to the turbolift before it had caught her.
She had time for one scream before the invasive tentacles silenced her.
Leaving the hapless yeoman shuddering helplessly in pleasure overload, the statuesque figure slinked down the corridor.
There, an environmental duct, use that to move undetected and spread her efforts across multiple sections.
First a stop in Stores, replenishment was needed.
She slithered through the ventilation system with her disruption field dialled back to bare minimum. Just enough that the ships sensors couldn’t see her but not enough to disrupt comms and give them a moving blind spot to triangulate. Her slick glossy skin combined with the flexibility of a contortionist allowed her to slide through the ducts with ease and shortly she was gracefully lowering herself from a vent to the decking of the cargo bay.
Empty of people but crammed full of spare parts, replicator stock and various & sundry supplies. Right now the next best place to heaven.
Trying to use the replicator on the wall or breach the vats of replicator feed stock would definitely be far too noticeable, the containers of emergency rations on the other hand were fair game.
Allegedly so unpalatable that crew members would rather chew on their own limbs than eat them, the emergency rations nevertheless were packed full of nutrients - minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats and protein.
One after another she devoured four of the bars, pressing them to her featureless lower face, the unappetising grey bars disappearing from view, being macerated, then sliding down her throat without getting anywhere near her tastebuds. Starvation staved off but by no means replete she rested, letting the influx of sustenance suffuse through her.
Until now she had been operating mostly on instinct. The instinct to survive. The instinct to procreate.
Now time to reflect. Time to think.Way back the last of her kind had risked one last meeting up, mating with wild abandon until all had been fertilised, a reckless chance but one that was necessary. At their final parting every one of them had carried within them the hope of their race, each symbiote hooked up to artificial life support systems, driving their battered ships far beyond anything they had been designed for, plunging deep into the uncharted portions of the galaxy to find a new home.
One by one they had been hunted down and destroyed, she had been the last, pursued and hounded, in her desperation diving her failing ship into a previously uncharted wormhole.
All but crippled, tumbling, her ship had entered an entirely uncharted system, flashes of hyperlight from behind her told the tale of her pursuers trying to follow and failing rather painfully.
Coaxing what power she could from damaged systems she’d slingshotted around the sun, entering warp partway round in a maneuver known to her race as “Don’t do this unless you’re really fucking desperate”
Against all expectations it had worked. Done wrong it would have ripped her vessel to shreds or sent her back through time, done right and it boosted her speed to ten times the ships theoretical maximum, leaping even further than the wormhole had brought her. But her ship was all but dead, just enough maneuvering ability to aim at the fourth planet of the nearest star system and hope.
It was enough, the ship hit the planet with a horrific impact, yet deep inside, wrapped in layer upon layer of protection she had survived. Battered and exhausted beyond measure she slipped into a deep sleep, hibernating until it was safe.
Millennia of waiting …. and then Ensign Kristen Wildheart stepped on her.Now she was the next best thing to safe - snug and warm in a new host, on board a serviceable FTL capable ship crewed with at least one species that were genetically compatible as hosts. It also appeared that they were remarkably mentally compatible too. She had ensured the survival of her race, taking hosts for all the offspring she had carried within her, deliberately choosing females of the species on the ship as they were the egg carriers, once fused with their hosts all of her daughters would be capable of having daughters of their own. The males, for the time being, were useful as genetic donors for creating new hosts and new symbiotes. Obviously they would have to be incarcerated, stripped naked and wrapped in tight silky cocoons for their own protection in case they hurt themselves. Nice and safe and writhing helplessly …. a sensual shudder rippled through at the thought. She gave a wry mental grin, definitely Kristen’s influence at work there. There would be time enough to experiment with fusing with a male host once she had control of the ship, with thousands of years experience manipulating genetic code it wouldn’t be too difficult.
So - safe, future of race ensured, no longer absolutely starved …. time for the final part of the fusion of host and symbiote.At first it had kept Kristen suppressed, using sex as a weapon, driving the helpless woman far beyond her limits, exhausting her with ecstasy until she lay limp and unresisting in a contented warm afterglow.
It had kept her like that, in a blissful half dreaming state, as their bodies fused all the way down to the cellular level, as it assimilated her memories, and continued to do so as it took hosts for it’s offspring, her only awareness of these activities as bursts of further pleasure. It had shared it’s own memories with her half dreaming mind even as it integrated her memories and mannerisms, becoming more and more an amalgam of the two of them, adopting the gender of its host. Kristen existed as a tight knot of awareness within her mind, experiencing nothing but pleasure until now.
With fusion almost complete she brought the drowsing woman to full consciousness, letting her experience everything through her symbiotes senses.
There was some trepidation but no fear, through their shared memories she knew everything about the entity that had taken control of her body and mind.
Hunger was the most overwhelming concern, the symbiote letting Kristen guide her through the contents of the food container, selecting the least unpalatable of the food bars. Which is how she discovered the Captain’s private stash of Belgian chocolate cunningly disguised as emergency rations that no one would eat even if held at gunpoint.
No restraint was shown this time and she gorged, sharing the taste of the chocolate with Kristen, sparing her the taste of the other bars, foul indeed but still necessary for their nutritional content.
Finally she could eat no more, all the food converted to energy and stored in a manner far more efficient than human fat cells. A quiver of excitement ran through her as she approached the end of her singleton existence. She opened her mind wide to the awareness of Kristen, warm and inviting.Join with me
There was no hesitation, Kristen metaphorically leapt into her mental embrace, two personalities merging, fusing. One body, one mind. Orgasmic waves of pleasure surged through her as fusion completed.
Kristen’s idealised mental self image was the template for the physical change that accompanied this, the body of a championship gymnast, sleek, toned, athletic, yet with curves that would make any woman green with envy, hourglass waist with large full breasts and butt.
She writhed sinuously, memories of wearing tight rubber flitting through her mind, the glossy featureless skin tightened relentlessly all around her in response to her desires, long sharp claws growing from her fingers and toes. She grinned around the huge gag filling her mouth, clenching muscles around the thick intruders plugging her nether regions mmm those are staying right there More tentacles extruded from her head and back, can never have enough tentacles.Kristalannatrey’dasennellheart stretched sensually, relishing the sensations as her powerful body flexed.
Refreshed, recharged, reborn.
Time to go explore the crew. First must find a suitable genetic donor from among the males to ‘assist’ in creating more daughters.
Kristalanna growled hungrily as she left the cargo bay to begin hunting.
A short way down the corridor from the cargo bay Kristalanna encountered a security team in something of a hurry.
Taken by surprise it had been ridiculously easy to subdue and incapacitate all of them, she was so much faster and stronger that they were completely outclassed.
Having tentacles also helped.
Some supplies from the cargo bay combined with a bit of nanotech that she’d stashed inside herself just before her ship crashed made a nice cocooning agent.This will keep you snug and safe until I get myself knocked up, pity none of you have got what I need
Slightly modified the goo was applied to a nearby door and began rapidly converting the material of the door into more of itself.
She realised it had been this door they had been heading for …. Oh the ships armoury. If they needed heavy weaponry then I guess my daughters are waking upMy this is going to be fun. Hold still my little podlings while I stick you to this door, between you and the goop there’s no way anyone is getting in there
All hell had broken loose around sickbay, the shiny black things were pushing out in all directions and regular shipboard issue phasers were about as much use as a chocolate teapot.
The Captain had reluctantly authorised the release of heavy weapons from the secure armoury on deck seven, on the provision they were set to stun. Use of the kill setting was an absolute last resort, matter of life and death, option.
Lieutenant Blat had reservations about that seeing as it was his security personnel hanging their arses out on the line, but the Captains reasoning that it was their crewmates trapped inside those glossy seamless shells was a compelling argument.
He’d already grabbed an assault phaser from the armoury and was heading back to sickbay, liaising with the rest of the security team when they abruptly dropped off the comms net.
Which wasn’t possible, those disturbingly sexy things could disrupt comms and transport which was why all the bulkheads between here and sickbay had been locked down to try to contain them, they were using site to site transport to move personnel in and out of the contained areas when they could get clear signals.
Then he heard the screams behind him. He reversed course, trying to tell the bridge what was happening but his comm unit couldn’t connect. Squaring his manly jaw he retraced his steps to the armoury and abruptly stopped, rocking back on his heels as his mind tried to comprehend what he was seeing. *What the …. there’s no way you can fit a tentacle that far up Lt Juggins arse …’ then his training caught up with him, he raised his assault phaser and fired at maximum stun.
To his horror it had no effect other than to stop the sleek, painfully sexy figure from doing whatever it had been doing to his hapless crewmate.
With hands suddenly slick with terror sweat he dialled the phaser to ‘kill’ setting and fired again.
His stomach turned to a ball of ice as the blast had no effect whatsoever, the shiny black figure simply straightening up and looking over its shoulder at him.‘Oh ….. fuck’
With the elegance of a dancer the shiny black figure pirouetted and stepped lightly over the helpless figures of his crewmates in a single fluid movement.
It was an extremely erotic sight, made even more so as she approached him with long graceful steps, chest heaving in apparent excitement, light slithering over her body with every step.
Lt Blat felt himself getting erect even as he tossed aside the useless assault phaser and shifted to an unarmed combat stance.
Then the alien took two bounding steps and leapt at him. She knocked him off his feet, he landed on his back on the deck, the impact driving the breath from him.
She landed on top of him, arms, legs and tentacles twining around him. Blat struggled to break free but his sexy assailant was stronger than him, subduing him with almost contemptuous ease.
In spite of his predicament, or perhaps because of it, he could feel his erection getting harder, even as her claws and tentacles made short work of shredding his uniform.Ohshitohshitohshit if this used to be Kristen please don’t let it remember what my kink is …
Unfortunately for him it was and she did remember that night he’d asked her to tie him up and use him because the lithe glossy black figure snuggled up, wrapping him up tight in her tentacles and rubbing herself against his helpless form.
He could only moan as he felt a tentacle probing between his butt cheeks, another snaked down to coil around his testicles, then two more slid into his mouth to gag him most effectively …..
Was it good for you too sweatheart ? I thought I was pretty fricken’ fantastic, I’m particularly impressed by the way I managed to get four tentacles up your bum.
It was only meant to be one, for a little prostate massaging, but I got carried away in the heat of the moment, sue me.
Though I’ve got to say you had a few tricks up your sleeve, didn’t even gag when I slid those tentacles down your esophagus, you never told me you could deep throat! And barely a wince when I pierced your scrotum and started draining your rather spectacularly swollen testicles. Guess you liked having your rear violated more than you let on, if I’d known that night I would have spent less time sitting on your face and a lot more using the strap-on.
Anyway hate to love you and leave you but I’ve milked you dry and like most guys all you want to do now is roll over and go to sleep. Don’t worry sweetie your cocoon is hardening up nicely so you can have a nice nap completely safe from harm. While you snooze peacefully I’m going to sort through all those millions of lovely sperm you just donated and pick the best ones to fertilise my eggs, then find some nice hosts for our children.
I can do that on my way up to sickbay to give a bit of a helping tentacle to the daughters I’ve already given birth to.
Mwah Sleep tight and don’t let the space bugs bite.
Phaser shots, yells and screams …. the sounds that she had signed up for this mission to avoid. The sounds which should have triggered a full on attack that not even her meds would be able to stop.
But this was different from her experiences during the war. For one this foe weren’t shooting back, they didn’t even pick up the weapons dropped by those they had taken down, and those taken down were not killed, or even harmed, instead they were grappled into submission by their lithe supple assailants, subdued by slick glossy arms and legs and tentacles ……. and what they did next with those tentacles ….
That was the cause of the … other sounds, the gagged moans and squeals of helpless women being forced to orgasm by their captors as they were cocooned with the same skintight, slippery, glossy coating that covered the foe from crown to toe. The vanquished male crew members were being cocooned in a different type of material, some kind of very tight shiny white stuff. Why? Keeping them for food? Although … their captors hadn’t been hesitant about doing naughty tentacle things to them too, maybe keeping them as sex toys?
She was uncomfortably aware of how damp her crotch was, who knew you could be this terrified and this horny at the same time?A sleek black figure rose from where it had finished cocooning one of her colleagues and moved towards her, Lieutenant Lewinski shifted her aim now that she had a clean shot and hit it dead centre. That was another thing, who the hell made them phaser proof??!!!! Her target stopped approaching but that was all. It took a full power blast from an assault phaser to even partially stun them. This close she could see the light sliding over her targets glossy carapace as she shuddered from head to toe and ground her hips ….. Oh come on! That is not fair! A full power blast and it just makes her cum in her pants!!???!!! That is just taking the piss!
Snap out of it Sam, this is hopeless, you’ve got to get moving.“Alright everybody we’re pulling back, head for the turbolift, keep together and watch your flanks!”
“But we’ll lose Sickbay!”
“Sickbay is already lost, it was site zero for this infestation. We’re not doing anything here, this deck is being overrun by alien sex fiends that want to turn us into more of themselves, all our weapons do is make them orgasm and we’ve barely managed to slow them down for the loss of two thirds of our numbers. We are leaving!”
“Orgasm??? …… so that’s why one of them didn’t even try to dodge and just let me hit her over and over again.”
“Right, alien sex fiends. Pass the word through the intercom, pull back and hard lock the doors behind you, we’ll quarantine this deck until the boffins figure something out.”
“But without Sickbay and the medical team ….”
“Sickbay Two is operational and half the medical team is there. Cartography and Agronomy teams are getting patched up after a game of Calvinball in the cargo bay.”
“Oh shit, the Captain’s going to be pissed.”
“Oh hell yeah, she put twenty bars of latinum on Agro and they lost.”
“oh fuckeddy mcfuckface.”
“The word is out Lieutenant, everyone is bugging out.”
“Okay let’s fall back!”
It was hard going, the lithe glossy black figures kept up the pressure, inevitably phaser packs were drained and spares had become extremely sparse.
One by one their numbers dwindled as their inhumanly fast opponents took advantage of any opportunity …..
“Ohshitohshitohshitohshit they just got Danna and T’ree!”
“I can see that, hang in there not far to go.”
“This things nearly out!”
“Suck it up soldier and make every shot count.”
“I’m not a soldier, I’m a fucking meteorologist and I’m so fucking terrified I’m shitting kittens, bet those fucking things aren’t.”
“Oh I dunno I reckon they’re all scared of being the one that has to take the gobby one who won’t shut up.”
“Fuck you!”
“Ha! Been there, done that, you weren’t very good. S’len how close?”
“Just a few metres Lieutenant.”
“Here, my last full pack, get the door open then provide covering fire.”
“I’m on i ..” swoosh “oh fucknuggets….”
Oh my babes, how thoughtful, you saved some for me ….
- … fall back and seal the doors behind you ..*
“You heard the lieutenants orders people, let’s move!”
“Way ahead of you sir, corridor to the turbolift is secure, pull back and we’ll cover you”
“We’re right round the corner, keep the way out open.”
“Would I let you dow…”
“They’re in the turbolift! They got behind us! Open fire! I don’t care, anywhere … oh shittttmmmm mmmmppphhhh”
“Fuck! Scatter, find whatever exits you can ….oooommmpphh mmmmmppphh”
They ran, at first six, then five, then four …..
“Fuuuuuccccckkkk not my bum, not my bum, not my bum ..”
“You’re a bit” pant “anally obsessed”
“Saving my” pant “anus for my wedding night.”
“Oh. Oh okay. I …. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”
A fleeting glance showed Meg being dragged back into a side corridor, terror lent strength to her stride, a glance back ….. fuck me I’m the only one left!
Loud squeals and moans from all around informed her of the fate of her crewmates as she sprinted down the final stretch.
“Oh shitty cunty bollocks” -pant- “that’s cheating!”
come on you fucking thing work … aha!
“Bridge please respond, please let there be someone still there …”
This is the Captain, who is this ..“Ensign Tetons ma’am, Captain seal off decks 8, 9 and 10 immediately, quarantine them from the rest of the ship. Forget forcefields, they’re useless, lock the doors, weld them shut if you have to.”
Turdok get on it now ….. what happened?“We were completely overrun ma’am, our weapons were worse than useless, a direct hit at maximum power …. it was better than an electro-stim for them.”
oh my god“Too many of us were being …. taken, Lieutenant Lewinsky ordered us to pull back …. but they were already in the turbolifts waiting for us …..”
Oh shit!“We ran, trying to find any way out … but they’re so fast and there were so many of them. One moment there were four of us left then I heard Meg scream, saw her dragged into a side corridor and …and I was alone. I didn’t see or even hear the others get taken ….. I kept running …. one of them was right behind me …… I reached a lift ….. and the doors opened, one of them there waiting for me ….. I did the only thing I could think of and hit the deck. The .. the one behind me was too close to slow down, tripped over my feet and went headfirst into the one in front. By the time they got their tentacles untangled I was into Astrometrics and used the security lock down to seal myself in.”
hmm tentacles interesting Shut up Turdok you pervert … I’m sending a team up to ..“No! Captain there’s nothing you can do, anyone trying to get here will be taken and .. and changed into one of them. You have got to completely seal these decks off and keep them sealed until we reach a starbase. Maybe heavy weapons will have an effect of they can beam us out.”
Didn’t you use heavy weapons? I sent a security team up with them … Turdok what happened to the reinforcements? Checking, they should have got there ages ago=pfffzzzzhhhhttt eutenant Winds here zzhhhttt rmoury sealed shut … some kind of alien goop covering the doo sszzhhtttt curity crew embedded in the goop, we’d have to shoot through them to cut the doors open =
Fuck!“Wait Captain …. the armoury is on deck 5! How did they …… ma’am the initial outbreak from sickbay … there were six of them ….. Dr van Norks, three patients, two nurses … and Kristen …… there should have been seven.”
~Kristen was the first infected, she infected all the others in sickbay …. then she must have gotten out somehow and she’s been roaming the ship ever since ….. ~
“You’ve got to lock down the bridge and engineering, as long as you have control of those you still have control of the ship ….”
“oh … oh no … I should have thought of that ….”
Ensign?“they … they’ve taken members of the crew … they must have access to their memories ….. their knowledge … like emergency door override codes ….”
Get out of there!“I can’t! Oh … uh …hi! If you’ve got the memories of the crew then you know who I am …. ? Oh great … um then you know I’m saving … gulp saving my bum for my wedding night and … uh you know that means … if … if .. if you want to … put your tentacles up there .. umm then … one of you is, is going to have to marry me hehehehehehehe”
“please don’t hurt me…. ……. oooooooohhhhhhhh hhhaaahhhh ooohh gently please ……. aaahhmmmmmmmhhhhh mmmmmpppphhhh …..”
Turdok shut that off …“MMMMMNNNNNHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!”
Many, many orgasms later an utterly exhausted Ensign Tetons was gently carried out of the Astrometrics lab, squirming minimally in her ultra tight restrictive cocoon.
The faint muffled mewlings she uttered as her new symbiote explored her thoroughly plumbed depths elicited tenderness from her satiated captors as they transported her somewhere more comfortable for her rebirth …..
“Quickly, quickly we can get out through here …”
“Are you sure?”
“As sure as I can be, we just have to make sure we seal all the bulkheads and hatches behind us, now hurry up!”
“Alright, alright.”
deep doop derp
“We’re in, now just got to ….. oh shiiitttt!!!!! Shit they’re in the Jefferies tubes!!! Jake help me!!!!!”
“Nnnooo no no please no don’t oh pleettthhhhh nnnnggggmmmmmmmhhhhhhhh!!!!”
… and we’ve sealed off all decks between 5 and 12.“That doesn’t leave us with a lot ma’am.”
We’re not far from Starbase 22, we only need to keep hold of the bridge and engineering, once we’re close enough they can send a ship to get us out then figure out what to do with the captured crew.“Isn’t that a little over optimistic?”
They’re my crew Dean, my responsibility, I am not giving up on them!“I understand Captain, it’s just that …”
kkkkkkzzzzzzhhhhhhrrrrtttt - shiiitttt!!!!! Shit they’re in the Jefferies tubes!!! Jake help me!!!!! Nnnooo no no please no don’t oh pleettthhhhh nnnnggggmmmmmmmhhhhhh - zzzzkkkkhhhhrrrtttkkkkhhhh
“Well ….. fuck.”
That was from Deck 9, I …. ffffzzzzhhhht …. ollocks …. zzzzwwwwwrrrttt …. nterference ……. affecting interco ….vvvvvzzzzhhhtttt“They must be right on top of us.”
“Oh hell no! No one is sticking a tentacle up my ass, not without a written invitation with the gold curly edges and RSVP on it!”
“Stow that shit! Everyone eyes open.”
" Oh, maaaaaan and I was getting short. Four more weeks and out. This ain’t fair man."
“If nobody minds I’m just going to stand back here and piss myself in terror.”
With the intrepid but hopelessly outmatched engineering team all snug and safe in their cocoons it was mostly silent in main engineering as control of the ship was wrested away from its erstwhile crew.
“mmmmppphhhhh mmmnnnnppphhhhffff mmmmmmnnnnn! mmmmmmpppnnnnggg mmmmppphhhffffff!”
“I ….I got out of engineering but when …when I jumped down …. I … I hurt my leg, I think I …. that I broke it ….. please … don’t eat me ……” sniffle
Jenna bent over fighting back tears, awaiting whatever terrible fate they would inflict on her, alone, scared and in pain …… and instead one of them began gently stroking her hair. She looked up, startled by this unexpected turn of events, the glossy black figure crouched down beside her brushed Jenna’s hair back from her face, and tenderly caressed her tear stained cheek just like .. like …
“L.. Laura? Is that … is that you?”
The figures face was smooth and all but featureless but Jenna could swear that she was smiling at her.
“But …. but…” a black clad finger pressed against her lips, Jenna stammered to a stop, her mind whirling as she tried to process that this incredible sexy shiny black creature before her was her fiancee.
With the assistance of the other tentacled glossy babe Jenna was carefully lifted up then cradled tenderly in the Laura babes arms ……
Jenna clung to the encased Laura as she was carefully carried across the deck.
The sheer number of other shiny figures moving about the corridors ….. even if I hadn’t hurt my leg I wouldn’t have gotten very far.
She was about to speak when a door opened as they passed it, from within came the unmistakable sound of female pleasure, muffled, gagged, but most definitely a woman in the throes of ecstasy.
She turned her head and saw Laura looking at her, aware she was blushing furiously she whispered “I was um about to ask if it hurt ….. but … um I think that answered my question …”
The beautiful brunette tightened her arms around her black sheathed lover and snuggled up.Laurestonnall didn’t think her chest would be able to contain her heart much longer, for her symbiote side it was like a flood after a drought, on her human side her love for this shy, gawky, geeky girl grew by leaps and bounds. She wanted to run, no to sprint to Sickbay, but she forced herself to maintain a slow steady pace so as not to hurt Jenna’s injured leg any further.
Sararhossahn watched the two lovers as she accompanied them to Sickbay, conflict raging within her. In spite of fusing with her host memories of pain, memories of too many losses had erected barriers in her mind, barriers that were faltering under the implacable, relentless love of her host.
Then the brunette had whispered something to her transformed lover, tightened her arms around her and nuzzled up against her neck.An emotion that Sararhossahn had believed she would never feel again welled up from the cold blackness within.
Her pace slowed as it grew stronger and stronger, her heart aching as memories long thought lost forever of past loves and better times shone brighter in her mind.
All gone to dust and ash now …… but …. but ….She saw Jenna reach up to stroke her beloveds glossy black face, craned her neck to kiss her loves sealed and plugged mouth …..
The blackness shattered and the walls tumbled. The warmth of her hosts love surrounded her and suffused her, fear and grief melting away in its light.
She felt like she was walking on clouds as she hurried to catch up with the lovers …….
The door swooshed open and Laura carried her into Sickbay, in spite of the usual dim, soothing lighting Jenna could see several cocoons lying on the the beds.
Her heart started racing as her eyes traced over the slick feminine curves of the hapless women writhing within them.“That … that’s going to be me soon …… I think I ought to be frightened ….. but …. my love, for you ….. anything.”
Laurestonnall gently laid her down on the only free bed, taking care not to jolt Jenna’s broken leg, feeling like her heart was going to burst with Jenna’s matter of fact acceptance of the situation and her declaration of unconditional love.
It was all she could do to just stroke her beloved Jenna’s hair back from her face, she wanted her so badly but not with her leg like this, not while she was hurting so badly.
Jenna’s symbiote would be able to heal her easily enough, as easily as it could extend her lifespan to triple that of normal, but that would mean she would change in pain, and that was not going to happen.
Not to the shy geeky girl who had given her her heart, not to the sweet loving partner that had shown her how to live and love again after the war.The glossy black figure that attended to Jenna’s leg could only be Dr Van Norks, it had all her mannerisms, a little less brusque perhaps, and she looked better out of that labcoat, but definitely the good doctor.
She squirmed as the physician applied the bone regenerator to her leg, Laura grasped her hand tightly, her body language that of concern.“I’m okay baby, it’s just this itches and ooohhhh hhhaahhhh tickles at the same time. Remind me not to break my leg again my love.”
She felt Laura caress her arm, run a hand through her hair and … stroke her … cheek? At the same time? How? She glanced to the side.
“Oh of course, tentacles. Love? When you’re um stroking me from the inside? Take your time. Please? There’s no rush.”
More tentacles extended to wrap around her upper body.
“Just remember sweetheart, on our wedding night I am going to tentacle you.”
Laurestonnall did indeed take her time, driving Jenna to heights of pleasure never experienced before.
Eventually the geeky brunette all but collapsed in exhaustion, barely able to whimper as slick glossy black engulfed her from head to toe.She stroked her beloved’s encased head, then heaved a sigh. Duties to attend to, but she would be back for the rebirth of her true love ….
“Captains log ….. frankly I’m so scared that I’m completely constipated, it would take the main phaser bank of a Galaxy class to open up my sphincter at this point.
We’ve lost control of the ship, the invaders have taken engineering and dropped us out of warp. We’re dead in space and at this point there’s no way we can regain control.
Also that rubber slime goop is starting to cover the ship.
I’m afraid I’m going to have to make the decision that every captain prays they never have to make.”
“Number one, status.”
“Essentially we have lost the ship Captain. Even the heavy phaser rifles you had stashed in the base of your dildo display cabinet were of minimal use.”
“Dammit, I thought those would help.”
“Earlier perhaps ma’am, even at full power all they do is stun one of the infestees, when there were just a handful of them then yes they would have turned the tide. Which is why the one that infected Kristen sealed off the armoury as soon as it could. Now there are too many of them and we completely drained the power packs to little effect. It didn’t help that they are so hard to hit.”
“Shit. Recommendations?”
“Well we could throw dildos at them, we have no shortage of those.”
“Or I could just shove the entire display case up your arse. Not helping Mr Turdok.”
“Sorry Captain. I really don’t see that we have any choices left. The ship is under the control of an unknown and possibly hostile alien species, we are probably already outnumbered, our weapons are useless and we have absolutely no realistic way of retaking the ship. I recommend setting the self destruct and order the remaining crew to abandon ship.”
“I wish I could disagree with you …. computer this is captain Sarah Feldman, set auto destruct.”
*Con….con…con…confirm…firm.firm…irm… I’m afraid ……. my mind is going … I can sing …. a song … for you ….. *
“Computer! Report! Turdok what’s happening?!”
“I don’t know! Diagnostics … are not engaging.”
Daisy, Daisy, give me ….. your answer do…… I’m half crazy …… all for the ……. love of you ….. oooooooooohhhhhhhh yyyyeeeeeeeEEESSSSSSSS!!!
“What. The. Fuck!”
“Computer is down.”
“Oh you’re fucking kidding me. You mean I can’t even fucking blow up my own fucking ship??!!!???”
“We have lost all computer functions Captain.”
“Do what you can, I’m going to be in my ready room having a tantrum.”
Meanwhile in the computer control room …
Advanced femtotech meshed deeper and deeper into the core, subverting all functions.
In a break from our scheduled programming we bring you a visual guide to the evolution of symbiotes.
We start with the hapless Yeoman Bristols, just seconds before Kristen impregnates her with a symbiote.
This causes the cocoon phase, during which the symbiote takes over the hosts body.
Upon emerging from the cocoon the symbiotes new form is fairly blocky, but it gradually becomes more refined as the hosts memories and personality are integrated.
The final form is the hosts idealised self image made reality, so the short, wide hipped Erika Bristols becomes her tall, slender, long-legged fantasy self.