Really nice little latex skinsuit layering comic by Sagabel.

Pretty Latex Cure by Sagabel

Inori Yamabuki has ordered from BFI (Blind Faith Industries) a life-like suit of her friend Setsuna Higashi… and the package comes with a rubber suit as well!

Inori Yamabuki has ordered from BFI (Blind Faith Industries) a skinsuit… and the package comes with a form-fitting rubbersuit as well. It feels so good to have it tightly wrapping around every inch of your body!

Inori Yamabuki has ordered from BFI (Blind Faith Industries) a life-like suit of her friend Setsuna Higashi… and the package comes with a form-fitting rubbersuit as well. It feels so good to have it tightly wrapped around every inch of your body! And to wear another girl’s skinsuit over that suit! So tight!

Inori Yamabuki has ordered from BFI (Blind Faith Industries) a skinsuit of her friend Setsuna Higashi that she decides to wear over a form-fitting rubber catsuit. She adjusts the mask part of the skinsuit and feels very good to become Setsuna. Time to zip up the costume as a final adjustment. No problem here… or is there?

Inori Yamabuki has put on a rubber full-bodysuit AND a skinsuit of her friend Setsuna Higashi over it! She is fully enclosed and according to her plans, both suits should fuse together to completely turn her into Setsuna. Unfortunately, it is not working accordingly, she is getting a bit too hot and the zipper broke! She’s stuck! Oh no!

Inori Yamabuki has put on a rubber catsuit and a realistic skinsuit of her friend Setsuna Higashi over it. It was supposed to turn her into Setsuna for good, but instead, she is stuck inside and broke the zipper. What a predicament! And also, her friend Momozono Love has just gotten inside the room. And she seems to want to have fun with our suited-wrapped friend…
