Another amazing living-clothes and encasement sequence by RubberMatt.

Nylon Suit by RubberMatt


A cute brunette just chilling out with a good book on a dark and stormy night.

Annoyingly Interrupted

Liara quivered helplessly in the bondage web as Natara’s prehensile tongue snaked sinuously down over her belly …

thud thud thud bang thud

“Oh you have got to be taking the piss, right when I get to the best bit?”

thud thud thud

“Whoever you are this had better be an emergency or I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I am going to hurt you.”

Random Encounter

A wild Tights Monster appears! Roll for Initiative.


Aeria rolled a 1!


The Tights Monster worked on the last stages of preparing its prey, the young woman squirming on the floor as she discovered that her arms and legs were now welded together.
As soon as it first tasted her it had known she was a tights fetishist, the most highly prized prey any self respecting TM could ever dream of ensnaring.
Literally trembling with anticipation it had drawn out the encasement process, instead of the standard couple of thick layers used on regular prey it had spun itself into the thinnest, sheerest, glossiest form it could achieve then slid each layer slowly over the hapless girl, one drawn out engulfment at a time until she was barely visible under over a dozen ultra sheer layers.
After pulling her inside its outermost ‘skin’ the top few layers interweaved to restrain her limbs, leaving her unable to do more than ‘mmph’ as loudly as she could through the huge hardened mass of nylon that filled her mouth and writhe helplessly as it gently inserted two large clusters of feeding tendrils into her nether regions.
For a young TM the tights fetishist was an almost mythical being, whispered about with great longing with others of its own age group, each privately dreaming about being the one that bagged a fetishist at such a young age, whilst publicly admitting to its peers it would take at least a decade until they had developed the wiliness and cunning to outsmart the elder TMs who had perfected the art of finding these elusive prey.
Still, a wet behind the ears TM only a few years past reaching its majority could dream. And sometimes dreams came true ….

It had just been a hunch, but this young and upcoming TM had learned to trust its instincts, especially after finding Bondage Girl a few weeks back, she may have looked like a stern office manager type in her late thirties walking through a boring neighbourhood but being helplessly encased, cocooned and stimulated had been right up her street. The TM had rated her five stars out of five for delicious tastiness and tagged her for repeat visits.
So it had ignored conventional wisdom about where to find the best tasting prey and begun hunting away from where the other TMs hung out, prowling the quieter parts of town, extending its senses to sniff out those with ‘different’ interests.

Tonight it had ghosted from backyard to backyard, ’tasting’ the minds of the inhabitants until out of the blue it had found an off-key note amidst the jumble of domestic mundanity.

Wait no … more like amidst the off-key humdrum of dull ordinariness it had ‘heard’ a single note in perfect tune.

That note had drawn it to a house, to a window where it peered inside.

Just a girl lying on her belly on the sofa reading a book, slowly swinging her lower legs as she read.
So far so ordinary … but … a girl in a fluffy sweater dress wearing silky sheer tights. The Tights Monster concentrated its senses on her, and her alone, this close it could feel the little bursts of pleasure, perfectly in time with her slowly scissoring nyloned legs brushing against each other, a sense of anticipation ….. not just for the book …. but … for when the book reached the good bit … and there was more nylon upstairs, just waiting for her to envelope herself in it …. and a vibrator.
If Tights Monsters could salivate this one would have been drooling all over itself.
It didn’t do anything stupid like burst in through the window, instead it slithered around to the door, rang the doorbell, then slid a section of itself into the lock and opened it. In spite of being near the bottom of the class on the lockpicking course it found the lock almost ridiculously easy to open. Bit noisy though. Not so hasty next time. Once inside it took a moment to compose itself, reforming into a humanoid form and slinked into the living room just as its intended prey was approaching the door …..
Following that same hunch that had drawn it here it had encased her with the sheerest layer it could and gagged her most thoroughly ……

Now here it was, wrapped around the semi-mythical tights fetishist, the Holy Grail of a Tights Monsters existence, right here, right now, female, young and beautiful, encased within itself and squirming with delight as she was immobilised and filled preparatory to feeding.
Okay, not going to rush this, take your time ….

It took a tentative sip of the helpless girls pleasure …..

Oh … oh Holy Denier that is .. that is just …. sorry bondage girl … you may be five out of five but this … this is ten stars on a scale of nought to five …. oh My Sheerness, that’s, that’s just arousal …. what is an orgasm going to taste like ….

… well, only one way to find out ….


Just an ordinary house in a nice part of town, looking no different from the other houses along this particular street.
Inside the house however it is anything but ordinary, a beautiful young woman writhes helplessly on the floor, completely engulfed within a Tights Monster.
The Monster has just finished preparing its prey prior to feeding, its outermost layers forming a beyond skintight cocoon to render the woman utterly helpless, muffled, barely audible cries betraying the presence of the substantial gag packing her mouth, the grinding of her hips and heaving of her chest suggesting the presence of other intruders within her.

The Tights Monster was in no rush, in spite of its own desperate need to feed on her pleasure it was going to take its time and do this properly, you only got one first time with someone as delicious tasting as this gorgeous tights fetishist and it was determined to make it as perfect as possible for both of them.
It gently tightened all of its layers around her, eliciting a fresh bout of writhing and gagged moaning, the muffled sounds definitely sounding pleading in tone.
Almost giddy from the sheer strength of the needful lust emanating from its prey the TM slowly expanded the twin clusters of feeding tendrils penetrating deep inside her, forming into two rather large shafts that filled her lower orifices most thoroughly. It twisted and flexed all of its layers in random directions at the same time it began to rub all of its feeding tendrils against each other, creating a low humming buzz.
Its prey jerked and arched her back, thrusting her hips forward, internal muscles clamping down tight and, oh joy of joys, trying to pull the expanding invaders deeper within herself, not trying to push them out.
She’s perfect the Monster thought to itself, forget all the legends and myths about tights fetishists, she’s in a category all of her own ….. and all mine.
At just twenty one years of age it had bagged itself a truly kinky tights fetishist, as far as it could recall that would make it the youngest Tights Monster to have ever achieved this feat, nearly a decade younger than the current record holder. This is the stuff that legends are made of … the adulation and envy of its peers, the grudging but genuine respect from the elders, the sheer pride radiating from its mentor, the TM that had taught it everything it knew about the arts of pleasure ….

Oh you glorious perfect babe, it thought as its prey pumped her hips and mewled in her need for more stimulation, tonight I’m going to use every trick, every technique ever devised by Tights Monsterkind to make your wildest fantasies come true.

The ebon sheathed glossy form on the floor writhed and squirmed, a faint susseration as the multiple layers slid over each other to create the most incredible sensation a tights fetishist could imagine barely audible over the muffled cries of passion filtering through the massive gag in her mouth, those cries themselves gradually drowned out by the increasingly loud buzzing from between her legs, the sinuous writhing becoming a hard thrusting of the hips then a rigid arching of the back accompanied by convulsive shuddering from head to toe, the muted screams of ecstasy briefly louder than the powerful, throbbing buzz …. which didn’t stop. Even as she slumped back down in the trembling aftermath of a colossal orgasm the Tights Monster was already building her up for another.
And another.

And another.

The taste of her orgasm was even more intense than the Tights Monster could ever believe … it wanted, it needed more. And the night was still young …..


It took a while but she managed to bully her legs into actually working for long enough to reach the kitchen.
Subsequently armed with a cup of piping hot Earl Grey she returned to the living room, set her life-giving tea down on the coffee table, retrieved the laptop from beneath a pile of Monster Truck!! magazines and considered her options.

Taking into account the number and sheer size of the intruders between her legs she opted for kneeling next to the coffee table, not the most comfortable option, but given how distracting the intruders became when any kind of pressure was applied to them it was the most prudent for the time being. Trying very hard to ignore the sensation of multiple layers of ultra sheer nylon slithering over her breasts with every breath she booted up the laptop and began searching for information on her unexpected guest.

It didn’t take long to find some answers.

“A Tights Monster. I … I’m stuck inside an actual, genuine, real life Tights Monster ….. I thought you were a myth”

The reply was a tightening of the seamless sheath and all the layers squirming in different directions, stroking every part of her from neck to toe.


It took a while to get her breathing and heart rate back down to merely desperately horny, a couple more minutes until she could focus on the laptop screen again.

“So … ummm … Tights Monsters … yes that’s where we were …. ‘Tights Monsters, abbreviated to TMs for the rest of this article, are part of the Erotivore category of entities. Species in this category are those that feed on .. pleasure’ ….”

A sip of Earl Grey.

“‘Tights Monsters are believed to possess a telempathic ability to assess potential prey, once a suitable prey, blah blah, rapidly engulfed and shagged senseless … feeding on the orgasms, typically a TM requires between ten to fifteen orgasms before its hunger is satisfied … release prey and begin hunt for next one’ … that most definitely is not what happened last night. I also note a distinct lack of releasing,”

More tea and scrolling further down.

“‘Tights Monsters and Tights Fetishists.’ Might actually be getting somewhere now ahem ‘while TMs will take anyone compatible they are always on the look out for a genuine tights fetishist, these individuals are considered the Holy Grail by this elusive species’ … uh oh …. ‘upon tasting that their prey is a tights fetishist they abandon the regular feeding pattern, instead slowly encasing their prey one layer at a time to enhance their arousal, once the prey is fully encased and immobilised the TM will gorge itself on their pleasure’ … I think I might be in a little bit of trouble here … ’the ten to fifteen orgasm limit of regular feeding is tossed out of the window, the TM will feed continuously, allowing the prey brief periods to rest … and … recover ….’ gulp ’….. before … resuming … feeding.’ Ummmmmm … really in trouble here … ‘This feeding frenzy typically lasts around forty ….. eight ….. hours ….’ oh my word ‘before the TM is fully sated. At which point the exhausted prey is slowly and carefully released.’ Tea, I need tea.”

The cup was drained.

“What else … ‘A Tights Monster forms an intense emotional bond with its kinky prey, staying in proximity to the prey to ensure a steady supply of the intoxicating pleasure that only a tights fetishist is capable of experiencing. TMs are also fiercely protective of their adopted fetishist and those closest to them. Other species of monster will steer well clear of a bonded TM, only the most desperate or inexperienced would even think of getting into a fight with something as lethal and ferocious as an enraged Tights Monster.’ Wow.”

A woeful glance at the now empty tea cup.

“So to summarise …. I am encased within the maw of a deviously kinky creature that I did not think could even exist outside of my wildest dreams, I am going to spend the best part of the next day and a half orgasming my brains out, this is not a one off encounter, this silky smooth beast will be returning to devour me and feed on me at regular intervals, and in between it will be acting as the next best thing to a guardian angel.”

“I think that sums it up ….. umm I need more tea, last night turned my brain to putty …”


The little messenger box popped up in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Family crisis solved! On mah way home!! xxx

“Oh … bugger. She’ll be home in four hours, how am I going to explain ….. Tea! Must have more tea.”

Side Quest

After the hearty repaste was completely devoured the now replete girl ventured upstairs to take care of some other becoming-slightly-urgent business.

The Tights Monster released all of it’s layers so they slid smoothly over each other as she moved, except for the soles of her feet, her palms and inside of the fingers whenever they made contact with a surface.
The nylon sheathed girl had been expecting to have to walk very carefully to avoid slipping but now found herself quite surefooted.
She wiggled her fingers, uttering a little moan of pleasure as the ultra sheer layers slithered over her digits, then reached out and grasped the bannister running up the stairs, noting how firm her grip on the smooth wood was, then released and wiggled her fingers again. “That … that is rather clever. Thank you!” She wrapped her arms around herself and hugged her Tights Monster again.
The stairs were ascended with ease and she entered the bathroom, where she came to an abrupt stop, stunned by the sight of herself in the large full length mirror. “Oh …… my …… god.”
Aeria couldn’t stop staring at her reflection, lost in the beauty of her nylon sheath. On a whim she grabbed the hairbrush and untangled her hair, then a quick touch up with makeup, the quite expensive stuff, run-proof mascara, no-smear eyeshadow and the unsmudgeable lipstick. “Well a girl’s got to look her best at all times, right?”
She stepped over to the big mirror again.
“Oh woooww, I can’t believe how good I look being worn by you, sweeetheart.” She could have stayed there all day, posing in front of the mirror, but the growing pressure in her lower regions reminded her why she’d come to the bathroom in the first place. With a sigh and one last backward look at the mirror she moved to the toilet, raised the lid & perched herself carefully upon the porcelain throne.
“Okay, so …. ummm …. how is this going to work?”

After a brief period punctuated by some startled squeals, lots of moaning and whimpering, the usual sounds associated with this sort of activity, heavy panting, some more soft moans and ending with the flushing of a toilet, a slightly shell-shocked young lady emerged from the bathroom, moving somewhat unsteadily, stopping in the doorway, holding onto the frame.

“I …uummm … my darling … Tights Monster … I … uhh … when one visits the little girls room … one does not expect … tubes to emerge from ones ladyparts …. and if there was perchance a possibility of there being tubes one might presume that they would be smooth and slender ….. not …. large and knobbly …. and stimulating nerve endings that had previously … been undiscovered …… what I’m trying to say is … a …a trip to the bathroom isn’t meant to be … such a disturbingly erotic experience.”

The Tights Monster was rather proud of its plumbing arrangements, as well as the traction control on hands and feet, all those interminable lectures on human anatomy had not been time wasted!
However it didn’t take offence at her words, it could sense that what was disturbing to its beloved prey was how much she had enjoyed the experience. Through its unique mental and emotional link with her it knew that she wasn’t the sort to admit just how kinky she really was, even to herself. There was only one way to manage that kind of reticence and that was with tact, patience and lots & lots of orgasms.
It gave her a gentle full body hug, softly stroking her all over with all of it’s layers until she relaxed and gave a happy little moan of pleasure …

Break Time Over

taptaptaptaptaptaptaptaptap enter “Hmmmmm, urethral sounds …. okay so it really is a thing. Aeria discovers a new fetish ding! Aeria levels up in Advanced Perversion ….”

Warmth blossomed down below, she looked down to see a coating of ultra sheer nylon emerging from between her legs, flowing out to encase her even further, she watched in rapt fascination and delight as it slithered down her arms and hands, coating her fingers. No sooner had it finished than another layer slithered out from between her thighs.

“Mmmmmmhhhhh oooohhh s..storing all the extra layers … inside me … that … that’s ingenious …. and rather horny … mmmmmmnnnmmmm ….. not going .. to make it to … the bedroom …. nnnnhhhmmmmm .. better leave a note … doubt you’ll be finished … with me ….aaahhnnnhhh … before she .. gets home …. uuuhhnnnhhh …”

She grabbed a notepad and a pen, starting to write a quick note of explanation for her roommate, discarding the first pen when the growing number of slick layers made it impossible to hold and finding another bigger chunkier writing implement. She tried to concentrate on the laborious task of writing, heart in her throat and butterflies in her stomach as she was inexorably engulfed by her hungry Tights Monster.
Movement below her jaw, then something tapped her parted lips, she obediently opened her mouth and nylon flowed in to fill her oral cavity, the encased girl moaning happily as she was gagged most thoroughly.
More nylon slithered into her ears, blocking out all sound, and slender tubes slid up her nose, making her whimper as every orifice was plugged …. then the first slick ultra sheer layer slithered up over her head encasing her completely from crown to toe.


She had to stop writing, unable to even hold the pen as nylon webbing formed between her fingers, just had enough dexterity to switch the laptop screen to the webpage concerning nylon beasties even as her fingers were being pulled together.
Her hands were balled into soft fists and more webbing formed all down her arms and legs. MMphing with delight she shuffled on her knees and clumsily levered herself up onto the sofa.
She struggled against her restraints, not with any hope of escape but just to enhance the wonderful helplessness as her legs were drawn together and her arms pulled behind her.
Just enough freedom of movement to twist and swing her pinioned legs up and then she was lying on her back, squirming and moaning with lust as the final cocoon began to form around her.

Aeria’s overactive imagination inserted the voice-over of a nature documentary “here we see the prey being gathered up, the tight cocoon ensures there is no possibility of escape, with the helpless girl completely immobilised, then, feeding will commence.”


A tight multi layered ultra sheer nylon zentai catsuit with integral arm & leg binders and built in sex toys and gag that was also a full body nylon bondage cocoon at the same time ….. oh and it was alive and she was firmly wrapped in it’s snug, inescapable embrace …..

Aeria was literally in heaven, this was the physical embodiment of her deepest, favouritest fantasies, she had had incredible, amazing dreams of encasement that weren’t even half as good as what she was actually experiencing for real right now …..

This time, as she was engulfed, she had tried to keep count of all the layers that had slithered over her one by one ….. she had counted eighteen, on top of the six that she had already been encased in, meaning she was now helplessly imprisoned in two dozen ultra sheers layers ….. she moaned into her gag, a soft sound of warm pleasure from deep in her throat, writhing sensuously within her nylon prison.

Little snippets of information from the sexmonsterwiki article about Tights Monsters flitted through her lust filled mind ….. “incredibly tough” “extremely durable, only the very sharpest ceramic blades could possibly cut..” “regular metal blades are instead, themselves cut in half” “unparalleled regenerative abilities, healing damage almost as fast as it can be inflicted” “extruding almost mono-molecular filaments for defence” “other monsters will flee at the mere sight of an enraged TM…..”

The corners of her mouth turned up in a grin in spite of the huge gag completely filling her mouth, she was in the maw of a hungry Tights Monster and there was no possible way for anyone else to get her out, but that didn’t bother the horny, curvaceous, brunette tights fetishist one little bit, she didn’t want to get out.

A deep, resonating hum began emanating from between her legs ….. encased in her own personal nirvana Aeria arched her back and cried out in pure delight.

Oooooohhhhhhhh bbbaaaabbbbyyyy, oooooohhhhhh yyyyyeeeeessssss ……

Well Geez Aer!

“Yer always telling me off for leaving someone alone in bondage, now yah go and do this! How did yah get into this anyway? Ah can’t find a zip …”

A closer look .. there weren’t even any seams, just a smooth cocoon wrapped around a writhing and moaning Aeria, and a loud hum coming from between her legs …

“Wha’s going on …. ooohhh a note ….. ‘read webpage first’ this is really bad writing Aer … alright look at the webpage ..”

tap tap

“Tights Monsters …. wait that’s a Tights Monster?? Hahahahahahahah I told you they were real !!! Lessee here ‘feeds on pleasure’ ooohhh is it feeding on ya now?? I’m gonna take that loud squeal as a yes. ‘Tights Monsters & Tights Fetishists … mutter …. mutter …mutter’ ”

She read on in silence, eyes widening, “Uhhhh Aer, did you read right to the bottom of this? ‘Unverified reports of Tights Monsters becoming so addicted to particularily kinky fetishists that they keep them encased for life, forming sim-bi-ot-ik relationships.’ Ummm ah think the girl who owns a bajillion pairs of tights is definitly in that group. An’ I don’t think you can hear me … so ……. read rest of note!”

“This is really hard to read …. ‘don’t call anyone, nothing they can do.’ Well duh, ah did read the article, yah can’t even cut a Tights Monster. ‘it grabbed me just after seven yesterday, don’t know how long it fed before I fell asleep. Woke up nine thirty am, looked up internet, had big breakfast & went to loo, just got back here and its started to engulf me again, when you get here I will be bound, gagged, blindfold and ears plugged getting … hard … to …. write … so many … layers’ can hardly make out this last bit … ah that says time …. ’time is ten thirty a squiggle.’ Woah, its two thirty oclock, you been in there all that time? Just cummin’ yer brains out? Wow.”


Sometimes heaven could be hell.
Imprisoned within her Tights Monster, rendered utterly helpless by its silky smooth amorous embrace, Aeria could only express her displeasure with gagged squeals of indignation.
The Tights Monster had been edging her for over an hour, taking her right to the very brink of orgasm then easing off, it was now building her back up again, but this time it was immobilising her even further.
The outer cocoon hardened until movement was impossible, the inner layers still swirling and slithering over her bound form causing her skin to tingle deliciously all over, the feeding tentacles continuing to pulse and throb most deviously inside her. Then they changed tempo, kicking up into high gear, no longer teasing, this was going full pelt for the finishing line.
Her breath caught in her throat, an hour of frustration and need releasing in one go ……. she strained and bucked to no avail, her nylon prison held firm, the pleasure mounting ever higher, the fire in her loins now a raging inferno. She whimpered as she felt her orgasm building, no abrupt stop this time, it swelled up further and further, she wanted … she needed …
The climax hit her like a tsunami, obliterating all else, every muscled locked solid, shuddering from head to toe, a guttural scream of raw pleasure from deep in her throat, her Tights Monster playing her like a musical instrument, caressing, stroking and thrusting in all the right places to prolong the moment. As the ecstasy and the shuddering eased she realised why it had restrained her so thoroughly, if it hadn’t she would have thrown herself clear off the sofa with a single pelvic thrust. But it wasn’t done with her yet, continuing the symphony of delicious stimulation, the next orgasm already thundering toward her then washing through her with every bit as much intensity as the first.
By the sixth she was sobbing into her gag, all but overwhelmed by the mind shattering pleasure.
Time and the outside world ceased to exist, there was just the titanic waves of pure orgasm, one after another ……
Her Tights Monster gradually slowed the tempo, easing her gently back down to earth, releasing the rigid shell so the completely blissed out girl could slowly roll onto her side and curl up, it stretched and flexed all of its layers to caress and massage her, easing away tension, soothing trembling limbs while she uttered faint kitten-like mewlings.

Wossy stood there, in stunned amazement, her jaw hanging down around her knees. She shut her mouth with an audible click of teeth.

“Don’t go anywhere, ah’ll be right back.” Then she dashed out of the room.

Tights Monster continued its massage of the exhausted girl it held within itself until the sound of a herd of elephants stampeding down the stairs announced the return of Wossy.

She bounced back into the room like a barely contained force of nature, then took a moment to compose herself.

“Oh Mighty Tights Monster, ah have travelled far and long to reach this temple atop this high and snowy peak, seekin’ wisdom and guidance. Ah humbly present to you mahself, a lowly acolyte of the arts of which you are a Grand Master, and beg of you to take me as your apprentice, oh great Sensei.”


Something not mentioned on the monsterwiki page is that Tights Monsters have a sense of humour, Wossy’s reappearance in a karate outfit and her really bad kung-fu movie dialog had this one nearly wetting itself with laughter.
It extruded a gauzy ribbon, shaped the end into a two dimensional facsimile of a hand, reached out and stroked the top of her bowed head. Wossy looked up, startled, and it gently stroked her cheek.

“you love her as much as i do.”

A thumbs up, then it reached down to gently grasp her hands and gave a gentle tug, then let go and gestured to the sofa.

If Wossy could have grinned any wider the top of her head would have fallen off, she leaned forward to kiss her encased room mates gagged mouth, caressing her boobs at the same time because … well they were there.
The encased brunette squirmed softly and moaned plaintively, Woss stroked her head and kissed her cheek where it bulged around the huge gag.
She raised the cocooned girls upper body up from the sofa, slid herself onto it, grabbed a cushion from where Aer had discarded it the night before, tucked it beneath the helpless babe, then lowered her back down to rest Aer’s sheathed head on her lap.
Aeria wriggled and snuggled up with a soft happy sigh, the gauzy ribbon snaking up to brush against Wossy’s lips in a Tights Monster’s kiss before retracting back into Aer’s tight cocoon.

“You have a nap sweetheart, I’m gonna catch up on the wrasslin’ I missed, then I’ll make all of us somethin’ for dinner.”



“Welcome back to the land of the living!”


Wossy stared in rapt fascination as layer after layer slithered back from Aer’s head and the gag melted out of her mouth.


“Hey you, how do you feel?”

absolutely ravenous

“Me too, time to go make an even bigger mess of the kitchen!”


The encased brunette snuggled up closer.


“Want a kiss?”

want all the kisses

Bed Time

An extremely hungry Aeria devoured everything on her plate, then began stealing from Wossy’s plate.

“Hey, thass mine!”


“There’s some left in the pan, I’ll get it fer yah.”

By the time Wossy returned to the table Aeria had cleared her plate too.

“Greedy guts!”

“I’m eating for two, don’t you know.”

They both burst out laughing, then made short work of what was left of the pasta bake, still giggling like idiots.

A couple of glasses of wine helped to wash the food down, the girls chatting away, Wossy overflowing with questions, Aeria trying to describe how the past day and a bit had been, how it felt to be imprisoned within her greatest-sexual-fantasy-made-a-reality until the conversation was interrupted by a stupendous yawn from the nylon sheathed brunette.

“Ah think thass the cue to go tah bed.”


They cleared the table, then headed for bed, Aeria hanging on to Wossy’s shoulder as a pleasant lassitude crept over her .

“uummm … wossy … i’m not going to make it … my legs are like jelly … could you … please?”

“Ah’ve got yah.”

She scooped the nyloned girl up in her arms, Aeria wrapped her arms around her housemates neck and snuggled up tight.

“thank you”
