Another fantastic skinsuit-esque comic series by Vanron. Even though I’m not really into furries / fursuits, this series is still one of my most favourite works I have come across.
The series follows the female MC getting to play with quite a special kind of fursuit, that actually causes way more change to the wearer than initially expected…

My Fursuit and I by Vanron

Let’s test how this goes. An actual R-18 comic with all the good stuff, including fursuits! I did this kinda fast and had to use a ton of reference pictures so it may not look that good in some parts.

Chapter I

Chapter II

Chapter III

Chapter IV

Chapter V

Chapter VI

Time for one of these again. Living suit swapping! What a twist!

Chapter VII

Chapter VIII

A new one of these. This chapter is very yellow. Maybe not the best fursuit chapter I’ve made, but meh.

Chapter IX

More of this stuff. Ailene does some hands-on testing for a new fursuit model. Or does she?
Next time it will be skinsuits.

Ailene does some hands-on testing for a new fursuit model. Or does she?

Chapter X

This thing may be the gayest thing I’ve ever drawn, but considering how much girls I’ve drawn sucking each other off, it’s not a big deal~ It’s the essential MFAI trap chapter! Except one of them is actually a girl… ;3

It’s a direct continuation to Skinsuit Stand-In ch13, so Blake is now with Avery and Remi is with Petra. Avery’s come to see how Petra’s doing with her new companion.

Chapter XI

This time Avery is finding new sides of himself during the span of very intensive 48 hours.
Reading direction is western left->right. 読む方向は左から右へ。

Thanks for reading! The plot for this chapter wasn’t that different from what I’ve already drawn in previous chapters. In a way this chapter is sort of a re-tread of MFAI ch7. I think this chapter came out nice since it has small character moments here and there. Cindy and Ailene give off some evil vibes but it’s all meant to be mischief, and Avery is no stranger to getting into the role of a horny bitch. >:3

Linda arrived, found Avery’s controller in Cindy’s room, helped Avery out of his fluffy prison and delivered swift justice on Cindy & Ailene. Or something like that I have no idea…
