This is an old story from the author Querthe, that I managed to find in an archive of

The story about an artist who’s specialy is more on the extreme fetish side.

Mad Artist

Samantha arrived at the appointment with some minute to spare, knowing that no one is happy to wait a new worker.

“It continue to let me think a little…” she thought, entering on a near coffee bar and ordering a cappuccino. “It was so easy. All what I had to do was to send a couple of photos and my curriculum vitae to a P.O. box and wait some week, and now I receive a call saying I obtained a secretary job for this new company that sell art objects only to really rich people. No interviews, no questions, only to be here today, ready to start my job. Let see, I have a week of try before sign the final contract.”

She looked at the watch and gulped the remaining of her drink, then she run out the local and ringed at the entry phone of the building where the S.W. Ltd had its base.

“Yes?” answered a quite old male voice, the same that phoned her the day before.

“Mr. Walling? I’m Samantha, you remember, for the job…”

“Ah… Yes, yes, perfect. Come in, third floor, the first door on the right.” He answered, closing the communication and opening the electrical lock of the entry wooden door.

The black haired girl checked everything was ok with her make-up and her dress in the mirror of the lift, then she smiled and opened the company door. Inside the room, that was more a flat adapted to be an office than a true business local, there were only three chairs in a row attached to a wall ad a small desk for as reception. Some painting was put at the walls, giving at the whole thing a fresh and welcoming air.

“Miss Grennet? I’m Walling, Sam Walling. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too, Mr Walling.”

“I have to admit, and this is not flattery, than the picture you sent me don’t do justice to you. It will be really a pleasure to work with you.” He smiled, then he started to explain her what the work was for her, and after an hour she was ready. “Perfect, perfect. I was really searching someone as you. When you want to start?”

“When you want…”

“Perfect, perfect. Tomorrow morning this hour it’s perfect. Please find something similar to this to wear. Let call it a sort of uniform. Bring with you the bill, it will be my pleasure to pay it.”

“But…” she gasped.

“My dear, it’s for work, so why I have not to pay for your dress?” he cut out the question giving them his idea of uniform.

She smiled. In her mind she had already thought everything, from the best to the worst, so she was pleased about the dress he wanted, and she saw something really similar in a shop near her flat.

She entered the dress shop an hour after, and indicated the size and the colour of the dress she wanted, then she changed the garments in the fitting room.

“Not so bad, no Sam?” she said to herself, smiling to her reflection in the full mirror that was one of the wall of the changing room.

She saw a girl in her late twenties, her long straight black with blue highlights hair free to fall over her shoulders and down to her kidneys, blue big eyes and a pretty face perfectly proportionate to her firm, well-built body slightly tanned. The dress seemed to be cut for her, with the dark blue knee length tight skirt and the coordinate jacket with golden buttons. She chose a white shirt with long sleeves, so she was really similar to a hostess of some important airline.

“Definitely not bad, but these shoes are not appropriate. I will buy something to finish the complete, so tomorrow I will be perfect…” she giggled, changing again in her old clothes and paying for the items.

“Perfect, perfect, you exceeded my expectations!” Mr. Walling exclaimed the next morning, seeing the girl dressed in her uniform with low heels dark blue shoes and sheer pantyhose. “My dear, I can’t find what to say…” he smiled.

The day went slowly but easy, with a couple of phone calls and some fax entering and exiting, but nothing extraordinary, and as the first day, also the others following were always identical, until after a month the first customer entered the front door. It was an old man dressed as an Arab, with a strange smile that frightened Samantha also hours after he leaved.

“We are really lucky, Samantha. He is really rich, and he was interest in what I can offer to him, also if I have to admit that I will be a little sad to lost a so precious jewel…”

“But he paid a lot?”

“So much that in some way I will forget the loss…” he smiled in a strange way, the same of the Arab.

It was a Friday, two days after the customer leaved the office, and Samantha was happy because she had just organized a relaxing weekend with her best friend. She arrived in the S.W. Ltd reception humming a song, and greeted her boss also if she didn’t see him. Often he was closed on his room, but he could hear her. At soon as she entered, she felt strong hands grabbing her wrists and handcuffing her arms on her back. Before she could react and cry a long piece of gray duct tape was sealed over her lips and a clear plastic bag slipped over her head and closed at her neck with more tape.

Getting kidnapped

“Mmmmghttt!” she cried, turning immediately when the assailant leaved her.

She was shocked. It was her boss.


“I’m sorry, but I need you unconscious to do my work today, and the chloroform is not good with the chemicals I will use. Just relax and breathe slowly. It will not hurt.

“Nnnnghtt! Mghtttt!” she trashed, moving her head from side to side trying to free her face from the already hot and quite sticky material that was trapping staler and staler air.

Her head started to spin slowly, her thoughts were confused, until she collapsed on the floor, passed out, her features glued to the fogged plastic when she inspired all the air creating a vacuum packed mask.

When she regained her senses, she discovered she was looking straight ahead and she couldn’t close her eyes.

“What…” she started to say, trying to move her limbs or her head, but with no results.

Bound to a chair

“Oh, you are not sleeping. Perfect, perfect…” he smiled, a strange, quite mad smile and a strange light in his eyes. “I think the drug will do its effect in a couple of minutes, but until that moment I have to keep you restrained.” He said, indicating the ropes tied tightly around her wrists and ankles. The girls sensed something around her forehead and a tingling sensation on her eyes.

“My eyes…” she bubbled in fear. “What you did to them?” she asked, trying to flutter her eyelashes.

“Nothing particular. I just used superglue on your eyelids and put a special contact lens over the whole eyeball, gluing also it in position, so you will have to look only in front of you.”

“Why? You are mad…” she cried, her tears blocked by the glass surface of the lenses.

“No. I’m paid for do this. You know, some rare and fortunately really rich customer doesn’t want a statue of a girl, but a girl blocked as a statue, a perfect one. This is what I sell. Sealed women, so the S.W. Ltd… Oh, you were thinking about my name and surname. Only a coincidence…”

“You want… to seeeellll mmmmmm… Mmmmghhhttt, mmmmm!” she tried to scream, but her lips, as all her muscles were no more under her control.

“Ah, the drug that had to paralyze all your body worked. You see, all your muscles are now in tension, so at the end you are completely rigid, but if I want to move your limbs, I can, and you will stay where I will put, as a perfect doll…” he explained, freeing her from the ropes and the thick leather band on her forehead that was blocking her head on the chair back rest.

Slowly he lifted her, positioning her legs and her torso to stay still, her lower limbs slightly opened and bended. She immediately realized she was naked in front of him, and blushed heavily.

“No problem, my dear. I’m used to see naked beauties, and you are not an exception. Let say that I did already some job on you for the… plumbing, let’s call it this way.

You will be fully and automatically cleaned inside every day by special devices that will be attached on the plugs now inserted on you.”

“Mmmmghtt!” she mumbled, not seeing but sensing the two catheters fitted and glued to position in her crotch.

“No one will see them. You will be dressed, and I have to say you really found a perfect dress for your part. My customer wants you exactly in your clothes, nothing changed. He said you would be a perfect welcome hostess on his mansion hall.”

“Mmmmmmm mmmmmmmhhh!”

“Yes, yes, all his guests will see you. But enough chat. I need a lot of time to create from you a sealed woman. First thing I will cover you a couple of time with this transparent and mat shellac. It’s the best to adhere to the skin and bond permanently to it. It’s a mix of resin, special glue and chemicals to destroy all the grow factors for your hairs and nails. It’s still elastic, so I will pose you after it will be dried…” he smiled, leaving her alone for some time, until he returned with a gas mask on his face and a big sprayer on his hands.

When the product hit her body, she tried to move, to trash, but no a movement could be detected on her stiff muscles, and soon the first layer of cold shellac finished to cover her from head to toe. She sensed a strange feeling, as a soft hug all over her body, and in some way she couldn’t detect anymore the air around her.

“The shellac is drying. It will shrink a little, only some percentage point, just to be sure to have a tight fit. I will do the second layer in half an hour. See you later…” he said, then he disappeared.

It was only when also the second layer of product was applied and dried that he started to move her in a upright position, her arms horizontal on her sides. She was scared as hell when he touched her face and moved the single muscles for a long time, until he was satisfied and showed the result to her by a mirror.

“As you can see, you are now smiling with closed lips, a perfect expression for an hostess polite but gentle. I will now apply the make-up and dress you in your uniform. Then the final layers and you will be deliverable. As I said, you are really perfect for the part. Perfect. Perfect!” He grabbed eyeliners, lipsticks and alt he necessary to make-up her, and after a while her smiled and put the brushes and the colors away. “Not too heavy, not too soft. I think the cherry dark red on your lips and the nightshade blue on your eyes are perfect with your complexion… Now the dress, I think you know it. I just took it and washed with a special compound. Now it’s still flexible, but when I will spray you with the other chemical, the dress will literally become ceramic, hard and shiny… Happy, eh? I can see it by the way you are smiling.”

Finished dressing

The man slowly, pay attention to every wrinkle, to every detail, he dressed her starting from the pantyhose, then the bra, the white shirt and the gown with the jacket. He puffed and sweated posing her as he wanted, continuing to check a sort of sketch he had on a table near him.

“You know, our client show me more or less how to pose you. I have to say I had other ideas, but well, he is the one that pay, no?” he smiled, finishing to move her right arm in position.

She was slightly bended, her legs straight and united as a soldier, the left arm bended at the elbow, while the right was completely at the side of her body, quite horizontal.

“Perfect. You are in the perfect pose of a woman that shows how to go to the guests, greeting them with a little bow. My work is finished, the last layers of hard and shiny shellac are mere unskilled worker job… Ah, it was a pleasure work with you. Thank you, dear Samantha.”

With these words he fitted again over his face the gas mask and sprayed her with a blue liquid, that become transparent as soon as it touched her. Her garments hardened, obtaining a shiny, ceramic effect, encasing and trapping her in that stupid pose. He then changed the spray gun, restarting again to spray her in a thick, sticky substance that hardened in a couple of second at the air. He started at her feet and went up, then from her head to her feet and again, for the third and last time, from her toes to her hairs.

“Perfect. The shellac is dried, and now, also if the drug will release you from the strange effect, you will not be able to move also if you was big, bad and green as a famous cartoon.

“Mmmmghttt, nnnghtt…” she cried, sensing that her fate was sealed. Literally.

Completely sealed

Sabine exited the party with a big smile under the thin rubber mask she was wearing. In her gloved hands there was a business card, and also her new job.

“I’m really lucky!” she thought. “I was going to this party since years, since I discovered my strange side, and always I found someone to warm my bed, but never found a man that is offering me a job, and with the dresses that I dream…” she smiled again, entering in her car and driving home.

She was so excited that she forget to remove her costume and just jumped on the bed, a king one covered with black rubber sheets, the same material was clinging her body from head to toe as a catsuit with high heels and gloves, apart the mask and the corset crushing her waist to a marvellous nineteen inch diameter.

Two days after, as agreed with Mr. Walling, she was at the door of his office, located at the third floor of a old building. She noted the door half opened, probably because she ringed also at the entry phone.

“Mr. Walling?” she asked, putting her face inside.

“Come in, dear, come in!” he shouted from a closed door inside the S.W. Ltd offices. “I will be all for you in a second. Just the time to answer to a mail from a possible customer…”

She entered and noted that the office was more a flat converted to office, with a small desk on the entrance, three chairs and some paint on the wall. It was cosy and clean. She liked it. She was there for applying as secretary, so she thought the entrance desk would be for her. She run her kid leather covered hands over the shiny surface, then touched the flat monitor and looked at the wireless mouse and keyboard.


“Yes, only the best for my employees.” He said exiting from his office. “And I have to say only the best also for my customers, if the first person they will see and hear will be you, my dear…” he flattered her. “Last time we met I was not able to guess your face and hairs, but you are over my best dreams.”

“Thank… thank you, Mr. Walling…”

“Call me Sam… Sabine.”

“As you want.” She smiled. “Can I ask you if I can remove my overcoat, I’m a little overdressed, as to say…”

“Oh… Yes, yes, please, turn and let me help you. You are wearing your… uniform? Or better, the one you think you can manage to work with?”

“Well…” she mumbled starting to untie the belt of her overcoat. “I decided for something medium. I think I can do worst, but let say that this is a good start. With this on I can do practically everything, apart running. But it’s not the scope of my job, no?”

“No… No.” he smiled taking her clothe and folding it over a chair. “Oh my… Perfect! Perfect!” he shouted, sparkle in his eyes looking at her.

“Really you like it?”

He nodded. She was dressed with a skin tight catsuit made in shiny black latex, with a black rubber corset with the edges covered in red as the stays. A long translucid plastic hobble skirt was covering her legs impeding big movements from the waist to the knees, but leaving her free to move due to the zipper still open on the back of the garment. The material was permitting to him to see the calve-length kid leather ballet boots, padlocked at the ankles to prevent unauthorised removal. Her arms were covered by the catsuit but over it there were kid opera gloves, so tight he could guess the nails and all the features of the slender limbs.

“As already I said, you are perfect. The curly red hairs that are touching your shoulders are the perfect match with the costume… But you said you can go farer?”

“Yes, but before, can you explain me better my eventual duties and why you requested a… strange attire… like this?”

“Yes, yes. Well, my customers are really eccentric people. Full of money, they really don’t know what to do with it, and so I want to let them be in the best ambient possible. This means also that due to the fact that I’m selling alternative art, they expect I have also an alternative office and an alternative secretary. This is why my office is in a flat, cosy and discrete, and why I was at the party. I was looking for someone to be my secretary. You.”

“Happy to hear it. But before me…”

“There was another girl, but she was not on the right side. She is now busy with another job that I think she will never leave.”

“She found her perfect job?”

“A sort of, yes.” He smiled, thinking about Samantha, at that time quite two months sealed and trapped in an hard shellac. “But returning to you. Do you have a curriculum vitae?”

“Yes.” She said extracting a paper and giving it to him.

“Mmmm… Sabine Varillant, Twenty four years old, single, worked since you could as a secretary, but the salary was poor. No special interests?”

“Well, not interest that I can put in a normal curriculum vitae…” she blushed.

“And in an alternative one?” he giggled.

“Let’s say bondage, latex… you see it… scuba diving in a special way?”

“Which way?”

She blushed again.

“You know that there are special panties that can make a girl really happy? I mean…”

“I know. You put them on before diving?”

She nodded.

“The sensation due to the long and calm movements of the legs…”

He smiled, then laughed.

“I understand perfectly. Seems really that I obtained more than I expected. Consider that your job will be writing some mail or fax, answering the phone and greet the customers. You think you can do this in this attire?

“Yes, and I think I can add something more to my garments and paraphernalia, if you can permit me.” She said, thinking that if she has to take the job, why not in the best way. “Or do you think could be too much for your customers?”

“What are you thinking about something more? No, no, don’t tell me, let me discover day by day. Can you start tomorrow, nine to five? This is the salary, dress code minimum what you have today. I mean, the only thing I can accept to see of you is the face. Agree?” he smiled, giving her a small note with a number.

She coughed for the happiness.

“Tomorrow at nine. This dress, then I will start to add something.” She smiled.

The days went away, and Sabine was more and more happy of her new job. Her boss was eager to see the surprises she was adding to her dress code, first of all a pair of ankle cuffs to impair her stride to twelve inches, then the hobble skirt more and more tight around her ankles, until the cuffs were more for her pleasure and for scene that to impede her. The gloves changed from kid leather to latex, more and more thick, until she was wearing three of them in a time, her fingers quite rigid, but still enough mobile to take the receiver or use a keyboard.

“You know, Sabine, that I’m really impressed by your uniform. Do you think I can do a change?”

“What are you thinking, Sam?” she asked, sipping slowly the coffee one morning.

She had used a couple of the drawers to store the various items she could not put directly at home, like the cuffs or the ball gag she sometime used when she had to stay overtime and the phone was switched to the answer machine.

“Well, I see that you are really good to walk with this hobble skirt, and I have also to admit that you changed during this last week to heelless ballet boots, a real devotee, I have to say. But one of the customers, do you remember Mr. Morumeck from Denmark, he said to me that in someway your arms so free are a little out of place…”

“Yes, I remember him. He looked at me in a way I have to admit I didn’t like.” She smirked, remembering the fat and sweating man. He was quite a fix guest of the office. At least a couple of time at week he was there, and with Sam they were closed in his private office for a couple of hours each time. “And what you thought about my arms out of place… Handcuffs? I will have a little problem to type.”

“I thought to the handcuffs, but then I found a better solution. An armbinder. You choose, I pay.”

“Are you kidding?”

“No. I will change the keyboard with a voice dictation system, so you will be able also to answer at the phone and opening the door, that is already electrical. So no big changes, and all at my expenses. What do you think?”

“I accept, but this means that each day you have to seal me inside the armbinder and remove it when I leave.”

“No problem.”

“At this point I will change also my corset. I saw on a site a wonderful thing that will be perfect…” She smiled. “Thank you!” she kissed on his cheek her boss. “You are really an angel!”

“Wait before say it…” he thought.

There was only three week after she placed the order that the garment arrived at the office. She run as much as her latex hobble skirt could permit to take the big and heavy package, and with a smile like a child in a candy shop she returned to her desk and opened the big cardboard box.

“Wow…” she gasped.

“What’s happening, Sabine?”

“It’s arrived, Sam. The corset, the special one…”

“Really?” he asked interested, looking at the strange, black and shiny garment. “And this is the so called Venus corset?”

She nodded.

“Yes. This is my dream…”

“Perfect, perfect…” he said, thinking that the time was right. He had to contact the customer to decide the delivery date of the new art object. “You want to try it now?”

“Really I can?”

“Why not?”

“But it will be a long way to put this on… If someone calls or…”

He smiled, putting a finger over her lips.

“I can manage it. What you need from me?”

“Well, I have to disrobe myself, then you have to close me inside this and lace it tight, as much as you can.”

“And your arms will go where?”

“There is a special monoglove inside the corset, that will force my arms between my shoulderblades. You have only to guide my hands inside, the rest will be done closing the garment.”

“It seems easy.”

“It seems. I’m quite sure I will be in pain after a while, but no problem, I know also that the arms will go numb after an hour or so, and I can bear it, or I so guess…”

“There is only one way to discover it, no?” he laughed. “Come on, go to the bathroom to disrobe yourself, while I do a couple of phone call. Shout at me when you are ready.”

“Thank you, Sam…” she sighed, running on the small bathroom and removing all her clothes, leaving only on the latex panties.

“Ready?” he shouted at the other side of the door.

“Yes, come in.”

He entered, holding the heavy garment, that had a weight of ten pounds or something more. It was done entirely of black heavy rubber, with stainless steel stays dipped inside. It was extending from the knees to the neck, acting also as a sort of neck corset. There were three lacing points, one each side and one on the front, all of them ready to be covered with a flap of rubber and leaving in that way a flawless surface of the corset, that was also presenting a strange lack of arms. The wearer would be totally armless, her body compressed and restrained, while her breasts would be free to bounce, due to the two small round opening on the garment.

“You will be able to walk? The corset seems a little long…”

“Yes, I will be able to do mincing steps, but I will not be able to sit down or to divide my legs. I think you could also remove my chair…”

“Mmmmm, all day long encased in this, in your hobble skirt and ballet boots. I hope to be able to do my job…”

She blushed, and sighed of pleasure when he grabber her arms and put them inside the small triangle of rubber attached to the inner side of the corset.

“Wonderful sensation…”

An extreme corset

“Good, good. Now, if I understood correctly, I have to close the laces, slowly and all at the same degree of compression…”

She nodded, and he started, acting as a perfect gentleman not touching her bare breasts while removing precious millimetres from her waist and her bust, enclosing more and more her already confined arms, until when he finished both were panting for the efforts, one to have totally closed the garment, the other to breathe ad for the pleasure.

“It’s… incredible. My arms are aching, but it’s a fantastic sensation.”

“I’m happy to hear it from you. I have a small surprise for you. I thought that this could be perfect with this corset and your armless situation.” He said, leaving the room and coming back in ten second with a violet latex mantle that he fixed on her neck, strapping it tight. It was covering her breasts and at the same time it was highlighting her lack of upper limbs.

“Sam… How I will be able to thank you for all?”

“Well, you will find a way, I’m sure. Now, can we finish to dress you with the boots and the skirt?”

“Don’t forget the cuffs.”

He smiled.

“Three weeks, and the art will be ready.” He thought.

After that day, Sabine worked every day, all day as an armless, restrained girl, liking it. A couple of time Sam was so gentle to bring her home in the costume, picking her up next day. It was one of those days when he entered the company and run immediately in his office.

“Sam, what?” he panted, her normal way to speak when in the corset.

“Only one second, Sabine, I have a surprise for you!” he giggled. “Close your eyes, baby…”

She giggled, and did as he said. It was only when the cloth wet of chloroform hit her face that she tried to move, but the lack of arms and the fact he was grabbing with his left arm her corseted waist impeded her to escape, and so after twenty or thirty second she started to see black spot on her eyes, then all went black, and she passed out.

Passing out

“Perfect, perfect!” he smiled, starting to remove her dress and corset, leaving them on the floor in front of the desk. He transported her in a secret room, the same he used sometime before for his other victim, Samantha, and with care he washed every millimetre of her skin with a smelly liquid.

“With this her hair body and nails will stop to grow. The same substance will finish to her hairs…” he thought, continuing his work.

When he finished, he extracted from a big box a corset similar to the one she was used, without arms, but cut as it was a leotard, with high neck and special insert for her crotch, that he pushed in the right places, checking two times that the hollow dildoes were in the correct position.

“Good, or she will have problem to remove her body wastes during her… stay…” he giggled, closing with a big effort the corset, black as the night, engulfing her arms folded in a back-prayer position, really crushed against her back.

He then extracted a costume made in two parts, both of them realised in thin rubber, painted perfectly to recreate the upper part of a armless woman and the lower part of a mermaid, with blue and violet scaled tail and a long, blue and green fin. Easily he connected the hollow cavities of the dildoes with two long pipes realised in perfectly transparent plastic, then he pushed the tail over her legs, crushing them one against the other, and moving the pipes out on the lower part of the fin, that had appositely created holes where her soles were.

A special costume

“Perfect, perfect…” he sighed, sweat forming on his forehead while he started to stretch the upper part of the costume over her.

The mask was similar to her face, just with green wide eyes and smiling lips, red as ruby, and totally bald. After he finished to align the hole for the nostrils and the pinholes for the eyes, he started to grab small amount of hairs with a special hook, and put them through the small holes of the mask, until he recreated her mass of hairs, combing them in a loose ponytail, fixed with a long bow decorated with a golden shell.

“Mmmmm…” she started to come back to the reality.

“Just in time” he smiled, lifting her and putting in a big box made of plexiglass, already filled with a special silicon gel that was just starting to cure, to become totally rigid.

Before putting her head down he connected to the mask nostrils small transparent pipes that were already passing through the plastic wall, and quickly he connected also the other two bigger pipes at the connection present on the other side of the plastic box. Immediately the equipments started to pump fresh air inside her lungs and the computer initialised the sequence for enemas and pee extraction.

“What…” she mumbled, her words muffled by the mask and the curing silicon.

“Welcome back, Sabine…” he said, looking directly on her eyes, or better on her mask eyes. “As you can feel, you are trapped in latex, without arms and in ten minutes or something similar you will be also trapped in a rigid box of silicon gel that is curing.”

She tried to lift up, but the gel over her was already enough elastic to retain her in a quite fixed position, her legs slightly folded, a realistic pose for a mermaid, her ponytail floating on her left, totally blocked on the silicon.

Finished mermaid

“Why?” she asked, half scared, half still sleeping for the dose of chloroform.

“Easy. I sell art, special art, and in particular Sealed Women. This is the reason of S.W. Limited. And I have a customer that want a special piece of my collection. A mermaid woman, a special one, a fetish rubber mermaid. And you will be that art. “Mmmmmm. Nnnnnn!” she tried to open her mouth, but the liquid she was immersed was rigid, still a little elastic but impossible to move.

He touched the surface.

“Perfect, perfect!” he laughed, then he grabbed the mobile and composed a number. “Mr. Morumeck? Sam Walling here. She is ready. And my money? Perfect, perfect. Give me the time to pack her and you can take it for your collection. Always happy to serve you, sir…” He said, leaving the room, switching off the light.

Sabine understood that also her hope was switched off. Forever.
