Amazing erotivore artworks by RubberMatt.

Erotivore by RubberMatt

Latex erotivore looking for lurve

“Okay, what did you idiots do?”

“We put up a little tree in the town square, put out some festive nibbles .. sausage rolls, bacon wrapped chicken bites, mince pies, that sort of thing, some bottles of Prosecco & Baileys, oh and some rolls of wrapping paper.
We know Mistforms retain some of their memories & personalities, we just thought it was the nice thing to do.”

“Oh gods, when accounting ..”

“Don’t worry Ma’am, we paid for it all ourselves.”

“Oh thank fu … So what did the Mistforms do?”

At first She showed up, looked like she was squeeing in delight, then ran off. Then a dozen of them were there, taking it in turns to give the drone a hug .."


“We put a mini Santa hat & fake beard on the drone Ma’am.”

“Oh my hahahahahaha.”

“After that they had a little party, made short work of the food & booze, gave the Santa drone slightly tipsy kisses and sort of danced off into town. Since then noth … Motion sensors activated, Mistform detected! Whoa ….”

“Well I’m going to hazard a guess that that is the rogue mercenary team we were warned about.”

“I’d agree Ma’am, all our personnel are accounted for.
Thermal scans indicate these are all cocooned and impregnated.”

“Awww it’s so sweet, she gift wrapped them for us.”

Katie thought it had been a good New Years party, but having a Mistform gatecrash the do, subdue & cocoon the guests, then tentacle fuck the hostess senseless had made it perfect.
Of course, being said hostess, Katie thought she might be a little biased. Her guests had been unceremoniously stripped & sealed, whereas, after multiple orgasms, the gorgeous elegant brunette had been impregnated with a symbiote and lovingly cocooned.
While the slender blonde Mistform fed on her hapless prey, Katie writhed in ecstasy as the beastie within stirred and spread inside her body & slithered out of her to coat her skin. Who would have guessed that being taken as a host would be this pleasurable?
Have a very Erotivore New Year.

Katie earlier at the party.
When the Mistform arrived everyone else panicked, Katie’s reaction was “Oh you’re gorgeous, can I give you my phone number?”

“Ma’am, I found Rodriguez.”
“Show me … is she just trolling us now?!”
“No ma’am, she’s just enjoying a post-coital smoke ssnnk on the marital snicker bed …”
“God damn it lef… hahahaha”
“Ohh lord …. uumm Ma’am, do you wonder if we should be doing this job?”
“About a dozen times a day leftenant … but who else could do it? Stick any regular scientist or military bod in our place and they’d be broken within 48 hours.”
“Fair point Ma … ooohh oohhh someone’s up the duff.”
“Well if he didn’t want to get into trouble he should have used protection.”
“Hokay, all commands update, all US personnel to be pulled from frontline, until they start sending us people with functioning brains who can obey orders all of them are on rear echelon support duties. Losing people to their own stupidity does not look good on my performance review.”

“What gets me is where she found that mattress & a stained but otherwise clean sheet in a small city that was abandoned six months ago.”
“leftenant, I have found it’s best not to ask questions about Her, otherwise I might get answers, and I like being able to sleep.”

“Finally got the info from what’s left of the sports academy Ma’am.
Narrowed it down by height, build & hair colour, then ran comparisons with video of various events, looking for mannerisms, like her sassy hip sway & hair flick.
Got a match - one Katya Chastaine.
Ukrainian mother, English father, dual citizenship, athlete and dancer.”
“Nice to finally have a name for the cheeky wench.”
“Indeed Ma’am, oh and from watching the sporting events … well, she can run like a whippet on steroids.”
“That would explain why she became a Hunter Mistform.
And why none of her prey have ever escaped …”

Suspended Cocoons

“A man in every town, the dirty little stop out.”
“Hehe, well a horny symbiote girl’s gotta do what a horny symbiote girl’s gotta do.”
“True, true. Oh, Ma’am, the analysis from the boffins, the Mist has definitely changed behaviour since it hit Berkington. You were right.”
“Assimilating nearly 3000 fit, motivated, randy minxes from an all female sports academy at the same time would influence the whole Mist? Who’da thunk it?”
“You, obviously snort Oh, there’s before & after footage of some of the more feral Mistforms. In particular an arachnid. Before she was almost brutal when taking her prey. Now …. well watching her teasing the hapless merc she ensanared ….. uuumm .. I almost slid off my seat.”

Latex Erotivore feeding

Beware latex erotivores, for they are both capricious and rapacious.

“I know we’re not supposed to be jealous of the Mistforms, but dammit, Katya has all the fun ….”


Bedtime goes places when your spouse becomes a Mistform erotivore ….



It could just be a freak weather even … what the …

Nope, it’s a Mist incursion, sounding the sirens, evacuate everyone you possibly can.

But who is that?

That is Katya, she’s an absolute trollop. Now get your people moving!

Uh, yes Ma’am!

Dommy mommy erotivores really push you to your limits …

Just everyday life for MistMel & her hubby.

Is that enough layers my darling?

“Is it me or are the Mistforms getting more … I dunno, touchy feely?”
“Not just you Ma’am, they are definitely getting more intimate with their prey. Also getting a lot more picky about who they take. ‘Alpha male’ types are just cocooned and impregnated, often quite callously, but anyone who shows some sort of empathy or intelligence .. well, we’re watching what happens to them.”
“Seduced rather than taken … did we get any follow up to the reports from Alpha-Two?”
“Yes Ma’am, one of the scientists who disappeared at Site Zero turned up at the family home a month later. ‘A lithe, glossy black, faceless figure, but definitely female, with long red hair’ from the physical description & the location of the house this would appear to be Melanie Stafford, one of the admin staff at Site Zero, skilled at herding cats hence why she was working there.”
“Any local incidents?”
“None, she appears to be in a stable monogamous relationship with her husband. Seems he likes having a horngry erotivore for a wife.”
“Lucky guy. Lucky girl. Maintain observation, no contact attempts. They’ll contact us when they’re ready. Any correlation between happily married domestic bliss & the change in Mistform behaviour?”
“Yes Ma’am, the timings match. You were absolutely right about a telemapathic link.”
“The whole Mist is evolving. Fear, fear is the key. Melanie, Phantom, they held on to who they are, they came through the transformation as themselves. Katya & the others were scared out of their minds. Fear broke them. It’s taken this long, and the influence of the independent Mistforms, to let them remember who they used to be.
Katya is the first where the host becomes ascendant of the symbiote, but she won’t be the last.”

MistMel about town

“Within seven days of engulfment, the host & the Lycra Monster have merged, becoming a single, pleasure hungry, entity. As the symbiote matures it creates successive interwoven layers around it’s host, until the woman within disappears forever, becoming a silken skinned faceless ghost …..”
from the documentary “erotivores & their wily ways” oct 29th 2024

Mistform Katya has a face

MistMel also has a face

Hubby is away on a work assignment, MistMel gets frisky with the girls stored in her sub-basement larder.
Katya was right, vampirically feeding on them is sooooo good, and they get so turned on.

MistKatie is peckish …

MistMel likes to dance

MistMel and hubby.

Fly in a web, a tasty morsel for two hungry erotivores ….

The filling in an erotivore sandwich ….

The chamber was filled with a chorus of muffled pleading, sobs & whimpers as the captured mercenaries struggled futilely in their oh so tight wrappings.

“Alright boys, which one of you fine upstanding gentlemen wants to be my lunch?”
