Basically my favourite mannequin series by taszjekt on DeviantArt.

Dress Up Play by Taszjekt

Well… I’m pretty surprised with the outcome and pretty pleased. Would You believe it all started with an image based of what Timur the Chan of Mongols did to Pers? A really cruel story which I failed to draw in decent quality. So to relax I did a little doodle…. which after a few days turned out into a warm, romantic and feminine story. I hope I could correctly imagine what a women would feel - any women opinions are welcomed.

I must admit it was quite pleasurable to write. And not in the usual sexual way. To write something You have to be able to imagine it, to actually feel it, to experience it in mid, And since it’s a warm, nice and heart-warming kinky love story I felt a bit warmer and happier too. And not even a bit less kinky ;)

And that’s all. I was considering drawing a bit more, but it would have to be either to directly erotic.

I just noticed there is a thing called a “Premium content”. So I ponder, would anyone of You who cares to comment wish to get an SVG (vector source format) for those, or any of my images as an inexpensive premium content?
