Nice eyepatches and interesting concept by Voculus on DeviantArt.

Abby’s New Eyepatches by Voculus

Riveted Eyepatches

Something crazy I’ve been working on! The size and positioning need work, so consider these a first draft. Having eyepatches riveted to your skull would never work in real life, but thankfully, Abby doesn’t have to deal with those problems. I’m going to work on a second version, and hopefully have another uploaded today. No plans for these in a story, but you never know!

I like the size and shape much better on these, but being the amateur modeler I am, I’m having difficulty getting sharper, crisper edges, as you would expect on an oval-shaped piece of leather. I’ll keep trying! I had a thought about how Abby could actually wear these. If they had on the backside, what essentially amounts to an eyeball-shaped sphere, then she could insert them into her empty eye sockets to hold them in place that way. Of course, she would tell any curious strangers that they’re actually drilled into her skull. =P (Razz)

(Imagine this is Daphne’s point of view, and see what she sees, while she talks to Abby.)

Daphne: “I see you’re trying a new look, Abby!”

Abby: “I am! Thank you for noticing.”

Daphne: “It’s hard not to! Is that… Are those… Oh my gosh, Abby! Are those actually bolted into your face?!”

Abby: “Hahaha! No, of course not! I had them specially made at West Park Leatherworks.”

Daphne: “So I’m not the only one who knows of that place? Ooh la la! So what’s the trick? Are they glued on?”

Abby: “No, something even crazier than that.”

Abby: “There are some glass ’eyes’ that I put in my empty sockets. Here, let me show you.”

Daphne: “Ah yes. Show, don’t tell! Are they comfortable to wear?”

Abby: “Very much, yes. I’ve had these in for about six hours now.”

Abby: “The glass eye is attached to the back of the leather. Do you see it?”

Daphne: “Oh yeah. What a clever idea! Did you come up with it?”

Abby: “I did, yes!”

Daphne: “Why did you go with that ‘riveted’ look?”

Abby: “I guess I wanted to make my blindness look permanent in another way. Something inescapable, you know?”

Daphne: “Very Avant Garde, Abby!”

Abby: “Here, do you want to see them?”

Daphne: “Definitely! Ooh! Are these studs gold?”

Abby: “Gold-plated, yes. I couldn’t afford to make them diamonds! Hahaha!”

Daphne: “Hehe! These are just stunning, Abby. And classy, too. I love how you love your blindness.”

Abby: “Oh, thank you so much, Daphne! You’re one of the very few people that get me. Most people think I’m insane. Maybe they’re a little right, but I don’t want to be anything other than blind.”

Daphne: “A woman after my own heart!”

Abby: “Oh? Interesting. I knew you taught the blind, but I never knew they were such an object of desire.”

Daphne: “Well, I have to keep it professional. I’m able to go into ’teacher mode’, no problem. But every now and then, someone just catches my eye. Maybe it’s because of how exotic you’ve manage to make it look. It’s a lot like Joan. She’s unique, like you.”

Abby: “Awwww! Thank you so much, Daphne.” :)
