The Suit Inside the Cave by Aboneart (Archive Link)

This fantasy latex encasement story by Aboneart on DeviantArt follows Nell, a quite curious but also kinky elf, tracking down a mysterious cave, rumoured to have quite a special surprise for its visitors. Finally having found that cavern, Nell comes across what her goal had been the entire time. A black, completely still figure, standing in the middle of the cave. Coming closer, Nell found that the figure was fixated to the floor by the extremely high heels, and completely encased in a shiny black garment. Telling the female figure that she’d soon be free, Nell begins looking for a way to remove the encasement, finally coming across an unknown rune on the back of the struggling figure. Reconsidering if she really wanted to continue, Nell finally lay her hand on top of the rune and within seconds the suit fell from the encased woman that had been trapped in this cave for so long. But now, it was Nell’s turn to take her place. Barely being able to speak to her rescuer, the woman tries to explain what was going to happen to Nell and that once she got out of the cave would get help to find a way to free Nell. Just mere seconds after the woman had started talking, Nell was lifted into the air and the black outfit began encasing the female elf. What the previous prisoner didn’t know, though, was that what was happening to Nell was precisely her intention…
