A Place to Crash by Redneck Rubber (Archive Link)

In this latex sex-doll transformation story by Redneck Rubber, Karen crashes at Julie’s place. Julie, always ready to help Karen, offers her her sofa and a blanket, also telling her that she’d be away the next morning for a few hours. Waking up the morning after, Karen finds Julie gone and begins walking around her flat a bit. She soon finds some kind of sex-doll with a giant black dildo as a penis on Julie’s bed, and with curiosity getting the better of her, Karen starts pleasuring herself with the doll. Not minding the black cum-like liquid that the doll had begun pumping in her, Karen couldn’t believe how good it felt and when Julie finally comes back and discovers that Karen had used her doll, she begins explaining where it came from and what Karen got to experience following her time with the doll. The one strong warning Julie gives her, though, is that the doll should under no circumstances cum inside her again, as otherwise the changes to Karen’s body would become permanent.

Karen, though, has other plans after experiencing her second time with the doll with her transformed body…

Notes / summary for me (SPOILERS!)
  • Similar transformation results as to other Redneck Rubber stories.
  • Nice description about the giant toy the doll has that the two use.
  • The end situation with the three rubber dolls is fantastic as well.
