A Demonstration by Doctor Vader

A lovely two-part latex sex-doll transformation story by Doctor Vader. The story follows Georgia and her friend Janine, who calls her to show some special project she had been working on. As Georgia’s asking Janine what that huge assembly line was about, her friend just tells her that a «demonstration» might be needed. Before Georgia realizes what is actually happening, Janine pushes her onto the assembly line, which immediately grabs her, starts processing her. Getting all kinds of injections and sprayed multiple times, Georgia soon finds herself completely transformed into a slutty sex-doll version of herself. And some injections from the beginning actually had resulted in her being unable to resist commands given to her, without her actually loosing any mental capacity. She then learns from Janine that her major sponsor for the entire project had done so to specifically request her, Georgia, as the first «product».
A transformed Georgia’s now on her way to her new, permanent owner and soon learns what the rest of her life will look like.
