This fantastic latex chastity story by MonsterP63 follows Karen and Sandra on their vacation to a special little resort, which is very focused on all kinds of fetish and bondage themes. The couple has chosen that resort, as they were both very much into chastity and have even brought their own belt and bras with them. Only after their first day at the resort, though, do they realize that they seem to have forgotten the keys to their devices, forcing them to stay locked until the keys, sent by Karen’s mother, arrive. During their first evening dinner, they learn about a special kind of contest the resort was running, in which people would gather votes based on how kinky their scenarios and clothes were. Every participant would get a 60% off discount in the large fetish store of the resort, and the winner would get whatever they wore on the final evening for free.
Over the first week, Karen and Sandra get into more and more fetish shenanigans, exploring all kinds of clothes from the fetish store. And when they need a bit more resilient clothes for a dive trip, Karen begins to explore a far more kinky side of herself, than neither her nor Sandra had known about. Karen – Chastity Resort by MonsterP63 The Beach They opened their hotel room door, looking exhausted after the long flight, the bus ride, and all the trouble they had at the airport, then stopped dead, looking straight ahead.