Here is a general guide and explanation on how to navigate and use the different features of this fetish repository.

The Repo and WebArchive

This website is composed of two specific parts. The repository / blog (the site you’re on right now), and the web-archive. The repo contains all the information about different works, be that their summaries, tags, creator information, and more. The web-archive is a separate part which hosts snapshots of other websites. The archive works like the Internet Wayback-Machine, meaning it can take a fixed snapshot of another website and preserve that specific state. This is used most of the time to store an archived version of a story, without having to copy and re-upload the entire story content.

The repository is available on

The web-archive on

A usual Archived Story will have a link to the original, as well as a link to the archived version. This is nearly always referenced with «Archive Link».

Tags, Creators, Sources, and Categories

All content related posts on this site have meta-information specified, like the tags the work in question has.

  • Tags; Labels to specify what the content of a specific work includes and references.
  • Creators; Specifies who original created the work in question. Typically, this is one user on a specific platform, but it could be a collaborative work, where the story might have been written by one person and the accompanying artwork was done by someone else.
  • Sources; Specifies from where the work in question comes from, e.g. Twitter, Pixiv or DeviantArt.
  • Categories; These are the general categories of posts on this site. Here are the most important ones:
    • Archived Story; These are stories that have been archived and are referenced here on this site.
    • Reposted Story; These are stories that, instead of being archived, have been completely re-uploaded on this site here. This was done for stories that aren’t available anywhere else any more (like works from the closed site, sticky-site), or translations of stories that were originally written in another language.
    • Reposted Artwork; Posts that focus on the artwork of different artists, which have been re-uploaded on this site with the reference to the original. This re-uploading serves two purposes; First, making copies of the original and archiving it, so that should the original go down, it’s not lost, and second, aggregating the work of a creator from all their different platforms.

Some works also have a Favourites specified, which serves to just highlight that specific work as something especially liked by one of the maintainers of this site (Mostly just me, TheSeventhCode).

Search Function

The search function at has been written specifically to allow a special fine-control over what one is searching for.   In general, whatever raw text is submitted will be used to search for in the content of the entire repository. Now, this goes only for the actual text content on this site. So the text / story content of archived stories on the webarchive isn’t part of this.

But to properly filter through the content on this site, the search function has been extended to allow for hard filters for different meta-data. A word prefixed with a # (#latex for example) will be treated as a tag and only posts with that word as a tag will appear in the results. The same goes for other meta-data, here’s a list of prefixes. These search filters can be combined in an arbitrary way to filter for posts.

For example, the search term #latex #bane #public @rubbermatt /twitter would only return posts, that had the tags latex, bane and public, had work featured created by rubbermatt, and were originally from twitter.   Additionally, filters can be negated with the - prefix. This causes to search for everything where the subsequent filter isn’t the case. So extending the previous example, if -/renderotica is included in the search term (resulting in #latex #bane #public @rubbermatt /twitter -/renderotica), posts that include works from Renderotica would be excluded.

As this site, and it’s content grows, there will be more and more posts to filter and search through, so this “advanced” search function is necessary to easily find exactly what one was searching for. To make sharing and saving a specific search term easier, the contents of the search bar are written into the URL, which means that a simple bookmark can save the current search term. This also allows sharing it easier, as one has just to give the full link to another person, and they’ll receive the same results.

Finally, there’s a «Random Result» button, which will open one random result of the current search in a new tab. This can help discover new content or just wanting to get something random from a specific part of the content of this site.

Search Prefixes

#Filter for tags
%Filter for parodies
@Filter for creators
/Filter for sources
$Filter for categories
-Negates the subsequent term


On the home page, there’s a little recommendations section, which pulls two random story- and artwork-posts from the list of works that have been marked as a favourite by a site-maintainer. These recommendations are cached for an hour and after that time, four new posts will be displayed.

Analytics & Roadmap

Again, on the home page, there are links to the external analytics tool, Umami. Umami is a privacy focused, self-hostable analytics engine to get simple insights into how a website is used and what visitors / views different pages get. These analytics have also been integrated into the search function, where the search terms are stored to get an insight into what site-visitors look for.

Another link is to the Roadmap, which is a simple kanban board to track what is currently being worked on, as well as a general management on the work of different creators.


Another fun and interesting part of this site is the statistics page, which has some neat stats about the content in this repo. Things like tag-distribution and similar relating info is displayed there. Another intriguing stat is the creators map, which shows how many posts have been made about specific creators, as well as how many individual images are stored for the creator in question.