ERROR! I Think I'm the MaidBot by PhoenixianSirenanna

ERROR! I Think I’m the MaidBot by PhoenixianSirenanna (Archive Link) Another outstanding maidbot story I recently found about a maidbot restarting and realizing there seemed to have been a major accident in their owner’s home. She found a lot of error messages, as well as not remembering anything of her previous owner or time working in the home she found herself in. Going through the house, she finds that there seemed to have been a major lighting strike which had fried a lot of the electronics in the house. A Neighbour comes around, very concerned when he saw the damage the house had taken and the electronics had taken. Having basically no memories, the maidbot asks the man, stating that this maidbot-unit seemed to have some kind of system failure. The neighbour, looking perplexed initially, then explains that he was the fiancé of the maidbots Mistress, Anna. As Anna was apparently away, he would be her Owner for now, which the maidbot accepts quickly. Only after quite some time serving the man, some memories come back of whom the bot actually is, as well as why an old, broken maidbot unit was stored in the house the entire time… ...

27 November 2023 · 1 min · 199 words · Me

The Eternal Price of Infinite Recharge by PhoenixianSirenanna

The Eternal Price of Infinite Recharge by PhoenixianSirenanna (Archive Link) Amazing mechanization story by PhoenixianSirenanna, which follows two female main characters and their lives after a brutal car accident. Both get the majority of their bodies replaced by cybernetic replacements, but due to problems with their insurance, they’re only of the lowest quality. This makes both of them look like common sex-bots and, especially one of the two friends, begins to no longer think of herself as human. ...

15 August 2023 · 1 min · 124 words · Me