Bound in a Suitcase by Gromet
Bound in a Suitcase by Gromet (Archive Link) Awesome bondage and somewhat contortion story about Dana and her husband discovering her little fun past times, she had been enjoying since she had been a teenager. Dana quite enjoyed pressing herself into a suitcase, closing it and sealing her inside. Initially, her husband, Blake, is quite shocked when he catches her during her most recent session, but after some long explanations, he seems to understand somewhat. Dana is overjoyed, when her husband offers to help her in the future, going even as far as locking the suitcase she’s in closed, making it impossible for her to get out of her own. These plays go further and further over time, at some point even having the suitcase, with Dana locked inside, in the trunk of Blake’s car, while he’s out. Once Blake’s friend Jeff comes into play, the submissive side of Dana really starts to take over and her slave-play sessions get more intense than ever before… ...